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<br /> of Borrov�tr'�cove�nts usd agramaur undcr tLis Saurity In��m,,,e�� �ud the Notc. For zhis Qeupose. Bonower -
<br /> irnvocsbly grints�ad coavcy9 to tht Tns:tse. in tcust.with power of sa1e. t4e followin�descd0al��Y�� _
<br /> in =
<br /> whicb has t�addctss of l06 li PINE STREET,AIDA Es�+.c:cy1.
<br /> p��, 68810 c�►r cvoel F"PmPasY Ad�ress')�
<br /> TO(iifi7HER WI7N all the imPcnvea�wts nax• or hrreaRer etectod on the Prope�tY, and all easemwts,
<br /> appurtwaoces atW futura mw or hereaRer a pa�c of the pro�+e�tY• Al� nPlax�ts �od addidoao chall �lso be
<br /> ooverod by this Sxurit7+Iusuumeat.AU of the foregaiae is refersed w in this Savrity Iaswmeat as the'PavpatY-�
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfuliy seize�of the ataUe he.reby coavcyed and hzs the right to
<br /> grun aad wnvey tlu Property and ttut the Praperty is uaeawa�bere�,except for eaaia�brusces af record.Bonower
<br /> wurmts and will defa�d geoer�lly the atle to the Propeity a8� a11 clzim9 aad �em�nds► subject to any
<br /> eacumbranas of cccor.d.
<br /> THJ�SECURIT'Y 1�iSTRUM.�NT wmbixs uaiform oo��aauts for national use �i non-uaifurm coveaants
<br />=. wita ti.csit�4 variations bY lurisdia'o°�o ooasticuce a uaiform ser�u-�:ry inctn�me�u Cpveiil.�I�S tlzoperty
<br /> gorcower aad I,ead�r covea�at and agroe as foUows:
<br />= 1. p�}�meOt of priectp�l. ilite�ls[soo i�ie a.aa�Yc. ;�t'ir::.. :h:: �� »'hsll t. �t„ �rinci;►.1 of, �ad_
<br /> iataest on,tLe debt evideaced bY the Note sad l�te c�tsarges due uader the Nou.
<br /> 2. �y pay� � Ta�s+ In�r�°cs Yod Other Ch�r�es. Borcowa s�aUp�cl�ore(atazes andy
<br /> PaYmeat•togetha with the pnncipal and iataest�set fortb in the Note aad aay iate char8
<br />_ special asuscmeats levkd or to be lavied a8ainst the Property, (b) leaseluilcfi WYmeats or Si'ouad nots oa the
<br /> Propertyr,aad(o)Pr�miums for inturwce roqulred u�r3er p�r�grap�4. In�ay year in which the T.eader must pay a
<br /> mortgage iawraace�remium to the Secr�taiY of Hauing aad Urboa Developmaot('Secreiar7►�), or in ury year in
<br /> ahich such premium wovld have baa requirod if leader uill hdd the SeauitY Instrum�at.arb montlily PiY�
<br /> shaDl also include eitl�er:(i)�sum for tLe aaaml mortEage�asur�noe Premivm w be paid by l.eader w the Seaetuy.
<br /> _ or(li)a monUily char$e iutte�d of a�aortQage insur+na pnmium if this SxuritY In�trumeat is held by sLe Se�etsry.
<br /> ia a trasombk amovat to be determlaod by the Soct+etary. F�caPt for the monthly rhuYie by the Soc�mary, tbe�e
<br /> items arr called'S�crow Items'�ad tbe suaas paid to lrader are c�ilad"E?sc:+nw F�ads.'
<br /> Ira�der may,ai�nY time, oollxt wd hold�ounts for Esrrow Ite�:ia.a�ggregote amouat na w�a000d t�e
<br /> maximum�ma�at tLat may be required for Bomow.:'s escrow�cco�mt uader the Roal Fstate Satlemeat I'roced�res
<br /> Act of 1974, ]2 U.S.C. Sxtion Z601 a se4• ��P�bIIB n8��•24 CFR Part 3500, as tt�cy�'Y be
<br /> ���m� �p�e�•RF�pA•)��xce�t ti�t the cutl�ian ot resen+e permittod by RESPA for unaadcip�
<br />;� disb�rsements or disbursements befnre ttue Borrowa�'s WYmeats are available in the xoouat may not 6e Wsed att
<br /> - amonats due for the mortgage ins�u�cx premium•
<br /> _ ��� raa.s a a ���
<br /> _ �. ' _____•'_. .k�� � � �-- .4,d7�Titiy�.��-�---
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