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<br /> abuu3oaal Propet►Y. Borrow�ex shall also be in default if Bormwcr� durinC the Iwa applicatian pr�ass� S�� _
<br /> n�iesiaily f�Is:. or iaxcutau infornwioA ur uautaeats to L�eader (°iacludinY Dut twt 1'�mi�wdteo i�r���'�0� -
<br /> informuiot�) in coa�uoa wlth the luan ev'�dencodu a�nNl°u'ratdc:►ce. If this Securiry Instniment is on a
<br /> ooncemin� Borrower'� oocuPan�Y oi the Ptciperry P P� -
<br /> leasehold.Iiorrowea'stu11 couwly witb the pcovisioas of the leau.If Borrowor acquins fa citlo to the Propetty.the
<br /> leasehold a�sd fa tide shall aot be merYed unless l�cader agras to tk�e sue*8er in wdting. -
<br /> 6.Coadmwstiou•'11u P�x af aqy awud or claim for d�m�8es�dic�ct or coaao9ue�tial.in cooaectioa witb
<br /> aay cnademaatioa or ottur ukin�of wy put af the Praper[y� or for canveyanoe in placc of condcmauion. ue
<br /> �ereby assignod u�d shall be psid to Y�eader w the exteat of the���f��of t�e'w�debtedaess.
<br /> uuder tl�e Note�od this SocuritY Iosuumeat. i,ender shall app Y
<br /> uack�t tbe Note and thi+ Se�urity Inun�m�t. firu w wy deliaq�eat amounts applied in the orda provklad ia
<br /> 3.wd thea w pnp�Yv�ea�of P�P�. Auy aPPlication of tbe proceods w the principsl sh�U noc exteod or
<br /> �tLe due dsu of tbe monthlY P�Y��which are nfemd to in puagrspb 2.or ch�a8e the aanunt of sucn
<br /> �uyymeata. My excas Proxods ova�a amouat re9uired w WY�11�s�a�8�c�ncss uadec the Noce md chis
<br /> �q�y�sn�urneat�u11 be psi�to the eatity IegaUy entitled the�eto•
<br /> 7. Ch�r�e to Bon+ower aod Protection or 1.eoda''s Rig6ts ia tLe Pr�ope�t9. Sorrower shall paY a11
<br /> es. flaes aad impositioas thai ue not included ia pacagr�ph 2.Bortowet shall paY
<br /> govanmmtal or muaiciWl ch� which is owed tLe paymEat. If fillure to p�y woWd adversely affecx
<br /> tbae obli�uians oa time dirxtly to the entitY � ��� � p��y �� to Leader receipts
<br /> i,eader's iaterest in the PcapertY. upoa 1�ead�er z ro4�
<br /> evideacin�these PaY�• or the WY�i'�9�bY W�+Sr+Pb 2•or fails ta perform�ay o�her
<br /> If Borrowa fails to m�1ce thae paymeats ����or tha�e is a leg�l pmoeoding��Y �B��Y
<br /> covwants and�groemenu oont�iaed in tLis Seauity � , for oond�a�tion or u►mforce kaws or
<br /> affax l.encks s tights in the PropatY f�as a pr000edta8 � b�al�cuP�S' ,
<br /> �g�uio�), thea l.esder tnay do aad piY wDiteva ix naes:uY to Protec��value of tbe Ft+opercY aad 1�i S
<br /> ci,�,ts icw tl�e PcopertY.includln8 WY�of taus.h�zu�d ia=uranoe and otha ite�s meatiooed in Fa�'a8�2.
<br /> Any amonats disbutsed by lxader under tbls puagr�y�h shall become aa aQditioaal debt of Bwsnwv and be
<br /> �ewred bY thi�Seauiry�.Tl�ese amouats stull bear iataest fcom t�e due of dkb�usemmt. u cDe Nou
<br /> rate.and�t tLe option o�Leader.sball be immedi�tely due aod PiY�over ti�is Security Instnameat nnless Borrower.
<br /> Eom►wer ctuv pcva�QtlY aisebu8a my tiea whie��S p�'�]' 1e eo t,wa«; N>
<br /> (�) ���,r�p��e piymeat of the obligation xtiv:ai bv� the liea ia�mmtier aonc�tab .
<br /> ..�.�r�r� in�eod faith the liea by, or defwds ag���of the lien in. 1e8�1 Pr000edin�s w�� in tLe
<br /> L,esder's ogiaiou o�ZZ'�to p�rm! the eafoc+�eu� of t�e tka; or (e1 sa,uR iiw�. s:;, h,^.3e'--... �s.w. �;.,� an ... . .
<br /> ��{�y w I.eader suborclinatus8 the lita to this Soau'itY Iasuum�. If l�eader deurmiaes t�at smY P�
<br /> af tbe Pn►PertY is subJ� w a liea which may auaia priority o��er tLis Security Insnvaoeat, L+eader mry 8�ve
<br /> Borro�rer a notice idaulfYiaB�he liea. Borrower ah�ll satisfy�Se lim or taxe onc or moce af t�e�ctioas set forth
<br /> abovc witLia 10 days of tbe givia�of noticc.
<br /> S.Fas.Lmder�Y collax fees aad c�rees wtl�orized by the SecrdzrY-
<br /> 9,GrwroB�[or Aocda�t�oo o�Debt- �����uy� in tLs case of P�Y�
<br /> (�Defs�it. Y�eadet miY,es+aP�aa liaoited bY regul�ioas� ��if:
<br /> cfiefa�ilts,raluin im�aodiate P�y�ia fi�ll of all a�ms se�,vred bY tLis Securi
<br /> (i)Bosmwra def�ults by failin8�WY�full aay mooshlY WY���bY��y�
<br /> prior w or an tlse 6ue d�te of the next moatLly PaYment�or
<br /> (ii)Borcower def�ults by fiit'sio,�.for a period of thirty dsys,to pecforan aqy otl�a obl�gatioas aootained
<br /> " ia this SecuritS►Insttuma�t• �1.I.eader sball.if Petmicced bY appiic�bk taa(iaclucl�ag Secuon 341(d)
<br /> @��w��A� instipuions A+ct of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) and with tbe prior
<br /> of the Gua-St. Germzin Depos���wy�ia full of all suma secured by tLis Security Instn�mmt
<br /> �proval of cbe Secresary.roquue�
<br /> if:
<br /> fp�4 W• �'�
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