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<br /> �9 �l puDiic a�owceMeat at tlrs �e ud plrce o��41' p�b�►ilY�tala l.e�der or tis dwi��ee wWy
<br /> purchax tLe Propt+tJ si a�y uie.
<br /> UP� �PQ � P�}�� 01 t6e �eiee bi�, Tr�ctr: esali ddi�� to the purchaser T�tee"� died ooaviyt� tbe
<br /> p�roperty. Tre rec�t�Y in the Tnrtee'�deaf�11 ee pri�s t�ck evideare oT tde rtutti oi We statrmeots m�de therda
<br /> 'i�lee�afl�pp(y 11t pr�ocse�o�tiss tsie b�E�e fai�w�u�e�: (�W�!!cccts u3 txpeases ot esm�tYe Ro�e��
<br /> sste,a�d ttie a�1e,ioeuKliat the Paysa�t o�t1e Tru�tee'�tea aet�auy iacurred.�ot eo exceed 3.o 0 0 96 _
<br /> af t�e .sow.:or tt�e aote�c ue eine or t�e aecLrstio.or aefiuu,.aa reacoaAek�to�oeys'rna�a pen�ueea er
<br /> hw:(b t�o afl�recwed p'ttifo I�nwese:a•d(c)ay e�oes�ta cie per�oo or pa�so�IetWy e�ci�bd a i�.
<br /> ?,�.it�vsya�ce. Upo�n �aU wa�s sxurod by th�s SocuritY Insuuman� l.eadrr srisuc�qucsc 7lnutoa a
<br /> c�ecoovey tbo Propaty aad sh�AUrendar thi� Sa�uitY Iawum�at and aU not�es evidtaciaB debt r.ecuroi by t1� SocsuitY
<br /> Inwuma�t lu'Mistoe.T'�uste�e sha11 e+econvGy�he Aropaty wuhout ws�r�nqr�ad witAout ch�e w d�e pecsoo ar person9 kp,allY
<br /> estitbd b it.Sucli person a pasoas shaU�r any reoordmoa aosts.
<br /> 23.S�Mtkwte Trustte. l,enda.�t�t�aptloa�maY fcoea tiane W time ceinova 7'rustoe aad a suooecsot trustee q aay
<br /> 'iYustee�oinlod haeunde�by aa ia�roca�dod in tAe oounty in which tbis SocuiritY�t is t+ocordal.lVitlwut
<br /> caaveyynce of�he R+opaty.tLe�oes�oc ausloe s1wU a�uccood 6o aU tUe pt1e.powa uid dutics ooafeired uiwa'IYustoe hae�a�od
<br /> by�iat tor Notioes. Baiowet roquats th�t oopi�s of tLe aoti�oes of deGit�t aad st3e be smt to Bam�+�er'a�ddrets
<br /> which it thcp:� Address.
<br /> 2S.Rjders fo yt�Sa�I�xmaat. If aae or aaort ridas sre esecutaf by Borrower�od rxa�ded together wittt this
<br /> Seprity Inatruooeot.t6e wvea�nw aad agt�of eac�s��ch rider styll be inoo�paated into and sbill amatid aod suppka�t
<br /> d�e ooveo�nts�ad a�oemaus of Ws Sa�ui�y Iastrua�mtas if the sida(s)were a puctc�tlus Securicy Instrunaeat.
<br /> [CUec�t+�pgticabie box(a+)]
<br /> 0 Adjastabk Ra1e Itida �C.oadomini�m Rida �I�Famiiy Rk�ei
<br /> 0 G�arfwlal Payc�t Rider 0 P4�aned Unii Dcvebpmdu Ridex (�&a�a3�y Paymeat Riilrs
<br /> �Baiiooa Ridee C]Rate Improvanant Ridar 0 Secood�io�Rider
<br /> ❑VA Ridet' 0�a)[�Y]ussq�+�� ot �at
<br /> BY SIGNING BBLAW.Bocrowcr�oxpts�nd q�t+as b the tams aod covarau�s 000taioed ia tlsis Socu�►�astcamant and ia .
<br /> �aY ride�{s)exav�ed b�►Bo�ro+�►a�nd nt�onded�rith iL
<br /> WttOlifC� �A �j_� �i ($ql� ,
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<br /> 'n,efo�oio�iowu�orac�vaa�c�mo�vted�edbetooea�e�s seTa �,� oeroB� � 1996 .
<br /> by► �aQtssi.c no�ssu�r �o Jo�w � z��s�asltn ia said Coaaty.@�e d�afaees�id.. ,
<br /> W'd�ss dY b�nd aod aotatid oai it
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