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<br /> 9�_ i(D8462 _-
<br /> . • ivcn onc confomwd y of thc Note And of�his Socurity iacuw►un� �' -
<br /> t 16.BarraWee s Copy. Barow�r shalll t+c g �P cx�n irite�csi in i�is .
<br /> � 17.Tr�nster od the Prapen OI'A Btlllrl�L�IA�l�lu IO BOROR'fT. If sill or any part of the Propaty Y
<br /> sold cu transfelsad(nr if a�icial inurc.0 ia Barowe��s soW or tr�cfcrrcd uad Bacrowrr is nat p iwtur�lp�.rsc►t�)wi�Aout _
<br /> ' l.cndcr's prior wriuzn coitszr►t,Lcndrr may.at its option�roquirc imtnectiate WYment in fuU of all sums socuraf by this Security
<br /> � insuument Howevcr.this ostlo� sh�11 not bo excxcisod by l.cnder�f eucrcise is ptatubitod by fcdcral law as of thc daic of t6i9
<br /> � Security Inswment
<br /> IE l.u►de:eaucises thisc�tiu�n l�xfer shall give Barrower notice of accelcration.Thc nodce shall providc a period oE not tess j : �`
<br /> , than 30 days frotn the date t�st natice is delivemtl oc maikd within wRich Borrower musi pay alf sums secw'zd by this Secur�ty ;
<br /> [nstrumu:l.Ii'Bormwcr feiis to pay theso sums prior w thc eacpiration of this period.laudar may invoke aay trancdios Pe,rmittal �
<br />� jby this Security Inswment widwut funher notice or de��d oa Bwmwcr. '
<br /> : 18.Barmwer'a Ri�ht to Reiactate. If Bortawcr mocts cextain oo�sdidati9. Bormwer shall hava the rigAt to have _
<br /> enforcement of this SocuritY Inswmant dis�onw:ual at any tune prior to the e�rtirr of: (a) 5 days(or such c�ther perwcl as ;-_
<br /> � for reinstuer�u�t)before sa{e of the Propertyp� t w any power of sale contained in this Socunty �
<br /> 1 ePA��law may spocity t enforcing this Socurity Insuumeat Ttw.�ce condirions are that Bortawer:(s)pays l.cstidcr all `'�",
<br />; 1 Insaument;or(b)entrY of a Jud� od• (b)cuns any
<br /> sums which tben wouW be dt�e utxler this Soctuiry Insuuma�t end th.Note ac if no acceleratia�had occtut . ,r.:�•.
<br /> ' d e f a u l t o f a ny o t h e i c o v c n a�t t s o r a g n x a n e n t s:(c)P a Ys aU expelues incuned in enforcing�his Sacurity Iacmuaen�including, but �-;
<br /> ' not limited to.re�blo tuonuys'fees:and(d)takcs such pcpon as Lender maY reasotu�►biy requue W atsure that thc U e n o f t h l c
<br /> � Socurity Instr�uneAt. 1-eaW�e*'s rig6ts in �he PcoptrtY and BortawrJ's obligaLoa to pay the swns seeured by this SocuritY :.._,_
<br /> ���
<br />- Insuutnent shal] continae unchangod. Upon tcinstataneat by Borrowa, ihis Securiry Iastrutnent and Ihe obligatlot�s sst�eured r 2
<br /> hixrky sh�ll nm3in fully effoctive as d ao accekration had occurced.Howova,this right ta reinstate shall aot apply ia tt�e caso of
<br /> - acaleratioo un�er P��,��nph 17. etltier with thi9 Socuriry ��`-.'•:;'"
<br /> '�_-.
<br /> :, 19.Ssde o�Nace*C�e of Loaa Servicer. The Nate or a pattial iaterest in the Note (tog �E}:,�-
<br /> � I�tsirumenl)may be s�Ld one or moce tirt�es wi�a'vr priot natice to Botmarer,A sale may result in a change in the entity(lcnown ���i:
<br /> �: as the"I.oan Service�")tl�tt collects monthiY P�gA�e�s due c�er tha Note aa3 tt�is Socurity Insuument'il�era also may be one oc ��•:�..^
<br />•P� more ct�nges d the Loan Swia�enrelated w a sak of tI9e 1.vi�e.If tha�e u a ch�Be of c�e Laan Servica.Borrower wdl be �;`.�
<br />'-3 givea wriuen notice of tho change ia accordance with pa��q4 above and applicabSe Caw.Thc notice will swt�e the ssame and E;�.,s�
<br /> - adds+css of the aew Loan Suvicea and ihe address w w}uck�ymaus should be macie.'1�aotica will also contaim�ny oib�x �:�<;�.;.
<br />� �afoms�tioa co4uired bY aPPlic�blc Law. �',..,,,�°� u,_,,,._ ,,{� ��,�
<br /> • � 7C�{i� W �Y i4�,.
<br /> 'r'� �.HiZi�fj01�4${1b51YaCli. SdiIOWC7 Sll�� f101 C8t1SC Oi�111 il1C pt�Sf,�ICC. USC. •••-�. �83� �...
<br />-.� Hazardous Subst�aas on os in ti`�P�ropaiy.Bc,rrowu shall aot do,nor albw anyone else to do.anYthims alfocting t1�e ProPc,�tY �":
<br /> two sa►tenas st�ll aot apply ro the presenaz,ose�a sioc�8a oc.the G�.
<br /> that is iw violation of an�F,�vitr�:auntal l.zw.'ilte pcxodiog w 6e app�opci�te to nomsal residcat�l uscs - _
<br />:�:' Propaty of srnall qua�►twes of Fi�zardous Substances that ae+e geMxallY recoSniud =-
<br /> �� aad tw�t�ue of t!u Pt+ope�ty. _
<br /> �,. Barowcr sl�ai3 p�aaptlY 8ive lrender writun riocice of any investigation, claim, de�nand, lawca�ar o�hcx actbon by �ay _
<br /> ca
<br /> �"t govaruoaua!or�u2r�Wry ac3�Y a Pny�A�Y involving the PropatY:�any iiusrdous Substtc�ce oa Bnviroamental Iaw
<br />�� af�icb Bonowa�as�cWal t�Owledga I�Bo�mwer lea�ns,or is notified L'�3nY 8ovemmental or n ,gLatozy autbarity.tt�t euY _
<br /> aS is Bosmwcr s1�11 prom�t3�n1cc a3I
<br /> raaa�+��sl a ottw rariodiatioa of any��arardo�s Substanae affxtin8 the PraQartY �oc�Y•
<br /> �retnedial actions in aococd�ce witb fisvirantneatal L�w. --
<br /> �' As usod ia this paragr'.�W� 20�'FiaTardous SuSstanas" are tlwse substances defiao��c toxi�c or baxardo�s substances� -
<br />�;: $DYawlwG�iai Liiwi �.w� t:�. �'..L1:'s^.a a••t..e�.w.a• aAOnli�. k�09lJIC, W11r1 f11iY1tL� 0� W7UC pCttO1Ct11�1 �['� tC,
<br /> �-. .
<br />�� pastiades�d t�abicides.valariZe solvaus.ttts:�zriats wsstsusu�g ssbe,uos or focmaWehYde.atW radiovctive matr.riat9.As usea m _ _-
<br /> $ thin�ragtaph 20."Environme.atal Law"me�cs fsdeiil laws sod laws of the jurisdiction w6ere the Yrop�xty is located tt�t crLta �
<br /> � ta dtalth.s�fCtY a mvimamentsl protectioa• --
<br /> � NUN-UNQ�ORM COVBNANTS.Bamwer sind I,ender further oova�ant aad agree ss fr,lbws:
<br /> � 21.Aaekratba;itemedies.l.en�sL�ll�ive aotioe W Borrower prior to aada�tioa folbwin�Borrower'�bscacb of —
<br /> � aay wti�tnsat or agreemeat im this Saurit7 Ins�r�m�2 (b� °a �°� W �tioa uuder par�ttitPb 17 ualess
<br /> - appiic�pk taw provides otherWise).'i're notfoe a6a11 specif9:(a)tbe dd'r�it;(D)tbe actjoa*cqulred to cure tlie dd'aoit;(c)
<br />� a tlat�sot les�ttiso 30 daTs Aroas tbe date tLe aotia ic�ives to Borro�ver.by wLieb tbe detault mast be crred;�ad(d)
<br />� 11�EaiYre W air�e t�e detauit w or betore tbe el�te�ia the ootke may n:�9t in scoderat�oo of tbe tra�s secured
<br />•� by ti�S�nrit7 I�e�t ssd sale oi t3e P�operty.7me uotla stiW furtitr imtotm Borwwee o�tLe ri�1�i to rasstote
<br /> piter aadentiw and tbe risit Oo 6riog�o�ert s�ctloe to�tsiert ttie aos�ansteaoe of a defadt os aa�otLee delmse of
<br />'� Rarro�wer to aoode�ratios sad�+Ge.I�t�e d�s�]t ic�t cured o�or before tbe dste apecitKd in thr�oBoe,l.enda'�at its
<br /> aplios.a�s7*'eqoi�e iemedi�te�ymeat io f�ot aU wms secured by this Security I�vment�itLout tarthsr demwd
<br /> srd�ay hvote tbe po�vet ot cafe and aay otber remedkc Ph'm�ted b7 sPPticabie law.I.eader sba�be eotitled to coifect
<br /> aY apea�a iee�rre�i� porsvia�tbe resed+'a provid�d in tLis pata�rspb 21.jocLidim�+but�ot li�ikd t0.r�acooable
<br /> attorneys'tees a�d ooaa ot titie evwfeace.
<br /> If the pawer of sa{e i� iavdud.7Yu�tee shall remsd a aotjoe�defsiult iri � ooaaty i�w6icb w�p�rt ot We
<br /> Propaty it bcated aod tball�copks of�c6 aotice i�t�e maaaer pracribed by applic�ble ia�v to Barrower aad to fie _
<br /> ottier perso�s P*escn'bed bY�ble[�w.After We tiaee requtred by appticabk I��v,Trastee sbatl�ive pobie wotice ot ---
<br />�� sale to the penoos aad ia the�aaner pracribed by aPPlicabk itw.'1'ruttee.witbout demss�l os Borrovver,�laoa sell tbe
<br /> � , ;;; Propert�at public aactioo to We 4i�1KSt bidder�t tUe time a�d place and ander tlie terms de�oated in tde sotiee ot s�le
<br /> � 4i -
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