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<br /> 7H1S 1-4 FAM11.Y R1DfiFt is tnade this 28'PH d�y of �'T�g�R . 1996 �and is �
<br /> ia;otpoiated into�ud shall be docmod to�a�cad md wpp{cment the I�'IortBsY0.Docd of Trust ot SocwitY Dood(� _
<br /> •Sxurity IasuuQOUSt")ot ithe s�ne dat�Qivea by 1be wtidersi�nod(the�BoROwes")�a sccuro Bomower's Hote w --
<br /> , HOt{g F�n�pnj. SAVZDI(�.S � LOAN ASSOCIATION OF dRA2�li) ISI.AND
<br /> ({h0"Iaatlar")
<br /> of tbe s�ne date aad oovving tbe PcopatY��tho SecucitY Ins�u��i sad locatod aL• -
<br /> zeoa WEST WAU(iFi ST
<br /> GgA�7p ISZ,pDiD, IJSHRAS1tA fi8803
<br /> lP�opeKy Rad+z++1
<br /> ' 1-4 R�4l1RILY�L'OV�NA �. IA iddif�OQl f+0 IdG COVC�i9GfS 8t1�i$tOCmCi1�S Iri71dG i0[hC$OC�iIY in`�e"��'.�+�.+"t,�
<br /> BO[�OWG�T.�tia!'t filtt�i�l OOYql�Dt�I1�q$��AS fO�bMS:
<br /> A.ADDTITONAI.PROP£�LTY SUBJECI'TO THF SECURl1'Y INS"I'RUl1�Ni'. Ia additioa to th:
<br /> prope�ty descr�ed ia tlse SeauitY Insuuma��the fdbwiag i�aaac ace�dc{ed to t8e Propaty desc�ioo,�ud sb�tl[� —
<br /> a190 caostetute the PmQaiy ocvet+od by the SecurilY r...,.,,.,,r,tr���g mawsils,�pQii�ca a�d Sood9 ot'evc�.
<br /> amu+e vrhstsocver aoa or harafw bcated�n,on,a tued.ar iotaxlod to be wod ia ooaooctioa�vitb tlse Prapa'tY.
<br /> iaclu�,Dut not Writed w.d�ose for the putposa of�pQty14� «di�atiaB�8.�•�Y��+
<br /> wtkr,�ir and li,�ht. fQe Pr�veation�a�B �PA*�'90�'�'Aod a�contcol�pQ�ataa.P�.
<br /> batb o�6s.vvater dea�us,vvasa csosets.sid�s.�er,s�a�ves,nfri�o�,d�R'�s�s.dir�ossts,w'a4lxxs.dc��cr�.
<br /> awain�s,stona wia�do�vs,st�ona doo�a.sa'xns.b�aod�.s�ades�c�rtains and cutqin tods.ats�cbed mirrars.c�iacts.
<br /> �ancIIiry-; aad auacbod fioor ooveriags now o�r sesnfter �tncbod to the PropatY� �11 of whicb, iocludinQ
<br /> se,�au�aod tdditiaas tha�eoo.sl�!be deemed ia bo aad rem�a prt of tbe A�opatY wverod by the Sa�aiiY
<br /> ;astrume�i,/111 of t2ie fore,�at�toget�er witb tbe Ft�a�ty dtacr�ed in ihe Socu�icY Inmumeat(ur tl�c lea9etioid
<br /> .•... ..:�__ �� .L,, e�.....:...
<br /> tTs,�L,,'�i!C�if tDe S�LO�q�1liY TASti11��t iT oa a iGi9!'bL1iQ3 �L'C t'�FCaCO t0 iU i�i1s i� r�u++y a.,w ww un..�.w�..+y . _
<br /> iYiM WMW��Y1G�yw
<br /> - &USg OF PatOPEftTY;COIKF'LiANCE WITH I.AW. �ama�er shall not �edc. ag�e W or a�alce a
<br />- cLange io tbe use of the Propaty or its�ia8��xri:�::�,��un3ess Z.,en�ler 6as s�gCVed in�xt�i�g to the c2�agc.
<br /> � Bocmwa shall cumptY with all laws. a�+diaa�ca� regul�tions �d re4u���s of any �ovenuna�ral body
<br />- applicabk ro the ProQaty. b foderall�w,Barowa sball not a11ow any liea iIIksior
<br /> C.SUBOitDINA7'E LID�t.S. F�ccept as prrmiti�f Y
<br /> 10 the SeanitY It�sutuaast W be pe�feciod against¢H�eP�upe�ty wattoctl.mder's prior'a+titie�P�mis�oo.
<br /> A B�'l�'1'LOSS�ISiJjtANCE. Bacm�ver tha11 maintya inwraooe�iast reat losc in additioa 1a dee.adx�
<br /> b�c+�for Mhich ias�umce is roq�aul by Uaifon�Co�vaiant 5. .
<br /> E."BOitAOWEiF'S ftIGHT'f'�Rfi�iSTATE"DEi.E7ED. Uaifona Cova�nt 18 is defeted.
<br /> F.BUit�tOWER'SOCCIJPAKCY. Ucleas I��oder 9od Bartowa oti�vri�e s�coe ia writiag. tl�e fcsc
<br /> sa�ip�ce ia Unifarm Covenant 6 oo�g B�nower's oaxip�oc!► of the Prnperty is dek�ed.. All remai,aui8
<br /> covwnts aad a�tnements 9et farth ia QJai6atm Covaia�ot 6 si�ll raa�in ia effea.
<br /> YULT{9TATE 1•�FAYILV RIDEB-Faeal�Ya�lFpddi�11so Wlta+�ut�tru�at Fotw�1T6 8/f=
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