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<br /> _ Upoo recdp oi p�ymw! ot lbe prla bld, Tn�ctee s6oli ddiver to tt�e purchoaer Tnt�tee•� deed oonveyit� the r.
<br /> Properiy.Tt�reciWs In tbe Tracta's deed Wwll be p�im�t Ucle evidence ot the truth ot Ihe xtatemenq made tUa+dn.
<br /> Tru�stee tbdl�pply the Proceed�ot the wle In tl�e fdbwinQ order:(a)to all eoat�nad expensa�ut esa+cisio�tYe{aw�o�
<br /> pk.�nd the rwle,laclndlnQ the paymaot of the Trustoe's tees act�wlly Incun�ed,aot to exoeed 2.0 '�
<br /> ot the p�ipcipol amouW ot/6e note at Ihe time ot the declaratbn o[detpult,w�d re�coaible attorneyr' fera iw pamitted
<br /> by Ipwi(b)lo dl rium recu�d by 161�Secu�ity InWrumenti �nd lc)aay exce�to tbe pe�son or petsoar le�lly eatitled W
<br /> It.
<br /> , 22. Rt,cosveyu�ce. Upon poymcnt of all sums eecurod by thia Socurity Inttrument, [.ender shall requett Ttustee ta _
<br /> �econvey Ihe Pmperty �nd ahali currcnder this Savrity Inctrument and ell notes evtdencing debt secured by this Socurhy
<br /> lnsirumens to Trustoe.Ttustee sh�ll rxonvey the Property without wan�nty a�d without char�e to the pec;on or persons Iegally
<br /> entided w it. Su�,�h person or persona shall pay any rrcardation costs.
<br /> 23.Subslitute ltucta. Lender.at Its option. tnny fmm time to t�me rcnwve Tiustee and+g�int a euoceasor trueteE to
<br /> �u►y Tnuta sppui�ued hercunder by an instrument recarded in the county in which this Securiry Inspument is rrxurded.WiWout
<br /> oonveyan�x of�he Property.the�ucee�cor tiustee�l�a11 cuce�eod to all the tide.power and dudes confernd upon Tmctee he�ein
<br /> and 6y�pplicable Irw.
<br /> 24.Request for NotkYS.Borrowcr requests that capies of�hc notke�of default wd wde bo sent to Borrower's addnxs
<br /> which is the!'roperty Addness.
<br /> ZS.Rida�to this Seeurity Iosirumrnt.If one or mote riders are executed by Borrower and recorde� together with this
<br /> Secudty I�ut�ument,tha covenunts and agroements of each such rWer shall be incorporated into and shall amend and cupplemau
<br /> the oovenants and a�+e,ementa af thic Soeurity Instnuneot Aa iF tho dder(e)were a part of this$ecu�ity IaRrwnent.
<br /> [Chock applicaMe box(es)1
<br /> - - � Adjuswbio Wite Bider Condan�inium Rider 1�!Family Rider
<br /> Cirsduated Payment ltider Flanned Unit Development Rider Hiweekly Paymeat Rider
<br /> Balloon Rider Rate Improvement Rider Socond Home Rider
<br /> ---- V.A.ltider ott�e�is)[�4l
<br /> BY SI(it�INU BELOW, Borrower aocepts and agroes to the terms aid covenants contained in thiR Security It�wrument wid
<br /> -_ _ - - in any rida(s)esocuted by Borrower aad reco�ded wtth it. Cen tra 1 Pro erties In
<br /> - Witnesses: <+�
<br /> —- ����<r,�r'y'� ,_ � cs��
<br /> �z�� by: Richard A. Larson, Presid��iaw�
<br /> �n�+.s�.
<br /> '�---�°�_�� ����%�C"�Qr'��iss�"`_ (Seal)
<br />��:s.�.•.. "�
<br /> '• bys Richard A. Larson, Guarantwrt�wor
<br /> . �.�`
<br /> �.����
<br /> �:: �
<br /> (Seal) QJ�'a'dh1 <�1>
<br /> _go,,,Q1� bys J net P. Larson, Guarantor•6onower
<br /> r .st..�y._
<br /> ' ���; STATEOF 1VEBRASKA. Hal l County se:
<br /> `� . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befare me this 8th day of July . 1992 .
<br /> •• �" by R a hr A arsonL�n_d J�net P. Larson, husband and wife and Guarantors•
<br /> ,��"��"�^ ����i�d��ri�ITS�$v nc• in said County,the date aforeswid.
<br /> . Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> '�:•:�'!'r��i: My Commission Bxpi�+es: i�l�TAII�,S�b ot�ka ��`� F �C..bfLm�n
<br /> ..�:-=
<br /> ����-:,�r QAVIDF DOItAAEN Ncwary Public
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