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<br /> 17.Transfec ot t1b Pi'upnty or�8endkl�l lnta�at In Borrower. If all or en 'nrt�f tho Property or any laurest in it
<br /> y n
<br /> is sold or translerted(or if a ticnet7cial intcreat in Homower 1�wid ur tran.cfcrrod and Bortower ia tK►t a natural per�n)wllhout
<br /> * l.ender'x prlor written rnnsenl, Lender moy, W its optfan. r�quirc fmnwdi�te payment in full oi ull cums socurod by thir
<br /> Socurity lnutrutt�nt.Howcvar,thi�oplion rhell not be exercisai by Lender if cxercife ix pruhibitod by Podcrol law rw oP tha dato
<br /> af thir Sacuriry Inctmment.
<br /> � lf Lender exercise�thi�option.l.ender stwll give aorrowar notice of wxelerution.The notice sholl providc o periad ai not
<br />- less dwn 30 duys frotn the date the notice 1s delivered or maileJ within which Borrowe� muct pay all suma eau�ed by thir
<br />� Security Ins�turne�t.If Borrower fails to{my these sums pdor to the cxpirsdfan of thi�peri�xl,Lender nwy invoke uny rcmalier
<br /> _ permitted by�his Savrity Insuume�t without fi�rther noticc or denwnd on Borrower.
<br /> � 18, florr+ower's lGR6t to Relnctate. If BoROwer mcets certain conciitiuns, &►rrower shull havc the right t�► have
<br /> ,a�— - -_ __ _
<br /> enforcement of thia Security Insirument discontinued at uny dme prior to Uie earlicr of: (a1 S days (or such utl�r p�rial +U
<br />_ _ — _ applicabie law may apecify for minclntement)before sale of the Property purxuant to any power of sale cant�inal in thic
<br /> ---- Securiry Instniment;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Thase conditians are that Bormwer.(a)puya
<br /> I.ender�II sums which then would be duo under this Security Inslniment und the Note us if no acceleration had occuned; tb)
<br /> cures eny defaalt of any other covenants or agreements;(c) puya ull expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> „�„��x-�� including, but nat Nmited ta,reasonable attorne�s'Pees;and(d) lakes such action ns I.ender mny teasonably require to assure
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrun�ent, l.ender a rights in the Property and Barrower's obligation to pay the sums�.xurod by
<br /> --- — thia Security Instrument shall continue unchenged. Upon reinswtement by Borrowcr, this Security inxtrument and the
<br /> --- obligatlons sxured hereby shall remuin fully effectfve as if na accele�tion had occurred. However,this right to rcinstate shall
<br /> — , not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph l7.
<br /> 19.Snle of Notet Ch�e oP Loaa Servicer. The Note ar a partial interest in the Note (together with this Sccurity
<br /> ��`�—`a Inst�ument)muy be so�d one or more times withaut prior notice to Borrower.A sAle may result In�chunge in the entity(known
<br /> - — as the "Loan Serviar")that rnllects monthly puyments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There alsa�ney be one
<br /> � or more chnnges of the Loan Servicer unrelateil to a snle of the Note. If�here is a chenge of the Loan Servicer, Borrower will be
<br /> -- —�_-�_� given wdtten notice of the change in aocordnnce with p�uagraph 14 ubove and applicable law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> �;--_:,;::�.:;j;.�:6��� address of the new Losm Servicer end Ihe address to which paymnts should bo made. The notice will also contain any oth�r
<br /> -�--�----- --- infom�ation requireil by epplicable law.
<br /> � 2p, Ha�ardouy Sul�stances. Borrower shall not u►use or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> -�F�-;�''� Hazardous Substar�es on or in the Properiy. Borcower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything uffecting the
<br /> �'�� ' Property that is in violation of any Environmental[.siw. The preceding two sentences shull not apply 10 the presence, use. or
<br /> ��. , [.
<br /> - starage on the Pruperty of small quantities of Hazardous Substanms that are generally recognized to be uppropriate tu norn�l
<br />--��?�='�'�-•--- reaidemial uses and to maintenance of the Pmperty.
<br />� ` Borrower shall promptly sive l.ender written notice of nny investigation,claim, demund. lawsuit or othar action by any
<br /> f ' - +• '•��"-°� �• • govemmentnl or regulutory ugency or privutc party involving�he Property and any Nazardous SubsUtnce or Environrnentel Law
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams,or ia natificd by any governmental or regulatory authority, that
<br /> y "�� � �' any removal or otMer remediation of uny Ha»rdouR Substance uffecting the Property is necesswy, Borrower shull promptly take
<br /> ,.��;�,� � all necessary remedial actions in acc:or�iance with Enviranmental Law.
<br />_ �,�,�_�.,L;�T�.= :-- As ased 4n this paragrt�+h ?.0, "Haxerdous Substnnces" are those substunces defincd as toxic or hauudous substances by
<br /> ,,�,,��,.. : =•�• Environmenlal Law and the following substances: gusoline, kerosene, c►ther flammstble or toxic petroleum Q:oducts, toxic
<br /> �°' pesticides and herbicides,volutile r+olvents,materials contuining asbestos or iormaldehyde,and radioactive matenals. As usad in
<br /> �.�. .' ,'�•, this paragraph 20,'Environmentul Law" means Pedernl luws anJ laws oi the jurisdiction where�he Property is lacated that
<br /> " relate to heaUh,sufrty or environmental protcction.
<br /> �, � ��� NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrower und Lender further covenunt and ugree ns follows:
<br /> _��x^�' d' :.�, = 21.AcceleraUon;Itemedie.v. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower prior to accelerallon following Borrower's breach
<br /> = .�:,�+ �rt�•f:
<br /> `.� .,.. , of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration under paragrnph 17 unlesv
<br /> W�„=� �� • �� AppllcaWe low provides otherwise).The notke shall specify: (a) the default; (b)the acNon requit�ed to cure tt�e defAUll;
<br /> __�� . ��:�- - (c)p date, not less than 30 days from the dete the nolice i+Riven to Borrower,by which the default mast be cured;and
<br /> • °��'�• (d)tlwt failure to cure the default on or bePorc the dpte speclfied in the notice may result in accele�ation of l6e sums
<br />��' ,,,�W ' ' secured by this Security Instrument and sule oP Ihe IMnperty.The notice shall further inform Borrower oi'the riQht to
<br />_"� ,�,,_, � reirotate afler acceleration and the riRht to brinR a caurt actbn to assert the non-extstence of a defAUlt or any other
<br /> M �� detense of Borroxer lo acceleration and sale. !f the default is not cured nn or bePore the dple specifled in the notice�
<br /> •`�+��'1�::.•'` •�,, I.ender,at its option.mAy requfre immediate payment in full of oll sums secured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> " �+�►'� ' • further dempnd and may invoke the power of sale and any othcr remedics permittcd by oppUcable IAw. l.ender siwll be
<br /> �K: entitled to rnllect all expenses incurred in pursuing thc rcmedies provided in this parrgreph 21,including,but not limited
<br /> !_�� °'"" ° "" ' to.reasona6le Attorneys'fees and cosis of title evidence.
<br /> _,.�'� � ,,:�, 1f thepo wer of sale is invoked. Trustee shwll record a nutice uP default in each county in which any part af the
<br /> ° ���-� �� � Property is located and�hull mail copics oF such notice in the mnnner pr�cribcd by applicyble law to Borro�ver and tu
<br />- � -��� •- fw-• the uther p ersons prescribed by applicable laµ.Af'ter the time reyuir�d by appNcable law•,Trustee shall give public notice
<br /> --- � ��� "'� oi'sale to the persons und in the manner pr�riF►ed by upplic�blc law.Trustec.without demand on Borrower,shall sell
<br />���~o � "� the Pro rt r�t public auction to the highest bidder at the tfine uad pluce und under the terms d�Ignated in the notice of
<br /> ,...a',:.,_.....,'.�. Pe Y
<br /> _� ,:� �' ' sale in one or more parcels and in any nrdcr Trustee determines.Truucti muy p►sipone+ulc of all ur any parcel oP tbe
<br /> Property by pubNc announcement al the time und pl�ce of am• prcvii►u�l� schcduled sule. I.ender or its designee myy
<br /> .+�.�,�..;,�., purchase t6e Property at any sele.
<br /> .--_;. ;_�..�_�.
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