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<br /> � � , ,, 1-4 pAMILY RIDER -
<br /> �i�ntaep�or Rento
<br /> � `� TH13 1-4 FAMI4Y RIDFR is mede thiR 8th day ot July� 1992.
<br /> — - ___ • '
<br /> �_ �rd is inoo�pocated i�o and slwll ba daemod a iunend ond Bupplement the Mortga�c.Dood of Tnut or SecudcY °
<br /> peod (the „Security Instrument ) of �he s�ame date given by thc undercigne�d (Uu "Borrowcr") to :ecurc
<br /> ,�
<br /> .�� 8omnwer'eNoteto The Equitable Building an�l Loan Aesociation of Grand
<br /> �x � Ieland, Nebraska, A Federal Savings Bank
<br /> (the"Lende�")
<br /> — i i-— _-��� of�he rort�e date and mverinQ thc Property described in Ihe Secudty Inctrument u�d tocated at: 7 21 North
<br /> _ —== Sycamore, Grand I,aland, Nebraska 68801
<br />�
<br /> t�m'��*1
<br /> _ -°��g��,� �„�,:.;,,�� 1-4 FAMII.Y COVENANTS.In addition to the covenants and agramenta rnade in the 5ecurity Instnuneet. _
<br /> --�;� Homower end Lender further covenant and agree as followa:
<br /> ,�,,,, �::�...,., A. ADDITIONAL PROPFRTY 9UBJECI'TO TI� SECURITY INSTRUN�IVT. ln addition to the
<br /> -���.� Property da�cribod in the Secu�ity Instnrment.�he followfng items are added to the Property descdption. and shall
<br /> —�--t�"-=z=-��'�� also con�titute�he Property covered by the Security Inurutnent:building materl�ls,appliances and goods of every
<br /> sr��-:;�:;.°
<br /> _,� --• - � � nature whatsoever now or hereafter located in. on. or usai, or intended to be used in conrKCtion wilh e
<br /> ��" . _ Propeny. including. but not limited w. those far the purposes of supplying or distribudng heatiag. cooling.
<br /> '���s`.._. _;, .� ' electricity, gas. water. air and light, fire provention and extinguishing apparatus. savrity and access conlrul
<br /> ,Au;,�-rr-� •:r=•,., •..
<br /> �'� � �• '`', appatatus. plumbing,bath tubs. water heaten. water closeta. sinks, ranges. stoves. rofrigeratora, dishwoshets.
<br /> — .�•,..�� dicposals. washers, dryers, awnings. storm windows.etorm daors. screens, blinds, sludes,curtains end cune1n
<br /> 'h�.���1��:;':,�'' . , �. radc. attaclKd mirrora. cabinws.panelling and attached flaor cove�ings now or hereaher atlachod to the Property.
<br /> —' .:�!�_�''�±•?•�"�-__ �Qg���h. (nc��,��ng reQ�acements and additions thereto. shell be deemed to be and rcmain a part of the
<br /> ..;u°;: - ;sy�: .-,�;--
<br /> --� ,�5,.V . . ..•:�� Praperty covered by the Secudty Inswment.All of the foregoing tagether with the Property descnbed in
<br /> _� t � Secudry Inspument (or the leasehold estate if Ihe Security Instrument is on a leasehold)are referral to in Ihis I-4
<br /> -_ ,;�,���. ._ .,.. ��. Nomily Rider and thc Security Inswment as the "ProPenY.••
<br /> - ��,; ��'�� ' . ,.�;� B. USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not seelc, agree to or make a
<br /> -S�: �„ �� chu�ge in the use of the Property or its zoning classification. unless L.ender has ag�d ln writing to the change.
<br /> ':�: Y:��•'�• Bomower shall cornply with all Iaws, ordinnnoes. regulations and requirements of any govema�enwl body
<br /> ..�<:.., ;
<br /> : 'K^°�'�`•:: � � applicable to the ProQerty.
<br /> ° ° "'. C.SUBORDINAI'E LIENS. Except as permined by federAl Inw.Borrower shall not ellow any lien infe�ior
<br /> '�- _�....,.�....,. ,�,,
<br /> -- ;; • ,. �"�:: to Ihe Secudty Instrument to be perfected against thc Property without I.cnder's prior written permission. e
<br /> ��.� � -f � - � D,ItEIV'1'LOSS INSURANCE.Borrower shall maintain insurance against rent loss in addition to the other
<br /> ^ � ::r`� • 1�rards for which insurance is rcquired by Uniform Covenant S.
<br /> :�;..
<br /> :�'��^ = "�! .i�{ " . E."BORItOWER'S WGHT TO REINSTATE"DELETED.UniformCovenant lSis deleted.
<br /> :;' �.��"""""'"`°� • F. BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower othcrwise ogree in writing. the first
<br /> � sentence in Uniforrn Covenant 6 concerning Borrawer's occupancy of the Property is deleted. All remeinin6
<br /> " ? � ' �� oovenants and agreements set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect.
<br /> • �"r'``. ' G, ASSIGNMEIV7'OF LEASFS. Upon Lender's request,Borrower shall asaign to I.ender all leases of the
<br /> „� • .. PropeRy and all securiry deposits made in connection with Icases of the Property. Upon the assigmnent,l.ender
<br /> .�- " .,�t�;,,. ', shall iwve the right to modify, extend or terminate the existing leases und to execute new leases, in Lender's sole _
<br /> ,�"•,�:: � discntion.As used ia this paragraph G. the word "Ic.ase"shull mean"sublease"if the Security Inswment ie on
<br />_ - ''�► `'�.' -
<br /> � � a Iwsehold.
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