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<br /> ��a�l.Y �..... -___ —_--w�-_�[u:.1�f1V�+�: -Y.S.is���-. " � ' __� �=L,� ..�El_ ���ssi���:_.
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<br /> {mYm�ent�rnYy tw{oc�c�bu�t�u'ustil.w�Aii irpiittt�aT Lendu'.if nw�rt�qga i:u�uan;.:.cavcrr,�o(ia thc c�r�oiuse assd fac the paiod
<br /> tEut l.c�cfer roquins)providcd bv an iasurc��s�xovod by t.auirr�sia bocwa�s avalltbk�nd i�obtsined.Bort+owa s2�a1!p4y the
<br /> pcwiiums roquirai Is a�iuWiu Qaarr��c �as�u�cc iA cliex�oc w�rovide a loss ressrvc. uutil �be rtyuiremau for mott�a�o
<br /> iwtur�c:c ead.i i�i�:�,ica w�i�r,�'+;�wriu�:n:�;a�:.t E;,trc:,�Ba.-rcw�cr�sui Lcsr�dx or a�D1c L�w.
<br /> 9.Ia�pectb�. [�ndcr a iW agc�u.�s�y make c�easoas�3e eatria upoa�i irjs-pacti�oas oi t2,e Frnprs�y.➢�.us�r ab�ll Qiv�
<br /> B�esawet notice at tlu:iin�o a£oc pri�c t�an lnspoctioa spocitYinY reasonatiie causa far tlfe iaspactiaa.
<br /> 10.Cosd�tiva. 'i'"..q Proroa�af ony �w�rcf or claim !at dan�cs. direct or oon9oqueathl.itw ooauoctioa witb any
<br /> coademu�tio�or othcr t�in�oE�ay�art ot tlu�P�npaty.ot fcx convey�nce in lieu of condemn�tion.�re ha+eby assi�od aad
<br /> cbsl!De psic!co l.rndct.
<br /> ia tbe eveot of a�otsl citiaII oE tb�:P�r�y�tbe pcoceods sE�ll be appiied to tbe sum4 socurod by ihis Socurity Iastru�t.
<br />, wbtdiet ar aot tbeA due�with eny catcess pakf ur Borcowar.Ia tbe eveat nf a p�ttial nking of tbe PruQerty iu whicb tUe[air awrket
<br /> vatue d'�h�e Fmpe�ty imrnodiutaly befae dw t�is oqwi to ar�reater tlaa�amonnt of t6e swai�ecurcd Dy t�in Sec�uity
<br /> Iatwment imc►sodi�tc�y befae ttw talriaQ. w�ess Barower aod l�eader otbawise�roe in writing,tAc swas secured by tLu
<br /> Soc�rity lnctrumeat sAaU Oe t�educod Dy tds ar,�aunt nf the p�nceods multipiiod Dy tlse foliowiag fr�ctioe:(�J the total urwunt af
<br /> IAe sums sxuned immodi�aly DCfCOC thu iakia�.divided by(b)Lbe fa�n1�rk�et valtle of ttie P[opMy:�*�•t•t:•r��y bef0[e Ihe
<br /> taklnY.My b�taxes nbait be paid�o Bacmw�.Ia tt�e evcat a�a p�ci+al ts�loia�oi dK Peopaty ia which tLe fiir maricet vaWe of�he
<br /> �Y �Y befere tho t�kiaa is iors dua dre �mou�u af tbe sums seciued immedi�Wy befare the nicin�, ualesc
<br /> Bano�aod Lender otherwiso�nee ia wxi�tia�ar uoksi appticabie I�w otberwisa provides,tt�e proceals cl�11 be�pQliod to tAe
<br /> sums sxuced by tbie Socauity Iast�aa�t w�atfier or aot dse waas m d�an due.
<br /> If tbe Proge�ty is abw�doaed by Brxsvwct.ur if.afler notice by l.a�der to Barmwct that the coodemnar o�'as�o m�ice�a
<br /> award ar xnle�cWcu fa dtmaga�.Bo�a�o�c gails a ns�md w Le�Y witbin 30 d�ys aH�a the date tbe aotice it givea,Leader
<br /> is awborizod b ooibet aad apply dra p�acc�+d9�ac it4 qxion.a�tu cc^�oration ar repair of tde I�ty a b tAe wms�ec�md
<br /> by d�is Socwity Iastrument.a+A�t�or nx tbttu due.
<br /> Unkss I.a+clex�3 B�sovar o�ise agiea a�vrian8,anY�ppiicatia4 of praooa�s b pi�cipai a6�ll not czrcod ar poWpo�e
<br /> d�e due d�e of tbo moa�hlY P�Y�4 rcfarod w ia pra�niphs 1 aod 2 or cA�age We aaourt o�sucb paymeats.
<br /> 11.sornow�r Not Ral�ed;For6aara�r B�l.e�der Not a Wafrer. Fueeasioa of tbe 6me for paymeai ar modificx¢ion
<br /> of aoaa�tissam of thes sium�ec�a+ed Dy t�ia 5a�r insnumau grno�ed by I.eader a aay suooes�[x ia nuaest of BaroMer�t6
<br /> ax opa�e b n3ea9e�s liability af tba ac�;�aN Boceawer or BaroMer's soocesson ia iaterest Iiader sh�ll not be tequi�e�b
<br /> �P�S��+aY�ia a�oaaY or re�ne a a��eod dme far paymeot a atba�ri�e modii"��a�o�ioo of
<br /> the sums�ocm+ed by d�is Saa�ity Iastts+aaeut by reasm of�ny d�m�od mtde by tbe or�gio�l Bo�ro�rer or Banu�ru's�ors
<br /> io iarirst.My focbnrmca by Lxade[iu esa�eisiog any ri�ht or remedy shall not be a aaivrr of ar pc�octudo tbe exa+ci�o af�
<br /> �t ar raaody
<br /> l2.S�coeaioea a�d A��awwL;,Tai�t a�d Several l.vD�it�,Caai�rs. �he oo�resa��s �od �g,ro�ean of tLis
<br /> � Secucity Insaupo�st cmI161ut1 �od 6eaet"�t the s�cees�o�s aad assi�s of i.,etider �od Borrowu,subject 1�cl�e provisions of
<br /> r p�t�graph 17. BotrawCr't � �ad a�re� sball be jOisM atW xreral. AAy Bono�rer �rL� eo�thi� Secu�ily
<br /> ! Iawumeot but doa not a�awe tba NoOe: (� u oo-signmg this Seauit5'�awvmmt oolY b marl�e. anm�od omvty t�
<br />_ Borto�er's iatenest in tbc Pru�at.X undek Ne Irims of mis Seca�rity Ia�nm�(b)io mt pe�ooWY�m P�Y���
<br /> ` s�a:hy t�is Soaa�y tasa+��od(c)agroec that Leoder�ad�ny dba�a�y�groe b act�ead,Wudif'Y,fiYbear a
<br /> imdr�e any a000mmodatiooa wwi��h reg��d a the tenas of thi�Security L�uwneae a�tlise Piote�uW,ouc thac somoMea's 000�eot �,
<br /> ' , 13.Lo�C�ar�s. If tba lo�seau�ed by thi4 Saa�uy Ia�umeat i�sabjxt to a 4w whicL set�mmciastom la�o cI�sQa,
<br /> aod t�t law v f�allyr ia�rip�cted ao thm tpe aua�t or otLa lo�o ch�rgea cdlecled ar�o be c�ol�ecied ia oomecdoo�ith 1Le io�n
<br /> � e.�ceed d�e pe�minod ia�d�oa:(�}any�bw eJ�rge�uu be eodueed by tbe smount necs,�ca to r�eRL�oe the cbarge`o t6e
<br /> 3 Pamitled 1imi��nd(b)ouy s�ms a8t�dy colixted from Bon'owet which e:ooedetl pamittod IioQits��be ref'ooded to BomnMCr.
<br /> Leodv may chowe ta make this retund by reduci�t�e pcioeip�l o�rad �mda the Nae or by miiring a dirocx p�ymeae a
<br /> � Baro�a. If a ertuad�priocip�l.We re�L�aia�a;wr�l De prea�ed ss a pacti�L p�eQaymaat Mitt�o�t aq.'6 DQ+�Y��
<br /> ; ue�3e�r Wo Noln. � .
<br /> � 11.N�tk�. Any�notice to Bo�mMar provided far ia t�s Secc�i�j�Ia4trummt shill be�v�m by deliveriog�a by mWiqg it
<br /> � by 5nt ci�as me�naLess app�icabk lrv requb+es�e of�odber met�.l�e aotix ahall be�aacted b t6e Pt�npaty Addcrsa or
<br /> �oy C@If!�BO[l�Owl dCii�by OdiCe LD I.�f�Cf.My tId�DC io I.tsldQ sbill bC givCD by fl[S�C�f/s IIIW b Ll�1�'s
<br /> _ ��0��Cl4�af�ly/Oljfl7�CS�Ld1�Gl dC1t�Rila by ilOGCC W BO[f01YEi �y LIOtICC Q1DYld!%1 f0[l0 L�i$OCiII�/
<br /> IO�alat i�ll b0�CL1�Od i013tYC 60Ca giYW 1�BOROIVlt Ot L�dCt 11LC0 gl1tCQ�S p[�OYldOd In fhif p��gV�6.
<br /> �. 1S.GoYex1�Lt�w`s Se�ers�iltt7• Thif SeCUriry Instruoomt lha11 be �CrvEisled by fe��xai !nv �eld dro 4w Of 16C
<br /> . pri�dic6oa�,vlric�tLe Pmpe�ty i�joc�eed.In d�e e��eat tlat any pcmri:im a clawe of tLis Sa�rirty Insuumeat a tbe No1e
<br /> coofbcts�vi�tb applit�ia 4�v,s�c3 canftict aL�ll not sffe.K otl�er provi4ioas of this 5eqaity I�rummt or dro No1e wfiich qn be
<br /> • givea e�ea��itLouL tt�e oonfiictiqg provition.To thl�emc�r�e provislaas of thiq Se�uri�y Ia�umeat and the Noie m decls�od q
<br /> � j be�verabla
<br /> �
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