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<br /> ' 96- �,08432
<br /> . 1�.Barower�'s Co�y. BMrowa sttail De 8rv� en ona contom�ad copy of No lVutc uid af this Socurity Icsttument
<br />. 17.i'rraYfcr ot ths 1�r+q�rri or�ltea�ticla!Iaureu I��or�rovrYr. If all or any pvt of We i'rapc�ty ar any incerest in it�S
<br /> said or mulsfared(or if u�i;iel intam ia Ba�rowv i�eoid�r tr�asfernd wd Bnerowr is aot a nuur�l�er�oa}without
<br /> 1��'s prioa writi�a conxt►t�I.ender r�y,at��� roquirc iuu�a�ocllat�payweut in,full of all sucns sacur�l by this Security
<br /> Iasuuir,ait.Howcvet.tAis optian shaU aot bo by le,ndes if�aca�ciu ls ptohibitod by fod�tal law as of We d�e of tbis
<br /> Socutity I�u�t.
<br /> If Lender r�cctcises this�pcion l.endor shaU giva Bortowcr notice of�ccckrotion.Thc noticc shall provide a period of not kss
<br />: Iban 30 days fmm ttu date ttiee rwoicc is ddivacd or auiled within which Barower must p�y ull suu�s socured by ihis Socurityr
<br /> Insauma�t[f Botrowex�►i1s W pmy thes�cuass prior to tAa eapirs�tioa oi tdis paiod.l�er a�y iavdce�ny remedies pelmittad
<br /> by tdu Socurlty Instrivaeai wittwtu i:uttkr ewtice or demand oa Borrower.
<br /> li.Borrower'a Ri�lt to R��e. If Borrowu a�ods certain ooaditiotss� Borrower sdall have ihe rl�ht to davc
<br /> a�forccm�nc of thi9 Sac�ty Iaspuenene di�ooatLu�od at�ny titnc prior to thc eaulicr of: (a) 5 days(ar sucb other period as
<br /> �aw tnt yfar roastatta�enl)befoce sale of tAe s cb
<br />: aPP�'� Y�� �Opaty W any power af sak coaiainal in tAis Socur�ty
<br /> Iacuuaienr ar(D)er�trY of a judgmtnt eaforciag this Socurity Instrumait.�tiondidons u�that Bortower.(�)ps s l.e,nder sll
<br /> surav whicN tAa�woWd be due uodel thi9 Socuiity Iasuuovent aad the Noie�s if ao aocekratioa twf oocurtal: (�b)cures�►Y
<br /> default of any otbu coveaaats or�graw�aus;(c)Pal►s all e�tpeas�s iacutred in enfatcing thiy Socurity Isturwnent�iacludiag,bW
<br /> not Wniled b.cr�soasb3o attorneys'foes;and(d)taYes such actkm ar l.eoder ma�►reasaaably roquire to atsui+e tliat the 11a�of thiv
<br /> SecuritY Inwumau. l.tt�'s ri�hts io tLe Pmperty �xl Botrawer's obli,gwoo W p�y tbe sums securod by tbLs Secttrity
<br /> Iastrnmeat sls�ll oontinue unchanged.Upon reinsweakat by Barowra. thi9 Insanunait aad the eocurod
<br /> baaby stwU nmain fully effecxiva as iF ao accderatioa t�d oa�ural.Iiawever���o reinst�te sba11 oot�tbe e�se of
<br /> aca3aation wsder p�eg�17.
<br /> 19.Sak otlVo�t:C�e otl.o�s�Servioer. 1be Nc�te or a p�t�l i�te�rst ia tbe Note �Wgether wiW this Security
<br /> Instrumau)may be soid oae or more wae.v without prior aotice to Borrower.A sale m9y res�ilt in a ctuage ia the auity(known
<br /> as�e"I.oaa Servioa")tttat coUocts mont}ilY P�Y�dae ut�der the Note aad this Socurity Listrwneal.7�+e a}�o aury be aae or
<br /> mo�e ct�nges of tLe Loan Saviar nareltkd to a s�ie of the Note.If tlw�e is� , e of tho 1Lora Servicer,Bc�ow�a�wil!be
<br /> given writtw ootic�a of tbe cAange in accordmoe with pa�rgcaph 14 above and Lw.'14�e�wtico will staie t6e a�me aad
<br /> addrcss af tt�e new Loaa Savicrr and tl�e addrcss to wAich payma�ts sha�W made.The aotir�e will RJso 000nin aoy otAer
<br /> iofonaatioa roquirod by appllca'bie law.
<br /> 20.Harardoas S�bshans. Bo�nowrr sf�1D aot cau9e ar pamit the preseaoe. use. dispasai, ��a rekase of�ny
<br /> Ha:rtloiu S�bs�noes oa a ia t3a PtoQarty.Bomnwa s4all not do.nor�ow myaae else to do,anything afl'ecoing tho Yropa�ty
<br /> th�t is iu vioWioa af,fa�►fiavieoamenW Lw.'Ibe pr000ding two se�ee�ooes slWl mtapp�y to the preswa,ase.ar sooc;ge oa tbe
<br /> PiroQaty ui sm�ll qu�o0tirs of�iu�dw�s Subsvooes t3ut m 8�Y�8�W�a s�vpriate to ao�m�l r�tidmti�l u�es
<br /> aad oo maiatr,amoe of tLe Ptnpeity.
<br /> Banowa stwll p�omptly g►ve I.er�d�writtea notice of any 9aves8gatioa.cl�im,demand, i�wwit cyr c�tber acdoa by any
<br /> 60�a nBu�Y�B�Y�P�+�P�Y���8 the ProQe�ty aud�xy Flarardous Substa�cc oa�vIIOamaotal I�w
<br /> . of which Baimwrr baa aanal know � e.If Barrowa 1e�ms.a is nodfied by any govr�nmeatal or rr,ge�I�ta¢f:a�tboeity.�bat my
<br /> rarwval a otLar raaedi�t�oa of my Snbsqnce affxting the Property is aooass�ry,Barower pcomntiy t�e all
<br /> a�c�°eemodi�l actioas ia accadaooe with Fsnviroorneanl I.aw.
<br /> . As c�o� in this prr�grapb 20. 'Iiarardom Sttibst�noes" a[e thoae subsqooes defwod as toxic ar ti��•••+�•"� �acea by
<br /> Eaviroomaual Iaw �od tbe fdbwiag sub�s: BA9dit�e. lcet'omei�.otba tl�cot�bic ar ea:ic oetroSesme nroducm. toxic
<br /> ° ' paticides�nd 6abicicles,vol�h'le solvents,materi�lv cannining asbestns or fosmaidelnyde.aod ndio�c�ve�akrisis.As u�od ta
<br /> this pr�pb 20,"F�vinoammtal I�w'me�os feder�l V�vs�od iaws of tbe juci9dicYioo wbaa tbe Px�ope�ty i�bcaled dat rtLee
<br /> � to health.s�ety ar eaviroommtal pootoctioa � .
<br /> NON-UN�ORM C�OVENAIV'I�.Baroaer aod Letxla fiutt�er coveant and�groe as follo�v�
<br /> 21.Aooderatims:�teaudie�.l.eader�iW tire�tloe to Borrower prior to aooda�atio�toYo�wiy;Borrow�er's WYSCIi of
<br /> aq oove�ast ur ssree�t a t1ii� S�cviq Ls�r�ae�t (�t �ot prios to aoodaatio� natkr par,�p�api 17 aaie�
<br /> sPPiicnbie In►P�+orides uf�arwi�e}.7're sotia�1a1 speriiy:(a)tbe defsvt;(1r)tYe actioo req�+ed 10 a�+e�e delavt;(c)
<br /> a d�te�NoR iw tW 30 dsp firoa t�e d�te twe�otioe i�pvem 6a Bon�u�er�6�wtiki tre detsdt�at be c�+e�l:sad(�
<br /> tLt ta�,ore to are tie deh�lt a or be�ane tie dste�edia�i'm t1e wtkx w�rewk io aooda�at�o�af tie s��ec�e+ed
<br /> bT t1Js 5ec�rit�Ia�tr�se�t a�d sak at t�e Pro�ert�.T�e�otice si� ta:tiYer i�tara Borra�w�er of!�e ri�t to e'et■�tate
<br /> • altier�oaierat�o�a�d t�e ri�t to brios� oo�t sctlo� to atiert tie�o�ndaeooe at a defadt or aoe�otier d�leeu oP
<br /> �'� Ban�a�w�er�o aoederatioa aad aNr.1f tl�e detatit i��ot cared w or 6e�a�+e tie date io tl�e
<br /> . ��,�7*�1��P�I�i�tW of a9��ecored b tii� � �'l•eader.at ib
<br /> a�d�a �MOk!f!�! � ����il�O�t ta�tl�er de�i�d
<br /> �' pow�e�of�ait a�d ti�otLer ns�d�a per�itted by app�itabie 4w.l.eader sir�be estitled Ga c�e�eet
<br /> � a�espe�ues ic�raa i�pv�i� tie re�edies provided L thi�p�rapY?1,ioeiodiiK+bt aot li�ited tio,�o■sbie
<br /> atto�gs'fea a�d ca�af titte evide�ea
<br /> It tie power ot aie it bvokedl,Tr�ctK ah� reoord a ootloe ot ddao�t ia ad� co�atr h wlic�aa�paYt ot tbe
<br /> �roperty�locattd aad�iaY sa�a¢4ics a�sud�wtice i�tLe mrana�preacr�ed 6�appiie�bk faw to Boenwer�6o tie
<br /> ' �*P��M'�*�67�PP�law.Af�tbe ti�e nqutred Sy appiiCaDk law,ltaftee�Itad�ive pybiic setici d
<br /> �� safe to t�e peno�s aed t■the sso■er prarn'bed b�stppia6ie law 7�ruste�wkioot des�sttl w Ba�rower,iLaY�ell t�e
<br /> Peapert�at p�blic aactioo to tre 6i�t�est bidder�c tbe�e and piaa aod��der tYe k+as de�o�ed i�lie�otiue o�sde
<br /> : Eossa s:l2e :1�!
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