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<br /> � S.Naz�rd or Wnperty La�craaa. Bor�owcr sAall kcep tbe imp�avcmasts aciw existiu�a herzal'trx uoct�i on 1li;.Prs�tY �-
<br /> iosur�d�aipst {oss by Ccrr. Aatsrd.itsc:lu3od withla thc term "GCtetsdo�covora�e" and wy o�huatds. in�;tudiaR floods or �
<br /> t'loodityZ,for wi�ici�[.wtlrr requiec�is►rwiauca.7tjis ia:a:y�;.s�s!!be••,a^►•o*•,�ia thc ea.rouats�ond for�he�►orbcio Ihte I.essder �,
<br /> rt�uires.'[Ae tuwtan�e cacricr providiu�tttio b�ur�nc�shall be elwieo by Batror��ct wh}oct 1�L.t.atle�'s sppuvtl wdkh tdU aot c:
<br /> be un��^easoa�bty witt�l�e,3d. If Sormwer failw a �+•:���;N covcra�a dr,scribad abose. I.eadct ayy. at Lead�'c aQtiou. obWin F
<br /> op�e b probct L,e�,r'�[i�btc ia WC Prope+ty ia�aord�noe with par�tiph 7. R;
<br /> All ias+uaooe pollcies wd raxwsls sl�1!be acaptaQk tfl I.endet�nd th�11 iAdude�staadard uiortC�c clausz.l.e�dtt s�ii �
<br /> !�►vc the right W doi�tAe pol�iet aad reaewilt. If l.ea�ia roquira.Borrowtt sl.�1 promptlY Bive to Lcac'rr tll�+oce�ts of pid �
<br /> p�emiums�ad c+wewal ooticxs.Ia t4e eveat of 1oas.Bamwa�all�ive prcWnpt notioe oo tbe iosur�carriec aad Laufa.I.ender _
<br /> ayy m.te pcoo�r of los:if a�t au�de proa�ptiy ey soaowa. -
<br /> Ual�l�ler aad Bamwer wba�wi�e�ee ia�rtiting.ina�r�aco p'ooeeds sasil be appliod b raWr�tioo or reair ot tUee =
<br /> PraPer►Y dam�ed,if tho r�swnKioo a repair ia a�oaoaajcaUY fe�siDle aad Lendar's socw�ity is aat les�wed.If the rest+oratio�a a
<br /> np�ir is oot eeoaomicatly festibre or I.cndet'��ocwi�y would be les�xaal.tAe inRUance procaods shdl be appliod b the sams -
<br /> yocured by ti►�Sxurity Iasuwnent. wb��bes or aot theo due, with �ny escas paid eo Bamwer.If Barowa �b�ndo�►s the
<br /> Prupaty.or does aat�nsw�-r witbia 30 d�,ys a notioe from l.eada tAat tde iawrioa carrier has offel+ed m sdtie a ct�im.t6eA -
<br /> l�eader may co�iact the iasu�ana procoods.l�eader may u�e tHe p�ooeeds�o t�ir or trsloca tAe Pmpe�ty ar�o pay wtat socueod __
<br /> by thi�Secwity►Ia�nunrnt.wbdb�;r�not tbeo due.7tie 30�c1�y paiod�rill bcgia wba�tbe aotice is giva�.
<br /> Uakss Lcader aad Barowa od�aw►te+�gteo io writiag.aay applicatim of p�ocoals w priacipd sAall aot atead oe po�tpoae
<br /> tlse due d�e of t6e monlf�tY P�Y��refatod to ia par�pOs 1 aad 2 ar ch�nge tee anwuot oi tbe p�ya�ots.If untkr p�Pb
<br /> 21 the Propaty is aoquir�d by l�rsdar,Boao�'s ri�ht W aay iasur�ooe policies aad pnooeth r�froaa dwos�e w d�e
<br /> �Y P��o ILe�cqui:ition sAaq pass b La�dar b tLe exteat of the sums�ecured by this Soc�i�y Iastrw�eot ianmedialelY
<br /> P�ior to tL�acquiaitioa.
<br /> i.O�oc�p��e7.Preedrvatio■.Mai�aa�ce aad Plrotectio�of tie Pr+opert�: Bannwer'� l.ou Appiieatio�:l.auMo�4M.
<br /> &xmw�r sL�ll oaa��Y,�wb�ish.aad use tbe ProQeity as Bacrowu's p�ioc3p�1 retida�a w+it�ia si�ty days atirl tLe e�cutioo of
<br /> this Seauity Iasuu�oau aod s2�11 ooati�aue�o accupy the Pca�pe�ty as Bamwer's priacipal nsida�oe far at leau oae yar�er tbe
<br /> d�e oi ooa�acy. uoless l.eader atliawise a�aes ia writiwg, ahich ooaseat sL�l not be u�ur�eoasb�y witW�tW. or unless
<br /> ext�rru�tiog ci�rwamooea�e�ist whic6 are beyood Bomower's coauoL Bamowa sd�U not daunoy.d�na8e or ia�'v d�e ProQe�ty.
<br /> albw die PraQaty b dderi0rata. at Camotit wasoe an tbe PtOQdty. BOr�+nwer�t11 bC io def�lit if my fOtfeiqre �cti0n ar
<br /> prnoeMing.�avil ar cruniosl,is beg�n tbat in 1RSida's goal faitL jud�aeat couid rewlt ia forfadme of dfe�ropaty or
<br /> othawI�c m�i�1tY imp�a tbe tiea created by tLis SeauitY Insauma�t ar I�eoiler's soauity iorrsst.BasaMa aiay c�me ar�a
<br /> default umd raow�c.as provided io por��ph 18,by ctwsiag t�c adioa ar pmoeeding n be dimmitsod�vith a nili�tLa�.io
<br /> I.esdes'��ood faitl�delanoio�aon,P'ecWdes farfeiwm nf the Bae�owa'c inie�rst in tbe prupe�ty or alba a�aial impa{ca�eat af
<br /> tbe tiea cnea�od by t8ia Seabi�ty Iasbvmau or Larlrr's secwrity ioleirst.Bonnw�sha11 alao be ia tkfa�lt if Boctm�er,duon�the
<br /> 1ao�p�ticaeoa proass.�ave m�lai�Y�a inaxur�e iofan�tioa ar sta�nmta to I,eodec(a failed�o provide I.asder w�
<br /> �oY mMaiil iafa�m�tim) bm womctiioe with me io�n evidmoed by dre No�e, incLrdioB.but not limited b, r�pc�oos
<br /> c�eaning Bam�rer's aa�ocyr of tbe AroQaty sa s p�cq�l raiaeace.If B�it seturity 7n�ent's an a ira000iu,nauv.�sr . _-
<br /> sb:ll comply wis�a11 tbe p�ovisioaa of tbe le�e.If Bartn�rer aoq�fa 6tle tn the Pro�tY.the le�oW aod tbe£oe ti�ede smII
<br /> ; not mergc wiess Leada�groes to tbe mager in wri6ag.
<br /> • 7.Pwteaioi ot l.e�der'�Ri�6tc i�t�e Property. If Barow+rr fails w paform tbe covm�ots aod a�g�e�emeab caotaioad in
<br /> thia Sa:�u;ty Inrsn�meat.or t3�ese is a kgal proceeding t�t n�y sigaifxa�tly affaa I,mder's rights m the Propaty(a�cL�a
<br /> p�ocxer�ic�m b�oiavpcy,P�d�e.fa 000d�ioo or forfdtnne or to eaforoe laas ar rcg�iatbaa?.tb�a LRader ntay do�od P�Y
<br /> ia v�c1�u..°a�er is a�svey b p�oiect the vaL�e of tbe Prape�ty aiu!Leada's righis in tAe Pro�ty.l.eatkc's actions mty ioclude
<br /> IxY�B �Y � � bY a liea �rhich Las priority mrcr dus Ser�urity Insteumeat. aPPea�i� iu oouct.piYmB n�m�e
<br /> anacneys' fees ao3 ealeriug aa t�e A�epelty to m�ire rep�i�s.Attbou�h Ie�fer m�y t�ice actiaa noder lhne p�r�gt�pb T.l.e�der
<br /> docs oaR btve b da��a.
<br /> �amaaa�s cfisb�od by Ix�iea�ac�a th�pr�grapb 7 shall became additimal dabt pf Baro�r�er axurod by this SaaIIitl►
<br /> T�"TM"'� Udica BomeMet�od 1R,otler�oe to otba tams of paymea�d�ae�strsll bar iaor�rst from�e daie of
<br /> d�at ttt�lW�e raee aoa�u t�e payable,wab iota+est.�pou nodoe f�om l,eaaa to sari+o�rar re�og p�y�ot.
<br /> i.�io�a�rImwcraaoa I+f Leada requirod mortgage mwraooe as a c�dnooa of n�atring tLe lo�u deauad by tLi�Sx�uity
<br /> 1as�va�t.Barro�rv st�ll WY �P� � to mainnim tbe mocc�ge atwraooe io e�'ect. If. fa aoy zea�oo.tbe
<br /> mocf�R�1�C�e���18��4u�bY I.mdet l�paes Or Ota9�es b be iR effeCt,BCf!'OwC f�ll p�y d1C p�emiOm�t�aquic�Od b
<br /> obtam oovaage subanntially oquivaieat w tt�e mo�tgage ias�suae pneviously ia effax.at a ooat n�b�ialIy e4avakat w the
<br /> oost to Bain�er of tbe moagage iosuraoce previousJy in eSca.from av aitan�tt mo�tg�ge insiuer rpp�roved by It�der.1f
<br /> s�bqaotially oquivakat mortgage m�uaoce covaage is nat ava�ble.Baanaies sball pay to Leader acb mooth a wm eqml to
<br /> aoe.nvelft6 of tbe Y�Y�8a8��P��P�bY Banorrer wLm t6e iasur�oce covaage Lipse�d a oe�ed m
<br /> • be in e�Ct.I�lrs�n'31 aooep.u�e aad re�a th�ee paymeuts a� a 1os4 re,vave in liai af mact�e�nca I.ms rr�ve
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