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<br /> 1Y�U61 HER w[�H .t! tho iraprov«ueats Wow or acscal�ici eroc�d't�"tDe propeacy. .oa au rssa�us,ap�urt�aaces,au� -
<br /> fixtures now ot henaflet a p�tt of tbe�xopeity.AU rcpl�xauau and atididon,s t�tU also bo covered Dy this Socu�it,y InWUroeaL
<br /> All af thc fc�rcQalt�is rcfared w in Ihlc Security Ipstrtuncnt�w tlso"PropertY•'
<br /> BORROWER 41DVFNANI'S Uut Borrowet is l�wfuUy sclsai of�hc cttue httrby canvc,}od and ts�s ttsc ri�ht tn araat and
<br /> oanvey tAcc Yro{xrsy uu1�iwt t9�c Property is una�cumbe�oci,ezcegt for cacumbrmors of recocd. Barrawer wanaats�nd will L
<br /> dder�d gcr.craUy t2se tiUe w tha Prapa�ty�W eL�ktw�u10o�ds,saDja�ct i�wey cu��of raa��. =
<br /> THTS S�CiJRI7Y INS7'RU1�ff.,D11'oombiae9 unifcxm wvcnaats far amior�a!use�nd aon•uaiforaa covuuats witA Wuilod -
<br /> ri-i:�a�'LS by ju."'"�wii.i'k�ia calSi:iui�a u�Ii'a�-t�l s�:i7iiiy iilii,su�la73 covesi�real�y. -
<br /> UN[PORM CQVfiNAIV'I'S.$OfrowCt�Dd L.CddCt COVCtiAtll uld�gcCC aS fO1bWS:
<br /> 1.PUr�a�t o�Pti�el�ptl ud Iaterest:PreP�Yaest�nd Late C4r�a. Scxmwer sbaU F�P�Y P�Y wl�en due Ufe _
<br />. priacipnl oi aod iaturst oa tho debt evideocod by�ha Nota aad 4nY P�PwYmr�u aad late chsrg�s due unda�tlse Note.
<br /> 2.��tor'i'aus�sd I�wra�oa Subjoct �n applicabb taw ct to a wriuw waivor by I.end�r.Bomower�all pay fo
<br /> I.endes oa tAe d�Y�Y P�Y�ents aro due utxkr tLc 1YtKO.unW tbe Notr is p�tid in full.�suaa("Fuads")for:(�)ycarly n�ces
<br />, aod�wliich m�y�tt�in priocity over t6is Socutity Ltsaummi aa a lim on tbe PropatY:@)Y�1Y�P�Y�
<br />- or g�rouad caus oa tbe Ptnperty.J aay:(c)Y�Y a�a P�P�Y��r"""'----""=:(d)YudY flood i�,tvr�noe pc�ea�uns.if
<br /> �►Y�(�)Y�Y�B�Ce Liwcwoe p�aaiunu,if aay:aad(fj�nY �P�Y�Dy Bacrower w LaK1er,iu aoeucd�nce witl�tbe
<br /> Pro��+�►� �P��Vc�"� & ia liw oi tlk�P�Ya�t oi u�axBa�e iasuisa�:pr�oir•••Q 'l�ese items are called "Fscrow I1ems."
<br /> La�der�aay.�t�oy time,oolioct aad hoid Fuads ia�a amouat aot to ex000d tbe maximum aaeoaat a kackr for a faderally ielaied _
<br /> mat�age baa way requime for Bamwtr's e9cmw a000uat uader tbe fedaal Ral Ess�le Sdtlrmcat Pmoeduns Act af 1974 aa
<br /> �eoa�ded fmm dwe 10 time,12 U.S.C.Seaion 2601 et se4• ('RESPA"),unless aoother law that appiies to tLe F1�odi sds a lesser
<br /> rnouot.U�o,Laxler may� at aaY ri�oe.colloct sad 6aW Flinds ia sa �nouot oat Co eaoeed tlie ksser anwunt.Leader mny
<br /> estiau�e tbe arnouat of Fuads due oa tbo basis of cuewt data s�od cea�oaable es�ca�oF expeadiau+es oi fum[a fisaow I1mns er
<br /> othanv�e io axaMaoa wride applicable 1aw.
<br /> 'fbe��hall be 6eid ia aa u►stitutioa w+liose deposita are i�swrod bY z faderal aBeacY.ic�ru�lity►.or eaLiry(includia8
<br /> I.wder.if t.eader is s�,cb m instia�noa)or iA�ay roaaal Home l.o.n a�oit.Leadar shau appt�r me r�ods a p.y a�e Fisa�oM
<br /> Ieems.l�m�yy aot cf�e Bamwrr fur boWing aad�ppiyiag the F�1u�.aaawllY�YmB tbe asaow acoouo�a vuifyia�
<br /> a�e�•i�s.�akxs l,mdrr pays s«mwer iataesc aa ti�e FLuds aua apQiicaNe mw pamits Leader to m�ice sucb a cL�rge.
<br /> Howe,vsr.I�eader may roquire Ba�rowtr a pay�oae•dwo ch�e far a4 iade�axla�t real esn�e nx reponio��avioe u�ed by
<br /> L�rnder in oomectioa�►mL this bw.�applica6b l�t�+ptovides ad�nvi�Uak�s w�reemmt u mtde ar appiicabie 4�v
<br /> requires io�a+ut a be psid,L�enda sl�ll aoc be requirod a p+y Baxo.+�er aay iataest ar emiags oo @,e F�ads.Ban+ewer aod
<br /> I.eader mty�ree io rvriting,boMevet,tlut�terzst shall bc poid oa tbe Futa:�l.,mrkt tball�re to Bo�ro�var,witbout chtr�e,ao
<br /> �na�aocawiqg of tbe Iau�ds.sla�vw8 crodits�od dcbita w tl�a F�uids aod tbe purpoee far wl�icL eacb dobit 10 tbe F'�uods�+n
<br /> aiade.'11re F1mdt ae+e pledged as ad�itiomi socvrity far ail awns sa�red by tbls Secuciry Inmummt
<br /> If tbe F uada 6e]d by I.eader excaed tbe amounts pesmittad l0 6c b�3d by app�icable h�r,i.eader sh�ll a000�nt b Aonnwer far
<br /> tLa e:cea Fund�in aooa�cd��ce aith tbe cequirements of�licabie lav.If tbe a�oo�ait of tbe Fucci's held by Laxbar at aoy time b
<br /> na wfficieot a pay da Fsuro.v Iie�Mbea d�e,l.eider may�o ootify Ba�ru�rer's��rritmg,�od,in wch a�a Bano�rer sh�II pry
<br /> �r► T wrbr H�w r�r��w�e� ��w.tn �„�..., ��^'J.�:..� 'u.�:..s."'fj 2w� ""�j as'i� w ioyio'`i'�t iw2i�
<br /> IDOOi�y�tmEO�i.it Td�f�.T'S 901C�LbOfl. -
<br /> u1�Po7��+fu01 ot aii sutns socurod'oY tms SaaustY tact�um�t.Lmc�:v sl'�all peumptiy refi�od b Boero�re�t�y F1�ds
<br /> 6e1d by isnder.If,uoda�r p�gr�6 21.L�er shall wquce ar selt t8�A+c�ty,I.todec,Prior W d�e ac,quisitiao at saic aE ift�
<br /> �,�� any Fnnd�h]d by i,eader at tbe timeme of acquisitioo ac ale ss a c�rdit�tbe sums�e�c�d trY�8is
<br /> 3.App`cstio�d Pa�ab. Uakss aPP���P�'o���,s11 p�}��aeats naived by Lsadtr�er paa�grr�pbs
<br /> l aad 2 s�a11 be s�ppiial: fast.b anY P'�WY���cs d�e�nder tbe IVok:soca�d,�o�muott P�Y��P��h 2:
<br /> d�b a�d�:fouah,w piocip�!d�;aod l�st,to aoy late charges due uniia d�e Nooe.
<br /> 1.c�ar�es;t.ie� Ban+ower sh�lt par aU�a. �mts,ch�es.fines aad impositioa4�t�bie a mo rc+ope�cy
<br /> w6icb ao�y aq�in priority over this S�raY Insaumeat.aod fea9el�o�d P�Ymmtt ar g�auid reots.if iny.Barro�+a s6�11 pay tAwe
<br /> ob�iQatioes io d�e�provlded'm prapsiph 2,or iE aot paid in�t n�aav,BaROwer tLdl p�y tbem ao time�r b tbe
<br /> paaoo mirod p4ymeat. Barowa sln11 perxnptty fumisL w I.erid�er all nodces of amaiots w be peid�u�der thit p�gt�pb. If
<br />, Ban�ower makes tf�ese P�Y�m�Y.Bomowti s�ll promptiy fia�aish to I.erd�raxipts evideacin8�P�Y�
<br /> BamMru sivll P�'�P�Y�Se aay liea wLich has prio�ity cver tbis Soc�ity Iasavma�t uNess Banower.(�a�+ees m
<br /> . Mri�ug to the PoYmeat of tbe obligatioa aecurod by dso liea ia a nsaoaer aocept�b3e to l,eader;(b)000test�io good f�L tbe liea
<br /> bY, or det'e,od� agaiost enforoemmt oF tbe liea in, legal ProceedinQs w6icb � tbe I,eader's oQinion eQaale 10 ptiveoi dre
<br /> aof�a�t of tbe liea;a(c)socures fmm We hokler of ttse tka an agreemwt sa6sfac�o�y to I.eoder
<br /> �$�inafn.n,.nt jf I.C�Ci dG�10lS thil�i1 ��IC 1jla' �
<br /> Ltectrrnn��t y�����fS�JOC[f0��W�S�Cb IIliy►i[nli�RIQIIy OYll 1�!
<br /> Sa�ritY ..I.ea�kr may give Bacrower a ooti�e idcatifying t6e liea.Bamw�er�ail satidy t6e lim a nte aoe or moe�e
<br /> of dre actioos set fatb above wit6io 10 days of tbe�ivinr of no6ce.
<br /> Fw.ao=t s�no
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