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<br />�. .y.,� �z without
<br />� k } ��; 17. �1'r:�n;fcr v€tf�e i'rc�pert.c�>r n I�ee:efscial lii rrest�n FYorro:�'er.if alt or any part of the Property or any i�iteres[ �n it �
<br /> .���it s���'�u f< ,old nr var:s�cr�ed(�'��f a�neticial inter:st in Botto�ver is sold or transferted ar.d Qorrower is not a natural Qerson)
<br /> �*�'����``��.? 1 ur.lcr's ��ri�r written con�c:�t, I.e��:?cr may, at its option, require immediate oayrticnt in fuli o( ali sums cecured by [his
<br />� h�� `�`'s� S«it;it�� [nttrun�ent. F{owc��cr,tiiis opeion shall net be,exercised by Ler,der if eztrcise is prot�ibited by fecieral 1•�w as of:he date �
<br /> v� � Y+ oC th�s Sccunty Instrumcnt.
<br /> + tE i,entler exercise5 this e�phon. LenSer tY�all gi�'e Barrower no:i:e of acceleration. 'Ilie notice s1�211 pro��ide a peric�of not ,
<br /> !C�ti LhSn 30 d;1y� fro�l� ltie [S3te th� t:ult�e i� Uallvcrel br mailecl wititin ^++h:ch 6E�rYO'+v.-r mu�st p�y �li sums cecured by ti�i4 �
<br /> ^ Sc ity inctrumen�. [C Borroker fails to pa}'these sums prier to d�e expiration of this peri�cl.Lender mav invoke any remedies
<br /> - " �"' Fermit!ed b}�ihic Security Irstrument without iurther notice or demand on Borrowe:.
<br /> << iS. Uorroti�'er's Ri�ht ir? Resnslate. I� 8ortou�er mcets cettair, corditions, Bo�ro•�ver shall have ci;e ri�ht to ha�e
<br />� t enfc�t�err.ent of !ins Security tn;trument discontinued ai an�� time p:ior to the ear!ier oL• �al 5 days (or such other period as
<br />� �> ti'�. �p�;,;c;,Lle law :nay specify for rei�statemene) before sale of the Propern• pursuant to any pewer of"sale contained in this
<br />� �ec��r'�ty lnstrument;o�1b;ent*��c�f a judgmen!enforcing[his�ecurity Instrument.Those conditions are that�o:rower: (a)pays
<br />� Len:;cr afl sums �tihich tl;;n woulc be due uader this Security Instrum�r.t and the No!e as if no acceleration had occurred; (b)
<br /> z. �res ar.� r.�^L•:ul! ef any other co:.•^ants or a�reemen[s; (c) pa}'s a!i ezpentes incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> ` ;�;din�, nat n��t li�r.iced o, ,eacor.abie atto:neys' fees; and (d� cak�s such .ctiun as Le:ider may reasonably require to as.ure
<br /> � ,. ,,, , t�,�;;en o;this Securi!}• Tr,�t:un:�nt. L,ender's rights in the Propeny and Sorrowe:'s obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> 4- tr s �;:cur:t}' In�trument st:all ec�ntinue unchar.ged. Upar. reinstatemer,t by Borrower, this Secunty Instru�r:ent and the
<br /> E � h' �h;�garic�s tecu:ed hereby shall retrain ;uily cffective as if ne acceierscior_;tad occurreci. However, this right to reinstate shall
<br /> `,� rct appl} in the case oi ecccle:aticn un,'',er para�raoh 17.
<br />� ;r;, c��� �; ;vote, �=hange o[ Lo..n Sen�ice*. The Note or a parti�J inrerest in the Nete (to�ether with thi� Security
<br />�" i^s;niment)may be sold one or more rmes-.vithout prior rotice to Borrov:er. A sale ma}�resu�t in a change in ihe en�ity(known
<br />�� � + � {
<br /> � ;.�; �;s,h� "Loar.Sen�icer°)that col!e�ts monthiy payrner.es uue undec the Note anrj this Securi[y instrument. There also may be one
<br /> � : or more chan�e,of the Loan Servicer unrelated:o a sale�F th�Note. If tnere is a chan3e c�f the Lean Servicer, SOITO'NC:WIII bC
<br />�� s�i�c�•:�ritten notice of the cham:c ir accordance v:ith oaracraEh i4 abo�•e and applicable law.Thc notice wi(!state tfie name and
<br /> s� ,Y riddre�s «`rhe neµ� T.oan Servicer and the address tu wfiicn payments shou:d be made. i�he not:ce will also contain ar,y other
<br />� i::iorn.�tio�requircd by applicabl�law.
<br />�` 2S). 3iazardous �ubstanccs. Borro�ti�er �ha!! r,ot caLSe or r..rmit the presence, use, disposat, stonee, ar relcase of any
<br />� . nor allow anyone else ro do, anythin2 affecting the
<br /> r � , �r.a�dnus Sub�:arces �n or in the Pmperty. Borrmvrr shall not do.
<br /> :.ot,�rrt, that is ir �iolatio� ef am• Environmental L�ew. The prececlin� h�•o sentences shalz not .pply ta the presence, use, cr
<br /> z sto a��e on the Pro�ert}� of sma':I quantities of Hazardous Substances that are ge�erally �ecog!�izcd to be appropriate to r.ormai
<br /> �: residential uses a�d eo maintenance of iL•e Prcpert}�.
<br /> "� y �` � � ;,. E3orr��wer shall prompt�y �:ve I.ender �vritten nuti;e ot<.ny im�e�tigation, clzim, de��:and, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> ^o�ernm:r.tal or regularory agenc}'or private p:�*:.v im'olving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Env:ronmental Law
<br />� t, _': ��f w},ic}� Rorro}�'cr has acluai kno�iled�r. ;i 3cirrower icams, or is notitied by any� go�'crnm�nta! or regularory authority, that
<br /> *='- c;�;v remo�a(or other remediatian�'�:+n} f3aza.-dous Substance affecting the Propert}• is ner:ss�r}', Borrower chall yromptfy take
<br /> ` � r " '�"� ��I ,iecessary remedizl actions i�i accordance with Em•ironmental I.a��•.
<br /> 7 x rx
<br /> :hs used in rhis Para<zrar;+ 20, "Haz;�rdous SuS�tances" are those SuhS:ances de.fined as roxic or harsrdous subctances y
<br /> '' `'``"� Emirc��mental La�i� ar,d t`�e foilowing substan::es gaaolir.c. keresene, othe, ilammable or tox.+c petroleum prcxiucts, toxic
<br /> � nc�ticides ard herbicides,tiolatil�solvents, n:aterials containing asbestos or forma{d•�hyde,and radioactive materials. As used in
<br /> ` 'I ,j thi; para�raph 2Q. "En�ironmenta� La�" me�ns `:'ederai la•.4•s and laws uf the juriseiicdon where the Pzoperty is !ocaied that
<br /> �j� relate to health, safety or errvironmentai pro:ectio�.
<br /> '- � `- ' '�O'�-U�IFOR'�[COVF_*d/'.NTS. Borro«�er and Lendec(urther covenant and agree as follov:c
<br /> � ., , ;� 21. �Scceieratior+; RFmedics. Len�3er shali t he notice to Rorro�ver prior to acccleration follow0n�BorroHer's breach
<br />� _ ;,;,; v!' ai�r corer.anl or agrenment in this Seceritv Ittstn�mAnt (but noi prior to acceferateon e�nder parugraph 17 unless
<br /> .� rir• �'':`�= a��plicab{e law prmides atiierF�ise). Thc nol�ce shail spec'sP}: (s} tFe default; (b) the acfion required .o cure the default;
<br /> ;�;; (c? :: da?e, :zo: ies�!han 30 da�s from the date the natice is gicen to Barrower. by �Fhich the defaul;mast be cured; and
<br /> (c!) tiiat f.�il�re t:� cuae the ciefauit on �r bcfore the datc specilied in f.he 7otice ma�' resul; in �cceleration of the sur.zs
<br /> °'-` scci�red i�� this Secu;�itc instru�r�en! and �ale oE'the Pro��ertv. The netice shall further inform �3o�ruzrcr of the ri�fit to
<br /> ��.��� rcinslate 3f!cr acr�!��rat:iin and thc rigiat to brin� �i court acl;on ,o assert the non-exisier�c: of a default �r a�y othcr
<br /> deF+�,ise of Eorr;»�er to acceieratior� a�id sal^. If tl�e default is not cured ort or tiefore the date specified in the noUCC.
<br /> I,c�tcler, at i±� r�pti,�n, mac reyuire immediate pa}ment in fuli rz:'a!t sums secu=2d b�� this �ecurity Instrument �sithout
<br /> t :�t�s'ttier ciei��<t�iti ;�nd ma�� iri�oi:e t;e° po�ser of sale and am o:her remedies �ermitted 'u� applicable la�r. d.encler shail he
<br /> - crt+tled to cnllect atl�s�e�zses incur*ed i�pursuing ihe rerteediec prm�ided ir�his paragraph 2l,inclu:'fi:�g,���t not iimited
<br /> t�, rezisonable altorne}•s' fees and costs�f titie e�•idence.
<br /> ' Ii the poF�es o� sale is in�okeci. TnsteQ shali record a notice ni�efault in each cnunty in which any part of tiie
<br /> ;,r a Pro}�er'.} iti lecaled antl shat? mai! co,�ic�uf st:ch nofice in tf�e manner pr�cribed by apFlicable law• to Sarcower anci to
<br /> tize otiier pers�ris orescrit�cc!�} applicahfe!a«�. AEfer 2he time required b�•spplicat�ie lavr•,Trastee shatl�ive public n��ticc
<br /> o�sale to the per�o�i�and 'sn thc nanner pre�cribed fi��� a�plicablc la�s•. Trus!ee, «ithout demand on I3orro�ser, st�all seil
<br /> fhe Pr����erts� at public auct���i� to tne hi�hest bidder at the!i�r:e�:i�place attd�ncler the terniz designaEed isz the notice of
<br /> :�,.;:':k �;aif� in n�ie or m�re parccls and in an� o:der�ru�:tec determines. '1'rustee ma�� posti.one sale of a91 ��r an}• (�arcel of!he
<br /> °_t��`^ �Trn;�ertd� b�� �n.b:ic an��ns�nreiv�ent at et:e Yi�rEe a���i place of anv pre��iousi�� schecluEed s�le. Lender ar its designee ►uay�
<br /> '�
<br /> �-:;; �,z�rc'::se 41�c�1'ropert}�at�nv saEe.
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