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<br /> f���'��� 1•�Tic,its n,a}" ',',f°�'�°���ided by an insure�r app�����r��ag�n becomes ava lable and,istobta ned.�rBorrower shallrpay
<br /> ��' P�5
<br /> �w'�s��, -� th,t .:.ndcr recti ) p .
<br /> ttle prcmium�rcyuircd to maintain mertgage insurance in effect,or to p.o�'ide a iess reserve,untit the reqairement or morigage
<br /> insurance cnds in a.^cord�ince wi:h an}' �4•ritren a�recment between Borrower and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> � ' y, �1D4KYU�111. L.Cntir.e Ur lc. ugent m.�y maicar reasonable ent;ies u�n and in�pections of the Property• '.-ender shall give
<br /> ��'~�'�"��� Sorre«�er notice at the timc�f nr prior to art inspectic�r,s�ci`ying rcasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> t ��>��t'��"�
<br /> �4
<br /> �' �'�; ,r�' 10. Conde�s»:ation. Tlie proceedc of any ��•�rti or ciain• �o; dams�e�. direct or consequential, in connection w�t any
<br /> ��� 3�' �: condcmnntian or other tuking of any na*t oi the Propert�, or for com•e}ance in]ieu of condemnatior., are hemby assigned and
<br /> �'° � ", sl,ail be paid to Lende;.
<br /> y .,ya.n.<� .,, � .
<br /> �����,�, r In ehc evcnt oC a t�tal taking o� the ProPert�. the proceeds shali be appli�d to the sums secured by this Security Instrument,
<br /> �; '�`=� �tihcthcr or not then due, wich any excess Paid to Borrewer. In the event of�partial takin� ef the f'roperty in which the fair
<br /> �''-�,'�,�y�..;r
<br /> � : � �narY,ct ��alue o([he Property immediately before the taking is equat ro or greatcr than the amcant of the sums secured by this
<br /> �'� Sccurity (nstrument immediatel}'before the takin<�:, unless c�rrower and L.ender othenvise agree in wcitinF, the sums secured by
<br /> `,���rx�=�
<br /> ��� �
<br /> �y�.��� tins Sccurit�� Instrumcnt shali bc rcduce�l by the amount of ihe proceeds m�1��P�r�market��value of the °jroperty immediately
<br /> ��y�=F'��., nmour.t of the sums secured imm.d:a:ely before the taking, divided by (b)
<br /> �^�-��,��-a before the ta.l•ine. Am• b:iance shali be paid to Bon�wer. In the even[ of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> ��a� .t:,
<br /> '�`' `�,�� °' �tiarket��aluc oF the°ropercy immediately before ehe takin� is fess than the amount of the s.ns secured immediately befor�t e
<br /> .���,, � �
<br /> �y�,,, '� t��:ine, unlr.�s ;?orrower and Lender otherwise agree in writir.o or unless aoplicahfe�a�,v ��:nct-wise pr��•ides, the proceeds s�al
<br /> �'` °, :? r,c a�p;ied t��the sinns secured by this Security Ir.s:rument whether or r:ot the sums are lhen di:e.
<br /> �` '�;: � i[t`tc Fr��r°rty is abaador.ed by Borro��•er, or if, after no!ice by Lender ro Borro�.cr tna�the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> ��° �j � a�,+�zr�i or sett!e a claim for damages. Borrow°r fails ro respond to Lender within 3�J days after the date the notice is b��on.
<br /> � # ,.,` '';j Lendet i�ai�thorized to eoil�ct and z�ply the�rocecds, ac its optio�, either to res!oration or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> �`=� ;;~ secured b` this Se:v�it;�3n�trumrnt,whet'r,er or not thcn due. Q l�cation aC roceeds to principal snall not excend or
<br /> � � �" IJ.ilc,` ?.c^der and 3orro�ver othenvis� a2ree in •,��rit:n�, any app� P�
<br /> � ,ost�on�the d,ie date of th�monthly paymen;s reterre:'.ro in para�;arhs 1 �r.d Z ar change the amr+unt of such payments.
<br /> � 11 23or;o«er tiot Relea�'eJ; Forbearance 3ti•?,ender Not z d�'eiv�r• Exrension of the time for payment or modificatien
<br /> o!�amort,z�±i:�r of the sums secured by tnis Sccurity I�s,rument�rantcd by i_ender to any succe�sar in intcr:st of P,orrower shall
<br /> not oncr:ue to release the iiahility�of the eriginal Sorrower or Borrower's cuccessors in mterest. Ler.cier s�7all not hc required to
<br /> ,� co�i�inencc ernceedin�s against any successor in interest or refusc to eztend time for payment nr otherwise modify amortization
<br /> �f �i e �:!r�;� secureJ !;y this �ecurty Instn�ment by reason of any dernand made by rne original Fs.:rrower or B(1frOw'C[ S
<br /> ,,�cc;;ors in interc;t. Ary forb�arance by ifnder in exercising ary right or remedy shaii not be a waive; of or przc!ud? the
<br /> � e'e!ru�•o`an}�ri�ht er rcmcti,�.
<br /> - �'.. Sncce,ears nnd A�si�nti �3ound; Jeint anrt Several Liabilitr; Co-si�ners. The c^ver.ants and agreements of this
<br /> 5��� ,, Ii�ctn.ime�t sha11 bind zru benefit the successors ar.d ��,i_^_ns of Itindcr and Gorrc�wer, subject ro the provisions of
<br /> p�:r��_rn�'; 1; Borro.,�e;•� covenants a�d aRreements shul? 6e joint and se:�eraL Any Earro«�er Nlio co-s:gns this Security
<br /> - ?�� r�ment bui dces ru�t execute the Note: (a) is co-signin� t':is Sect:ri?y Tn;trument enly !o mortgage, grant and convey tnat
<br /> � - Hnr.o.�er'� in'e'es' �n d;e Y-cperty under ti��terir.;^f this Securit�� I�strument; (bl is not pereor.ally obligateca to pay the sums
<br /> � s�ccrcd hv rhis�ecurit� Ir:s:n�menC ar.d(c)agrees that Ler.der and any other Bo*rower may agree to eztend, mociify, forbear or
<br /> ri;:.-:e a,n'acmr.;�nod�.tions x:th regar�+!e thc ter?ns ef inis S�wri:y I�strument or the Note u'ithout tl;at Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13. E.oar. �L har�cs. If tne ican s�cured by this Security Instrumenr is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> and that la�v is tinally interpreted so tha! the interest or other ioan charges coltectec3 or to be collected in connection with the
<br /> Io�n °xcec� tf;e �ermit:ed �imits, tren: (a) any such ?oar�cha�ge shail b� reduced b�� the amount necetisary ro reduce the charge
<br /> to ttic permi�ted limit: ard (o) ::m� sums alread}• coilected from Borro�ver which ex.ceeded permitted limi[s will be ref�nded to
<br /> f 3errnv.�r. Lender m3y choose to eiake :his r�furrd by reducing ihe pri�cipa! owed under the Note or by makin� a direct
<br /> � ' j�;i�;menc eo ;3orro��•cr. If a refund red�ces principal, the reduction Nill oe Veated as a partial prepayment without any
<br /> ��`' a prena}�r.�ent charge under tiie vote. � .
<br /> � l�i. t�atices. Ar.� notice tn Bor,ower provid?d for�n this Security Tnstrunient shalf be eiven b} deiivenng it or by mailing
<br /> � it bv first class ��eil un!cse applicab'�law requiies usc of snother metL-ec. Ti,e r.otice�hal! te directed ro the Property Address
<br /> er :nv other ac:�ress Bo:ro«•er designates b� no;ice ro Lender. Anp n�!ice to Lender chall be given Sy frst class mail to
<br /> ` Le,�der's addre,s s:ated herein er any o[t:er addt-e�; Lender designates ��� r��:ice to ?�orro:ver. Any notice provided for in Ihis
<br /> ` �` Seci;ri.,:II�SIRiR1C!7($Ilali bc ceemed to have been given to Borrower or Lcn�sir when Zr,iven as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> ., � �''; P.S. Couce-nin� La��; Severability. This SecLrity Instrumen: shal� `•s �overned b}' fedetal law and the law of the
<br /> '� .;„�u ; }uri�.c:ict:on in ��t:irh tlie Pro�erty is lecated. tn the event t}�at any provisi�•, ��r clrusr of tiiis Securiry Instrument or the Note
<br /> � t �;p
<br /> � ��-��7;;�,t,.�,;h applic�bl�;a«�. such cenflict sha!I not affect ather pco��isicns e� P�is:ecuri!y Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> �, c,'�� ��i�era ef(�ct «'ithout the conflictirtig pro�'�.s�o.i. To this end She provisier.s of�i�as Sr�uriry Instrument and the IVote are dec{ared
<br /> ��= - � ; ro b��everabie.
<br /> �,�- , � :G. t>orrc��ser's C:op�.Borro«cr shall�e gi•.en cne conform�d cop�•^f ti�e Nnte and o�this Security Instrument.
<br /> -�,
<br /> Form 3028 9150
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