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<br />�.f�;�� _ LirK�a �c°ipt ni pa�m2nt of tha price bid, T'rustee skalf deli�•er to the p�rchaser Tntstee's deed conveying the _
<br />� �� i'ropert:. 'the rc�ci2ais in the Trustee's deed shall tx prirna Cacie etiidence of the truth o(the statements made therein. .
<br /> "£rus,sr�ba,i ap;�l� t}ie�rc�czeds of the s3fe ir�t�e fUiloqa�in�order: (a) to all costs and expenscs of exercising ihe power of
<br />� ` _ �;:ifc, and if��Sa:e.includir.�!he pa��ment af the Trustee's fees acivaily incurred,not to excecd 5.00 �'M
<br />��t`:f':� ��£tii� ,ri�ci�:ai amount a€the�iate ai the time of ihe declaration nf detault,and reasonabie attorneys' fees as permittc�l
<br />�_ ;;t la�,�; (f�1 to:aii sums�ecured b� this Sacurity Instrtxment; and (c)an��ex�ess to the persun ar persons 1e�ally entitled t�
<br /> ii.
<br />� -�� ��. kecon�'�•y<ince. lipon pa}mer,t o; all sums secu:ed bv tiiis Securi,y InstrumenE. Lender shall request Trustee. to
<br />�' '� :ec�nve�� the Property a�d shall surrer,der tliie Security Instrume�t ai:.; al! notes evidencin� debt secured by this Szcurity
<br /> t�''°�_ ' !n�.!r:men!to Tru�tec. Trustee shaii ,-econvey�the P:operty�.vithout w�arranty and without charge to the�rson or persons legally
<br />�„f _;i::;icc' to �!. auch person or};ersons sl�al!pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 2z. �;�'zcf;tute Tnisfee. Le:der, at its optivn. mav from time to time rernove Trustce and ap�int a succc:ssor trustce ta
<br /> ����.T�us�cc.ppoint�d hereunder t.y� an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security?nstrument is recorded. Witho�t
<br />� cume}ance of tl�e °rope:t}. the saccessor wstee snali succ°ed to aIl the tide, paw�er and duties con(e:red upon Trustee herein
<br />� �� ;:nd by aap(icable!av:.
<br />�,'� r 24. iZequest fr�r "retic��. Borrcwer requests that cooies of the notices ef default and sale be sent tc Borrower's :�ddress
<br /> r �- v,hich �s ti�c Prorer!y A.'.c�ress.
<br /> , ��. P.iders io tiiis Sccurit�� dnstr�ment. ti or,e or^�ore rider� a;e execu:ed b� Borrower and recordcd together with this
<br />� e.i:;�?,; ?r�!:Jrncnt, ?he co�.narts and zcreerrent:of e2ch cuch ri�fer shall he ince�pordted into ard ehaii amenu and supplemen[
<br /> ..�co�enaat,:;id:��r�ements o`ihis Security Ir.s!:ument as i:`the rid:r(sj:��ere a paR ef this Secu�i,y Instn:mer.t.
<br /> r � �_cic apj,Gc�ble @ox(es);
<br /> 4 �
<br />� " �A ai�,.��ic Rate Rider �Condominium Rider _ t-.' Family R�dcr
<br />�,� _-_ � ;�:�,�i.:u.itc� P:i}�mcnt f:ider L�Plnnned Unit Deve!opment Rider : ,_�Bi�•,��.� !}• �ayment 1?.ider
<br /> ) �3 f'iocr� Riiler �R�te Improvcr:zent Rider �Secund .��nmc Rider
<br /> __! �'.A. I'vder !,_,�Other(s) (snecifci
<br /> Bl' ;IC�NfNG I3EL0��'. L�orrc�•,��er accep:s and agre�s zo t ie tf•rm�ard co��erar�ts containcd in this Secarity Ir.strument and
<br />� ..�;;rn rid�r1s)e,ecu:ed by Br�,rov:er a;id recorded���iih it. �
<br /> - �l;tnessc�: ____r��J.�
<br />£ � /'�� _(Seal)
<br /> i R �FL A CAt�iF I=LD 1f -Bormwcr
<br /> -- r� ,� ,��� r / �� �
<br /> - J�W t�._f�' _ (l' _(Seai)
<br /> '/� CANF i� -Bonnwer
<br /> --------- Y �j
<br /> E
<br /> (Seai) (Sea!)
<br /> � -Borrn�+er -&�r.ower
<br /> t S'D��+:"I'[;(JF;tif�;i3i2ASF:��, Counts•s.s: HALL
<br /> ,� Thc forc�oine :nstrument was�cknowled�ed befere me this 25TH day of OCTOBER .1 996 .
<br />� . `::itne�s niy hand aiid �otarial seai at in iu nty,the date a;oresaid.
<br /> ;ti GRA"iD ISLAND, NE8RrA�KA�j � �
<br />> f.�
<br />�
<br /> !v1y Cammistii�n Expires: �'Y'�'�
<br />� �'� r2otary Pubiic �
<br /> z,�,`x,..:x_a
<br />�- , -. SGSI't2 7�0 br3�yrJ�Y! .•-
<br /> `�'�- HISOHYf'f OaVM03��
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<br /> r,,,e o�e Form 3023 9/90
<br /> F ? ',' :
<br /> 4 �F
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