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i��'� .i� . ` r�n.T wf. .� '�'� I�I �`� ��.. .. . Lf..��.ry.( _. lu'IIl�7H7:Ill�v': <br /> �jrj � ' �A __ <br /> "f�t "-`�. ..s,-'-sCt".:.:I�e�_.�_�-:.. .,...:`+Sf!`^.W..._-_-- <br /> —_ . <br /> — --- --- —��_ —o„�,�„ - ------- — - <br /> ���:_... .�--��..�... ._. _.. ��.. ' -- - ' ' --— - <br />----'—�:� ,-_.�."_�a�_ .--._ _ ... -- . _ . <br /> _e __' _ _- --"T.-..---'�—_._ . ' _ <br />.. I '• . �R� "•.4 ��f �t��._ ..�_ —___ <br /> � �.�� .,,�! fi.1s � :�� .-.: <br /> ". 'ul r��.�... . ' .� V f�- iQ�S9�1 <br /> � <br />- condemnation or ah�r tpking of�ny purt of the Prapcny,ur t ur conveywxc in licu uf corulentn+uion,um hcreby wxigned und <br /> � ri�►II be paW ta Lende�. <br /> In the event of u taol taking of�hc Pmpeny, the praceedx rhall be upplied �o thc rum� sccured by Ihix Security <br /> Instn�ment,whether or na Ihcn due,with uny excesy puid la Barmwe�. In ihe event ai'u{whiul �aking of�he Piropcny in <br /> which the fair murket vnlue of 1hc Pmpeny immedia�ely befbre�hc�aking is eyuul to or gmaicr ihun thc umount of�he sumx <br /> _ secured by this Securiry InKtrument immcdiutcly before thc taking, unlews Bormwer wKl l.rndcr uthervvi+a:ugrce in writing, <br />• the sumx secured by this Secu�lty Instrument shall he rcduced by �he umount uf the pr�eccl.r•multiplied by the fbllowing <br /> ' �'"` fiztetinn: (a)Ihe lotal emount of Ihe xumq secured immodialely before the tal:ing,divided by(h1 the Puir murket vuluc oi�he r <br />,;,;� Property immediutely before the taking. Any hulunce shall t�puid to Borrower. In �he cvent oi'u purtial toking of thc <br /> Propeny in which the fair markct valuc of the Propeny immcdiately befare�he tuking in Ics��hun the umount of the sumti __ <br /> secured immediotely before �he wkmg,unlesx Bormwer und Lcnder aherwise agree in wriling or unless applicuble Inw <br /> — atherwfse pravides,the proceedx shall be applied to Ihe sums secured by�his Securily Inslniment whethrr ur not the sumr sue <br /> — � -...� lhen due. <br /> � �_�_ If the Properry is abandoned by Bormwer,or if,after ndice by Lender ta BoROwcr that thc candemnor offcrs to muke <br /> � �--c�-*� un Award or settle a claim for dumUge�,Rorrowcr failx to rcspond to Lrnder within 30 duyx al'ter the dute the natice is given, <br /> Lender is nuthorized to collect ond apply the ptnceed�,at itti oplion,either to r+estora�ion or repair of�he Property ar to�he <br /> '��"'"�'�`� sums secured by thig Secur�ty Ins�rnment,whether ar not�hen due. <br /> �u�� Unless Lender und Borrower mhenvise ugire in writing, uny upplicatian of procceds ro principal thnll not extend or <br /> — :di ���:�-:' LL poatpone the due dAtc of the mamh ly payments refcrreci a in pnrogr.�phr: I and 2 ur change the umoum of such payments. <br /> s"��°° �' i1. IM��ower Not Rele�rd= Forbearnnce By Lender Nol a Waiver. Ex�ension of thc time for puyment or <br /> �° modifiwtion of umortizutian of 1hc sums secured by this Security Inxirument gronted by Lender to any successor in imerest _ <br /> ` ' ,'� � of Borrower shall na opernte to releage the liubility of the atiginal Borrower ar Borrower: successon in interest. L.ender — <br /> �?�';�`,.--., <br /> �"�w�;�w ,... '•�;:,�' shull nc►t 6e requireci to commeix:e prui:e�Jings against uny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for puyment or __ <br /> ;�;���_��,;:��,�'."�� otherwise modify amonizntion of the�:ums secured by�hiti Security lnytrument by rea�on of uny demund made by the original <br /> Borrower or Borrower's succeswn in interest. Any forbearunce hy l.ender in exercising uny right or remedy shall not be a __ <br />-� � �~..�• •'•� wuiver of or preclude Ihe exercise ot any right or remedy. <br /> •:9�'`"`''�� ���?� 12. Successors and Assiqas Bound;Joint and Several l,lability;Ca�igners. The covenums und ugreements of this � <br /> ��� � Sncuriiy Instrument shall bind und benefit the succesxors and ussigns of Lender nnd Barrower,subject to the provisions of <br /> — ,.� parpgrnph 17. Borrower's covenanth und agreemen4c shall be joint und�everAl. Any Borrower who co-sigm this Security <br /> -- �. �'.` ` Instnunent but dces na execute ihe Note: (u)is crnxigning thiti Security Instrument anly to mortgage,grunt nnd convey that <br /> Borrower?�interest in the Pmpeny under the terms af this Security Intitrument; (b)ix not penonully abligated to pny the sums <br /> � �:.,,,,, necured Uy thi�Security Instrumcnt;und(c)agree�thnt Lendcr und any other Borrower muy ugme to extend,modify.forbear <br /> d,.r�' or make nny uccommodations with reFard to the �erms of�his Securi�y Instrument or the Note wi�hout that B�rrowers <br /> �,�.:....._.� f cansent. — <br /> •.,u1�ai0�::_,,�:i�.�d�__, 13. Loan Charyses. If Ihe loan secured by ihiti Security In�tnimen[ is subjec� to u luw which sets mnximum loan <br /> — '-"-f �:,., charges,nnd thut IAw is finolly interpreted sa�hat the irnereti�oroti�er icwn charges collec�ed cx�o be coilcwtctil iu cu�u�tioti <br /> � ' " with the loan exceed Ihe permilted limi�s,then: lu)any such loan chnrge shull be reduced by the amaunt necessury to reduce <br /> ���'A " the churge ro the permitted IimiC and(b►uny sum�already collected from Bormwer which exceeded pemiitted limit,will be <br /> � R�� refunded to BoROwer, Lender mny ch�wse to makc�hi,mfund hy reducing tha principal owed under Ihe Note or by making u <br /> ": .�'' . :`;�'•". direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces princi�l,the rcduction will be Ire�ted u+u pwtial prepuyment without uny <br /> -;:�_ . prepayment churge under the Nate. — <br />` •��. •„ - 14. ;Rlotices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Imtrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> �" .r.wo,�:� • mailing it by first clusx muil unles�upplicuble luw reyuirc.u�e ot anoiher mcthod.The notice shall be directed to the Proprny <br />'�:I=. � ,�•: Addresx or nny other uddre,r Borrowrr detiirn�+tes by nrnirc to Lcndcr. Any noticc io Lender shall he given by first class <br /> �: <br /> .i, _� mail�o Lender's uddms.+I.+tcd I�ercin or uny ather uJdrex+l.ender detiignuteti by noticc lu Borrowcr. Any notice pmvided for �• <br /> "',C�_, 1 in thia Security Intiwment �hull hc �remed �o huvc hc�n Fivcn �o Borcower or Lendcr whcn given us provided in this <br /> -_ .,.,�,, .. . .,�. purogruph. <br /> �' ,r;d,rri�.::.r..�� ' l5. GoverninA t.�w; Severability. Thi+ Security In.trumcnt .hull Ix govcrncd hy tederul law und thc law of'�he <br /> � �. <br /> � •� juriuliction in which Ihe P�peny is Iocu�eJ. In�hr event thut any provitiion or rluu.c of ihiti Security lnstrument or the Note „, <br />�:� '"'-�� : ,;w� conflicts wilh upplicuble luw,.uch con0ict shull n�w at'tect iithrrpruvi,ion�of�hi,Securi�y Instrument or 1he Notc which can �Y <br /> _ .. � - •1�;.-� be given effect without the conflirting pmvisian. To �his en�ihr pravi.ion.of thi+Security Inrvument and the Note are <br /> _• �' ••• declared to lx�evrrnble. � <br /> _�, �'�` . <br />__—;,. � 16. Borrower s Capy. Barrawrr,ball tx given�xk rc�nfonnrd rupy of�hr No[r and of thi.Securily Imtrument. _ <br /> �., i 17. 'I�anster of the Property or a Benelicial lnterest in Borrower. If ull ur any purl of�he Pro{xny or uny intcrest in , _ <br /> it is sold or trnnsfcrred I��r if u heneticiul in�ere.t in Horri�ucr i+ ,nld or tr;myf�rrcJ:►nd Bormwcr i�not u nuwral penonl �' �" <br />�^,�. ."-,'... ., i withoul Lendcr's rior wriuen conxnl.Lrnder may,at it.�,ptian. rcquire immrd�atr pxyment in full of ull,um�xecurcd by <br />� . . P �_ <br /> — , . i thi+Security ln,ttument. Huwev�r.�hix option shull n�H tx ex�reised by Lcndrr if exercisr�s proh�l►ued by federvl luw as of <br />_� .�"�:� � � the dute of thi�Security Instrumenf. `"' <br /> _::--�; ' ,,�- �- <br /> If Lender cxereiscti�hi,�ipticm.Lend�r xhull giv�8orrower ni�ticr of arcelrralion. Thr m,ticc.hall provide u pericxl of <i <br /> -�'�`�" " not lex.�h�n 30 Jayti from�hc date�hr noiicr i.dclivereJ or mailed��•ithin w•hirh l3ormH•cr mu�t pay►�II+um.ticcureJ by this —_ <br /> -- ' �`` Securit Instrumenl. It'Bormwrr faih lo i• the+r wmti rH�r lo thc r� iration ol thi+ ricxi, l.endcr mny invoke an <br /> - _ .�,,.�. ._ y P�) P P !'r Y <br /> �j -' � �o mmcdic.�xnniucd My�hiti Srcurity In�trumcm w•ithout funhcr natirr��r Jemand un Fiorruncr. ^ <br /> ` 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Itcinslute. II'tiurn�wer nxri+ rcrlain rondition�, Burru��•cr�hall huv� Ihc right io huve � <br /> rnforcrment eil'thi.Seruriry In��rumrnt di,continueJ ai iim��imc pri��r w thr r:ulicr of: Isu 5 day,(ur.uch ulher�xriod a� <br /> �M .. �_� <br /> .� timFlr P.umh ••Fwnnle\1we�Frcddk�fuc t'\IF(IR�f 1\ti'1'Nl'�1F:\7' t'ndonu('u�inanl� 4/90 qa�.pr d„I n p,reru <br /> - . {", <br /> ., �. <br /> ._ t. . <br /> b �.: , <br /> a• . <br /> n <br /> ��,�,._ , „ _ — ._ ... .. � , ' .. . ._ . _. . . .. _. .. -., _ �c: . -' � <br /> s �- � , <br /> , � � <br /> .ij , . <br /> � .. .. u 4� , ' <br /> t � <br /> ' � <br /> � . <br /> � _ _ - — <br />