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<br /> 92—io5�1
<br /> ---- perialx tisst Lender rr,quires. The in�urunce carricr provfding the inswrance shall bc choun by Barower subjec�fl.e��
<br /> _ � upproval which ehaU not be uruea�onubly withheld. IF�omnwer faiis ta ms�ntain coverug�described obovo. �
<br /> ---- Lender'k opion,obtain cover�ge to protxt Lender's dgiNs in theProp�ny in accord�nce with pa�grApl�7.
<br /> -a"4- AU insurance poUciee and rcnewala ahall be accepto►ble �o l.ender���wer ahall promptlygivc to�l.ender a 1 necei�pt�r
<br /> � , Rhpit Fwvc�he righ�ta hold�hv policiea und rcnewolx. Ii�.endc rcYl
<br /> of pafd prcmiums and rcnewul nwicec. In the event of lc��s.Bormwe�shall�ive prompt nutice to the inwrnnce curiar nnd
<br /> -- ��r. (,�ndcr may makc praof oi loss if nat mode promptly by Borrowcr.
<br /> :.. .
<br /> �.. Unlesa Lender and BoROwer nthenvisa ogrce in weiUng.insuranco proceeds e�hall be applted to restors►eion ar rep�ir of
<br /> _.� - ___ - _-
<br /> ;� �heproperty dw�wged, if�he restarption or repair iu cconumicully fensiblc und Lender� securily is na leasened. If e �_
<br /> rcstorotion or repair ia not economiwlly feasible or LenderR�security would be leseenai,lhe insuronce pra�eeds shal� be
<br /> �,�.�,�,r.:�,,,.� upptied to the sumw securcd by this Secu�ily In4trument,whelher ar not Ihen due,with any eacess pald to Bortower. lP -
<br /> — Borrower abandons the ProPortY.or dces not onswer within 30 daya u notice from Lend�r thAt the insunu�ce carrier has
<br /> 1� .+ �he P�a t n ar to clai ums secured by thls Securit hlnarumente whelher or n t then duye u'll�e 3�y period w 11 ibe�in w�hen
<br /> p� Y P�Y
<br /> _ _� the notice is given. lication of xds to rinci ul shall not extend or �
<br /> �f.,., Unles.c Lendcr und Borrower otherwise ugree in wming,unY upp P� P P
<br /> ___ postpone the due dute of the monthly payments�eferrcd lo in purographs 1 and 2 ar chunge 1he umount of tlx payments. If
<br /> ��' ��' -.•� •' under purngraph 21 the Property is ucquired by Lender.Borrower a r�ght to any insurnnce policies and pracceds resulting
<br />-- ,�,�:;;:-- from demage to tUe Propeny prior lo Ihc acquicition chall prws to Lender to the extent of the sums secuied by this Securiry
<br />� ��� Instrument immedintely prior ta the acquiaition.
<br /> — ' ' 6, Occnpancy, Preservation, Mi+lntenance ond Protectlon of the Property; Borrower's I,oan Appl�cs►tion;
<br /> -�;,g.�.� as Bartower's nrtci al residence wid►in sixty daye after
<br /> ,_,�,, , I,eASehoWe. Borrower shall accupy.establish.and use the Property P�Borrower� dnci 1 n:sidence for ut
<br /> .T�c���, „ � ,:�a;":�,� the execution of thia Security Instrument und sholl coneinue to occupy the Propesy P P° �
<br /> ,., , , leuat one yesu uiter the ds�te of uccupancy, unlexs Lender otherwise ngrees in writing. which caisent sf�all nat be
<br /> _—��„� ,aS� ,«:;: -'+�rs; �" unreasonably withheld.or unless extenuating circums�ancea eaist which ore beyond Borrower's conuo l. Borrawer shall not �::_-
<br /> $�.__,•., „ destroy,dumuge or impair the I'ro�scrty,ssllow the PropeAy to deteriorate,or commit wastc on the Propeny. Borrower shall
<br /> ; ��� be in default if any forfeiture uction or praceeding.whether civil or criminal,is begun�hat in Lender's good fAith judgment �v_
<br /> � „'"�`�"�t �' could result in forfeiwre of�he Property or utherwise materinlly impair the lien crented by this Security lasuument or �
<br /> �;� :: °�,� ' • � .
<br /> -�=�'�;:': ��• '• Lender g security interest. Barrower mny cure such u default and reinswte,as provided in paragraph 18,by cuus�ng the action
<br /> - "�*`""�°°��-;"� or proceeding lo be dismisced with a n�ling that,in Lcnder's good faith detertninatian.precludes forfeiture of the Borrower� �.
<br /> � ' intet+est in the Property or other ma�eriul impuirmeM of the lien created by this 5ecurity Inawment or Lender's r,ecurity
<br /> :::r . . ... .
<br /> -�' , {. interest. Barrower shull also be in default if Bortower. during the low� application pracess, gnve mAterially false or _
<br /> � '""' ' '�`� inaccurate informudon or statements to Lender(or fuikd to provide Lender with uny materiul infamadon)in cannectian with
<br /> .�� •
<br /> .,.�;e., the laan evidenced by the Note, including. but not 1 imited ta. representutions concerning Borrower!s octupancy of the �E�.
<br /> �„�;q�,, ,;� � Property as a principal residence. If this Securiry[ns�rument is on u leasehold,Borrower shall comply wi�h nll the provisions �-:,-
<br /> ` .,-r -•,: -- - of the iease. if Bornwm�x:yuires fcc tiilc to the Ps�aperty,the kA�h�+ld and the fee title shall nat merge unless L.ender ugrees
<br /> ' ,�, to the merger in writing. �
<br /> '� ���:'�� �'' 7. Protectlon of I.en�er's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fuils ro perform the covenonts and ngrecments —_
<br /> I .�r�,., � � contained in this Security Instrument, or there is a legul praceeding that may signiflcantly afFect Lender4 rightti in the _
<br /> ,� ,;�� . ,.�'� Property(such aK u pracceding in bankruptcy.proha�e, for condemnation or furFeiwre or to enforce laws or regulauons),then !-
<br /> �• � ;,;��� � : ,;�,,. L.ender may do and pay far whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender'.s rights in the Property. �;-
<br />`�`,�; � •;�.' . .,;,;.,• :i� Lender ti actions may include puying eny sums secured by �i licn which has priority over this Securiry Instrument,nppeuring �_.
<br /> �r' ;'*,..r:�... �,j�,,. . in court,puying reasonable attomeys'feex and entering on the Property to make repuirs.Although Lender may take action -
<br /> ��;,:•. .. '.�: under this parngrnph 7.Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> . ; �.;��„y};, ._ �,,�„ Any umounts digbuned by Lender under this par�grnph 7 ,hull 6ecome ndditianAl debt of Borrower secured by this _
<br />-�:r. � � Secudty Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lcnder ugree to other tcrms of puyment.[hese umounts xhull beur interest from the
<br /> " "' � . � date of disbursement at the Note rate un d w hu l l b e paya b le,with intercst,u p un notice from Lender ro Bo�rower reyuesting
<br />'_�.. ; �. ° payment ---
<br /> ` '� S. Mart a e Insuranee. If Lende�reyuired mortsnge in+urance u.ti u condition of making�he loan secured by this
<br /> .:;.,. ;,'�;.,...�,- � ,.,,;�'. ...n' B �
<br /> � ��k: - • � Security Instrument.Borrower shnll pay the premiumx reyuired to mAintain the mortguge insumnce in effect. If. ior any _
<br />.,' � �' � reoson, the mortgage insurunce covernge reyuired by L.ender lupses or ceuses to be in effect, Bormwer shall puy �he �.
<br /> k', ?_,. ;• °
<br /> � ; .,t�� • y �, pr�emiums required lo obtuin coverAge sub,�nntiAlly�yuivulent to �he mortguge insurunce previously in effect, ut a cost �s ;
<br /> `� ,,,. . ���s substAntislly equivnlent to the cost to BoROwer of the mortguge insurunce previously in effrct,from un altemsUe mortguge
<br /> ts'',-
<br /> i insuter approved by Lender. If substantiully eyuivalen�mungage insurunce coveragc is not uvnil•rble. Borrower shull pay to
<br /> '�`�''� � ° l.ender each month a sum eyu�l to ane-twelfth of the yearly mortguge insurnnce premwm being puid by Borrower when the
<br /> �r: �.��.;,�.�•� " � � � insumnce coverage lupsed or ceuxed to Ix in efi'ect. Lender will uccept,uxe und retuin the+e payments a�u loss oeserve in lieu ____
<br />- of mortgage insurance. Loss rcxerve paymrnts rnuy no longer be reyuired,ut the option of Lender, if mongage insura+nce
<br /> ,. ,;,.;<<^� �� " � �� j coveruge(in the s.+mount und for the period that Lender reyuirc�)pmvided by nn insurer approved by Lender ugain becomes
<br /> . •�� ., nvniluble:u�d is obtuined.Burrower�hull pay�he pmm iumz rcyuin:d to maintnin martguge imur�nce in eifec4 or ro provide s+ _
<br /> loss reserve,until the requiremem tior mort�uge insunuxc end�in ucronluncc with uny written ugnemcnt 6etwecn Borrower �
<br /> �•� " �+ � , i anJ Lender or applicuble luw.
<br /> - ' ' : ( 9. Inspection. Lender c�r it+ugrnl muy make reutiunable entric�upon+md inspe.ctions of the Propeny. Lender shull �^
<br /> ' , give Borrawer notice ut�hc time of or prior to:u� inspc:ciiun s�xcifying rcasimuble cau+e titt the inspection. �__
<br /> ' '• " 10. Condemna/ion. The prcxced�of uny awarc1 or�laim titt.lamage�,dirert ur rumcyuentiul,in counec�ion with uny �
<br /> '. ��
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