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<br /> nuant to m wcr uf s�le comained in �his
<br /> sppllc�bk l�w nwy �pecify for rcinatatemeni)beforc e�le oi thc Propcny pu Y P�
<br /> ' . Saurity lo�trument;or lb)enay of a judQment eniorcinQ this S�ru�i�y Inswrnen�. 'IM�se conditionx orc thot&►rrower. la)
<br /> ..;; p�ya I.ender all iums which then would be due under this Security Ins�rument �ad the Nae ac if no accder�don lud
<br /> oaur�ed:(b)cures any defwuit of Any other covenxnts or agrce�neme:lcl pryo all ex prn+.e�irnurted in�mforcing this Secud�y
<br /> ' . Inswment. including,hut�ot limited to, rcawnable rncxneya'fees; �nd(A) akea su�h uctlun u.r l.cnder may rcasonAbly
<br /> ' requir+e to assurc Ihwt lhe lien oP lhia Security Msttumem,Lcndcrk�ighla io 1ha:Propeny an�1 B�xrowcrk obHgatiun to pay Ihc
<br /> sums socurcd by this Socu�ity Instrument ah�ll cantinuc unchanged, Upon rclmlatemrnt by BcKmwer, Ihia Secu�ity
<br /> insuument nnd the obligati�x�g Recurcd hereby shsill nemaln!'ully effeclive os if no acceiemti:,n hrd accurred. However.t�iy �-
<br /> l� rf�ht to rcinatate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale af Nak;C6aaQe of Lo�o Sen'ice� The Nae or a pattial intercst in thc Notc (logethcr with Ihia Sccurity
<br /> lnsuument)may 6e sold one or more times withaut prfor nutice to Borrower. A sale may�e�ult in a change in�he endty
<br /> (knovvn as the"L.oan Servicer')that collects monthly payments due under ihe Nate aad�his Securiry In�wmem. There�I�
<br /> -.;,::., rnay be one or morc changes of the L.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of�the Nole. If there ig u change af the L�an Servfcer. —
<br /> Bomower will be given wrinen notice of the change in accordance wlth pangraph 14 above and applicoble luw. The notice
<br /> -ffi� -" '='---� will state the name und addrcsa of the new Loan Servicer and the addr+ess to wriich pa}m�eMs should be made. The notice wi ll E_
<br /> �'~���-��� Alw contain any ather information required by npplicable law.
<br /> �G�� 20. H�rdous Subctnaces. Borrower shnll not cuuse or permit the presence,use,disposul,storage.or release of any
<br /> � Ha7ardous Substances on ar in the Property Bomawer shall not da,nor ullow anyonc else to do.vnything affixting ihe
<br /> pro�otha�js�vinlaof small�unnti ie of Hnrard us SubsPtnnce�s�thBat arz geneerally�rerngn zecf oI be appropna e to namal
<br /> `.,. B Pe Y 9
<br /> � nsidentiol uses and to maintennncc of the Propeny.
<br /> --- ?-:1,'.;� '� Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice af uny investigAtiot�,cluirn,demand,lawsuit or aher uction by ony
<br /> --- °_°'����_�•�_.�.;.: � governmental or regulawry agency or private party involving the Property and uny Hn��rdaus Substance or Environmental �
<br /> r,r-.�.�--..
<br /> '��'►4;�'-�.-�•..- • •^�. law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns, or js notified by uny governmental or regulatory �;,,
<br /> - �+k��''�''�~ ��"•f4'�' authority,that any remov�l or other rcmecliatioo of Any Hazardous Substance affecung�he Propeny is necexsury.Borrower '
<br /> �-��'• ^ ' ' � �Iwll promptly Wke nll necessary remedial uc�ions in accardnnce with Environment�l Law.
<br /> aeenw.��.�:�IF. '� ---`
<br /> �• : � � As used in ihis parogruph 20,"Huzardous Substance�"ure those substances defined ws toxic or hw.urdous subswnces by
<br /> � Fnvironmentul Luw und the following substances: gusoline,kerasene, other Qammable or�axic petroleum praduct�, toxic �'~
<br /> - a� pesticides and he�icide4,volu�ile salvents,materials containing asbestos or famoldehyde,and radiouctive muterial�. As ,: -
<br /> 4�°r` �_
<br /> �;Eb�'. ._ ., used in thia paragraph 20,"Environmentul Law"meanc federal luws and laws of�he jurisdiction where the Propeny is located
<br /> ___�. '� : ` , that relete to health.sufety or environmental protectian.
<br /> — � ''`;� -• -t�•E�'• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower ond Lender futlher covenant and agree as followti: �_.,
<br /> -- ;,.���,,�;�,. .,,}�:. 21. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender Rhall give notice to Borrower priorto occeleraUon following Barower's
<br /> -_ +��� � ' � 6reach of any rnvenant or agreemenl in this Securlty Instrument Ibut not prlor to acceleration under pa�AQrap617
<br /> _�:��:'.,�`i�F�r�� ualess applkable law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: la►tbe defanit;lb)Ihe uction required to cure t6e —
<br /> -^����:,r.`-'�--'--�- — defaulh(C)A 1�A1e�A01 IC59 lllAfl 311 df1yS�'01�1(�IC�A[C t�IL'IIOfICC 4�i gllrYi i6 BOi'i'8R'�i�by u•hfch!he�e!'salt m�•c�be
<br /> '�'• cured;and(d)IhAt failure to cure the defAUlt on or before the date specified in Ihe aotice may result in acceleration ot _
<br /> `«'a_`�t .� ' ., tde sums secured by thls Secu�ity Instrument and wle of the Property. The netice shall further inform Borrower oi � _
<br /> ` the right to reinsWte atter acceleration and the right to bring a court wetion to assert the non-exMence of A deiault or
<br /> �_.� ��. any olher defense of Borrower to accekration and sele. If the default Is not crred on or beiore the dAte specified in
<br /> _ ' � � 1he notice.I.ender al its option may require Immediate payment in Pull of all suais secured by this Securlly Instrumenl
<br />-- ` 1�'• :.`,s: ' without further demand and may im•oke the power of sale and any olher nmedies permitted by applicable law. ��^
<br />-- " �,.�»: �j.� l,ender sludl be entitled to collect all expenses incur�ed in pur.cuing the reme�lies provided in this par++Braph 21. _
<br /> � .• �- .o :�- facluding,but nat limited to.res�sonable attorneys'iees s�nd rnc�g of title evideace.
<br /> '�' , . ..:�e.,�, IP the power of sale is invoked,7lrustee sh�ll record a natice of default in erach countv in which Any paM o�'�tie E--=
<br /> �.== '' �,.. � Property is located and shail mail ar►pies uf such nMice in 1he mAnne�prescribed by Applicuble law to Borrow�r And to �
<br /> �"- � ° the other persons prescribed by ppplicable law. Aner the time requlred by �pplic,�ble law,llrustee shall Ri�•e public
<br /> ':� : � autice of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. 1Fuslee,wilhout demand on Borrower. _
<br /> �;'• �r .x���• shAll sell the Properly at public auction to the highest bidder At the tiwe aad place and under the terms designated in .._•
<br /> '"'�� ` ��`"'' the notice of sale in ane or mure pArcels and in any order 71�ustee determineg. 7Fustee may poslpone sale of all or any
<br /> ,�„*. :"'�+� ���rt �' parcel of the Propeny by public Announcement at the lime pnd ptrce of an�� previously scheduled�le. Lender a'its -`�
<br />,� h '.�•. ° i�,-,'� ' desi�nce may purchase the Property at any sale. F�=-
<br /> - �J���., , . Upon receipt oi'payment of the price bid,'I�ustee shall delive�lo Ihe purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveying the �
<br />_- � -,; • ,. Property. The rccitnls in/he 71�ustee's deed shall be primp facie eridence oP the t ruth of'the cts�tements made therein.
<br />—�,� ^;- --° 7lrustee shall apply the procecds of the sale in the i'oNowinR order: l A1 w�II co�s aad expenses os exercising lhe power -
<br /> �?r�!'�'��. .. . _
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