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a�t.i�{idli i `._G�a' �}l���if� �;A o ��i.�'r�aai�i.r�}�jv1i }1r " . ._ .. ---- • -— ---. <br /> _...�._ - <br /> -.ji.....,_�� ��f�^a�,. FHr ,:-.ut i^Y�l�?hJ�Z��*— -I ^ T-- <br />� - . �4 - nt^t• �{�� 'Y.�1' .�[.�° i�M'� �.i�c�: <br /> `� u � .� �� r}'f��� ' ,�4�W'F --- <br /> �j �. ..� �,ya� <br /> ,� <br /> �� <br /> �,_ <br /> }'_ 9'�"�105989 <br /> �� _ <br />- rondemnation or oiher iaking uf any pnrt af�he Propeny,or for conveyunc�in licu of conJcmnulion,un Ik rcby w+�»i�{i�:J wWl <br /> � ..ip Il� ahnll be puW to Lcnder. — <br /> — In the evrnt af u total taking of the Property. the Proceeds xhall bc opplied w thc r:um� µcurcd by Ihi+ ticcurfly <br /> Instrurnent,whether or not�hen due,with any exce�x paid ta Borcower. In the evenl uf u puniul IuAing ul'�hr I'r�hxrly In <br /> which the fair market value of the Property immediately 6efore the taking ix cyuul to or gr�ulcr ihun Ihc u�n�wnt�►f ihc humti <br /> xecured by this Securi�y lnstrument immediutely hefore the taking,unksti Borrower und Lcndcr c��hcrwi*c+ignc in writin�. <br /> �' '� ' the sums sccurcd by thls Security lnstrumcnt shall be reduced by the umuunt �►f ihe pr�xceal+muUiplicd hy Ihc Ii�Uuwlu� <br /> ;4•���?��•;:-•'�:• fraction: (a)the tanl amount of the sums secured immadiotely before tlx:tuking,divided by (b)ilu fuir murkcl vuluc af Ihc <br /> ° Property immediutely beforc thc tuking. Any balunce shall F+r paid �o Bnrrower. In thc cvem ol' u p,�nisd iuking i�l'Ihc � -- <br /> ~ fi,•, Property ia which the fair murket value af'the Propeny imrnediatcly before thc tuking i,Icss�hun thc amoum�N U�c �umn <br /> . �• ��`'�'`�'""'`:°�+ secured immediutely before the taking, unless Borrower und I.cndrr whcrwi+c ugrce in wrf�ing�+r unlc.x upplicuMlc luw <br /> ..,:, �: �- <br /> atherwir,e provides,the proceeds xhall bc upplied ro the sum+xrcured hy thiv S�curiry In�lrnment whc�hcr o�not�hc Ku�nK orc <br /> —•-- then due. <br /> � �► lf the Praperty is abs�ndoned by BoROwer,ar if,ufter notice by Lender Io Borrower�hut�he c�mdemnor uff�rx��>muke �_. <br /> .. :�; ._` � j an award or senle a c Inim for damages.Bortower fuils to respond ta Lender within i0 Juy�ufter�he du�c thc noiice f+givcn, �,-- <br /> �"`Y �! " I Lender is authoriud to collect nnd apply the praceedx,at its option.eilher u�re�toru�ion ur repuir of thc Pn►�xhy�►r u�ihe ^ <br /> � �"""� � sums secured by this Security Ins�rumenl,whelber or not then due, <br /> .- ' *�f,;�, ��.;: Unless Lender and sorrower cNhenvise ugree in writing, uny applicu�ion uf pnxeed, u�principal tihull �x�� ex�end ur <br /> !� � postpone the due date of the monthly puyments refeRed to in pnrugruphx I und 2 or cliun�tc Ihe umount of yuch puymeM�. <br /> '��� " �` 11. Barrower Not Relea�ed; Farbearance By l.e�der Not A Weiver. Ex�enhi�►n of thc timc f��r puymenl ��r _ _ <br /> �1,.;�, .: ...';:, _ — <br /> �,, • modification of nmortizatian of the sum.secured by this Security Instrument R�un�ed by l.cnder Ia uny yuccc,+��r in imcrc+t <br /> of Borrower shall not operute to rele�.se the liabiliry of Ihe originul Borrdwer��r Borrowcr K ruccctisi�n in in�cR�t. Lcndrr <br /> �.:�°� <hnll n��' be required �o commence praceedings aguinst any tiuccessor in interext or rel'use �o cxtend tinu t'ur puymcni ur <br /> �6 �� � � � o�herwi��mcxilfy amanixation of the zum�secured by Ihis Securily lnstrumenl by reutian of any demund mudr by the uriginul �:� <br /> _ � • ,�•-•s,�•� r�� Borrower or Borrower's succesxor�in interest. Any forbearance by l.ender in excrciwing uny righi c�r nnudy xhull n�+t he a c� <br /> • A .. '�' - <br /> wuiver of W�prec ludc thc cxcrcise of any right or reme y. <br /> 12, Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint and Several Liabilfty:Casfgners. Thc r•+vcnunts und iigrccm�m�ui�hi+ <br /> �'+' ' Y Security lnstrument xhull bind and benefit the succesxors and aysignti of l.ender and Borrnwer.+ubjrc�tu�h�Pn'���+�0°'�'� — <br /> � ,e 1�, paraFraph 17.Borrower's covenantz nnd ugreement.shall be joiut unJ �everul. Any BoROwer whu cu-tii�nr ibi�Security = <br /> " 'D+ Instrument but does nat execute the Note: (a)is co-signinF this Securily Ins�rument unly�o rnonga�ec.grun�unJ convcy�htil <br /> • ,i Borrower's inleresi in Ihe Propeny under the terms of thix Security Instrumenl: (b)is not personally obli�iucd to puy thc rumr <br /> � • a� sccured by this Securiry In�trument:and(c)agreex thnt Lcnder and uny other Borrower muy ugrec���rxicnJ.m�xlify.��orfx'ur <br /> —` .� ,^�•�•;°st , or muke any accommodntiona with mgurd to thc term�of thix Security Instrument or ihc Notc without thul Burrowcr's — <br /> ° " ���'� consent. — <br /> _ _ �,,�y^' ' 13. Losn Che�rge9. If the laun secured by this Securiry Inslrument is ,ubject to u luw which tict.r muximum loun _ <br /> _- -� "�-'"`'= chargcs,and shat la+��is finally ina•rpre�ed�o that Ihe interest or other loun chargeti callected��r to Ik cullecled in conn�cti�m --_ <br /> -`� ' "'"� with thc loun exceed�he permitted limi�s.then: (n)uny xuch loun charge shull be reduced by�hc umuw�i �iec���ary tcs reduc:e = <br /> � , � the churge to�he permitted limil:und(b)uny sums ulreudy collectcd from Borrawer wl�ich exceedeJ perniiucd limii. will tx <br /> �.S:-.. <br /> "�` �� refunded lo B�xrower. Lender muy chooxe ta muke this refund by reducing thc principal oweJ under the Nute�x by mukin�u <br /> =..i � , direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the reduc�ion will t+e treated uz a purtiul prcpaymem wi�hout uny <br /> --� ' ; • � prepuyment churge under the Note. —. <br /> '��.�' ,;'�fl+ • .`�. � 14. Nolkec. Any notic� to Borrower provided f�x in this Security Inti�rument +hull be given by delivering it��r by �_ <br /> �, , ' .� mailing i�by first cl:.�ss rnuil unlesz upplicuble luw requireti u+c of another melhad.The nu�ice,hall be direcied to tlx PrupertY <br /> _`� ;, �, Address or any oiheruddress BoiTOwer designmes by notice to Lendcr. Any notice�o Lcndrr shull lx given by tirtit clu�� � <br /> muil to I.ender's addrc���luted herein or any othcr uddre��Lender designutes by nutice to Bcxrower. Any M�tice provided t��r <br /> _'s ,_� " " in thix Security Instrument tihall lx dcemeJ to havc tmen �ivcn to Borrowcr or Lcnder when givcn us provided in this <br /> .- purugraph. �7� <br /> �s l5. Governln�Luw: SeverabUity. This S�curi�y Imtrumem shuU tx �uvemcd by (cderul law und Ihc luw of tix <br />_ "'�?� . �- jurisdiction in whirh ihe Pmpeny is I�xuteJ. In Ihr eveni that uny provitii�m ur rluu+c of this Scrurity Ins�rument or the No1c <br /> v� `� �; �-� <br /> -- �••�, � „�, conllict+wilh»pplicubtc luw.+uch contlirt xhull nut affrct othcr pruvi.ions of thi�Sccurity In.trumcnl ar tlx�Note which cun <br /> -= , ., y,,; • t,r given effect wnhout Ihe conllicting prnvi�inn. 'Ri this enJ the provision�ot'�his Securily Instrumenl and the Nale ure <br />_« - declured to be xever•rbl�. _ <br /> ;;yr� " ,,.'• . 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowrr�hull ix�:ivcn unc confurmed cupy o1'�hc Nutc und c�f thi.Sccurity In�trument. � <br /> t7. 'Ilransfer uf the Property or u Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If aU or uny part ut'thc Prop�eny ur uny intcrest in `,:_. <br /> y t�, " it i�+old or Irunsfcncd(or if u lknrtirial in�crest in Ri�rrowrr iti �old ur transfcrred anJ Bom�wcr i.not u nuturul Ex:nonl �.• •_ <br />— . without Lcndcr+prior wriucn con�en1.Lcndcr may.a1 it���ption, rcyuirc immcJianc paYment in full of all sums secured by L <br /> � � thi,tircurily In,trurnent. Howevcr,this o�tion tihull not ik exerci+�d by Lender if exrrcis� is prohibited by federul luw as of _ <br /> � `.N� �hc dutc�►t'this Sccurity Inslru�mn�. <br /> �g�, N <br /> - - �'i ot — <br />_�-�,';�. = �" It'I.encler exrrci�cx�hi.oplion.Lendcr�hull givr B��rruwer notice eif uccelerutiun. Thc naticr,hull piuvidc u p�n <br /> ,,..�•yr_.. .^ �:,�. <br />�-'�•� . not Ir��Ihun 1O a�y.from thc Jutr thc noticc is dclivcrrJ�,r mailcd within wl�ich Borruwcr tnu.�pay all�um,+ccured hy thi+ �1 <br />_�, tieruriry In+�rurnent. lf BoROwer 1's�ils to puy thc.c �ums prior to Ih� cxpiratiun of �his �xri�xi, Lender may invoke uny --- <br /> rcmrdie,�x miiued by this Srrurity Instrumcnt withnu► furthrr noticc i,r Jemund un Burrowrr. <br /> Y , . 18. Burrower's RiQht to Reimtvte. N' B�xrnwcr nurh reNain runJition+. Borru�vcr shull havc thc ri�ht lu huvc <br />•'' � .. enti�rcemem�►t'�hi�5rcurity biytrument di.coniinurd.0 any time prior a,thr rarlirr„f: �:�1 5 duy�lur+urh uthrr�xri�Kf a, � <br /> �i �, tim�k I:muh•-M'ynnic\fuc/Fn�ddk�Iwc 1'\IFOR�1 1\�'1'Rl�1F:ti'1'--l'mtnmi('urcium�. 4�40 qa+.e�•��d�I�+x�'�� <br /> � <br /> k .. . . , .� <br />- .I .� <br /> . F <br /> -r S �_ . . . _ . . .. . . <br /> i. ` . <br />. ,� ��^. <br /> � , ..Y.. '�. • . 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