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<br />:- v 4ppNablc I�w mwy spixify Por rcinutatcn�ent)bcfi►r� e�ale of Il�r 1'n►prny ��urKnwN 1��W�y��w��r�N�rlo c��nirine�l in lhia
<br />-- -- — � Sccuriry in►trumcnt: or(b)cntry�t�Judgmen�enforcing IhIM Sccurity In,�rw��rn�. 'I I►��� r��INl��nr+�rc Ual I�Kn►wer: lal
<br /> p�ya Lender all curnr whlch thcn would be dur undcr Ihi• ticcu►ity In�lrun�rnl wxt lik N�N��rr 11�u► ncculctWi�x� hwl
<br />-_--- — occutrcd:(b)curcs wny dcf�Wt of wny�1her cavenAOtx ur oQcrcn�cmx:(�I�Y�MU l•R�k11M'n I�K wi.vl lu culuicluy��hlx 5���urfty
<br /> — �°� Inst�ument, including, but nW limilcd�o,t�JINN1qI1IC p11tNMy»�fccw; NINJ(tI)IMk�r ►wh dtiI1N1/M I.cixlcr iuNy mw�xwbly
<br /> ~'� requi�o to ussurc tlwt thc lien of this 5ecurily Inslrumcnl,Lc�xkrk rf�tl►tv io�Ik Ih�qKily w�d Nnnnwr����hllµwNun lu pry Ihe
<br /> "� eums cecured by lhic Sccurity Imlrumcnt shall caUfnuo un.honKcd, 1���N� �rin►I����w�ul Uy H�Kruwcr, Ibir �curily
<br />' _��y��;�c.=.,,�w_„�,;�� Inetrument uad thc ublig�t!on��urcd hcrcby�hwll rem�in i'ully efl'urlivc u�11�w���okr�li�M�IwJ�rcunwl. Ilowovrr,thb c
<br /> ri�t'nto�einstatc xliall na upply in Ax:cu�uf�uwl�rutlun uadcr p�raur,iph 17.
<br /> 19. 3ak of Nate;Ciu�aQe of l.wn li�r�vker. Tht NINC IM Yp�rlial ima.•�bi �IN� N�d�• ���qt.��lMr wf�h �hlr ti�curi�y
<br /> '��� Inatrumenl)may be cold one or mi►re timeti wllhcw� prf�K n�Nfce�u Iinnuw��r. A ,wl►�uiuy i.��ull In r�hwnµr in IIK enlily
<br /> -- (known as the'L.00n Servicer")Ilwt coQ�tii� rnanthly puymrnt+.dur un�kr�IK�N�du u�N111�1r 1��mll� In�huuk'��I. 'Ih�te uIM�
<br /> , m�y bc one or ma�c changeg uf tho Lu�n Scrvicer unrclwrJ�o u�,�Ic�N Uir N�Nr. If ItN�i. 1.a•hrnyte�d UK L�NUi tierviccr,
<br /> !��_� Borrower will be givcn wriucn noticc of�hc changc in uccunlon�c wi1N pa�uµ�a�di 1�1��Ir�v�u�Nl qqrlkwNir IYW. �I�N•iuHicc
<br /> �-=a�� wil 1 wuts�he name c�nd addreca af Ihr new I��s�n Servicer and�hi�wWrc�M���wl�ich��rymeul•+IwN�W he mwk. 'I lw n�Nicr will
<br /> ,a� �I�o contain nny othcr infom�utic�n rcyuir��l by up�licublc luw.
<br /> �! 2p. Hnzznrdous Subtlwncea Bor�vwcr ehall ni�t cuun�or�xmill dic�n��..•�KC.u,r.IN��MIANI,�aK�i�tc���r rclroK��d uny
<br /> tiazordoua Sub�tonces on or in lhe Prapeny. Bom�wer+hull n�d do.IIIN YIIUW p11y1Nk .�Ik�1���lu.uny�lUnK �dlerlinµ dk
<br /> properiy lhut ia in violallon of ony Environmcmvl Luw. Thc precc�UnK�w�►�nl��llti'r�IIOII INd u�1�lly 1�1(IK(�f��K•nce. uK.��r
<br /> slorage on the Pmperty of smull yuantiticx of HazurdauK SubFiunccw Iiw1�ruµeiwrally��r•��ymiad lu Iw w�ry�ru�xlwlc lu nunnul
<br /> =� rcc identiul uses und la muintenonrc of Ihc Pmperty.
<br /> - Bortower xhall promptly gfvc Lender writicn niNicc of uny invr�liKuli�Ni,rluho,�kmauNl,lww�ul�n��ql�r u�li�m I+y uny
<br /> — ��;� govemmenwl ar rcgulutory agency�x private p�rty invniving�he I'n►�eny wnJ uny I lw+�aG�u+ 1uh�lancc ur linvlrunmcnlu!
<br /> s�=r=• ,:.. Law of which Brn�mwcr huz nctual kn��wlcdgc. If &►rruwcr irun�+, ar 1+ �m1Uir�i ny rny µovrmnirniul �►r rc�ulua�ry =
<br /> �r;�i,�,t„; uuthodty,lhat uny remavul or aher romcdiptinn of uny Huxarduu.r Suh�lunrc uUeciinK lik�1'nqMny ir�k�eNxpry.H�umwer
<br /> �- ... ...-.� shcill prompdy takc ull ncres.rury n�u►�Jial uciionr in uccarduncr whh Hnvin+nmrnad 1,�w. v
<br /> '�^%�"�r ��. Ax uscd in this pura�ruph 20,"Huzard��uw Subwtancc;'urc Ih��rc,ub,t+mrer�d�liurd n,loRic ur huic�rJuu�tiuh�iunce.hy
<br /> M-•.'
<br /> �_•;;s���;��"� EnvironmcntAl L.Aw ond ihe fallnwing rubstuncew: guu►IMc,kcmxcrn,�Nher IlwnmuM�� ��r w+cic�xuulcum pr�Kluc�,,tox r
<br /> ;'{:'`'��`�"�� pe�ticides und hetbicfdes,vululilc sulvcmh. mutcnulr rantuining n�ix�lox or li�rnwldchydr. w�d wdinu��lvr muleriuM. A� _
<br /> :����'�.",' uscd in Ihis purograph 20."Environmcn�al Luw"mcuns I'cdcrul luws:uul law�ul Ilu jur�Mlirl�un wlw�c Ihc 1'nqx:rly i»I�kul�d
<br /> �';�'�>'< ,. •.*.• �at�elute to heuUh,sufety or emirnnm�nlul pratcction.
<br /> �"•'�= •°`° ��•�i•`"f NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barruwer und l.cndcr funhrr r�wenun�und upr�e u+Ii�Uuw,:
<br /> ��ti�t-"�';' �• ��� , 21. Acceleratlon; Remedle�. Lender sludl Rlve nutice to B��rrower prinr In wccclerwllun foqoMlnK QorraNer'r�
<br /> ,��f��^��;, ��� bre�ch of Any coven�nt or agreemeot In t6is Securlly Instwment Ibul not prlor lo ucrrlerwlMM under pwrw{�rpph 17
<br /> • c unless Applicable law provides otherwisel. The nutice shall speciiy: 1+�1 the defpullt 1 bl the wt1�M reyulred N�cure Ihe
<br /> --•��,�„�:�,_,-- drlan!!;Ic)�dsle.ass!less!lsan 34 deye fsnm �iir dale Ihe notice Ix ptiven tu Uorruwer.by wbkh Ihe defwull mu�1 br
<br /> • cu red:and Idl t6at i'Ailure in cure the defwult on ur bet'ure the dute speclfted In the a�tlre mry rewlt In wceler�INm�d
<br /> � •,�. !be sums secured by lhis Securily Instrument s�nd�le of the Properly. The nutice KhwU furlh�r inf�Km NorroNer o�
<br /> — ,.;,., ., �.,• . the�Ight to reinslqte a�ter AccelerAtiun and Ihe riRht to brinR u courl aclbn tu L+�ert the nun-e�l�lence��f w defwuU or
<br />-� �' ' �- any Mher defense of Borrower ro accelerallon +�nd sule. If the defaull is nW cured��n�M Ixfi�rr Ihe dote�pecllled In
<br /> ���•• � � .•� ��t !he notice�I.ender ot Its option may require ImmedlAte payment in full uf ull rums recurcd by Ihlv tircurlly InNrumenl
<br /> �"<`-'' without Further demand and mw�• invuk�Ihe puwer of wde and uny other rrmedi�w permHled hv �pplkwble Ipe. _.
<br /> .:.. .. �, .t.
<br /> �' ����,� l,eader shall be entilled to collert ull expenxes incurred in purriuinR the remedk�x provWrd in Ihlx p�rrKr�ph 21.
<br />-�; �T� +x . Including.but not limlted to.res�sonuble attorneys'i'ees und cu`t�of title evidence.
<br /> ,� :t .. If the power ��f.rale ix invuked.7Yutitee�holl record u nntice oP dePuult fn es�ch c�wnty In whkh wny p�rt i�'Ihe
<br /> � • � s,�. :•;.: Property is located And shull mafl copicw of surh noUce in Ihe m�nner prescribed by wppllcAble IwM•lo D�Mrower wnd lo
<br /> _�:� ?'�'°",'�. ••• , the other pe�ons prescrfbed by upplicable IAw After t6e Ifine rcyulred by�ppHeuble luw,'IYu�tee�hall{{Ne publk
<br /> � >, notke of sale M Ihe per.ronx�nd in thr manner prescrfbed br appllcablc luw•. 'llruylec.Kithout dcmynd�m Dorruwer,
<br /> �"�'`; : ^. shall sell the Prope�ty at public�uctian H�Ihe hlRhest biddrr ut the lime and pl�re und under Ihe lermti detilpnwl�d In
<br />=� �:_�: : _,;�, � the notice of sale in nne or mnrc pArrcls und in uoy ardcr 7lruwt�ti�dMcrminer. 'llruylec mwy���Ip��ne vYlc of ull ur uny �
<br /> ..�� „�„R;:,,,. .. ..,� , parcel uP the Property by public announcement�t the lime�nd plar��oi an}•pre�•louxl�•�chcduled r:de. I.ender nr il� -
<br /> ' .,`,:•. desl�nee may purchosc Ihe Property+�t unv xale.
<br /> '. . �'. . Upon receipt of payment uY the price bid,7lrustee shall deliver to the purrhuxr'IYu.rl�ti'v dr�l conveylnR Ihe
<br />:-.�; ��� ' . Property. The reciluls in the 71�ustee's deed shall Im primu facie evidcnrc��P thc Iruth of Ihe�I�temealw mwdc thcrcln. �
<br /> „, „ 7Y�ustee shAll ppply the proceeds of!hr sale In tNe folluwinp order: lu 1 lo all custr�und expensiw ul exen�i�in�Ihr powrr
<br /> �-,��
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