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<br /> • . pedoda that Lender requirca. The inaurance currier provfding the insurunce shall 6e chosen by Banower subJect to l.onder's
<br /> ., opproval which yhall not be unrc.asonably withheld. If 8orrower fnila to maintain covernge descrfbed ubove. l.ender moy.at
<br /> l.enckr�s apt[on.obWin coverage to protect Lenderb dghts in�he Property in acco�+dance with puagraph 7.
<br /> `� — � All insurance policieA and renawals ehall be uccepteble to Ixnder and shall include a standard mortgage clpuse. Lender
<br /> _Y � eh�ll have the�ight to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires,Horrower ahall prompdy give to Lender all receiptr
<br /> .;� • � •� of puid premiums und rcnewal nouces. In the event of losa,Harower shell give prompt nodce to the in�urance cort[er and
<br /> =,�: Leruier. L.ender may make proof of loss iP nat made prompdy by 8orrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Boerower dherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds sha116e applted to r.atoration or�epair of
<br /> theProp�rty dnmaged, if d�e restoration or repair is economically feusible and I.ender's security is not lessened. If the E
<br /> J� - restoration or repair is not economically feasible or I.ender's Aecuriry would be lessened, the insurnnce prceeeda shall bs
<br /> � applied tu the suma securcd by this Secu�ity Insuument, whether or not then due, wl�h any excess psiid to Borcower. If
<br /> Bo�rower abandons the Property, or does not anawcr within 30 days a natke from l.ender that the i�surance cerrier bas
<br /> oNered to settle a claim.then Lender may collect 1he insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> �-� �y' � the Prapeny or to pay suma secured by thi�Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when
<br /> ------ the nodce is given.
<br /> _� � '""�'`'--""� Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in writing.eny application of proceeds to princlpnl shull not extend or
<br /> ee
<br /> ����, postpone the due date of the manthly payments refemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> _ 4 under p�regraph 2l the Propeny is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right to a�y insw�ance policies and prcueeds resulting _
<br /> from damage ta the PropeAy pnor to the acquisition shell pass to Lender to�he eatent af the sums secured by this Securiry
<br /> _ Inspument immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Occupaacy, PreservAdon, Maintenonce and Protection of the Praperty; Borrower's Loen AppNcationi
<br /> - Leaseholds. Barrower shall occupy.establish,and use the Roperty a�Harower's principal residence within sixty dnys after
<br /> -�.. ' the exe.cution of this Securiry Inswment and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's pdncipal residence for at
<br /> :�::,,:.
<br />-.���`""f least one year after the dnte of accupancy, unkss Lender othenvise agreea in writing, which consent shaU not
<br />- `��-`'"`'''�- wu�easonably withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyand Borcower's contral. Borrower shall not -
<br /> -.��:-. ,:,:,� .
<br /> � «` •` � destroy,damage or impair the Property.ullow thc Piroperty lo deteriorate,�r cnmmit waste on the Property. Borrower shall
<br />-�,�.,�{� . �.,�-� be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civll or criminal,is begun thut in Lender�a good faith judgmem
<br /> �i�r�° �,� ,,,r � could result in forfeiture of the Piroperty or othenvfse materfally impafr the lien created by thia Security Instrument or
<br /> s�+•; • ' ' Lender s security interest. Borrower may cure such a defAUlt and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> „��,ir� . , or proceeding to be dismissed wfth u ruling that,in Lendera good faith determination.precludes forfeiture of the Borrowerk
<br /> ���;,�d;;• `" inte�+est in �he Properry or other material impairment of U�e lien created by this Secud[y Instrument or l.ender's security
<br /> J�' "?'.''' interest. Bortower shall also be in default if Borrower,during the loan application pracess, gave mate�ially false or
<br /> .�'�"���. `' ineccurate information or statemen�g to Lender(or failed to provide l.ender with any material information)in connection with _
<br /> '�� the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations concemfng Borrower's occupancy of the
<br /> r' . Property as s principal residence. If this Security lnatrumem is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provisions -
<br /> - ��"'"�"e- -= of t!x icase. lf Sorro�er acqaires fet iide to tht Aro�.+erty,th? Maarhold anci the fee�itle shall not merge unless Lender eRrees
<br /> �� ,
<br /> ,� �" � . to�he mergar in writing.
<br /> �� 7. Protection o�Lender's Righta in the Property. If BoROwer fails to perfarm the covenants and agreements
<br /> �� contained in this Security Inswment. ar there is a legal proceeding that muy signi6cantly affect Lender's rights in the
<br /> :�*� " -� �. Proptny(auch as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture ar to enforce laws or regulations),then
<br /> — '� I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Property and Lender�rights in the Property.
<br /> ,.:.�,,,.: . Lender's aciions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Ins�rument,appearing
<br /> - � in coun,paying rensonnble attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to malce repairs. Al�hough Lender may take a:tiai
<br /> ' ' � under this parn�ruph?,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> - ���" �" � � `:.cs` Any amounts disbuned by Lender under this parAgrnph 7 xhall become s�dditianal debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> -� � *'� ' . �`"` Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agrce to other terms of puyment,these nmounts shall bcer interest frum the
<br /> _ ., .,....
<br /> �+ M;_.. . date of disbursement at the Note rutc und shull 6e puyable,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> �, �4 , ' .. , payment.
<br /> -_ ,y�,�,� ._ S. Mortgage Insu�ance. If Lender required rnnngage insurunce as u conditic►n of making the loan secured by this
<br /> - , ,.M,�,;,, t..;,� ,' Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiu�ns requimd to mnintuin thc mortga�ee insunu�re in effect. If, for any _
<br /> ,,;�,,,,,,�,.,. . ;�,, . nen�on, the mortgoge insurunce coverage reyuired by Lender lapses or ceu,e+ w be in effect, Borrower shull poy the _
<br /> premiums required to obtnin coveruge substantinlly equivulent to the murtgage insurunce previously in effect, ut a cost _
<br /> . ..:w�. ' ? substnntially eyuivalent to the cost ro Borrowcr of the mongnge insurunce previausly in effect,from an altemate mongs+ge _
<br />- • ' `. insurer approved by Lender. If substuntiully eyuivnlent mortsuge insurunce coverage is nat uvuilable,Borcower shall pay to
<br /> ' • .� • Lender euch month u sum equnl to one•twelfth of thc ycurly mortgage insurnnce premium bcing puid by Bonower when the
<br /> : ���+`Y' � insurnnce covernge lupsed or ceased w be in effect. Lender will accept,use und retuin tl�xe payment,us a bss reserve in lieu _
<br /> .7�•• •a��::,: S, ., -
<br /> ,�; _ of mortgage insurunce. Loss reserve payments muy no langer he requircd,ut the option of Lender,if mortg�ge insurunce
<br /> � coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender reyuires)pmvided by an inrurer upproved by Lender uguin becomes
<br /> ... '��y:�, . available und is obtnined.Borrower shall puy the pr�rniums reyuired to muintuin mortguge mxurance►n effect,or to provide e
<br /> . r.,," " """ ; loss reservc,until the rcquirement for mortgage insunmce ends in ucairdunrc with uny written ugreement between Borrower
<br /> ' •''' . � and Lender or upplicable I•rw. -
<br /> . L� 9. Inspection. Lender or ilti ugent muy muke rcu�onuhlc rnlries upon und intipectiom of the{'roperty. Lender shull
<br /> � . . . give Borrower notice ut the time of or prior to un inspection+pecif�ying reu�onublc cause for the in+pection.
<br /> �;� 19. Condemnotion. The proceedx of uny awurd ur cluim for Jamugr+,Jirect or con�eyurnlial,in conneetion wi�h any _
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