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<br /> �.:�-�.�:_.,._-:.�:���.� 92- 105974
<br /> � � pp,ymenta may no longer be mquirai. at the optian oP Lender,if mortgage insurunce caverage(in the amaunt++nd for the periad
<br /> --- - that Lendcr requires)provlded by un insurer approved by I.ender asain becomew avuilablc and is obtained.B�rtower shall pay
<br />— - the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in efPect.or to pravide a loss reserve.until lhe requirement fur nwA��e
<br />-- - inturance enda in aarordancc with any written agreement between Borrowcr und Lcnder or upplicable law.
<br /> -- 9, laepectlop. I.ender or its agent may make�easonuble ent�ies upon und in�pcxtfona of thc Property. L.ender rhal��jve
<br />----------- Borrower notice ut�he dme of ur prior to an insp�xtion cpecifying reaROnable caure far ihc inspa�tiun.
<br />-- 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any Award or claim for demages, direct ur cunr�equential, in connxtion with any
<br /> .� condemnution or other takiag of any pert of the Property.or far conveyance in lieu�f condem�a�ian,are hereby iwi�ned�nd
<br /> -s -_ - - —' :Iwll ba paid ta l.ender.
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property,the praceeds shall 6e Applied to the Sums secured by this Secudty Ingtrument, r
<br /> whether or not then due, with any excess puid to Bortower. in the event of a partial taking of the Praperty In which ihe fafr
<br /> °°°��"�� market value of the Praperty Immadiately before the taking is equai tu or greater than the umount of the sums secWed by thia
<br /> Security Instn�ment immediutely before thc taking,unless Borrower end L.ender othervvisc agrce in w�iting.the sumx secured by
<br /> �'�r'��� this Security lnstrument shall be reduced by the amount of the praceeds multiplied by the follawing fraction: U) the totnl
<br /> — - '""'�_� amouot of the sutns secured immaliately t►efure the taking,divided by (b)the fair market value of the Property immc�iately _.___
<br /> ::�.�.,.�"<',4'.r�.:n�
<br /> _�..,,�c.•;x before the taking. Any bulance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a p�utial laking of the Prapcny in whkh the fair �
<br /> ��i�'�� market value of thc Property immediatcly befare thc taking is less than the amount of the sums securecl immediately bcfore the
<br /> "`"�r__,_�
<br /> �-°""�`� taking.unless Borrower and Lender othenvise agac in writing or unless applicable law otNerwise provides. the proceeds shall
<br /> ��,�--� _
<br /> i��-����+s�- be applied ta the sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument whether or nat the sums are then ue. �,.
<br /> �„�n,�' • ---
<br /> �x,.�-�� If the Property is ubandoned by Bortower,or if,nfter notice by l.ender to Borrower that the coruiemnor offens�o meke an __
<br /> ------ award or settle a claim for dwnnges, &xrower fuils to respond to Lender within 30 days�fter the date the notice is given,
<br /> ��r .w�w'` •o� I.ender is authorized to collect and apply the pra:eeds,at its aption,either tu restoration or repair of the Property or lu tl�e sums �
<br /> :,.,..T, ..: �,_
<br /> � �;;.:.�.r'�r;t ti., cecured by this Secu�ity instrument. whether or not then due.
<br /> ���y�+,��,'`�"''""-""" Unless I.ender and Barrower otherwise agrec in writing, uny upplication of proceeds to principal sh�ll na extend or _
<br /> <•t°"�-'�"�"'�" postpone�he due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. �-�
<br /> � W" �`' 11.Borrower Nat Released;Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver.Bxtemion of the time for payment or modification
<br /> {, )F
<br /> �;,,,�� �;7�'��,.�? ' � oPnnwrtization of the sums secured by this Securlry lnstrument granted by L.ender to any successor in interest af Borrower shall -
<br /> � :,
<br /> '�:��•�ri.�;.;;����. � not opernte to release the liubiliry of the originnl Borrower or Borrower'�auccessors in interest. I.ender sh�ll not be required to �
<br /> :w�,,. ��,a;,F1�'!"�:'::•�.✓
<br /> � ��`�r• ' commence praceedings ugeinst uny successor in interest or refuse tu eztend time far payment ar otherwise modify wnonizatian ___
<br /> �;':`�=`>'''` ' of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reasan of uny demand made by ihe original Borrower or Borrawer's �,,,;
<br /> _ ;;'?�<< �„ successors in interest. Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the �=-
<br /> =�'�;�:�;,;�t,n,;.�_ . exercise of any right or remedy. �
<br /> y�'s�;�+'r�i;;,'`�'*'i`�� 12. Successors and As.signg Bound: Joint and yeveral i.ipi►iiity; Co-signe�s. The covcnwda ui�i u�r�r�xnts a£ this �--
<br /> � � ` ,. • Security Instrument shall bind and benefit 1he succcsson und a+signs of Lender und Borrower, subject to the pmvisions of �,�_
<br /> paragrnph 17. Borrower's covenunts s�nd agreements shall be joint and severul. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> -- ,�•�f�s•; Instrument but daes not execute the Note: (u) is co-signing this Securiry Instrument unly to mortgage, grunt and convey that _
<br /> �� � ��;.• BoROwer'� interext in the Pmperty under the terms af Ihis Sccurity Inatrument:lb) is not personally abliguted to pay the sums
<br /> z: . ,. . �
<br /> ��• �'t � secured by this Security Instrument: and Ic)ugrees that Lender und nny other Borcower may ugree to extend, rnodify,forbear or -__..
<br />_ �;���=�=�o•, '�b moke uny a�commaiations with regarJ to the terms of�his Security In,irument or�he NcKC without that B��ROwer's mnsent. ���_•
<br />— • � .• �".''' 13.I.osm Clwrg�. If�hc loan sewred by thiti Seruriry Inurumcnt is subject to•r law which sct+muximum la�n churges.
<br />= h�'�•"•• '�'- and thut law is finully interpret�nl si�thut the interest or uther loun churge+cullected i�r tci be collected in conneclion with the o---�
<br /> ._'.� .�� �� luun exceed the pem�itted limits,�hen: (u)any +uch loan churge�hull he reduced by the nmount n��cessary to rcduce the charge ,_
<br /> — '"� � �•. =. tu the permitted limir,and lb)uny sums ulreudy collected fn�m Borrow�r whirh exccctiled pern�ittc�l limits will be refunded to "�'-
<br /> '� �!rr.
<br /> ��� , t. ...� . vF
<br /> _�„�,,�,_.�,�, Borrower. Lender may clxwse to make thiti refund by reducing the principal ow�vl under the Note or by makin� u direct _
<br /> ° •��� payment to Borrowcr. If u rcl'und reduces principal, thc reduction will bc trcuteJ u� u purtiul prepayment without any ___.
<br /> — k"�;��"�s'-•�• prepayment churge under the Note. �-�
<br /> .. � b�
<br /> _ T�?�,' ••- 14.NoNces.Any notice to Bnrrower pro��ided for in thi�Security In.lrumcnt .hull br given by delivering it urby mniling
<br /> �:'
<br /> � .s�..: , it by fin;t clasti muil unless npplicable I�w requires u�e nf•rnother mcth�xl.The noti�c.hull be directcd to the Prc�pcAy Address�' _
<br /> �� , or nny other nddress &�rtower designaies by nutice ta LcnJcr. Any notirc to LenJer .hall bc given by firxt cla�ti ms+il to __
<br /> ��;�+��"`":• Lendcr's uddre�s stated hercin or uny othcr adda�s I.enJer de�ignateti by noticc tu &�RUwer. Any n��tice providcd t'or in this _
<br /> • "':� Securiry Instrument shull be dcemrd to havc been givcn to&►rruwcr or LenJcr when given a.providal in�his parugr�ph. __
<br />- ,,., .' ° '`��' IS.Coverning LAw; Severabllity. Thi+ Srcuriry In.trumrnt .hall Ix govcrncJ By i'eJcral luw and thc law of'the =
<br /> � ^
<br />- yr, .�. 1urisJirtion in whirh the Property ia lixatc�i. In thr e��cnt thsu any pmvi.ion or claux uf Ihix S��uri�y ln�trument or the Note �,,,
<br /> ''�f:•`� conflicts with applicable luw,aurh ronflKt tihall nut al'fcrt whrr provi.iun.of thir Securi�y In,trwnrnt��r ihe Note which es�n he
<br />� �" 'r' �, � given effect withaut the contlicting provi.riim. To thic end thc pr�wisium of this Sccuri�y In.trument und the Note•rre declared �
<br /> , �*
<br />= w-, � ' to be.evcrahle.
<br />-�� . �. � � .:' l6.Rorrower's Copy. &►rruwcr�hall t►r givrn anr runti�nneJ cupy uf lhc Nutr anJ ul thi,S��urity InytmnmM.
<br /> � .
<br /> Fomi 3028 9190
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