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<br /> -_ --= 6. Haurd or Property Iasur�Y. Borrower shall kcep the 1n�provcment� now exicting on c�reafter crected an the
<br /> Property insu�al a�ainst Ins�:hy firc, hu7Ardx includal wilhin thc t�rm "extended cuveruge" and ony other h�tanls,including
<br /> , flaxi�or fla�ding, for which Lcniler r��quircr insuruncc. Thi�insuruncc s;hull hc muiutai�ud in ihc umuunt�aixl for the peri�xis
<br /> that LenJcr reyulres.Thc in�uruncc currfer pmvlding thc inmu�anrc�hal I Ix:choun by &�rr�►wcr +ubject tu IAndcr'+appnwul
<br /> -a'' which Yhull nat hc unreaa�mubly wilhhcld. If Horruwcr failr�to nwEnwin ravcrligc dcuribcJ c�ixwc, l.cmisr nwy, at I.cnder'r
<br /> , option,c►btoin covcrage to pr�MCCt lxnJcr'�rightr in Ihc P�o�:rty in uccnrduncc wilh purugn�ph 7.
<br />.nn� All imurunce pnliriex and renewalr nhull he ucceptuble to Lc�xler ancl �hull include u standard mortgog�cluuce. l.ender
<br /> shall huve the right ta hold the pol icica und renewal�. If Lcnder requires, Bonower shull promptly give to L.endcr ull recciptc of
<br /> fi' puid premium.�;suid rcncwnl natices.ln thc cvcnt nf Ios�,Rorn►wer shall give prompt�xitice to the insurance carrier and Lc�xler.
<br /> __ __ L.ender may make pronf of la�If i�►t made promptly by&►rrawer.
<br /> �� Unless L.ende�und Bnrrowcr �Mherwisc agrec in writing.insursu►ce pmceeds shall be uppliod to restoratiun ar repair of thc
<br /> Property dAmug�, ii the restorn�ion or repuir is ernnomicully feasibie ond I.endcr's secu�ity is not lessened. If�he restorotian or
<br /> repnir is ncu economically feusible ��r Lender's security would be Iessened, the insurunce proceeds atihall be applieci ta the sums
<br /> .a� r�ecured by this Seaurity Instrument, whether or not then due. with uny excegs paid to Borr.,wcr. If Barrower ubanclans the
<br /> - -^- ''��`=-- Property, or daes not unswer wfthin 30 days a nMire from Ixnder thA�the insurance c�rrier hus affered lo setde u cluim,then
<br /> ��'�"� ��""''� � Lender may collect the insuroncc proceods. l.ender muy uee thc pr�xeeds to repair or restarc the Property or to pay sutng
<br /> '�� " secured by this Secudty Instrument,whethcr or not then due.Thc 30�sy period will begin when the noti�r is given.
<br /> Unless Lender a�d Borrower otherwise agree in w�iting, any uppUcutian of pmceeds to principnl �hall nat eatend or
<br /> -- postpone thc due dale of the monthly payments refemed to in paragraphs I und 2 or change �he amount of the ps►yments. If
<br /> `� � under�wragraph 21 the Property is acquired by I.ender, Borrower's right to nny insursince policies und proceais resulting fiom
<br /> wra
<br /> -~ • :.�pr, damuge to the Property p�ior ta�he acquisition shall pass to l.endcr to the extent of�he sums socured by this Seruriry instrument
<br /> .n..�t.S,-�
<br /> � . �,�;�;,�,�. immvdiately prior to�he acquisitiun.
<br /> �"""''"�"��� , 6.Occupw�cy. Preservatlon. Maintenance and Protecdon oP the PropeMy;Borrower's I.opn Appllcatioa; I.caseholds.
<br /> �`�"�" Borrower shxll accu establish,and use the Pro rt us Borrawer's rinci nl residence within sixt da s ufter the execution of
<br /> �' .. •. , PY• P� Y P P Y Y
<br /> � � .�;•' this 5ecurfty Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principnl residence for ut Ie:tst one year after
<br /> �'i,�`.w'"�^*""�' the dAte of occupancy, unless L.ender otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall not be unreasonubly withheld,or unless
<br /> —� � • -' , �,t ,� extenuating circumstances exist which un beyond Barrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy. dnmage or impair the
<br /> --�" "�� � Property, allow the Property to detcriorate, ar cammit wuste on the Property. Borrower shnll bc in defnult if uny fort'eiture
<br /> _ � � � •, action or procoeding,whether civi l or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in farf'citure of the
<br />—"— ^.. •�.;.;;r_° �. �`:YS' � Property or otherwise materisilly impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or l.endei s securiry intere.r•t. Fiorrower may
<br /> � ° I cure such a default and reinstate,us provided in purngraph 18,by causing thc action ar procceding to be Jismissed with u ruling
<br /> V!..
<br /> . +:� � , � that, in [.ender's good faith determination, precludes forFeiture of the Bonower's interest in the P�operty ur ather materiul
<br /> -'�,��':_"""''��`'�� ' i�n ui�utc�ii uT iild lidil .:r�ic�t b th+s �urii {nstrument ar Lcndcr's ucurit inicresi. Sorrowcr shall al:,o bc in defauls if
<br /> ��.��x-_; i P Y Y Y
<br /> — ;��;.,,•;.t..n Banower,during the loun application pracess,gave materially false or inaccurnte infarmation or stutemems to l.ender(��r failed
<br /> — " ' to provide Lender wi�h any rnaterial information)in connection with the loan evidenced by tlie Note,including,but not limited
<br /> �� ` . ''��'i�: ' to,representations conccrnin$Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny us u principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> - � t � -� � "t°�' leuschold, Borcower shnll com I with ull thc rovisi�ns of thc lease. If Borrower ac uires fee ti11e to the Pm n the
<br />--- . '„�4 P Y P 9 Pe Y•
<br />-.�.+j— -+ r ' ,;�t leaschold und thc fee titic shull not merge unlcss Lcndcr agrecs to the merger in writing.
<br /> .,� ,;w�.�, , ;,�� 7.Protection of Lender's RiRh1.v fn the Pruperty. If&�rrowcr fuils�o perfi�rm the covenants And agreements contained in
<br /> " thix Security Instn�ment, or therc is u legul proceeding thut muy signitirantly affect Lender's rights in the Property I�uch as a
<br />��'�� ,.r,,, ' y a praceeding in bunkruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forYeiture ar to enforce luws ��r regulalions), then Lender may do and
<br />_� �".�.�., . ~,-� pay fix whatever is necessary to protect the value uf Ihe Property and 1.enJer's right+ in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br />; � � ' include paying nny swns tiecurcd by u lien which hus prii�ri�y rner thiti Securiry Instnimcnt, nppearing in coun, paying
<br /> :wa,•: reaumable attorneys'fce+und enterinK on the Propeny io muke mpairs. Although Lender muy take action under this paragraph
<br /> +h���i L..,.. �
<br /> , � .=�� 7,l.ender daes not have to do sa.
<br /> -=� . `�''
<br /> ,,.'�,,,,... Any umounts disbursed hy Lender wider �hiti parugrAph 7 ,hAll beconk udditionul de6t oi Borrower secured by this
<br /> — " �' ' Security Instrumcnt. Unless Borrowcr und L.rnJcr u�!rce tc�i�thcr�rmi,of paymcnt, the�e amount�shall hear interest from the
<br /> �'�
<br /> _ .�=Y`-;; ;: ;, • datc of disbur::ement at the Nate rotc and xhull bc payable, with interes�, upon noticc fnim Lender to Barrower requesting
<br /> a�„ payment.
<br /> �"`'��� '° •� . �� 8.Mortgage insurnnee.If L.ender requirai m��rtgage inxurance us a condition of making �he loan secured by this Security
<br />•°�� � ��, Instrumcnt. Borrnwer shall pay the prcmium+ requircd to m•rinWin thc mongugr inwrance in effect. If, fi�r any rwson, the
<br /> �: .
<br /> �--� mortgage insurnncc coveruge rcquired by IxnJcr I•rpses c�r ce•rses tu be in et'fcrt, &�rruwcr +hall pay the premiums required to
<br /> �-� �o� obtain�rovcrage suhstuntially cyuivulent tu the mortgagc insurancc previoutily in effcct,at a r�nt �ubrtantiully cquivalent to the
<br /> -•� `'--�•� � cost ta Bc>rrower of thc mongAge in+urancc prc��i�utily in el'fect, fmm an altemalc nx�rtgagc in�urcr approved by Lender. If
<br /> — . ,��� . �' substuntiully cyuivulent mortgagc insurancc rovcrugc i,not availuhlc, B��rrawrr shall pay to Lcndcr cach mamh u wrn rquAl to
<br /> one-twelfth of�he ycarly monFagc inwruncc premium bcing paiJ by&�nnw�r whcn thc insuran�r covcragc lapsed ur reused ro
<br /> _ . . be in ef'fect.l.ender will accep�.ux��und retuin the�r p:�yment�u. a lu.. re+crvc in liru ul nx,n�:��c inwrunce. Lu�+ re+crve
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