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<br /> � l7.Tratuter of Ihe Prupert a'A Benelkiol Interc�t In Bon�owe�.If all��r any pan af thc Property or j+ny intcrest fo it
<br /> • ,,"�' is sc►Id or Iransfcrred (or if A henc�ci�l intcrest in Bc�rr��wer ir salJ ar tronsPerred and Bc�rrowcr ia nrn a nutu�al pernunl wilhout -
<br /> - _ ,�9,. 1 l.endcr's prior written consent, Lender ms►y, at i�.r nptian, rcquirc immediutc payment in fuU of all sums s�xured by thid
<br /> m►
<br /> Security Ynstrument. However.thi�aptiun rlwll nut tx exerciscd by Lender if exercise ix prohibited by federal law Ys of tho d�se
<br /> of thiR Securily Instrumcnt.
<br /> ,��' ?�'�:��T"•=� " If l,encler exercises this option.Lender shull ive Borrowe�notice of�ccelerution. The noti��e shull mvide o perioai of not
<br /> :: �..._:. ;
<br /> ��: �s.
<br /> • �" ?� ,. less than 30 duyti frnm the date the notice ir• del vered or mailal within which BaROwer mutit puy ul cums securod by Ihir
<br /> Sccu�ity I�trumeat. If Rorrowcr fuile t��pay Ihese sums prii�r to the cxpiru�i�►n��f this perial,Lender muy imoke any ren�lica
<br /> •� �� •� permitted by thix Secu�ity Instrument withaut further natice or dcmand an Borrowcr.
<br /> ' �:-r�_.:Y� 1S. Batmwer•s RiRht to Reln�tate. U &►rrower mects cerlain condilions, &►rrower shull hove the right to huvc
<br /> ''`��� ' " enforrement of this Securlty Instrument dir.cantinued at nny �ime p�iur tu thc curlicr uC (�)S Jay� (or tiuch ather period a� �-
<br /> �- � • applicAhle luw muy specify far reinstatement> before sale of the Propeny pursuunl tu uny power af'r,ule comuinod in thix
<br /> r�����• Secu�iry Instrumen�; ur Ib)entry ai'a judgment enforcing this Securiry Inslrument. Tho.se canditions ure thut Borrower: (ul puyti
<br /> 2�,_�.���:f�y„�.:� Lender ull sums whieh then wuuld be due uncler this Scr.urity Instrument und Ihe Note a.if nu accelerutir,n hud cxcurred: (b)
<br /> � �� �:. curcw any defuult af any other covenuntx ur agrecments; (c) pays ull expenxes incurrcd in enio�cing thix Securily Instrument,
<br /> fi„b, �,- ••
<br /> including,but not limlled ta, reusonuble attameyx' feex;und(d)tukes such uction ac I.ender mny reasanubly reyuire t�ursun:
<br /> .�T�tK'.. . that�he lien of this Security Instrun�ent, l.enJer's right�in the Property und Rorrowcr'x a6ligation to pay thc sums sccured by
<br /> - ""°'�•�+��'•r '�� �hia Security Instrument ahuQ continue unchunged. Upan rcinstu�ement by Fionower, this Securiry Inxwment suid �he —.--
<br /> , obligationa secured hereby ahull rernuin f'ully effective ur if nn ucceleration haJ uccuRC�d. However, �his right ta reinatttte aiall
<br />� ��; :�y;, �� not apply in the cuse of�ccelerution undcr pnragraph 17. ._:�.:
<br /> ";�_, ,, "��.�. 19. Sale of Nate; Cliange�P I.os�n Servlcer. The Nate or a partiul intcrc+t in thc Nut� Uogcther with this Sc�:urity ��
<br /> Inslrumenq may bc tiold one or more time.r•withiwt prior nutice to Borrower. A snlc muy result iu u changc in the entity (known _.
<br /> �'� -' us the "l.oan Scrvicer"1 that coU��cts m�mthly payments due under the Note anJ this Security Instrument.There ulso may bc one
<br /> __ or mure changes of the l.�an Scrvicer unreluted to a sale of the Note. IF there is a chun�e of the Laan Servicer, Borr��wer will be ___
<br /> : - _-- _. given w�iuen notice uf the change in accordance with purugruph 14 above and upplicable luw.The notice will�tute the nume und ¢
<br /> -- 'y -- � , uddresti of the new I.i�an Servicer und the uddrers to which puyments should be made. The notice will ulu►cuntuin uuy ull�er �
<br /> • �},.�. infamiation required by appliwble law. �"_
<br /> ,°,:;�;,er �' �•,�r'�. 20. Fiuwrdous Substwnees. &►rrower shull not cuuse ��r permit the presence, use, Jispos•rl, titornge, or releuse of uny _u'
<br /> _ � . Hawrdous Substnnce,on �x in �he Pr�perty. Borrower shall not do, nor ullow anyrnie else �o do, unything uffecting the r
<br /> Y— Propeny thut is in violutian��f any Environmentul Luw. The preceding two sentences shall not upply t�i the preunce, use,or �'-':
<br /> __+�:� . o ' .. storage un the Property of small quantitiex of Hazurdaus Substances that ure generally rec�igniied to hr uppr��priate to r�irmul
<br /> � <�' residentiul uses and to mnintennnce of thc Pmpeny. ��""
<br /> -- BoROwer shnll prompUy give Lender written notice of uny investigation, cls�im, demund, lawsuit or athcr uction by uny _ _
<br /> ---� � . . � • �� governmentul ur regulutory agency or private pany involving the Property und any H�rdaus Substunce or Environmenlul Luw _
<br /> � ;,i�c of which Burrower has uctuul knowledge. If Borrower leurns, or is notified by any governmental��r rcgulatory authority, thut _
<br /> _ �.,..'r� o ' any removol or rnher remediation of uny Huzurdous Substance uffecting the Prnperty is necessary, &�rrower shall promp�ly �akc =.__
<br /> .� •,r , ts ''; all necessary reme�lial actians in nccordunce with Environmentul LAw. �'.a
<br /> �•-� ��..c� As used in thi�purueraph 20. "Haxurdous Subswnces" are thnse substunces �:lincd as toxic dr huzurduu�tiubrlunceti by _
<br /> ." Envimnmentul Luw und the fiillowing ,ubsrrnee+: gu+oline, keri�sene, other tivmmabie or toxic petroieum pnxiuec�, cuaic --°
<br /> � ., � 4�� �• pesticides and herbicides,volutile solvents, mutcriuls cuntnining ushestos or formaldchyde,und radiouc�ivc materiul,.As us�Y1 in �`''
<br /> :��' this parugraph 20. "Environmentul l.aw" meunti federal luws unJ law� ot'�he juriuliction where the Property i� locuted that
<br /> �"��� '� • ° relatc to hcsdth,safety or envinmmental protection. --
<br /> -'� ;��j • NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. &�rrowrr and LenJcr funhcr ruven•rnt und ugrec us fuUowti: �_
<br /> `� '`���;. '? •`� 21. Acceleretion;Remedies. I.ender shall Qi��e nolice to B�►rro�r•er prior to acceleralinn follow•In�BorroN•er's breach
<br /> ° "''" of any covenant or a�reement in this 5ecurit� instrument (hut not riur to ucceleration under parograph l7 unless �-•
<br /> . �.:M,'.:•_.. p
<br /> — - �+isi, upplicable lew provide+otherw(u1.The mitice shull�pecify: (u)t he de fuu lt; Ib)the action required to cure the default: —.
<br /> "�� (c)a date. not lecc than 30 days fmm the datc the notice iti�iven to Bnrro��•er.b�• ���hich the default must be cured; and �•
<br /> `� � !-- �•, �=•�*=�• ' (d)that iailure to cure the drfuult on or IxPore the dutc sp�rif�ed in the nutice mu� result in acceleration of the sums ��.
<br /> '�" -, secured by this Srcurity In�trumenl and sale oP the Property. The nntice shall further inform &vrow•er uP the rlgl�t to
<br /> '�'• � • ' reinstate after ucceleradon and thc right to brin� u cuurt uction to utiseM the non-existence of a default or any other �-=
<br />.;b� ` defense of Borrow•cr to acrelerntion und sale. IP the defuult is nut rured nn or befirre the date specified in the noUce. �"T
<br /> .� �.. ;i.. _
<br /> -,, � I.ender, at its optinn, mav rcquire immediutc pa�•ment in full of ull tium.r• z�YUn�d b� this Securily latitrument without ��
<br /> • ;:�=';'�. ��,��11 further demand and may fnvokc Ihe pow•cr oT sulc and a�n•uthc�remcdi��permittcd b��upplicable lax•. I.endcr �hull be
<br />��° � '�: .�,;;,�•�� endtled to collect all expenra�inrurred in punuin�thc remedie+prnvided In this pvraKr�ph 21,Includin�,but not flmited �!�
<br /> - ��� to.reas�nable uttorncyti'i'��t�und costx of lide e��idence. — --
<br /> � "�"'`��' � -= �� IP thepn wer of+ale is b�vukcd. Tru,tce shull r�tiord u nutice oP dePs�ult in cuch rounty in «hich uny part of the —_
<br />- •� Pn►perty is locuted and sludl muil copfex��f such noNce in the munner presrribcd by upplicuble I�a tu Burrow•er�nd tu
<br /> the othrr pers�►ns prescrihed B�upplicublc lu��.Af'ter the time required B� upplkable lu��,7'rusl�r sh�ll�i�•e public notice �"�
<br /> '""�•. . �` ��� � of sulc to the penuns and in thc manner pr��cribed h� upplicuMc lua. Tru.tcc,��ithuut dcmund on 1�►rroa•cr,shall scll ���-
<br />- '"� the Property at publlc uuction t��thc hiah�wt biddcr al thc timc And plucc und undcr thc tcrn�x dcsi�Gnutec!in the noticeaf �'°�
<br /> ` � •'�`•°�z salc in nnc or more parrcl�und in uny ordcr Trus1�Y dctcrmin�w. Tru.kK mu} po�t�mc ralc oP oll nr un�� pArccl of the �`
<br /> '�;,�.`;.• •� Propert}� by public unnouncement at the time and pluce of am� �xe��i�iusl� �cheduled sule. Lender or its da�i�n�r may
<br /> s � ' - purcl�asc the Properly at uny sale.
<br /> ° „
<br /> �
<br /> � �� Form 30Z8 9190 c•�
<br /> ,� ',�- page 5 n�6 .
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