<br /> . .
<br /> . . ��... . -�'�'-�
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<br /> . �i.-: ..t4u-:ux.
<br /> ,. . .. -� _--- -
<br /> . g�._ 1059'�4
<br /> ^ TO(3BTHBR WITH�II thc improvements�w or hereafter erecUxl on tbe praperty,rnd ell easements, appunenances.and
<br /> ',t fla�urcy naw or bercaftcr a pun of tha pr�►perty. AU replaceuKntr +�nd additions ahrll �Iso be covered by thir Security
<br /> Inatru�mnt.All uf�he foregoing is rcferrcd to in thig Socu�ity Ins�n�ment c�x�he"Propeny."
<br /> : � BORROWER COVENANTS tFwt Horrower is lawfully seisned af thc esu+tc hareby canveyed and has the right to Qrsmnt wxi
<br />_ convey the Pn►peny ond that the Pr�►perty is unencum6ered,except far encumbrnnces af record. Borruwer wnrr�nts and will
<br /> ���?'+�"�-'�ti, defend generally the dtle to the PropeAy agoinst ull claims und demunds�,�ubject ro uny encumbruncex of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniParm crovenunta Pi►r natiunal use and non-uniform covenant� wlth limited
<br /> ' variations by jurlsdiction�a conxti�ute a uniform s0curity instrument cavering rcal propeny.
<br /> ._.,,.,. . UNIPQRM COVENANTS.Borrower and l.ender covenant nnd agree as follows: � -
<br /> ' 1. Payment of Principwl And Inieresii �p�yment and I.s�te Clu�rges. Borrawer shail promptly pay when due Iho,
<br /> � rt ,��.r..��. .,5_
<br /> i princip•rl uP and inlerest on thc debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and latc charges duc undcr�he Note.
<br /> r�'�� 2. Fbnds for Tsuc�pnd Insuronce.Subject to applicablc law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay to
<br /> - � Y,-.YvT.fl.-:/
<br /> • •.,.a��•. •. l,ender on the duy monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum('Funds")for:(a)ye�r y taxes
<br /> 1 , .
<br /> � ond ussessmen�s which muy uttnin priority over this Secu�ity Instrument as a lien on the Property:Ib)yeurly lemvehold payments
<br /> � -, --�•��"�"�_. ' or ground renls iin the Propeny,if any; (c)yeurly ha�ard or propeny insurance premiums:(d)yearly floai insurunce premiums, �
<br /> '"�°'``' if san ;(e)yetul mon a e insurance remiums. if an and(n an sums a Able b Borrower to Lender, in uccordunce with —
<br /> � �� �� Y Y � 8 P Y� Y PY Y
<br /> ��
<br /> ��r,�;..,::... �,. �he provisions af paatgrs�ph 8. in lieu of the puyment of mortgage insurnnce premiums. These items ure called "Escrow Items."
<br /> � �`,:`""'�'"=-�•'�;"�"^-� I.ender muy. at any time, collect und hold Funds in un amaunt not to ezceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally �
<br /> , .x�W�,�.
<br /> _ - '^°• related mortgage laan muy require for Borrower's escrow uccount under the federnl Real Bstute Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> z`� ����• 1974 as cunended from time to timc. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et sey. ("RESPA"),unless unother law that appliea to the Funds
<br /> .�.a:.:_$��, , sets u lesser umount. If so, [.ender may,et any time, collect smd hold Funds in un umouat not to exceed the lesser amount. _
<br /> -- '��-'`"°'� L.ender mny estimate the s+mount of Funds due un the basi,of current data a�d reasonable estimetes of cxpcnditures af futurc
<br /> � � " " .. Escrow Items or otherwise in uccordnnce with applicable law. —
<br /> '�_ � � � �� .. :,,�;• Thc Funda shall be held in sui institution whose Jepusits are insured by a federai ngcrx:y, instrumentaliry, or entity
<br /> – (including Lender,if l.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bunk. Lender slwll upply the Funds to pay the
<br /> _ �i--�;;A••`.:`-` ;I � �scmw Items.Lender may not churge Borrower for holding and Applying the Funds,unnually an�lyzing the escrow accaunt,or _
<br />:_��° �� ' � verifying thc Escraw Items, unless Lcndcr pays Borrowcr interest on the Funds und applicuble!nw permits Lender to mal;e such
<br /> '".,� " }� . �� a charge. However, L.cnder may requirc�rrower to p�y u one-time chargc for un independent renl estute tAx reponing service
<br /> - ' usal by Lender in connectian with this loan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unle�s an agreement is made or =
<br /> - . ', .,�. applicable law requires interest to he puid,[.ender shull nat be requirecl to pay Borrower any interest or eurnings an the Funds.
<br /> — ,; , Bonower und Lender may ugree in writing, howcvcr, that interest tihall be puid on the Funds. Lender shull give to Borrower,
<br /> yt;= .„6�„�.:_ �: withuut churge, un annuul uccounting of the Funds. showing credits and debits to Ihe Funds und the purpose Por which each
<br /> — `- f °°°. � debii w t6e Fund,wa.,mudc. Tlx i'un3s arc ptedged a.ti addiiianal;c:curiiy!or a!f sums sccured tsy�tltis Securily Instrument. - ---
<br />_ ! If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by upplicable law. Lsnder shall account to Borrower
<br /> .��,.�� � • . for the excess Funds in accordunce with�he requiremen�s of upplicable luw. If the umount of the Funds held by Lender at any _.___
<br /> - '"... time is not sufflcient to puy thc Esrrow Itcros when due,l.ender may so nntify Borrower in writing, and,in such cuse Borrower
<br /> "`j� '�. � shall puy to I.ender the umount neccssury to mukc up the de�ciency. Borrower shall rnake up the deficiency in no more then ��
<br /> ,��' ' ,:. ;� . Iwelve monthly payments,ut l.ender's sole discretion. �.
<br /> � w�r��,, � ` Upon payment in full of•rll sums,ecureJ by this Stwuriry Instrument, l.r.ixier shull promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> .. Funds held by Lender.lf, undcr parugruph 31, L.cndcr shull ucyuirc ar sell thc Property.L.e:ndcr,prior to�he ucquisition or�;ule ��'
<br /> ., , � � of the Property, shull upply uny Funds held by Lender ut the time��f acyuisiti�m or tiale us u creclit against the sums secured by �"'
<br /> `' .b � , • ,� - this Security Intitrument. `--
<br />-"'� 3.Applicatian af Ps�yments. Unlers upplicable law pr�rvidc�i�thenvi,r,all p•rynknts reccived by L.ender under paragraphs ��_-
<br /> �) •
<br /> •�� I and 2 shall he applied: first, la uny prepaymem rhargcs due unJcr the Nutc: ,crond, tu umounts payuble unJer paragniph 2; '��`�'
<br /> `� x `"� third,to interest due;Founh, to principal Jue:and lu�t. to uny late churges due under the Note. _�,
<br /> '�=� �,`��` ' 4.Clw pt;Liens. Borrower shull u all luxex, asses�mentti,rhar�eti tincti and im ��uuns �ttriburrblc to the Pm rt °-.
<br /> - a• r8 p Y ' b •• po. pe y �
<br />�.�' _t.: which mAy uttain prinrity ovcr this Sr:curity Ins�rumcnt. anJ Icaschold puymcnt,or gr�iunJ rcnts, if any. Borrower shull pay '
<br /> -=-��. '�{'`' . these obligations in the manner proviJ��d in p•rruFraph 2,��r if noi puiJ in that munner. Borruwrr ahall pay them on time dirccdy �``
<br /> - to thc penon ow��d puyment. &�rcowcr ,hull pramplly f'umish a�Ixnder all n��ticc.ol'amount�to be paiJ urulcr this paragraph. " �
<br /> �•.�=,: lf Borcower mul:es these paymcros dire�dy. Bcxrowrr shall prompdy t'umi,h tu L.�n�cr rereipt�eviJencing the puyments. �.
<br /> ' ' Bort�ower shall promptly dischargc any licn which ha,priority uvrr thi.Srrurity In>uvmrnt unlcss&irrc�wcr: (:�I agrce,in �=
<br /> �� ���yt � writing to the p•ryment of�he obligation ucureJ by�he licn in a mannrr acccpluhle ti�I.cnd�r; (bl rume�t.in g�xxl faith thr lien -
<br /> - !";-'�`' , , . by. �ir JcfenJs aguin+t enforccment i�f'thi� licn in. IrEal procceJingti �vhich in thr Lcnder'� upiniun �iper�tr to prevent thc �
<br /> :il�.�:-�-
<br /> ',��, . .. enfurccnuul of 1he lien: or(r)scrures from thc hnlJer af thc lirn an aErcrnunt.:ui,larwr�•tu l.rnJcr suharJinutin@ the lien to �•S-:
<br />._'+�. �
<br /> , • ' � ' thi�Security Instrument. If Lcixlcr dctrrminc�that any part nt �hc Pru�xny i+whjrri ta a licn �ehi.h may uttain priority ovcr
<br /> . thiy Scrurity In.trumcnt. l.rndrr may�ivc Borr�,wrr a m�tirc iJcntil'�•ing thc licn. H��rru��•rr,hall,atisl'y thc licn or takc unc ur �
<br /> ,� more of the ucti�m�set tiinh•rtxwc within 10 day.ol'�hr gi��in�:�,I'notirr.
<br /> Form 3028 8/90
<br /> - , P�gr 7 0�fi -
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