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<br />— — condemnation or�ther tukin�of any ppn of the Prup�rty.a for c�snveyoncc in lie�fuf candemna�ion,are hcreby usKi�ncd uiui
<br />. � �ha116e paid�o Lender. —_.
<br />_ In the event of n total taking of the Praperty,Ihe procecdn Khcdl be oppNed to the aums xecured by this Security
<br /> Instrumcnt, whether or not thcn due,with uny excesx puid ta Harrowc�. In Ihe event�f u purtial luking oi Ihc Pmpeny in
<br /> — -- - which the fuir morket vulue ol the PropeAy immediatcly bcfbro thc laking ih cqual�u or greuter than Ihe omoum��f�he num�
<br /> _— - � �cecured by this Secudty InstNment immcdiotely before thc tuking,unless Barn�wcr and I.rndcr rnherwi,e agrce in wdting,
<br /> , �he euma r�ecurcd by thix Seca�ity Inatrument shull be reduced by the amounl of the praceeds multiplied by the following
<br /> fractlon: (a)Ihe total amaunt of Ihe sums�securcd immediately bcfore �he takfng,divided hy Ib1 the t'uir mu�ket valuc of thc
<br /> �� ---- -- - - prupeny immediatcly ix:forc�hc tuking. Any buluncc �hull be paid to Borrowcr. In thc cvcnt of u p�utial taking uf the �_
<br /> Property in which the fair nw�icct value of thc Propcny immediately before the wking i�v IcKS thun tlx� wnown af thc xomx
<br /> secured immedintely before the taking, unless Harrow�r und Lender otherwise agree in writinF or unles+upplicuble law
<br /> ' otherwise provides,lhe praceeds shall be Applied to the sums secured by this Secudty Inxtrument whether or not the sumq Are —
<br />—,�,,,,�,,,y�� then due.
<br /> ��—_��� � If the Properry Is aba�doned by BoROwer,or if,aftcr notice by Lendcr ta BoROwer thut the condemnor uffen lo muke
<br /> - un award or r,ettle a claim for dumngea,Borrower fails to rexpond to Lender within 3U dayx uRer the dute Ihr notice is given,
<br /> -- � Lender is authorized to collect und upply the pruceeds, ut Itr;aption,either ta restoration or repuir af the Propeny or to the
<br /> sums secured by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due.
<br /> �.��,�,� Unless l.ender and BoTrower othenvise agree in w�iting,any appliciuion uf proceeds to principul shull not extend or
<br /> poslpone the due date of the mon�hly payments referred to in parugrnpha 1 and 2 or change the umount of tiuch pnyments.
<br /> - 11. Borrower Not Reknsed; Forbearance By I.ender Not a Wafver. Exlensiao of the time for payment or
<br /> ��:� i modification of amortizntion of�he sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument gramed by Lender to nny successnr in interest _
<br /> �,, of Borrower shnll not operute ta releuse the liubility of tha originul Borrower or Borrowcr's successars in interest. Lender
<br /> _. _�_____.,—_—� � shall not be tequired to commence praceedings ugAinst any successor in interegt or refuse to extend time for puyment or
<br /> ��,�±�s,;y�y i otherwise madify nmurtization nf the sums secured by�his Security In�:aument by rcason of uny demand mude by the original =
<br /> �°1`� " ��7�,•:' Bortower or Bonower's successors in interest. Any forbearuncc by Lender in excrcising any right or remedy ahall not be a �
<br /> � _�'�;;:Y. ..,os ,
<br /> __.;w,.,.,sr^,�;a•�•,�. waivBr of or preclude the exereise of any dght or remedy.
<br /> 1,��:;�=�_:�; 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Jolnt und Several UebUity;Casigners. The covennnts nnd ugreements of this _
<br /> m�•-_-:�-�,� Security Inahument shnll bind and benefit the successors und acsigns oP Lender and Borrower,subject �o the provisions af
<br /> =°=� +�r pnragraph 17. Borrowers covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> .,.,.,:.
<br />���{��.�``� Insuument but dces not execute�he Nate: (u}is casigning thia Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey thut
<br /> �� � Borrower!�inierest in the Ruperty under the terms af thiK Security Instrumem; (b)is not penon�+lly obligated to pay the sumx
<br /> '���� secured by this Security Instrument;And(c)ugreeg t hat Len der und any other Bonower mny agrce to extend,madify,forbeor
<br /> -�'�'�.,..-�'.�`�`; or mak�uny accammadatfons with regard to the tem�s of this Securiry Instrument or the Note without that Barrowerw
<br /> , ;,.
<br /> �•�'•.;•;-" ..,. conaent.
<br /> _ ' �r , 13. l.oan Cher�es. If the lonn secured by this Security Instrument is subject to o luw which sets maximum loun
<br /> — ' �`--'�.-'�.� rh es,and ltsat!aw Is t"snally interpreted M thnt�h�interect or other loun chnrges collected or to be collected in connection
<br /> —•��M�-` ,r:��,� � h
<br /> ;�,;.� .,�• ,�•; wi�h the laan exceed the permitted limits,then: (u)any such laun charge shull be reduced by the c�mount necesssuy to reduce
<br /> — k. ��;� the charge to the permitted limir,und(b)uny sums alreudy collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> .. refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this rePund by reducing the principul owed under the Note ur by making n
<br /> _ � �•� direct pnyment to Barrower. If a refund reduces principul,the rcduction will tx:treuted ug a panial prepayment withaut ony
<br /> — • '^sF prepuyment churge under the Note.
<br /> — � • ' ' 14. Noticea. Any noticc to Borrower pravided for in this Security Inxtrument xhnll be given by delivering it or by
<br /> � � . " • ' mailing it by first clars muil unlexs upplicable law r�yuires use of Another method.The notice shull be directed to the Property �
<br /> ,.r...:, ... ,�;
<br /> � � •'�' Address or uny other addrexs Borrower designates by natice to Lender. Any notfce ro Lender shall be given by first cla�s
<br /> ''"�w'�• mail to Lender 4 nddresz stuted hercin or any othcr uddre�s Lender designutes by notice to Borrowec Any notice provided for
<br /> � .:,;_: , --
<br /> � ^ ���;C�';''"'' in this Security Instrument +hull he dcemed to have been Fiven to Barrower or Lender when given as provided in this
<br /> _ ...:.,.. . . � ° I �+ru rn h
<br /> mh •. p S15 Governing l.aw; Severabillty. Thi, Security In,trument shull be govcrned by federul law und the luw of Ihe
<br /> �_ -�°` ' ` judsdiclion in which�hc Prapeny i�Icicuted. ln the event�hut uny provisiun�r cluuze of�hi�Seeurfly Instrument or the Nae
<br /> '�'''`�� "' ��' I conflicts wi�h upplicuble law,such conflict sh:�ll not uffect other provi�ic►ns of thi+Security Instrument or�he Note which cun
<br /> s" � ',�" '� i be given effect without the conflicting provitiion. To thix end�he proviwions of this Sccuriry Instrument and the Note are ��_
<br /> �• I declared to 6e severnble.
<br /> � �'� •� ' lb. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull lx givrn one coniormed copy o(the Note and of this Security Intitrumem.
<br /> .� a1�C::.^:��.:� . .r.:. ---
<br /> r ' •� ., l7. 7Yensier oi'the Property or a Beneficlal lnterest In Borrower. If ull or uny part of the Propeny or uny interest in
<br />_.� ,�.;w:• � +��'�I•�it I it is sold or irunsfcrced(or if a Ix:ix;ficiul intercal in Bormwcr is suld or tr�nsfcrred•rnd Bortowcr i. not u nutuml person) �
<br /> �.s��r:� :, _.
<br /> i ° without Lender's prior written consem,Lendcr rnay,ut iix op�i�m,rryuire immcJiate paymem in full uf oll tiumti secured by
<br /> ����'"' �r •-•.'�.�P t this 5ecurity Inxtrumem. Howevcr,lhis option tihull not t�exrrcised by Lender if exerci�e is prohibited by federal law us of _
<br /> _ °'' ' the date of this Securi[y Intitrumenl.
<br /> ' If Lenu'e�exercises thix oplion,Lernk:r shull give Bormwer notice of acccler�tion. Thr notice whull provide u period of
<br /> ,:� not less thun 3Q duys fram the date the notice ix delivered or mniled within whirh B��rmwer mu+l pay all+urns secured by this --�
<br /> '"' ` Security Inatrument. If BoROwrr fuil+ to puy thcxc+um� prinr lo the rxpiration uf thi. period. Lender may invoke any
<br /> _',!�':`� ��''„"'� "' remedics p�:rmitted by this Security In.trument wi�h�wt t'urthrr notice ur Jemand un Bi�RUwer. —_
<br />°�. � •�:� "::,_ . 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If Borrower mretx certain conditii�ns, 8�irrou•er +hull have Ihe right to huve iz"
<br /> i,
<br />__ .. enforcement uf this Security It»Iruntent di�cuntinu�J at an�• timr prior lo the carlicr ut': 1i�1 S Jayti lor such other period a�
<br /> ::�' �
<br /> ���� - Sin�lc Frmily•-Frnnle 1f�elMYeddle�fac CNIFIIRM 1�1TRUSIFNT••Umtorni covcnnm. 9190 rpux�•d��In puQes► —
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