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—. � — _. �.. . . <br /> ._::.�e.�,� �=,„ <br />,--_�.,n��.�� / � iti::.: -+ � � ..�EA`'.`_ <br /> �� � . � `��~� /����'�~ (,� , • -ii! <br /> ���� .��� n.iN' �t• _i�f�� . <br /> �v.1 <br /> r. 'n -- -- .. <br /> ..P'i_"_"'.�..� � <br /> �� 92—ios9s� <br /> — —_�� appflcnbla low may�pe.cify for reinrtatement)before sale of the PropGrty pursuant to any power of sale containecl ln�hi� <br /> Securlty Inwrument;or(b)ontry o�'o judgment enforcin�thic Security i�atrument. Thosc conditlons aze�hut Borrower: (u) <br />- pays 1.ender ali suma which then would bc due under this Securiry Insttument and tl�e Note as {f no wcccleralion had <br />— - -- ' accumed;(b)curea nny default of any Wher covenanta or agreecnenta;(c)puys all expensea incurred in enfor�ing�hi�Security <br /> Insuumen�including, but not limiled to, reasonable auorncys'tees;And (d)tukes auch aclion aR L,ender may rcxsonobly <br />�� _ requirc to acsuro thqt ihe lien of this Securiry Instrumcnt,l.ender's rights in the Propeny and Burrowerk obligat�on to pay thc <br /> ,�.....�� <br /> , sumv. secw+ed by thia Secudty Inawment shall conUnue unchenged. Upon reinatutement by Borrawer, thls Securfty <br /> �a�`� Instrument and the ahligntinna necurcd hemby shall remain fulty effective as if no occeleration had occumed. However,�his� <br />�- -� ri�ht to reinstate shall not apply in the case oF acccteration under pu�grnph l7. � <br /> ----�- - 19. Sale d'Note;CdanQe of Loan Servicer. The Note or a purtfal interest in the Note(together with this 5�:curity <br /> '�°�'""�° Instrument)mo� bc wld one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale muy regult in u change in Ihc cniity <br /> (known ns the Loan Servicer")thut collects monthly puyments due under the Note pnd this Sccurity Inslrument. 71�ere ulRo <br /> may be one or mon changes of the L.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of'Ihe Lam Servicer, <br /> Bartower�Hfll be given wrltten notico of the cha�ge in eccordance with paragrnph 14 above end upplicubk luw. The natice <br /> �-- — will swte the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address w whtch payrnents should be made. The notice will <br /> alro contain any otha informat�on required by applicable luw. <br /> ° ---- 20. Hazardoue Subat�nces. Borrowcr shall not cause or permil the presencc.use,disposal,storoge,or releasc of any <br /> ��r�.-�earu� Hazardous Su6stances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor nllow anyone else to do,unylhing sifffecdng the <br /> Propeety that ic in vfolallon of any Environmentnl Law. The preceding twa sentences shnll not apply to the presence,use,or <br /> •��,,� storage on the Property of small quentities of Hazardous Substances that arc generally recognized to be appropriate to normal <br /> --=- - residential uses and w maintenance of thc Property. <br /> _.. <br /> ' — Barower ahall promptly give Lender written�otice of any investigation,claim.demand,Inwsuit or other action by any <br /> -��`-�S;�z�m� governmental or regulatory agency or private pany invulving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Bnvimnmenta! -.- - <br /> -��„:�?� Law of which Brnrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by uny govemmentsil or regulotory <br /> =��;"�.°'�`� authority,that any romoval ar other remediation af any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrower <br /> .�y -;s,-.;-;,�:::,, .r:- <br /> ,:--,,�;;,. sholl promptlytakeall necessary remedfal actions inuccordance with Bnvironmenta Aw. _ <br /> -�=^n � � As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazerdous Substancea"nre those substances detined as toxic or hazardaus substences by <br /> ` �+�=. Environmental Law and�he following substances: gasoline, kerosene,uther flammable ar taxic pevoleum praducls, toxic _ <br /> �i�°�,.ipt� pesticides und herbicides,volatile solvents.materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,und mdioactive materfulti. As <br />--�F � �»��^ . used in this paregraph 20."Environmemal Law"menns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property ia located <br /> " that relate to txalth,eafery or environmentul protection. <br /> " `i�•'y' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.ender funher covenant und agree ux follaws: <br /> 21. Acceleradon;Itemedles. I.ender shalt give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration�allowing Borrower•s <br /> breach of any covenan!or agreement in this Security Iastrument(but not prlor to aceeleration under paragraph 17 <br /> unkss appNcable uw provldes otherwise). The notice sMwll speclfy: la)the defAUlt;(b)the action required to cure Ihe <br /> '"r'`�"'���'�"� detault;(c)a dwte,not less thon 30 dAys irom tHe dote!he notice is given to Barrower�by wbich ihe dei'aafi n�usi i,e <br /> ' �'-�" cured;and(d)thsN fwilure to cure the deiault an or before the date specifled in the notice mAy result in occeleration of <br /> � �a: �,:'• . �. . <br /> � .c:�°;:. . the sumg serured by th(s Security Instrument aad sale of the Property. The notice ahall further inPorm Borrower of <br />= Ihe right to reinstale after acceleration and the right to bring a courl action to as.gert lhe non-existence of a dePault or <br /> any otder defense af Borrower to acceleration and swle. If lhe default is not cured on or bePore the date specif7ed in <br /> �° �''�' the noHce,Leaderat ilsoption mwy require immediate payment in full oPall sums secured by this Security Instrument <br />� ��, '°`d''" without turther demaad and moy Mvoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by appllcable Iaw. __ <br />= Lender sludl be eMitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this ps�raQraph 21, <br /> . . ; � including,but not Nmited to�rr�sonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evtdence. <br />— K+s+3��'1 If tAe power oP swle is invoked.7lruslee sholl record a notice of default in each county in wh(ch Any part of the --. <br /> P�operty is laated ond shAll mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by�ppltcable low lo Borrower s�nd to <br /> � the other persons prescribed by applkable Iww After the time required by appNcaMe I�w.7lrustee shall give public <br /> '"�i r'1 •3'� not(ce of sal�e to the persons And in the manner prescribed by epplicable law. 7lrustee.without demqnd dn Borrower. <br /> � -�t��"���'�.�� sh�ll sell the Property at public AucNon to the hlghest bidder At the time and place and under the terms design�ted in -- <br /> �_,:��,-.:...Yi.._ <br /> �, -- ����'+`' the not ice o f sa le in one or more parce ls an d in�ny or der 7 l rus tee d e t e r m i n e s. 7 1�u s t e e m a y p o s t p o n e s ale of all or an y <br /> �� t•�' " parcel of the Property by public announcement at the time nnd place of Any prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or its � � <br /> desi�nee mwy purchose the Properly At any sale. <br /> — '�� Upoa receipt of payment of the pricr bid.'I�ustee sNall deliver to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed conveying the __._ <br /> �' �.�'�M,^���. Property. Tlu recitals in the'IYustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the stAtements made Iherein. <br />°=� '.�.- '^ 7lrustee slwll�pply Ihe proceeds oP the sale in Ihe PollowinB order: la)to all costs and expeases of ezercising tde power �?-�� <br /> -r• . <br /> ;���.�--� . � — <br /> �.2��t <br /> --�t�- <br /> �._ "� <br /> �° �oT <br /> -- ^�� . . . � !�!_: <br />•;:��.: .� �..�. �b►m J�28 9190 1 puRe S nj A/wRes 1 �- <br /> � w. <br /> ...� , '��j' <br /> s��.•���;• ,.�. , �_ <br /> �^!' ' ' .. p��` <br /> =�� . 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