. . . � � -
<br /> .- , . . . .
<br /> - . . . i . � . .. . . -., ' t' � —
<br /> �
<br /> .� . . . . . ._ . . . . ^ .. . . . . . .. . .... .�_._�_._'" '__�"" `.< _ _ "__ „-•'t
<br /> I
<br /> . . g� ���a.��r�1 �, . � � —
<br />, S.Ha�rd or Prugcrty Insuraace. Borrower sh211 keep the improvemeuts now existing or hereafter eracted on the Anperty � � • . � ' - ,
<br /> • msiued agains�t toss by fire. harards in�luded withm the term °eatc�ded cov�e" and amy othea 6azards,incW�ing ttQOds ar � . _ . .'�f
<br /> ftond'usg,for e�hich Lender req�ires insurauce.This ars�ce st�all be mau►tained in the amQUnts and for the paiods that Lendea • ' . -
<br />� requires.'Ihe i���*�nce cacrier providing the insuzance shall be chosen by Bmrawea subject tn Lender's approval cvhich shall noi L• � . '--;t
<br /> be unreasonabIy w�n�eld. If Borrowea fa7s la mainiain coverage dexnbed above. I.endea may, at Lender's option. obtain —f _ _ _—
<br />. coverage w protect L.ender's rigbts m the Property iu arcordance with garag�aph 7. �`" , '.� `^ .
<br /> AJl insnrance poHaes and rea�wals st►all be acceptable w L�der and shall include a standard mongage clause.Lender sha.11 . � . �_
<br /> . have the right tu hold the policies and reaewals.If Leudea requires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lettder all reseipts of paid �' . �• ��"
<br /> pre�niums and renewal notices.In the event of loss,Borrower shall give pmmpt notice W the inswrar►ce carrier and Leader.Ler�der ° --.
<br /> �-- may malce groof�f Ioss ff noi made prompity by Hoaovrer. - : . -
<br /> Unless Leader and Bonower othea�vise agree in wriring,insurance pr¢�eeds shall be apglied tn restnration or repair of the '
<br /> . Pcogerty damaged,if the restniarion or repair is eoonomicaIiy feas�le and Leadea's security is nat Iesse�e�.If the restoiation or � . �
<br /> r�is noi economically feasi'62e or Lende3's s�rity woald 6e 1�..�ed.the u�sivance p�s shall be applisd w the s�ms , .•,�t-.,:� " ..
<br /> � secuced by tbis Security Instr�ment,whethea or not d�d¢e, v� any eaLCess paid to Boimwer. 1�Bmiov�cr a6andons the :;`•�;'•`;'
<br /> n �: .
<br /> Propeaty,or does not anscvea widiim 30 days a aotice fc�.i 1���as the insivanc�e carrier has offered w se�le a clanm,tke�► ' . . —
<br /> Lend�may coIl�ct rhe insurance pmceed.�.I�tlea may�th�g�ds:o repair or resDOre the Ftv�aaty or to pay sams sec�d :�:�f�;.:�•;;._:.�'� �->"
<br /> by this SecUrity£asnvment,wheihea or nufr c�n dne.'ihe 30-day g�;i�d ar•?1 begiu whe�the natice ss given. �. ,: '�: ,. �
<br /> � Unless I.esdes and Boaawra otheaa�a in wridn ,an ;:��on of tn shall not eazectd 6r '��"'� � `
<br /> � S Y aFF' P�$ P�� ��'a . s :'a
<br /> �e due date of th$monihty���nts ref�ed i4 in p�a�t�s 1 and 2 Qr changs�e amo�usi of t3s�paym.�ts.�under gaia�aph F` ' -;-- . - _=�`�"�-
<br /> . .. � tu
<br /> 21 the Propeaty is acq�red by L.e�der,Bormwez's rig6t to aay ins�nce policies and prucceds resultmg from tlamage to d�e �,>> . �-`:'`-.•,-.'�`.;
<br /> �
<br /> : . ' �P�Y P�w the acquisition shall pass w Leuder to the extent�cas sams secared by dus 5cx.zniiy Instr�ent immediarEly f�. � • ' ,=-
<br /> .` prior tn dre acqaisiUnn. . - :.
<br /> �' � ;.� �" �
<br /> ..: �; 6.Oocapancy,Pceservation.Maintenance and ProlecHon of t6e Property: Borrower's Loan Apptica�;Lea.s�holds. '_• ' .. .;�,_.
<br /> . Barrower sfiall occupy,esiabli�h,�d use the Propeity��or�awer's prmcig�al r�deuce wittair►sixry days�iicr.c�e execution of �.4, � � .-•= • � .�.-
<br /> ��-.
<br /> . s:_�y,.--
<br /> ' this Secaaity Iasaumeat and shaU continue tn�cxupy�:��rty as Barrowea's p�cipal�esdeACe foz at I�ose year after iha �%<-� �.� � � z; - ,a'- —_
<br /> date of ocsupancy. unless I.end� otherwise agrees in�a�, Fi.`sh conserat sdall not tse an�easousmly s }i� or unleas • . ` —'�-
<br /> -- e�teuuating circvnnstances exist which are beyond Bozrou�s e�rruvL t3onowea shall not desoroy.cPamage or impair the Propaty, , ;,,��-
<br /> •�;�.
<br /> . allnw the m derraio ar commit wasGe oa��� .-_ Boirowea shall be m default if an forfeiva�aar n oz � . ' � "�'a+_r'��=,
<br /> Prope�tY rate, L�Y Y o . o��'f� �r.
<br /> proceed'm8,wheiher civ7 or crin►ina1,is begun that in Lcr:�r's�:,o�faith judgmeat conld result in foifeiUUe of the Prope�ty ar �•" :` - t- ,� �` ...
<br /> ',� otherwise mat�iaDy impair tha lien created by this S�3��s=-��t or Lender's seauity insraest Eo:rowea may cure such a . :..�;�:�; �'�•:
<br /> � defau[t and reinstate,aS provided in pa�agiapt� 18,by cavsing e�:�.-xon or pmceed'mg to be dismissed�uith a ruling tLat.in ' . .: _
<br /> ._:,, q Lender's good faitL det�m�matioa.Pieclud2s fmfeiUUe of the Bona-�*w-'s intrae.st in the Propc�er cther miatr�iai i�yaum�r8 of ' F'�.:' �
<br /> t h e l i e a c x c a t e d by t L i s S e c a r ity I n s tr u u i e a t o r L e u d e r's security i n t e r e s t.B o m n w e r s h a D a l s o b e��i'r�'a n l t i f B a r r o n r e r,da��s -�`";� '�' �_
<br /> �
<br /> Iflan appliration pmcess,gave matPaiaily fatse or inaccarate inf�on or stat�mea�ts oo Ix�da(or fa�e�to g�;,�e IEUde�r wiih ' '�;�a �.��dyr
<br /> I,t ;�. ': i.;.. ___
<br /> �y material info:ma�on) in connearon with the loan evidenr,ed by tha Nots, inclscding, but not lunite� �.,M� � , .r;,'• . .�:_
<br /> • aracaQhig BQm��ver's occ�pancy of tda Pcoperty principal a easeDo Banu�ez - � `, • :��' _
<br /> � as a re,adeare.If this Ser�nriry Ias�eat is on I ld, ."�":�.>,`�s.,:��l��.
<br /> ' s�a Il c s�rn{i t y w i s.P�a ll t h e p s o vvisions o f t hs l e a s e.I f Boaawes acquuc�£a°.6 t le t a t he P r a p e r a y,d s�i�e ho 2 d an d t he fee t i t l�s i r 3:.t �'`�,_:,;��s°,; � , —
<br /> . � aIl i i '
<br /> � not mrr�c�l�ss Lr,ndrx�raes to tha merger in aaitiing. ,r- . '�f�`''�.:�i.
<br /> 7.Protection olLen�er's RIgbts in the Proper8y. If Borrower fa�s w oim the coye�s and � ''�"�", a.� .
<br /> P�f a�reements contained in f�.,;
<br /> a m
<br /> this Secaaity Ins�ament,os th�e is a 1e8�P�8 that may s�gnificandy affect Le,ndea'�s rs�;hts in t�e Prope�ty(such as a `ait`.;;5....,. �.^�"b-:
<br />