, . . ... .. . . .. .. . .
<br /> .. _._ � -
<br /> . : - - � _ ---— . . .
<br /> .. . .. __ _
<br /> ,
<br /> . .. . . _ .. .
<br /> . .. ... .- ---
<br /> .. .._.-.._��..4 ---�.._.�._..... --..__ - . . . " � .
<br />. _.. .__ . • . ��'-.
<br /> .� _
<br /> .�j J6��� . :..�. . - - .-.= ��
<br /> .,I 'POGE1't�R WITH a!1 the imFrove�n,�nts now or hsreafter erect,e�on Qce propeity.and all easements.ep�Purteu�es•and . • ' ��:�. �, � .—
<br /> j fvnur�a nogr or hereaftes a�an of the pm�2rty.All�plecemeius and additi.nns shall aLso he covered by this Securiry Ins4rument � �-
<br />�• All of ehe foregoiag i�referred tn in this Sacinity Instrumeat as th�"Prope:ty." r . , `:.'�;'
<br /> . BORROWWER COVENAIVT'S that Botmtiver is lar•+Cully seued o€We est�t hereby oonveyed and has the ri�At w grant and ` � �-r:
<br /> coavey tha Prope�4y aAd tbat the Pcope:ty 'ss unEUCUmbEred.except far encumbranxs of record. Bormwea wananu and will 1� , � •. • .
<br /> ) defcnd geaerally the ti@a tn the Prog�y against all claims and demaads,subj�ct m aay encumbrances o f roco r d. i __ .�� :' . --. —
<br /> , :� THIS SECIJRTTY IN5'IRUtui��i i w�bu�es uaifm� covza,�sG f�r�tionai use an�nan-nniform oovenants cvith limited r'---- -'--.. _ .
<br /> variarinns by jmrisdicaon to wnsatut�a uniform sEauity instrumeat oovering real property. ' .� , �+ �
<br /> 3 UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bormwea and Lender cove,n�nt and agree as#'oltows: ' '.:``' --
<br /> '� 1.Paymca!01 Principa!and Int�t;Prepayment atzd Ls�4e Cl'aaarges. Banower si�ll pramPUY PaY when due the � �` .
<br /> •,, � princs�al of aud intgaesc an ttie debt evideaced by the kVo�e aud any prepayme�t and late charges dus under the Note. ' •
<br /> 2.FsUnds for'��x�s an�Iasurans� Subject to applicabie law or w a wciuEn waiver by Lender. Batrrnver sh�l pay W �' '--:-- -- -- - =
<br />., Leuder an rhe day monthly payments aie due under tlis Note.unu7 tha Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a}y�rlS'taxes � ,� t�
<br /> and as4essmenu which may auain prioiity ov�this Seauity U�uuucsut as a lien on the Fropea�y;N)Yearly Ieasshold payme�is � . `� .
<br /> e
<br /> ar ground reats on the Pro�erty.if any.(a)Yearly 6�d or pmperiy insurd�tce�R+±�.�..m�(�Y�Y�����re.min ,mc�' , �_
<br />` �K(e)Y�Y mflngage instuance gremiums,if any;and(fy anY sums PaYa4�le by Boimwea ro I.ender.in acsordauce wiih the ''-;_ '"_•. - �•.�
<br /> , ` pmvi�ons of parag�aph 8, in lie� of the payment of m�tgage insvrance gremiums. 'Ihese itr�s are caUed°Fscrow Items." : • .. � . ._.
<br /> L.ender roay,at aay mne,collect and hold Funds in an amaant mot to eacceed the�nm amnant a trndea foz a fedeaat[y related .. •. ��_;,�,;:_-=.-
<br /> , m9rtga�e toan may cequire for Boaower's escrow axount unded the federat Real Estate 5eutrment Pmced�ues Act of 1974 as _ __,
<br /> m ;� �-
<br /> . � amended fmm time W Ume.12 U.S.C.Secuan 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless aaodier taw that agplias to me F�ds sets a lesser . . ---- .
<br /> � amoimt If so,Lender may,at any iirue,coIIect and hold Funds in an amwnt not w exc�eed the lesses amomnt. t.�d�;may -- - --- �_
<br /> t:.�+`_-�,:;:.�'=
<br />. estimate the amanat of F�s dne on the basis of c�ure�t data and�easonable estimates of exp�adidu�s of fuaue Esaow Items or � z�'� •
<br /> mhcnui.�im accardance wiib applicable law. � _�..`. � -���f
<br /> ,�,.•�-
<br /> 'ilie F�ds shall be held in an mstinidon whose deposits are insured by a fedesal agency,insOn�meatat�+,or eutily Cmclud'mg .. � +;.5:.'x:.*�:.�.
<br /> _ .C�Fi.:.•�..
<br /> Lendes.ff Le�der is such an inssitution)or ia any Federal Home Loan B�Ic.Lacdea s6a11 apply the Fnn3g m pay the Ess;row • " • - . LY�.
<br /> Ite�ns.Leaaler may not c6arge Borrower for 6olflin��nd aPP�B the Funds.annoally analyring the esr.iow accaant.or verif5+mg . .. �e - -�;;�,� _�•�
<br /> � the Fs�cow Icems.i�I�ender pays Bcmower iurr�t on the Fands and applirable law permits I.eu�e.r to mafce such a charg�. � - R,Y'---�::,•_
<br /> i�� u�
<br /> - However,Leadez may requae Banower to pay a ono-tuae charge for an indepeudeut real cstais tax repoatmg s�vioe used by 4�`�;:,..
<br /> .�;� Lender in oonnection with ihis loan,unlass applicable l aw pra v i d e s o t h�c w i s e.U n t e�s�ageemea t is m a d e or app l i c x b l e!aw ..��^—'--
<br /> .. y��;::
<br /> ..;: requir�s mLemst to be paid,Lender st�aI!nnt be requ.'ved to pay Boaower any u�temst or eamings on the F�ds.Borrow�and . !f. �.
<br />. I�d�maY agtee in wcitiag,�owever,ihat int�est shaD be paid on th$Fans�s.L�der shall give tfl Banower,wiihout charge.an -•-- . - •,r �.-
<br /> _ annnal accamrting of the Fands.showmg cr�dits and debirs to the F�ds aiad the purp�se for which esc6 debii to the Funds waR •'.J tis.�� • ,;,.';' .�
<br /> . i m$dt:'1&e Funds are piedged as a�onal s�arity for aIl swns�ecanred by ahis Security Instrumeui : �. . u:. ,
<br />. ^..�'. �
<br /> • :.:{ ll'tta�Fands held by I.endea�d the amo�mts pe,rmiueri:iu Ue held bY aPD�i�ble lar�.I.euder shall acca�t on B,c*un�.�for � �.;:::. ... �� � ,��_
<br /> � tisn�s Fands u�axordanoe ai�the requse�ea�is of appL�i�Pe law.If the amount af tfne I'�mnds held by E.eada���ue is � ;`'='
<br /> , , �.
<br /> ;;�, �t s�'icient w pay the Bscmw Items whea due,L�nder may so nnrify Bo�wer m writing,and,in sndi ca��uisa�,r�r�1 pay �,�+�..�;:�:s-�'�•:
<br /> , �,��9; t�Lendes the amovnc necessary to c�a3ce up ds�deficiency. Borcowa sbaU make up the deficieucy r`a��mors�a twelve . �},� . :�"�,�,� ,..�' �.
<br /> ��Y PaYme�ts.ai Lender's so:e dis�iai j; :.
<br /> _ UPon PaYmeut m full of all s�s sea�re�by this 5ecauity Losuumeat,I.ender shall pmmptly rcfund tn Borrotvea�y Fands • _^� _' • _
<br /> � held by Leaidar.If,under paragraph 21.I.endea sdall acquire or se11 tha Arapeity,Leaider,Prior o�the xqoisition or sa3e of the -.�;:��� —
<br /> property.s6all ayp ly any Fon d s held by I.eud�at the tim�of acquisirion oz sale a4 a credit a g a i n s t the sums sec�nred by this `t� ', �'-
<br /> �.. �, Secauiry Insbmment ' '' . � . ��:
<br /> 3.Applicatioa of Paymcata Unless z��,�.u�is3e law pmvides othawls.e.all gayments received by Lender m�r�ragraphs �`:�.�
<br /> . . 1 suc�2 sball be ayplied first.W anY PrePa} F Y� i���P `.:��;� .� , r --
<br /> „ �t charges due un der t he Note;secon d,to�rnounts a te�c:e r �2; 2 ,�� U--�:.
<br /> .,, ttsd,tn ino�est due;fomth,to p�cipal due:and last,to any late charges due�mder the Note. ,� .z-.�'-=` —
<br /> {y� 4.Charges;Lieos. Baim w e r s h a U pay z 1 t a xes.a s s e s s m e ats. c6azg�5nes a nd impositions amdbutable to�1az Pmperty -
<br /> - w�ich may auam priority over this Secmity Iasi�sment,and leasehold pay►�at�or grovnd reuta.if aay.IEe�wer shatl pay these >;��i:�': u�,,`
<br /> • : �� auam -��
<br /> "�:�:;;;. obligatioas�the manncr prorided ia parr,�a 2.or if not pai�in Wat ma�:er,Bormwer shall pay them�n timo�tty�n the � ' � ��i�.���,'#'� .' .:
<br /> :�"Y ' '��,.,, ;;� _
<br /> pesson owed paymeat S�muwea shall prompdy fianish to Leader all notices of amc�ro be paid unda this��aph.If �.a,`,1';•!,��,`,,�,� �?::,;�.',:.,;
<br /> Botmwea makes these ts daecd Ba�rower shall promptly fumish tm I.ender recei�s evideacmg the paymea� ��',,.•<'�;;��Y=.f{�`��'
<br /> ��� Ys ...5t':.� j'':•Y-
<br /> . B o i r ow e a s h a l l p mm p�J y dischar g e an y lien whic6 has p r i a r i ty ovei this Sec�i ry Insmuawt�mless Bon+nwer:Qaj t�,t e e s in .. � � � u 3��: �
<br /> writing to tLe payment of the obtigation se�red by the l�en in a manAa acacptable w I.end�;@)contests ro good farth the liea ..;.�,,.....��
<br /> ^!�??�.�Z����'... ..
<br /> - hy. or d e fen d s against ea forcemet►t o f t h e l i e a i in, t egal pr o c e e d'u rga w h i c h in �he L�der's op i n i n n o p e r a t e t o �e v e n t t h e ' �r2w�.��,:;:,;.�
<br /> � enf�rm�t of the lien:or(c?sec�nres from the hoWer of thz lien an ag�eement�c�y to I.emdra subordina���he lir�tn .=�.n;yrfa-,-�*.-_-�--�_
<br /> ' thia 5r.auity Instrument If Leadea detelmines that an c.�tiie Fro Ls sub' tn a)ir�ahich ma atmm over thLs •`�'���� .: • • _.
<br /> y� �y • � � � -:;�.rY)�r.�'a�`.:..,I '
<br /> Sea�.sity Insuum�t,Le�der may give Bmrosver a aotice id��fying the liea.Bomnwer�sacisfy the lien or take aae or more � �'.,
<br /> . �';. of the acanns set forth above withhi 10 days of t�giving of notice. ��.��- •.��_ i v�
<br /> :;�i�>; ,�i;';;;.'�
<br /> ' ;�� Forrti 8028 �/90 , "�. ''n;�•_�
<br /> � a�. -
<br /> �-I3R(NE►cox�zi.o� vao•zo�e muieia:-- — ,:. � ; •,;
<br /> •.� :',�+5�:%'y�"M;�°ti s'`:F,. .
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