. . , . . �. .
<br /> . . . . �.. � _ . . ,. � . : ' . ' . . . `. . -,,�—
<br /> � .. , . . . . . , -;.��
<br /> -. � << ' ' • , . � � . t �r . - . ° - -
<br /> ..__ ._�._.. _ _ .... . � , � • . - .. .... . �.. . _ .._ ._. � . .. _.._.W _ .• ' . � � : :�'�
<br /> � g�- �� . � ., � ` �,x1�
<br /> ! ����� � . . . :
<br /> i DaYments may no tongea be required.at the option of Lendzr,if mortgage uuuzaa�ce oov .�,s+a(m tir.am9unt and for tt�:period Y . . . .���
<br /> ; tGat Lender requues)Provided by asi insu�er r�ved�p Le��S bocou�:�aw�lt�1��i�ol�L°as�.Ho�o�t��1 psY thr '. _ - .- -_„.:- -
<br /> � premiums re4uued t�maintain mortgage ins�ranse in effeci.crr to panv�}a a[oss rese�ue.unu7 ttw rcr�un���t foe m9at�� i , .
<br /> t inswrance ends in sccotdance with any wriuen agreemr,nt b�twaen Borrow�.c��d l.entl�or applit�;►I::l�srr. � . � . '
<br />. 1 9.InspecHon. Leader or its agent may mai�e reason2b�enuies upou a.�A inspecdons of tbk°Pro�:aty. Le��+'d shpil give
<br /> Boirower natice at ihe time of or prior to an inspution specifying rr,�on2b1�cau�e for the in�pecdon. f
<br /> l0.Conde�nattaa. '[&e pracee�ls of any award or cl�.m for�as�s,dite�i or con�equ�ris:l. in oo'�nceti� ���:h�y i _ . ._ ----._--- _ -
<br /> '� condea�nnation or otlu�tal�ng of any part of the Property,or for oonvey�sa�Q►G�u of condemns�imt,aas hwebY�"�'�°•�d��:� . .
<br /> ' shall be paid to Lender. •
<br /> � In the event of a total taking of W�Propercy,tt�e pmoeeds shz11 b:applixi m tbo sumR s�csueYl by this S�arit��Inswm:nt,
<br /> whethea or not then due,with any excess paid to Baaower.In ths ev�nt of a paati�d t�suig of tt�p Pcap�ty in w:i's•.b tt►�fa�t ma�et
<br /> value of the Prapeity unmediatety before tt�tskmg is equ:!to ar�:FS ths�t6�ammnat oi tY�c sua►s sec�ued by thes Security .. . �;,
<br /> Instrumeat imraediatelY before the taka�g, unt�s H�roNe�and I.end�o2hz3aise agrae in nr�iting�th�sums sectnre�by tbis ;:: a��'`:
<br /> Secvziry Instrume+st shall be reduced by dr tun�.�st�f t��pTOOe�ds multiplixi by th�following ftr��nn:{a)the total amount of . ;!-;r;;,.: -
<br /> the s�ms s�red immediately before the tabng, div:d�d by N)tha fair m�tket value of the Propeaty immediately before the � ��L-•�;`.-_-
<br /> � taking.Any balance s�aII be paid ta Bu�sr�.In thr av�t of a p�tia�t�*'su�g of the Prapacty in which the fair market value of the _- � T3;,�„�:�_
<br /> Prope�ty immeeii�tety before tLe tatring is less than tb�asnrn.•ni of tfir�ms seaued �mediately before the mking, ualess . . . , : ., �
<br /> Bolrower and Leader oshe�wise agree in writmg or unt�s aa.�li�S:.•l�n•�r��vise Pmvides,the pmcceds sball be applied ta the _ _ . �'`�,:r�� -.
<br /> surns sec�ued by this Secauity Inst�ument wP��or nat ttn sums ae th�d�s. � . :� �:�,.� '�, �
<br /> ''� If the Prope�rty is abandoned hi Bcnrawra.at if.a�ies irat�xs by Leadea ro BorcoNer thast the conde�nnor offexs tn maYc aa � '.�'i��}-.-
<br /> t I �; .:>,;'_�.
<br /> `� award ar se�e a claim for da�,.Hormwes f�,ils u►rrs�awl tn Lender vrittwn 30 days attear the date the notice is given,Leada ;' : , �„ �
<br /> _� or to the swns s�cured '',r�;'��;4', -,��.,`
<br /> ':t is suthorized w callect aad appfy ifse proca�ls,ae iu op�cm,eithea ro restniarion or m.pas of the Property �.,; f{• •-,���;
<br />-:�; by this Sesauity Instrumea�t,whethea or nflt th��,. a� ,;���., V�4`�;:�'�, _
<br />'`m _��� �.�; �..s
<br />� r , �•--ta�nK.>.,._
<br /> Un2ess Leuder and Boaowea othawise a�m writin8,anY aPP l i c a t ion o f p r o c,e e d s w p r i n c i p a l s h a ll a o t e x t e a d o r p a s t p one . . ..�;;,.,,--=.—
<br />.� the due date of the moathly paymeutg zefeuued to in pataBraPhs 1 and 2 or c6ange the amount of such paymenis. � ' � ,�� •
<br /> ea
<br /> 11.Borrower Noi ReleaSed;Forbearance By I.ender Nat a Watver. Extension af the time for yaymea�t or modific�on _,
<br /> of amarti7asion of the su�nos secaued by this Sec�rity InstrumeAt graated by Leudea to any successor in intarest of B�aim�ver s d a ll ='
<br /> ,� noL operatc w zeie�sLe liab�'of the original Borrovrer or Bomnw�'s�cseccsois in mte�est Lei►der sbail noi be maqaiored to . .. .':
<br /> so
<br /> . commence proce��3a�nst aAY suocessor in interest ar refi�se to exteasE tiffi for payment or oihecarir:e��ify ama�nn of ... � i;�:.�.� �. t�
<br /> d� .. .
<br /> �� the s�sns secwred�d�3ac�iiP I�strument by reason of any dernand m�::k�the original Bomow�r a�r�urmwer's suooessors � �
<br /> '.`�`�n;;3�';��+`���i`r '.
<br />. in intaest Any fo�rz bv�er in exeicisng any rigtrt er�medy 'su1E�ot be a waiver of ar gieclude 4he excrcise of any _...
<br /> rigtttor reme�ty. ,�;�' ���;1( • g:-
<br />•,,��_ ; 1Z.Successois aad As�igns Bound.doint and Several LiabaIty,C�`.h,�neis.'l�e csv�ant� and ag�eemcnts of tbis ,�. '.�: : ' .
<br /> '": Seauity Instr+�meat sC�all bmd aad beaefi[the suocessors and assigas of LQndea and Barmwer,sa'��Sxt tn the provisions of ��'• � : ��''sc
<br />'> �`§��.es.�..,., �K:;
<br /> �� �. , -;,-
<br /> .:�. P�Pb 1T. Bos-�a's cov�aats and agreements s6af1 be joiat and seveaal. Any Bouower who co-signs this Securiry .. : ,;;
<br /> In..�eat but does not execute tha Note: (a) is co-signing this Secauity 1ns�ument only w mortgage,Bcant aad convey t6ai .���•°, �t� -
<br /> - ' ' i a t h e i m d e r t h e t e i m s o f t h i s S e c n t i ty I n s t m men�(b)is not p e i s o n a ll y obli g��u e d w p ay the sums ��,�,: ������ '•
<br /> �;
<br /> Bolmaixr s�nterest Propeacy y--
<br /> � secu:ed by this Setu�ity Instrumenfi and(c)a�ees that Lender and any other Bmrrow�may agree to eact�ad,[a . ar . .:�;_. � _,��;�-
<br /> maYe any accomr�s�oa,wit�regard w the te�mg of this Sec►�rity In.s�mept ar the Not�withont thut Baacuwer's conseut ` �:�;;.:�_�,
<br /> � Y3.Loan Ch:�s. If the toan seaued by this Security Instruraent is gn�' to a taw wluch s�asauEimum 1os�n es, ��;..
<br /> �ct o n ci�arg ;�� . :"�,�.,��_
<br /> and d�at law is Finalty inie�pretad so that the interest or other t,y:n charges c�Ll�xed ar tn be coliected i��nnec6on a2th the loan . _ :. :�''�,'�' """
<br /> , M�( a�ini:-a._._
<br /> c��the pertniaed limits,��:fa)az►y sucD loan ct�arge si�1L�e sedu�ed by the amoant neoess�y w reduce the c�:ge w the `,:_;_��s�- .- .i
<br /> : ��_ . �-��:_
<br /> pes�itted limi�aad(b)aay s�s�;C.•-eady collected from Boaawear which ra�:.eeded peimived l�its w�l be reftinded w Bormwa. ,, .; .
<br /> ��,.y�•'
<br /> .;�r. ; 3.eaider may choose tn mulr i�`�ss rafund by reducing the principal owr�t under the Note or by rna;�g a di�ct payment t� .. ;� :,
<br /> '•� ��P���'�;': --..
<br /> ���:�,,� Bonower.If a refu.�co�ices p_^"��1,the re�ucdon will be ueateA e:��tia1 Pr�aYment without anY D�Yment charge � • . _ _ ''^.;
<br /> ';:�'., under the NoDe. ��' �' +F `;... �-�.
<br /> � b4.Notice�. Any notice to t3'u�wet pm.�3�d€ar ia�.S�urity Inst�ament shall be given by delivering it or by mat�ing it :.;�:�"y���:�L:-_
<br />::�� by fiist class mail nn2ess applisable law requ:r��ae cf�Alsur�ethad.'Ihe nodce sh�l be directed w the Prop�ty�.ddress or • ':'.r:�;�` ��'• "'��
<br /> , ��•� .v�►7R.��.:.. �,,.. .,`
<br /> any oth4r siddrs,s ffcsemwea designates by nQ�t�LenEsr_,vsy norioe tu C.r�dea shall be given by�,st class m�t�il w Lendea s ;�....: •.,.•:,�..
<br /> �,'�} ; address stated t�cna�s,oY any Oth?s addiess L��rt designa�by notice in Bortowed.My notice pcua�r�ied fOr in this Seaaity �.
<br /> I n s t r u m e n t s h a ll D�s c:e e m e d E o h a v e b e e n g iv e n w Borrower�r l..endea whea g iven as p r ova,',a�.fa tfri��ph. �'.�;�;;�:e'`'`�'?i�:�f', �,�,
<br /> ��,� . �.
<br /> ..�, � I5.Governing Law;Sevua60itq. 'It»s Security In_mv.ucant shafl be govemed isy frair:��! iaw and the law of !he • .' �..'_. ;�.u.;::._.__—
<br /> j�isdic6on in which the Pcoperty is lacated.In the eveat tiSaE any provision ar c1EU�e r,,[�.:s Sec�uity Instrum�t or the Note , .. >°`.,.' —
<br /> conflicts with applicabi�law,such coMict shall not affect other provisions of this Seaui�y Inswmeot as the Note whicb cao be . _:.,..,n. �,,�
<br /> ."�,, - ���k4�-�.
<br /> given effett wishout the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions at ti��s 5ecauity Inswme�t�rd it�e Note are declared w • - >i��,�ti'.��•� —
<br /> � be seve4able. . . , '''.�"t:t..
<br /> Form 9028 81D0 ,
<br /> �-sR(NE7t92�a1.a� Papo4o18 �nlnab:-- -, , •
<br /> . ' . .i . f"�'� � . '.
<br /> ♦� • r . . '.. � .
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