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<br /> , periods�hat Lender requirea. The insurence currier providing�he insurance shall be chasen by Borrower subject to i.ender�s
<br /> npprov�l which aholl not bo unrcneonably wlthhel:l. If Borrower fails to maintafn cover�ge described above,l.endar may,wt
<br /> l.ender'�option,obtain covers�ge to protoct lxnder A riphta in tha PmpeRY 1n accordenc�with pangraph 7.
<br /> — . All insw�nce policies and�enewala shall be acceptable to l.ender and shall include a swndard mangage clause. Lender
<br /> shall have the riQht to hold the policies ond rcncwals. If L.endcr reyuirer,Bortowcr shall promptly give to Lender all roccipis
<br /> -- of paid premiums end rencwol ndiceg. ln the event of logs,Borrawer shull give prompt notice to the insurance cetrier and
<br /> Lendtr. L.ender mAy moke proof of Ic►ss if nw made promp�ly by Borrower.
<br /> __�_� Unless L.ender und Borrower Mhcrvvir,c agree in wridng,insurnnce procecds shall be applied ta►estor�tion or�epair oF
<br /> - -- - - - _
<br /> thep�operty dartwged, if d►e rcsroration or repuir is ccononilcAlly feasible �nd l.ender g gecurity i9 not les�ened. I e _
<br /> restorntian or repair is not econamically feasible or Letukr's security would be lessened,the insurance proce�x shnll be
<br /> upplied w thr sums secured by this Security lnstnament,whether or nat �hen due, with any exce4s paid to Borrower. If
<br /> — Borrower abandona the Nroperty,ar dces not Anawer within 30 duys a notice from Lender tbat �he insurance carrler has
<br /> offet+ed ta rettle u claim.then Lender may collect the insuro�rce proceeds. L.ender may use the proceeds to repair or nsto�
<br />— the Propeny or ta puy cuma socut+ed by Ihia Security lnetrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when
<br /> _ __ __ __ tlu notice ia given. lication of roceeds ro principal shell not eatend or
<br /> - � Unless Lender and Bortower otherwfise ngree in wri�ing,uny app P
<br /> __ � postpone the due date of�he monthly payments rcferred to in pacagrepha I and 2 or chnnge the wiwunt of Ihe payments. If
<br /> —_ undcr paragraph 2! the Pmpeny is acquircd by Lender.Horrower's rlght to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> — from damnge to ihe Property prior to the acquisition chall paxs to Lender to the extent of the sums r.ecured by Ihis Securiry
<br /> Inawment immediately prior to the ocquisition.
<br /> �----� 6. Occupancy, Preservation. Mpintenwnce and Protectbn of the Property; Borrower'e Loan AppYcadon;
<br /> LeASeholde. Borrower shWl occupy,establish.and use the Property as BorroW'er's principal residence within siaty deys afier
<br /> ��;;�;.,��_-�- the execution of�his Security In4trument and sMell continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at `
<br /> �+:�•�•-r;;.:�•; least one year after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwiFe ugrces in writing, which conxent ahull not be
<br /> n
<br /> -�����f� anreasonably witAheld,or unlesa extenunting circumstancea exist which are beyond Borrower's cantrol. Borrower shall not
<br /> "�"`_�''S destroy,demage or impuir the Property,allow the Properly to detcriorate,or commit waste o�the Property. Borrower ahsU
<br /> ��?V•� be in default if any forfeitur+e action or praceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lenderk�ood faith judgmant
<br /> �;, � cauld result in forfeiture of ihe Property or otherwise materially impair ihe lien creuted by this Security Instrument or
<br /> .�>
<br /> ��>�� �� Lender's securit interest. Borrower muy cure such u default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by cauains the action
<br /> :��,d:�.'�:;;• ' Y .
<br /> ��„�,i�� or procceding to be diamissed with a ruling that,in Lender s gaod faith determinstfon,ptecludes forfeilure of the Borrower's
<br /> �''�""""''�-i8"'-�"'""'� interest in the Property or other material impairtnent of the lien created by this Security I�strument or I.ender's secudty
<br /> �"� interest. Botrower shall also be in default if Bortowcr, during thc laan npplication process. gave matedally falsse or
<br /> � ineccutate information or statements to Lend�r(or failed to provide Lender with any ma�er�al infamatbn)in connec�ion with
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representations conceming Bonower's occupancy of the
<br /> � - ' ' property as a principal residence. lf this Security Instn�ment is on a leusehold,Bortower shall comply with all the provisions
<br /> � -..�,—
<br /> of�he kaxe. Ii Bur�ower ecquiros f¢c iiile to tlte Ptoperiy,the lea+�hold and�he fee titic shall not merge unless Lender aQrees
<br /> Y'•• �eti. � to the merger in writing.
<br /> :.=N`.7rty,._:.�;f-; •
<br /> .,s.:,�;'.`r�'
<br /> 7. 1'��uiectlon ot I.ender s Rights in the PropeHy. If Borrower fnils [o perform the covenunts and ag�eements
<br /> s� contained in this Securiry lnstrument,or there ir u legul praceeding that may signiGcantly uffect Lender's righls in d►e
<br /> ,�i""�` , property(such as a procecding in btutkruptcy,probute,for condemnation or farfeiture or to enforce Is�ws or regulations),then
<br />` '• '�" �°'``�•, Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender g rights in the Property.
<br /> ,i: �'�W: . Lender's actions may include puying uny sums secured by u lien which has priority over this Security Inswment. appeuring _
<br /> � k.;�;!''.,.• in court,payin�reasonable altorneys•'fees und entering on the Propeny to make repairs. Altl�ough Lender may ta�e ac�ion
<br /> t+[. °. .
<br />, •�-.,:;� „_, ',,. under this parngraph 7,Lender dces not have to do so,
<br /> ',;,,i�,;, ., � Any umounts disbursed by Lender under this puragruph 7 shall become ndditional debt of BortoNer secured by Ihis
<br /> ,�,� .. ` 3 Security Instrument. Unless Borrowcr and Lender ugree�o�ther tenns of payment,�hese umounts shall bcar interest from the
<br /> i k 'f��;'�� date of disbursement nt�he Note rate nnd xhull be payuble, with interest,upon notice from Lender lo Homower requesting
<br /> ';tiYL",�'i".... �� _
<br /> w?s '
<br /> :,•�� ,.kl .., paym8nt.Mortgage Insurance. lf Lender rcyuired monRage insurunce as u conditian of muking the loan secured by�his
<br /> ��� � � �' Security Instrument, Borrower shall puy the premiumti required to mnintain the monguge insurance in effect. if, far any
<br />:��,�., `,;.�. � reason, the moqgage insurnnce coverage rryuired by Lender lapxex or ceuties to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> ^��� +, ` premiums required to o6t�in coveroge substantiully equivalent �o �he mongage insur.uue previously in effect. at a cost
<br /> ..�:�:%.. �, substantially equivolent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgo�e ir�tiurance prcviously in effect,from an altemate maRga�e
<br /> �tit4'��� .-,ti.; insurer npproved by Lender. If substnntiAlly equivulent mohgu�e insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> _.����':�.�.•�.3. Lender each manth u sum equul lo ane-twelfth uf the ycurly mortgugc insurunce premium being puid by Borrower when the
<br /> �;�"••,: �a � - insurnnce coveruge lapsed or cenxed to be in effect. Lender will accept,usr unJ retam these payments as u los4 reserve in lieu
<br /> � - " of mon a e insumnce. Los.r reserve p�yments may no longcr be requircd.u�the option of'l.ender,if mortgage insurunce
<br /> "�_;�;' . B 8
<br /> :^� •� , coveruge(in the amount and for the pc�iod thut Lender reyuires)provideJ by un inzurer approved by Lender again becames
<br /> �'� f..-,.,F �=' uvoilnble und is obtained,Borrower tihull puy the prcmiums reyuired ta muintnin mortguge insurnnce m efPect,or to provide p
<br /> �:�. ,-X;;-
<br /> - � loss reserve,unlil the reyuirement for mongu�ee inxurance ends in uccordunce with any wrinen agreemern between Barrower
<br /> i� . .,,.r�' , sind Lender or upplicuble luw.
<br /> n
<br /> , �«�",q , 9, Inspection. Lender ur its ugent muy m:Jce nrusonuMle entric. upon�nd inspectionti oF the Property. Le.nder shnll _
<br /> ' give Burrower notice at the timc of or prior to un impectian,perifying rcu+anable c•ru,c titt the inspection.
<br /> � ;,.-. 10. Condemnation� The pra:eeds of uny uwunl ur clmm f��r Jumageti,di�rrt ur conuyucntial.in connection with any
<br /> . .3
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