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<br /> candemrurtion orother Wking of eny part of Ihe Propeny.or for conveyence in lieu of condemnAtion,tue hercby tu��i�ned wNi
<br /> �hall be paid to Lcnder. �
<br /> In the event of e total laking of Ihe Properly. �he praceeds nhull be applied to the xumR secuted by IhiK S��:urlly
<br /> In»ttument. whether or not then due,wi�h any exxss pnid to Bortower. In tfic avent of a partial wking af'the I'rc�chy fn �
<br /> which tirc fair market vAlue of thc Propeny immediatoly before the taking fs equal to ar greAtcr than the urnounl of Ihe�.umx
<br /> Recure.d by t�is Securiry Instniment immediately before the tuking,unless Borrower and Lender otherwixe agn:e fn wrlting.
<br /> tha suma secured by this Security In�trument shall be reduced by the amount of the procceds multiplied hy the folluwin�t
<br /> frnctian: (u)Ihe tatal amount of the sums secur�ed immediately befare�he taking,divided by(b1 the fufr markc�vuluo of'lhc
<br /> _ —_� prop�ny irnmediotely before ihe takiog. Any bulancc shall be puid to Horrower. In the event of a ps�nful taking oP�hc L
<br /> prpperty in which the fair mcuket value of the Yroperry immediately befor�tfx:tuking is Ics�thun thc i�rnnunt of thc vumv
<br /> I cecured immediately before the taking.unless Bomower and Lender otherwise agree in wrfting or unlcxx upplicable luw
<br /> otherwisa provides.the praceeds shull be applicd to the sume secured by thix Security Instrument whether nr not�he yumx arc
<br /> thcn due.
<br /> If the PropeRy is abandoned by Botrower,or if.after notice by l.ender to Borrower that the candcmnur offcrx�o makc
<br /> I on uwurd o�rettic A claim for damag�s.Borrower fuila to respond to Lender within 30 duys uf�er thc dute�he naticc is givcn.
<br /> Lender Is Auihadzed to collect and apply the praceeda,at its optinn.elther to restoretion or repair of the Propeny ar ta�he 6
<br /> rumr xecured by this Secu�ity Instrument,whethcr or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvire agree in writing,any application of proceeds to principal r+hull nol ezlend or _
<br /> puxtpune the due dute of the monthly puyments refeRed to in paragrnpha 1 and 2 or change the amount of such puymentx.
<br /> 1�, Bor�ower Not ReleasedJ Forbep�nce By Lender Not w Waiver. Bxtension of thc lime Por paymenl or
<br /> modif ication of umortizatinn uf the sum�secured by lhis Security InRirument granted by Lender�o uny successur in interest
<br /> of Bo�mwcr Rholi :wt operate to release the liubility of the original Borrowcr ar Borrowerk succetisorw in intcrest.Lendcr
<br /> Khull n�N be required to commence proceediogs against nny successor i� interest ar refuse to exiend time for payment or
<br /> ' alhcrwlx�m�dify amortizution of the yums secured by Ihis Securiry Inswment by reuson of nny demund mude by�he originul _
<br /> ---- ----- H��rn+wer or Borrower w successarr+in interest. Any forbeorance by Lender in exercising uny right or remedy shuli nat he u
<br /> wuiver nF ur prcclude the exercise af any right or remcdy.
<br />____��� 12. �iuccessore and Assigns Bound;Joint and Several Liability;Co-elgners. The covenunts and agreemenix of Ihis
<br /> ------ ScYUr1ty Instrument shall bind und 6ene�t the successors und a+signs of Lender and Borrower,subject ta the provisions of
<br /> �� '=��-� puragruph 17. Bormwer�covenants und agreements shall be jaint und several.Any Borrower who co-signs Ihis 5ecurlty
<br /> ���....���'.�
<br />�'�'�" '" InxlnmMnt hut duex not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument oniy to mortguge,grunt�nd convey t ut
<br /> �ar ��� Boniiwer�intcreat in the Property uncler the terms of�his Security Instrument; (b)is nat personally a6liguted ta puy the sumti
<br /> ,,..
<br /> r�muke s+ny��omm�odutions withAregard t tha�tpim.c ofethi�Securty lnstrum ntror hegNote witlo t haBorrower'�
<br /> ' cw�+�em.
<br /> " IJ. l.oan ChargeA. If the ban �ecured by this Security Instrument is subject to a luw which sets muximum loun
<br /> "—`' rh�+r�es,und thut luw is finally interpreted ho that the interest or aher loan charges callected or to be collecled in connection
<br /> .;� wUh the luun exeeea�he permitted limi�s.iLC��: ta)+�ny such loan chacge sha!!be reduced hy the umount necesswy ro reJuce
<br /> �• ' ' ' the churge u�thc�xrmitted limit:and(b►uny sums c�lreudy callected fram Bortower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> �. �. rcl'un�kd tu B�mower. l.ender muy chnose to muke this refund by reducing ihe principal owed under the Note or by making�
<br /> Jinr�payaxm u�Hnrcuwer. If u refund reduces principal,the rcductbn will be Ireated as u pa�iiul prepayment wichout uny
<br /> -:,�- -; pnpuym.:nl churgc undcr�hc Note,
<br /> •�' I4, NiNicer+. Any n���kc to Bortower provided for in thix 5ecurity Instrument sholl be given by delivering it or by
<br /> s 7'�•� muiling It hy fln��cluys muil unless applicu6le Is►w reyuircx use of undher method.The notice r�hall be directed to the Property
<br /> ` � A�klres��rr uny ather iuldrr�s Bortower designutes by nalice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shull 6e given by fint claxx
<br /> ""� �r f ,. muH t��I.endrr:uddre�++lu�cd hcrein or any othcr uddresx Lender designates by nodce to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> '��'� �w" in Il�in Sccurily Imirument .hull lx deemed to huve t�een given to Borrower or Lender when given ae provided in this
<br /> � � puru�ruph.
<br /> ''�"�''""��- '''�"'�-- 19, li��vcrnlnp l.uw:tieverabillty. This Securiry Instrument xhull bc govemed by feden�l luw und the law of the
<br /> , 7 '�„ . � '' . juri+dicliun in which thr F'n�er1Y is located. In�he event that uny proviwion or cluuse of this Security Instrument or the Note —
<br /> �^• �_,�� runllicl+ wilh upplicuhle luw,xuch contlict shall not affect athcr provisians of thix Seruriry Inxtrumem or the Note which can
<br /> .r�'«�..,;�;.. „,, Ix�;�v�� ��frci w�Uiuu� �he cuntlkting provisian. To this enJ the pmvisions of this Securiry Intitrument und the Note are
<br /> �' .. "� ik�rlured to Ix.rvcruMc,
<br /> � ��=`'. � (6, Borrower'K('opy. Burn►wer tihall be given one conformed copy of'the Note und of this Security Intitrument.
<br /> .•�,�, �•�:� � 11. 'llrwnxfcr of thc Nroperty or n 8enei'icinl lnterest fn Borrower. If ull ur uny pan of�he Propeny or uny interest in
<br /> -.�.°•• } ' it i� .uW ur�run�l'rmJ lur il'u 1►eneficiul interext in BoROwer i. snkl or trunsferrcd und Borrowcr is not u naturul person)
<br /> ����`°. -.- �''��' wilh.►W Lcudri',prior wriacn�unsent.Lcnder muy,ut its op�i��n, rcyuire immediu�e puyment in full��f All sums secured by —
<br /> ' '`t •� a. !' ' Y
<br /> � �hih S�tiuri� In+trwncnl. liowever,�his option xhull not l�excrciscd by Lender if exercice is prnhibited by federal law as of
<br /> '�� '��` `�.'-`��� ' thr duic.►f�bi+ticcurity 6�.Irunnnt.
<br /> ,;;
<br /> "'' �- If Lrnd�r�xcrci.rr U�i+optiun.LenJer shull givr Rorrower notice of ucceleru�ion. 'I'In na�ice xhall provide u periad o
<br /> : r.w,
<br /> ^, .r��: '; nid Ic,�thun 30�I+�y+t'rum thc diHC Ihr nuticc is dclivcred or mailcd wilhin which 8orcowcr mu+t pi�y all wmx secured by this
<br /> ' �F; .," �-�'4 I tircurUy lo+�rumrn�. II Hurr��wcr liiil� tu pay thr,c sum. prior to the expiruticm of thi� period. Lcncicr may invoke uny
<br /> ,'�.� r..` .. -„ . remrJlc+�xi�nine�l hy Ihi,tierurny In,trumcnt wiihout funher noticc or demund�m Borrower.
<br /> 18. Horruwer'H RI{�hl lo Reimtwtc. If Borrower meelti ccrluin condition.. Borrower tihull huve Ihe right to have
<br /> `�''x •.�,, .�. ' enfonemen� uf�hi�tiecuriiy lu��rumrnt di�rontinucd at any time priur to �he earlier of: (ul S days(or such uther periad u+ _
<br /> _ e,'' �iupM I+md� •�Vannk\fael6Yeddk�fuc UNIF�IRN INti7'NU�1h�T--Unitnrm Corcnm�, 9NJ0 //a�Kr J��j'A�wResl
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