' . . ` . .�. , k . ' � , ' ; ` , ` ' � i. '` . <. ` `•z.,d�=, _� `'4 't'' ,-
<br /> •l..- '
<br />, . . , _ %_ � . -— _ ; . .. .. . ,c G• • t�� v . .: I.. Tc�.` .
<br /> `°i - ... - ' . . ' .— _ �, .- . � . . . .. . ' 4 1 _.t�r?�e.._ t .'ti
<br /> 1t' S ' _�— � `' _ ' . �'___.._.—.._....___. __.__.°. __..._5�.r ' r.�
<br />_ _.._.��.�.."--.,......_.........2:�:...._.__�...... . _..'-" —. �..�_..��—_....__..._._�__.__._.. .s.. . ' .f'
<br />'.�t, q s h .e�' 4 r�_. '
<br />)Y4� � ���g . .,'.�. .
<br />:'���� paysents may ns longer ba required,az ths agtion of Lender,if ffiortgage insurance coverage(ia the amount and for the gseriod ,. . • ;�;�•,� ;`•"� -.
<br />�'�" t�at I,eudea requires)provided by an insur�a�xr�Sy:.ender agaia heoomes availabie and is obtained. Borrower shall pay � T----
<br />=;rn • tdre premiums required to maiataia mortgage iusurance in effeci,or to provide a loss reserve,until the iequirement for mortgage � ; :,
<br /> insurance�nds ia aaordance with an}r writtea ag�eement between Borrower and Lender or applicable law. • ,
<br />.���� 9.icispet�ian.I.ender or iis agent may make reasonable eaories upon and inspections of the Froperty. Leader shall give , . , ,` :ti�":,�.��. :
<br /> Borrowu nodc�at the time of or prior to an inspearon specifyi�ieasonable cause fos the inspection. ;� '-� .`��`�:.�c:
<br /> "�^Q'—• ' �.f ..F:.�:���, '-�t
<br /> 10. Candeaian4fon.'fhe pmrxeds of aay award or cli.m f;� direct ar conse�uential, in connection vrith a�+ I`,,,F-...� • �,';f,�'={f :
<br /> �S 9f 3T[Of i�u�G�j7i.I[�/,or��r:�r,��:.x'ssi lieu of oondemuatian, ar�heteby assiga�d an� t ti �-!,L'r'� n�z+so-r.xz _-
<br /> . wndemnatfian or at�� �P ��.�.��`�.�� a
<br /> 'i',c �,.- r�����*��_�.5:,:
<br />�,;�` shall be pAid to L�d�. <<S�+'�� 'F�'`l•�>(: -r��'-
<br /> T �``.. .��')_�..
<br /> t%r;. In the event of�trtat�g cf c3e Pmgerry,the proseals shal!be�.:i�i r��e��-,y2���r�Sec�rity Instrument, _ - _-- .
<br /> `::;' whether or not thea d�,with aay excess paid w Boaower. ta the eveat oi a pa�¢iat talsi�of the Ptopercy in which tite fair =':..,.. _•- `��.-r`::
<br /> mazi�et value of the Property immediatety befnre the tatang is equal to or gceater t➢�an the amount of the sums secured by thia '':�"� �_ `
<br /> SPCUrity insttument immediately before the tatang,unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agreE in arriting,th�sums secured by ;"�"' `_;��:°�-;'`=
<br /> ."";;:�
<br />-` this Security Instmment shall he reduced hy tb.e amount of tht pm�xe�s mvl6plied by the following fr�tion: (a) the total ;:..��.;_��_� i�
<br /> 3 � amount of the�vm9 secured immediately before the talQng�div�ded by (b)the fair marTset value of the Pmgeriy imme�iatety • ''' `�-=
<br />. �•,j before the teking.Any balancse shall be pafd to �orrower. In the eveas of a partial taking of the Froperty in which the fafr .���r -_
<br /> ""�!�q'�`�,..�:.�,
<br /> market valuo of the Properry immediatsly befata the taking is less than the amouat of the sums socund imm�diately befoie the �•
<br /> talctng.unleas Bflrrower srad Lender ath$s�vtr,e agtee in wrltiag or untess appllcable law o�the:wise provfdes.the proceeds sball -,. ' ' . �_"_
<br /> a
<br /> �e applied to the sua�s secured by thi�Securfry Insuument whether or aot t�e sums are thm due. �'"T''``
<br /> .�, �f.. _
<br /> If the propECty is abaadoned Dy Raaawer,or if,after notise b Lender to Borrower thaz the oaademnor offess t�make en �
<br /> .` y ., . � F..��^'��-
<br />���-� awesd or s�ttle a claim for damages, 6ormwer fails to respond to l�ensier within 30 d�ays after the daze the noaee is given, " ' ��=��:�_
<br /> ��:��, . . �s..;�r�.
<br /> Lender is au�tosiud to collect end apply th�proceeda.ai its opilon,either to restosation or iepair of ihe Progerty or to the sums ----�!_�� '-
<br /> se�artd by thls��curlty Instrument,wh�the�'or aot then dus. <„� �- -T A-
<br /> , Unless I.ender and Borrower otnenvi�e agree m wmin8. anY ap�llcatlon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or _ �_�:_ _
<br /> '`,, postpone tha due date of the moatlily payments roferred to ln pazagraphs 1 and 2 or c�ge ttte amount of such pagrments. ,_ i --
<br /> �i:.,� =.-.- ..
<br />• 11.IImrower No4 Released;Forbearnace Bq Leader 1l1ot a Wsivei.Extension of the time for payment or modificatioa �,
<br />�;:;�;,�� of amurti�tion af the sums suured by thls 5ecurity Instnunent granted by Ixnder to any sacressor in intenst of EQaa��sr shall ' ���
<br /> aot opesate ro r+elease the liability of the osI�nalBormwer or Eosrower's successo�s ia�°..rest. I.ender shall not be m��r:� � t'�'
<br /> .,,.,,� �
<br /> commenas pmrxedin&ti aSainst a�Y suc�es..�r in interese or refuse to e�uead t'sme for g.�-g�t or otheiwise modify amor�as , ,. I �.
<br /> ' uea
<br />';���.:i� of the snms s�ted by this 3e�ty lastrument by reason of aay de�3 �ac.'e� �e origiaal Borrower or Borrower's '';.�!t'._
<br /> ;,:;.,:�� successora in inaes� Any fo�ts�arance by Leader in eaercising aay ri�r��y s�ll not 6e a waivar of or prectnde the - ":�,`:
<br />":i;;�'.
<br /> exercise oi a�ri�fst�r t�medy. .� • . ���*, '
<br /> :;,,., 12. Suoe�Sa� asd As9ig�n Bouad; .Yoi�t nnd 5everel I.lab�g;�Cr�ig�QS. �e covenants aad agreemeats of this �,; r,�;• .,,�.r•f `;,:
<br />,��'�" ," Secvrity instmm�t�all bind and beaefit the successors and assigns crf t'u�der and Borrower,st�*,xct to the pmvisions of :�s� ,- • ; !'-'• . . �
<br /> t'y4} paragrapb 17. �aa�er's covenanss and agreeme�is shall be joiat aad s�v�at. Any Boaower who co-signs thi3 Security a� - " '�;,;��� • :
<br /> ,4�, acd ca^ tbat
<br /> Lasnum..�t Un do�not execute the Note: (a}is co-signiag s�is Secisrity Insemment only w uwrtgage,Brant �c}► ,., �„_�,. f.f� " .
<br /> Borm�-ar's�ntcaat in the Praperty aader the tezms of Uvs S¢curity Instrument;(b)is s�t persanally obligated w��snms t �',� �'�{ 't s`'�
<br /> secu�d fsy tl�iis 3s�+sity Insuvment;and(c)agrees thai Lender and aay ot&er Barra��er m�ay agrx to extend.modif��,6�r e�r __yr��s+g -_��x� :<.".-_
<br /> s -
<br /> make any aooa�ons with regard tv the terms of this Se�urlty Instau�cs ar t�e hote without thai Bosrawer's consent. . _:����-
<br /> ' 13.Loan Cfsar..�s.If the loan secured by this Securlry Insmime,�t�s s�w;ea:a a law whic]►stts maximum loan r�arges: � ��_""..
<br /> `J `f., aad that law is fi�J�'inteipreted so that the interest or other loan�es�_�t ca to be culluxed in oonnection with the �� _ °
<br /> t est
<br /> loan exoxed ths .� j�-��
<br /> ts i� ,: F�"'ed litrsiz.�, then:(a)aaY such loan charge ahaU be�.E�..ai��re s,�ount necessary w reduce the chaiSe "� . a -
<br /> .,�a,'.;`� to the permitted li�is:aad(t's1�Y��Y�llected from Borroa��`.ich exce�ra�i permitted liwits will be refimded w - -
<br /> `r, i:�: Bormwer. I�tst�m�ay choose to make this refund by reducing the ��pal owed under the Nou�r by malcing a dira;t � :=r:���s.
<br /> .,.,1.,•. _
<br /> �•i���:t� PaYmeni to Ba�suuaaer. If a refund reduces priacipal, the reduction w-'1 be treated as a partial PrePayment withaut azry — - -_ --
<br /> ^�, ':,, pispaytnent charge vnder the Note. __... _-�
<br /> � 14.IQotiees.Any aotice to Borrower provlded for in�:s Sr,carity Instn�ment sball b$glven by delivsring it or by ma�ling �-:;ix::�.',���`_.,,
<br /> ':'�1:.. it by 8rst class m:i1 nnless applicable law requires use of�er�so.`e3.The notice shall be directed co the Praperty Addnss —:.�� . ; ,-.r-�^^-°
<br /> �:, ��� or any other�s Borrower designates by notice w Lender. A,�.,+ naice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to ti�._,-,. `�.•{ `��.,''
<br /> Leader's add��herein or aay other add:ess L�ader desigeates�wr�otice to Borrower. Any not�ce provided for la this �.�r.,, �.��
<br />� ' . SecArity Insttur�.,u�stili hs deemed W have been glven to Borrower or II��er v�hen giyen as provided in this paragcaph. �i�.1�.�tf_ • �`�1�'�'"'
<br /> 1S.Gaverr� L�w; Seve�abitity. 'i$is Security Instrument �.� he govemed 6 federal law aad the law of tt� �i; '�
<br /> r � ��-i,.�'
<br /> . juricidic¢ian in R-Lt�x�ae PmpartY ia tocated.In the event that aay pro��,ion or clause of this Security Inswment or the Noie �,4.�. :- �
<br /> d ,�ri
<br /> :��,ar�,; con4licts with�glirr�le law,sunc�onflIct shall not affea other pro 'vcsi��a of this Secwcity �ment Oi tbE NOiC Wh�C11 C�Q� '�:�r�'-:..,'. � , .
<br /> .;:°�,��{_ �ven effect�v�f�r;�st the confliaing provision.To th�s ead tha provisi.n���f thLa Security ,m�t aad the 1Vote flre declarec. .���Q,,, l
<br /> t�be seq'�ab2s. ��~ �-;4,=�T-
<br /> � I�.Bore�ower's Copy.Borrower shall be given oae wniurmed copy of the Note and of�his Securiry Insmiment. li��',:�"?�b s'=°'�'�-
<br /> Form 802 91 �,� `'� •-'s'-��"O-`=`�`,
<br />. " • - -- —
<br /> _.. ,.. /�-_ �+�c�5-�,«c.�rr_
<br /> �m�BR[Nqw��9�.0� vase�ore n,re.�.• �G► ;'�,��.
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