. \. . ` . . . .. .. . . . . . . u. . . . .. , '_ .�C� ..r" ' �,�i�".
<br /> . ..; . . ... _
<br /> � . - .� •5, - ,t � �� . .. .< •c . ' < _ C ' � r- .b � `"�y�,'ffi t —
<br />� - . , . � �. F` ' ` . . ' `' 4 , � . • � ' . � , ., ,, , ' h.� - `` .` .,. ' � . . .� -_
<br /> ` ' � . `,' ` .' ,,. ' .. . .. 't ; � : ' ,. '• < c ,� . .� r - . ` � [�.
<br /> , � .
<br /> c '
<br />. , .a, � ! . 2 . .. .._. .. ... .
<br /> .
<br /> .. . . . .. .. -.� . . . .. . � . . . __" ._��_ l�..y. �.� . -
<br /> . .
<br /> . • '
<br /> .
<br /> .- _ , , . . . �� • _. � ,• � .. ' . _ ... -
<br /> . . . .
<br /> '" .'" '_......—'_'""_"._�"_" _ ... ..
<br />. .�� __"_' _ �` ', -� .. '�,.
<br /> � ,� '�... �- � .
<br /> �' —.
<br /> 5. Ii�ri9 or Prnpea4y I�sora�sce. Borrower shall kcep the impmvements now eusting�or h$� � on the ' . ; .,�: '° • _
<br /> Property insured against loss by firz. Ha�ards iaclud e d cvi t h i n t he term `e x ten d e d oovera ge'and a n}+ other hazazds. includin g ' � ,-
<br /> floods or flooding, for which Cender r�uires insurance.'I`his ins�rance shall be maintained ia the amounts and for the periods �
<br /> � . that I.eadsr requires.The iasuranc�caaier pmviding the insurance shall be c�osea by Borrower subject to I.euder's appmval - . .
<br />' wlrich sh211 not be unreasonably witbheld. If Barrower faiLs to maintam covenge deson'bed above, Ixnder may, at Lender's ,
<br /> option,obtain ooverage to protecx L,ender's rights in the Property+in acoordance with paragraph 7. �-- - . ----.—- - -
<br /> � All insuranse policies and rzncwsits shall b�acceptable to x.ender and shall inr.lude a su3ndard mnrtgage clause. Lsader � ;.;�b;,�:,�
<br /> ts '
<br /> ' shall have ths right to hold the golicics and reuewais.If Lendcr requires,Bacrower sball prompil�„���r�Lo L.enfler all reoeflpts of � � . . < ; , �,.,, x.
<br /> y%;, � i::�;f r_::,,,,
<br /> pa*:d psemiums aasi renewal aotices.Ia�e�a.�€tesSr Hasrower shall give pmmpt notice to 1i�m����..�er and I.eader. �� :',;� : .:.
<br /> ,_:
<br /> {:�?- L�=r may�s proof of�ass i�nat�z��sir��cr�ruwer. `: ::i�Ji
<br /> � -, �f:;.'.
<br /> :�•"�r' ITII':�JT�...°Rt.'3�S,'.$�P,IIKE�"S qi$t�A.c Z32 c�E iII WIiUII$.�n�„�am�gmcceds s'a�i br�23�ad t��estoration or tepair of thc ����a .:�� !
<br /> ..�:�Y.::.�f. �.� .
<br />' ;':�`''= property dsmae�l,if the a�:ur�vn ar r�ir is economipllq feasfble and Leader's security is a�4 Ie�eued.If the restontion or =._�,�,,,._-----'�.�':
<br /> r>'���'s" � �,�,. � • ... —_�
<br /> repair is not eoonomically fe�'�1:1e er I.ender s security would be lessened,the;n��•anse piocceds shall be applied to the sums _�_,,,��,�,
<br /> :. S�ured by this gecuriry inspvmcnt,whether or not th�n due. with au}► excess paid to Borrower. If Bormwer abandons the �'�'<. �� ;.
<br /> Pmperty. or does not aasaer wiUua 30 days a notice from Leader that the insivance carr£er has offered to settte a ciaia�, then ,'s�..'":��Y:�� .,.-..:.��.
<br /> . Lender may oollect the ina„mn�praceeds. I.ender may use the praceeds to repair or restare the Property or w pay sums .Q' . : ,�_�,q-
<br /> secured by this Security Instcument.w�ether or not then duo.The 30-day pertod will begin when the notice is given. - '�„�,��s' -
<br /> Unitsy l.ender aad Borrower otherwis�ngra in wdting, any applicatfon Af proceeda to principal shall aoi exte�d or • , � ' _
<br /> postpone t�e due date of the monti�ly pays�cente refened to in puagrap g P Y�► . `"�•'`�";•.'�
<br /> ' hs 1 nad 2 or chan e the amounc ot thc a ts.IS under . ' 'p: -.
<br /> " parograph Zl tha Propecty is acquired by I.ender. Borrowec'e right to any insuru+ce poltcies and proceeds resultinY trom _,�.� �- ��-�
<br /> damago to tRs Ptoparry prfar to Wc acquisttton eb���pas�to L,eAder tn th�e�teni of the sums secured by thta Secudry[arsrumcni ��'�'-�.=�-���—�°—`��--
<br /> . Immcdi�ty p�for to Wc acqutsttica. „"���;`--
<br /> ��t ,r,.�,,-
<br /> 6.Occup�ncy.Pre�sarc+ap3dm.Ndmia4epsmtc aed 3'm4ecitan ot the Pmyxetyi Boemwer'e II.oan AppUcaitoa;I.ea�etsotds. . '=�';".,:
<br /> Born�wer eh�il occuPY.establinb.aad use the Property ea Borrower'a principal resideace withia sixty daye after the eaecution oY .'..,��' . �"' �
<br /> rn
<br /> : ' cflis Securlty Instrument and shall wntinue to occ�py We Ft'operty as Borrower's principal cesidence for at least one year afiar : ..r. �� :._
<br />�����'' ' thc due of occupaasy,unless Leadar otherarise agreea in writing.which conseat shaU nat be imtea�anably wltLheld.or unless �-
<br /> .: �'.• r .
<br /> '�v.::.:.� . ...n,
<br /> ' eat�nuating cinvmataaces exL:t which are beYond Borrower's conuol. Barrower shall not dostmy, dama8e or impair the .,�: • :• :;;.;���.
<br /> ex t
<br />. . ptoperty. allow the Praperty tc�deo3rlorate, or commit waste on the Praperty. Bormwer sbaU be in defmilt if auy forfeiwr� "' " ' » r .:,�
<br /> t
<br /> . attioa or proceedin8.whether ci��it or criminal, is begun that in LendPr's gaad faith judgment could rESVIt ia f�rfeitate of the :'� � .
<br /> : ,�,,..
<br /> Property at otheiwLQe materiaUy unFair the lien created by this Security „n t or Lender's security:nierest.Borrower may •, � ..
<br /> cure such a default and reinntate,afl pmvided in paragr�pb I8.bY causing the acxion or proceeding to be dismissed with a rNin,g � .,;;fy `', �.�
<br /> ' that. in Lender's good faith dea.�mination, Preclndes forfeit�re of the Bonower's interess in the Property or othes material _ ''j;;:;E� , �_
<br /> ,,,. .�:
<br /> impaitm�nt of the lien cr�ted by this 5ecuriry Insavmc�►t or I.ender's secarity i�erest. Borrower shail also 6s in def�ilt if ;tiy.yi'•�?,;�;1. , .=--=.
<br /> ., .; Banower,dnring the toaa a�glicaaoa process,gave�erially false or ina�curate infazmmioa or staDemenrs w I.ondar(or failed ,,t , : �,.� "':
<br /> • to pmvide Leader with a�r ma�r3ul informatIon)ia oam3�ccion with the loan eviden�ed by the Note.incln�.�,bui not limited '"��1� �'�'e�r;,` � i 7 �"'
<br /> to.t+�Iesee,z?�.�fi'tm*JS conCemmg F�t.�aQe�s ocC�tpaIICy of ihe Property as a p�incipal I�sideltss�.�this SeC1ui[y��ctmmant 3s oD 8 • J .::' G��. �' �,3.�_ :
<br /> CS �^: S� ,�,:r,t .
<br /> leaseholqi, �or�e,wer shall comgly wic�2t1 the provisioac of tLz lY�:.. If�orrativer ar�nfc�s fee titte co che pro t�e � +a�;;.::�•-_--...-.---
<br /> p�Y. �;�� '�;;,,�.��;.��:.
<br /> leasehold aad r�fee title shaU nat merge unless Lender agtees to d'»�gtr ia wziting. "' �:,�,�„� ;,=_(,.:.
<br /> : 7.Pmtec�ion of�drs's�ts in the P�ge�.If Borrower fails to pef�the covenants and a��ts contained in _ .
<br /> ' �jg$��jty inatmmer�, �ts(3tere is s 1e3�3 ptoo�e�l,��IDaY$�B�flCaully s�'a�Ixnde�'s=ighis ia the�toFertY(suc�es 8 -. ,;`,P. . ,,?�¢;`;-_'
<br /> � raUate,fce sr�demnation or fodeitore or to enfone lawa or regulations�,thsn Lender may do aad -�r�� `�`r`1�r� �r rY`:
<br /> ���,, p�oceedin8 in bankiuP�Y P
<br /> ,t:
<br />'��� pay for whatever is necessary't�pmt�the value of the Property and I.ender's righta in the Pcoperty. I.endei's acHons may - .• . ,;,�>�'*`�:
<br /> �„a;i.�.,: , i._.,r-: -
<br /> � � ineluds paying aay svms s�eun�d by a lien which has prtority over this Security Insuument, aPPearing ia court. Pa3+ing ��Sic��Y:�;:..4:.�_
<br /> .';_
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fe�a�antering on the Property to make repaus.Although i,eader may take action uader this para�raph ��•,:,��!.? _
<br /> }r�r,�.:ya'• :3,i-�s�+rr-�
<br />, ' 7,I.CII(�CI dOt9 IIOt I18YC i71`�SO. �t�';+wa.ti�JC. j� .
<br /> My amounts disburs� by I�w under this paragraph 7 shall become �ditional debt of Borrower secured by this � rs",,t�r-�+�+;.��• _.,_
<br /> * ;;�'�� ,: ...�-�<;;,.. . .. .
<br /> Securiry Inst�um�ent. Unless Barmu-�r�i3 Lender agcee to other terms of payment.these amounts shall bear inierest from the � t�g' ','�.y����;' 'j-'�
<br /> date of disbuisement az the Nute r�::e�d sha!! }�;�ayable, with interest,upoa notice from Lender to Boirower requesdng +��?,�iT� �:.
<br /> �. pa��. - �,�-�-�.�t..-
<br /> : :�....... ... .: . �.:.;.
<br /> 8.Mortgage��rt�-If Lea�er:egvired m�agage ias�r�nce as a wnd:�Tm of maldng the loaa secured by this Security ^1, �1�,,.�
<br /> m
<br /> Instrument. Borrower sha11 pay tl�e��iums requlred to maintaia the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for aay reason,the � •�;�l�f,a4F„Y
<br /> , r�j�:,�.�,,, t��tif{�; ::� : �
<br /> mortgage iasuranse Coverage�quite�'!T�Lender lapses or ceases w be ia efferx,Borrmvar shnl]pay the premiums requined to ,,:i�,;�;�;4k(�','�,�,�,:,_.
<br /> � obtain coveiage substantially equivaleat to the mortgaga insurance prevtously in effcx;t,az a cost substantially equivalent to tt�e •ap,..�.�:,�w�...«�., _
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insutance previously in effect, from an altemmF►tte mortgage insur�r approved by Leader. If :•:'''�`'�'`°"'�'•'`:�°
<br /> .r�:t. .-.� , _.
<br /> ' substantially equivalent martgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ; ...y�..�,.;,;e��,;�>�;�:.�
<br /> :��•
<br /> . one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower whea the inm,.an��verage lapscd ar ceased to �:.�..:r_.`"'"�.;.�°�
<br /> ' , be in effect.Lender viill accept.use and retain these�ayments as a loss reserve in Ileu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve �-:�'�'"'�'�'`';-
<br /> ...�+.�,!.��r.�s+:
<br /> . Form 3�2 9l90 n_ _ ,��;U�'l��i!``�;'�:'�°:
<br /> � ���BRtNEl�s2�z�.o� v+w�ofa nunan�=—�°ra�c.. ��� �:
<br /> .�.�:-�:�-• .
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