�. ', �. ` . , �_ � '� `'' l , , . ` . . ___' .. ._` __ . . .. '(F `` .c ,c� _4 k`(s..t,�..��., . . "y" _.
<br /> .• ; .. °• � " � . • ' • . � .. .. . � . _ - . . . ' ' . . , � ..; `Y_c" —.
<br /> � . � . '. . � . . � - f�.. � . ' . � � . • • . . - ` : Mv..7.te �t" . =�.,.c.�.r
<br />. � _ �. .._....__,_�_..—�`� � � ... ..�[.._... .,_�___ __.. . . ..._.. .. —�- - . .. . ,._.._"___� . ._.. :F,� . . � ... . ..._' �"... .._._.__ � .
<br />- 96- itD�� � ` ' �:
<br /> ��_
<br /> � 17.'�an��r of 4he Yro�erty or a�er.eftctal tnterest ia Borrower.If all or any part of the Property or any iaterest in it ` . . --
<br /> is sold or nansferred(or if a bene8cial iaterest ia Horroerer is sotd or transferred and Bflrrower is not a nasural person)�vithout • �-�
<br /> � ' Lender's prior wrin�consent. Lender may. at its option. �uue immediate pa�ment in full of all sums sxured by this ` ,•F. ,`_ �
<br /> . Securiry Insnument.However,this option shall aot be exercised by Lender if exercise is grohibited by fedesal iaw as of tlt�d�.*� . .. .<•., :
<br /> of this Security Inswment. • . ,
<br /> If Lender exercises this option,Ixuder shall give Bormwer notice of accelera6oa.The notice sh�'.1 provide a p�.riad of uot . `�
<br /> - le�s than 30 days from the date the r.otise is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums ser+ued by this T :�_. _ _ �=�� `_--
<br />� Sec,�rity Tnsuumant.Lf Bormwtr fails to pay these sums prior to the eapiration of this period. Lender mr}r invoks any remedies :`�,:;t..,�:,G.._:..;.,�;�:q..�•
<br /> permitted by this Securiry Insteument a+ithout further notice or demaad oa Borrower. . � _
<br /> 1�. Borrawer's it!�at to Reinstate. It Borrower meets certain coadittuas. Borrovrer ahall hnve the r�ght to have ,.
<br /> enforcemxnt of this S�ry tnsuument disoontu►ued at any time prlor to thc earifer of: (a) 5 days (ar such ath�r QPdod a� , .. . . __:.. ._`.�
<br />. appli�cable law a�ay specify for r�instaten�snt) b�forc sale af the Propesty putsuaat to any power oP sale oontuined in this �. ._ . "
<br /> Security Insuuaiear,or(b)entry ot a judgment enfo�ing this Securiry Instnuneat.Thos2 condittons aro t6tu 8oso�v�r:(a)pays :: � ��.
<br /> Lender all svms which then w�auld be dae under this Security lnstnuntnt aa��he Hoto os if na aoceleration ha�d ooc¢rred: (b) . . „ � .��,: . ' °`
<br /> ..xu� .��.—
<br /> • cures any default of nny wher covenants or agrusmenta: (c)Pays all expenses[ncurred in enforcing thia Sewrtt�� tncuum�u. , �.'.:;�,�,:
<br /> iaciuding.but aot timited to,re�oAable uttome�ra' fecs: nn d(d)t a l ces suc h a c t ion as I.c nQcr�a y resssnzbl y r e quins ta assu�+e . . _,.• : �,�:_�, =
<br /> .�: .
<br /> � thnt the Uen of this SecurttY lnslrument. L.ender s ciAhts in the Pcoperty aad Borrower's obli�atfon to pay the sutns sau�md by ,;-s.; :��_�.. ..
<br /> � , this Seruriry Ineuumtnt ehall continuc unchanger� U�SOn reinatatement by Borrovler, t3us Secur►ty Insuum�nt an� tha . � -- � _;,�;.
<br /> orligations aecured hereby shall rtmaIa fully effesxive as if no acoeleration had uccvrred.However. this n�ht to reinte��o�all . -'.�'�
<br /> .� Qat apply in the case of acceteratIon under paragcaph 17. , ' '������'° =
<br /> . � 19. Sale of Nate; Changs of Laan Service�'. 'Che Nate or a paxtial intecest in the Note (w&.sher v�ith dols S�sarat7l '
<br /> lnstrument)may ise sold one or mon timss a+ithout prior notice to Borrower. A sale may resvlt in a c�snge in the ewir��[mown � �--==
<br /> as the'Loan Servicer')that collects monthlY PaYments due nnder the Note and this Security Ia.trum�nG There a1�o rnt�'bo one � �;,,: .�; . ;.,�;.�
<br /> .��'� or more changes of the Loan Serv4xr unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a�ange of the Loaa SecvLeer.Borrmf dt wil1 ba . ,�• •.:�.�=i�-�"'
<br /> :-.:.# given writtw aotice of the change in accordance cvith paraSraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will stats t6o n�me aad ._.__ ;;_ �".�;__
<br /> address of th.�u�w Loan Servicer and tlte addre.ss to which paymeats shoutd bz made.T6e notice will also contain a�y�other .� .:.:-
<br /> 3 information r�uired by aQplicable law. . ' _ ���'��-��
<br /> � � �.,,.
<br /> ' Zp, �a+dpus Sbbstances.Boaower shall not canse or permit the p�se. use, disposal, storage. or reletsu of any ,y;-. •� . -
<br /> ;r�:�::t. Ha7ardovs �� on or in the Properry. Boirower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, any�n g atYo�ng the � •� ��.` '-"
<br />:;����%'�� Pro p e rt y tU�x�,s�vlolation of any Envimnseatal Law. The pieos��two sentences sha11 not aPPl}`to t$e preseaa�,�e,ar ;�, : s�u;
<br />,,�'�" �tarage on�T�perty of small quantities of Hazardaus S�bstan�s t�at are generaUy�ecognized co be apprapria�s m aoraml • .
<br /> �� r�'
<br /> �.�ti.3 e�s and to mamtenance of the Pro�perrytten ca�� •mvesti 'on,claim, demand,lawsuit or ot1t�aaion any '", � "'.'�2•.
<br /> ,. �cwewes shall prom�tly gtve Lender � f,� ��; `�,;. _
<br /> : �o��e^����regalatory agency or private pazty incc:r,Yg c�e Pruperty aad any Har�rdnus SubsTanre or Em•' D.�v :
<br /> ..�` of wlu���azr has actnal lmowledge. If Boaower leams,ar fs Frsrtified by any govemmental or regalutory autha�,� �
<br /> r�
<br />. removai mr�aa�er remediation of any Hazatdous Substance�;,�e Progerty ts ueoessary,Hotrower shall p p mlce • ' '.��'i-�.�-:.
<br /> a�ll necessary�ial ac�ans in accordance with Eaviro�ental I�cn. . ,� :" �
<br /> .. . As used 'm chis p��agh 20, 'Harardous Substances'ue t�a�e sL5s3ances defined as tv�sic or hazardons substanrw by �; s
<br /> � ra
<br /> � •: Environ�tal Iaw and the follawing substances: gasoline. keros.�, ather IIa�able or ��ic petmleam produ�s. touc - ;� _ _
<br />=:.: ci d e s a��_r bici des.vo l a t i le so l v z n t s,m a t e r t a t s w n t a i�i n g a s b�s o r f o r��y d e,anc�radiaPCtive mEZerials,As use�in ,:Y '*��
<br /> :�',,'i:! �� . w n ,�',��4� - �
<br /> r::;�%�;'•' t h i s p a r�r�i�.�, E n v i r o n m e n t a l I a w m e�s f e d e r a l l a w s a n d As��of the jurisdiction wl�..c�the Pro p r.�t y is locata�l t3sst �;',:"•��
<br /> :.:<�i;� re late to���..s a fery or en v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e a i o n. �: .�.�� .�
<br />• <' :: NO;�-L:'�ORM COVENANTS.Bonower and I.eader futLr�r aavenant and ag�ee as fo'.�mru�. � , ����
<br /> r
<br /> Zl.Aa�2eraUon;R�edtes.LPadpr s�l g(ve�ce to L�r-�wer prlor 4o acaPle�tta�fa�osvd�Bora+��vveY's 6cmcYa :-�": r::.�-..
<br /> � ��f r�y caveaant or agarecment in t6ts Sec�d'ity I�ent (F� not prtor to Acoeteration�tder p�sb 17 anless ------- _._'_',:
<br /> � •�.i�. e��i�ca3��taw pravides otherwise).1�e nottce shaU sr�ect4y: Cn)2'ae derantt:(b)tht actton c+e�ntmd Ga a�e 4he ciefanit; �-�.--=--_'.
<br /> :T,�-T.��.,—,�,....,�.� -
<br /> �, �c)a dsS�,mnt te�Wan 30 daye tram the date the notice is gt4mzs ta Borrower.by whlch ti�dcinult m�8 6e�ed:�� q� ..;
<br /> m
<br /> . . :' �. �4y y,',
<br /> . , {cn tbat Cu�'�W cm�tLe ddAWt on or bdore the date spe�',ffi�in the nottce maY r�C�cssece!l�ratFo�of tSce atm.zs �
<br /> ': �� secm�ed isy 4�('rs Seamity Iastrument at�d sale ot the Penperty.�e nMice sh�ll farther faE'4� Borrbwer oi tho s{�t� , ' `
<br /> _ reiastate�x sitcet�s�n end the�Ight m bring a ooart actton w es4eit the noa�adstenoe of a deYault or ac�y ct�r i' `d�.- .
<br /> •:,,.,.se�;-�.- v'?
<br /> ddense mf Borrower ta$cceleratton and sale. V the defauit L�not cured on or before ttte da4e spedfie�in the negice, ` �� -- ��'�
<br /> . immediate eat in[a11 of a[I sums seaaed b tt�9s�n�ity Iash�neut wStls�at =�:.�
<br /> • • ' Leader, at its o�sttoa.maY t'B4atre W+3'm Y `•'�' _r.•"
<br /> ,:' � fm�Wea draaand and may i�voke the{p�.ver o!sale aad any oc7m�rrme�ies permitted by m�lcable iaw.Lend�r s�he . ��,���.:• ;:,_�.
<br /> i..i.. �... . � •..ro . .,._
<br /> ��".r::z' enH2lec�t�a�IIed a11 expeases fncurraID i1m�ursutng the remr��eov[ded fn thfs ParnBr�ptn ZY,inctading,btrt no3 P,(i�St:ed .-..;.�'��3� . • i�`
<br /> �a,c�"mable attorneys'tees and costs o7tltle evtdeuce. ' .,•:i -: ?�°.-.
<br /> �t�e power ot sale Is tnvoked. 1�stee sh�a�n���xlce of detaait in escL c�unr in whtcl�any put of the �k :
<br /> � ��ls tocated sud shaU mail coplee of smich muti�E�r,�e�ann�r prescribed by appllra�le lacv to IIo�nw�r and to ,�J�=
<br /> � �c t}:r��,x�s o n s p r�e d b y a p plteable labv.Atter L'.e¢i�s c.e�aired by apQiicable[aw,1Yt�Eee sh�ID�ve pa6�ts aotice -'`�" °-__.
<br /> • e3 sc:z C�ame�efsoa9�ond in the a�nner presp�ibed by ap�Lir,A�ie i�w.Teastce.without d�tw d on B arrower,�R s e i l . . �'��� . . � �
<br /> esp
<br /> �.,;;1. ' 4�e Properi�y at pabllc a�tion to the Wghcst bidder at the t��'J ptnce and�der the tem�s d�.slgnated in thc rcr.i�of ": ��
<br /> . .::,�i �le fn oae or more p�rcels and In any order Trastee deter�:��.T�us�tee may postpoae sale ni aU or a��c�T r?�e .. .
<br /> ' �''o�Y bY P�llc announcemeat at the ttme and place of say previously schedWe�1 sa�a Leader ua iLa estga�.-.�ay -�'�=!II��:
<br /> pnrchase the Property at aoy saie. � ` �
<br /> +�:, y.:�.:.>.�,�
<br /> � i ,
<br /> � - ;,�..�,
<br /> t,���j�a.=- -
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