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<br /> �� —.
<br /> � �a��� � .�.� �
<br /> TOGETHER W[TH all the improvements nov�or hereafter erecxed on the property.and all��u.ap�urtenances,and ' . - • . .�
<br /> fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and additians shall also be oovered by this S�cur9ry �` r ;�•�
<br /> . '{ inswment.All of t6e foregoing is refermd w in this Security Iasaument as the°PropertY•' - ,. _.
<br /> BOI�RQWER COVFNAiVTS that Boarower is lawfally seised of the estate hereby canveyed and 6as th�right ta grant and , . `-.�_:
<br /> com+ey the Property aa�that the Property is„��bered,except f�r eua�mhrances of record. Boisrmver waaants aad w�l " , ', --
<br /> -- . defend generalty the dtle to the Propart3+aga�ns�all claims and deuiands,subje�t to any encuaabrances of record. , _
<br /> TFIIS SECUItT!'1l IIJSTRUMENT combines aniform covenants for naiiaaal u�°.and non-uniform cov��nts with limited -. ._>�`�J �
<br /> ` variations by jurisdicaon w oonstitute a uniform aecuriry insuument covering renl proP�Y- .` �""-_-�
<br /> • ' UNffORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender wven2nt and a�ree zs follows: ; . . .. ._ �`�` `';.
<br /> ... 1. PgyIIIGOt (tY PtfEldj�B!8IId IIIYe7�3.i PeG�3Ym�3 SF1d I.At2�t�$CS. BOITO�uet 562ll pxoffiP�Y PaY whYa due th6 ;. '_••"ii.t�r•; _:; _._
<br /> �«-rt:.�:._
<br /> " Princi�al of and interest on the debt evideuced 6y t�Note and anY PreP��late charges due um�ee th$Nats. � . _
<br /> � F � 2.Fe�d�far Taaea and E��r�n�ce.Seh�x sr �Iir�bI�law o�w a written wairar'a.��.�.As�rco�«r shall pay to ,� ,,,�� :,���';; .
<br /> L�e�s?c�cxe tfie day mc:an�l� 7ayffieuFS a:e dne dl.�s�Ptcxr�.u�t�e Nute is paid ia�,a�C°i-r,�:�i�t�f}�.,�f�.`Y�-�� :. �,,:%::��''' •��`�`.
<br /> . .� b � .��
<br /> .i �'�a$Z:t..�i �U�.i����.���F���1G"CA7ltY.IV: ' ']�"' +g r;T}i��.lM1"-���uvnnawsstva-
<br /> 5 � c'u?�i�353S.i'iSCII13 FJ�Lifr�iL4�'8lyd3iT�'f�.'ii]t 0�1I�5�PCIR1tY ,� _�
<br /> ' '�3 ar 1 rn�rs ca'��+geii}+,��;(c���4g�azard or PropertY in��p.�mi�s:t��S�ig tia�i i���:. �iums, _ ��+�„ .,,.�,.x -,
<br />,.,<<:',`�! ���'tQn S-��y a�-�-�e insur^*�.ce premiW�,�aaY;aud(��Y�P�:'�'��Y���wer to L�'.�, ui�rrdauc�e with �. , ,
<br />{ a •" . '- `
<br /> =���`•`•'� the pr��risgons of para�aph 8,in liea of the paSrmeat of martgage;n�rffi,rE pTemiwma.'�ese items aze callad'Eactow Items.° =,�+r:,--, --
<br /> _ E� .
<br /> I,ender may,ai aay e:me,collect and hold Funds ia an amaunt not to eaceed the maximum amount a ImdCr for a fedeially :f.:�l�"�:r�—q.o
<br /> relazed mortgage taan maY requin for Boirowet's escmw ascount ander the federrJ Real Fstate S e t t le��t F to�r�s A s t of ,,.�-, �__'°'.
<br /> • ^ unless aaother law tl�a�splies to the Funds � .�•�r.
<br /> 1974 as a�nded fmm time to cime, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et scq. (RF5Pt4 ), .�:-'r- - �
<br /> sets a tesser amouni. If so, L,ender may,at any tttae,collect and hold Faads in en amouat not w exc�d t3ie lesser aniount. '._�_�._�.
<br /> Leader may estimate the amount of Funds dae oa the bases of aurent data aad reasoaabte estimates of expendiaues of future -. . �, -� ""
<br /> • ,<(` Fscmw Items or otheiaise in accoNanoe with applicable law. .<�..��'�!•.a.`.
<br /> iastmmeniality. or ondty ��"�S°'' - -
<br /> ...,F, 'tb� Fimds shnll be held ia aa institution whose tleposlts ue insured by a federal ageacy. • _-
<br /> . ' ..�4 (ineluding Lcadcr.if Lender is suc�aa iasdmdoa)or tn aay Federel Home Lonn Ban1c.Lender shaU apply the Fuad�to pay thc •.°� .�°...:
<br /> g the Fuads,aanuall ana] the escmw acxount.or '�•�:- �""
<br /> : �: Escrow acems.Lender may not chacge Borroater for holdin aad aPPi3►i�8 Y Y�S _
<br /> � varitying the Escrow item9.unless Lender pa3+a Botrower interest on the Fund�and appl�Cable law permits l.endet to make nuch . �
<br /> � a charge.However,Lender may requlre Borrower to pay a ono-dmc cht�'ge far an iudepea�ent real estate tax reporting sen+ice , ..
<br /> ' used by I.cndcr ia coanattioa arith tLis loaa, �mless appUcabte law pn�vides otheRVise. UWess an agrament is m�de or '},� :�; '�' ': ,^'. :� � .-._
<br /> • applicable law tr.quIies inurest to be paid,L.snder shntl not be requirzd w pay Borcower any inte�tt or earaings oa tlta Funds. '��
<br /> rrower aud I�ender agree ia wciting.however.that interest shall be paid on the Fuads.I.eafler shall give to Bormw�er. , .;i°°'';;_..>
<br /> Bo �►Y , , f•i�,�:_:
<br /> without ct�arge, au annual a.ecountIng of the Funds. showing credits and debits to the Fuads aad tds puipose for which each ,. ..•- . ;. .. ;s�.:;.---
<br /> � : debit w thc Fuads was mede.The Foads are pledged as addlflonal securiry for all sums secu:ed by this Security Inst�umeni• �, 'r,`
<br /> . . If the F�mds beld by I.ender exceed the a�ouats permitted to be hetd by agpticable law,L.e�ter shall account to Borrower :.,,.;. _
<br /> ts of Hcable l aw.V t h e amo u n t o f t h e F u a�s h e l d b y L�a d e r a t a n y r �� '�� __
<br /> "-� for the excess E u n d s i n aceardance aith the� aPP :: �;T;:.��.�
<br /> �' tim�e is not safBci�s¢�pay t�e Escmw Iteass�n due,Lender may so uotify Borrower in writing,a�.in such case Borrawer �. . ,` '•i,:;
<br /> -- sha11 pay to I.endez r�amouus necessary w inake up t�e deficIency. Bor�ower sha1D make up the denciency ia n+o mor�t� ��%�,,, •��i�f"�•:."
<br /> ' twelve manthlY Pay�ents•at IIrr�3er's s�le disaetioa k, �,,,.� -,,� '.
<br /> in�tmment, �nder shall pmmptiy reii�nd to Borrower a�y ,;� �.,. ��t ,'� .
<br /> '� ppon pa}r�z ia full of all snms s�by this S¢c�ity `� :' � _;
<br /> � . es s�l uhe Praperty,Lender,PrI��a�the acqoisidoa or sale �.
<br /> , ",f Funds h�ld by I�ard..-r.If.imder P�B�Ph 2E,ls.endet s�al!��r�i:.= .. �_;�.;Y
<br /> S.en
<br /> of the Property,s:all apply a�►Funds heW by L e s der at���`a�n i:¢ri o n o r s a l e a s a c r e d i t^�i i�i the snms secured b y �u��� ..
<br /> . ��rtty Instrument. _ �'���f`-�':,
<br /> . �,pppticattfln ot paym�ds.Unless applicabie law pzc�xlea othcrvvise,all PaYments re�eived by L�eader under para8raphs , �..�.
<br /> � 1 and 2 sball be applied:fust.to anY P�PaY��es due uader ttte Note;seoond,to amoimts p�.^`�able under paragcaph 2: ,��, . -
<br /> � •, .,,:.•._
<br /> � . T� t h i�d,to inter�due;fourtb,w PrinclPal dv;�,:�31aat,w any late charges due uader the Note. .-_ -
<br /> 4.C,�r���'L��.Borrower ahall��r��ill saaes.assessments.char8es. fines and imposittoas anrr�3utable to the Property . . ' i:�,i�-
<br /> � - � ---
<br /> � � C::.y�trument, a n d l e a s e ha l d paymen t s o r g r o u n d r e n t s.i�a a y. B o r r o w e r aba]1 P a 3► {• . �`�t'�'tF:�
<br /> = whicd��yr atn�priorlry aver�s Sec�h:�� ''�����op��. , �
<br /> ..� '�
<br /> c
<br /> � these obligarian£in tht manner g:�videtd n3�^,:�''ag[apL 2,or if not paid ia thnt manner.Borrower shall pay them on dme directly .'1 �1, ,'.'..-.�:'.�.
<br /> to the peison a�payment.Borrower�a.11'I:romptlY fivaish to Lcnder all not�ces of amounLS to be paid under this paragragh. ,:,,{,t�,'•: � . .. --
<br /> ! �L. fY'
<br /> l.:'t (`� ,. , .
<br /> � If Borrower makcs these payments direqSy�)3,:ccower shall pmmpdy furnlsh ta l�cader m,ceipts evidencing the payments. ,�;�r;��;�_
<br /> Borroaer sLall promp8y d�scharge asr 1'v:n which has priority over thia Securlty Iasuument unleas Borrower.(a)a8tees ir� ��":�'��"_•�-�..
<br /> . . writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien ia a mnnner a c c e p t a bte to Lender:(b)contests ia gaod faith the Ilea - - -��-__
<br /> � .:;� by. or defends against enfotcement of the llen in, legal Proce�ings which in the Lender's opinion opente to preveat the _
<br /> me
<br /> � enfo:cement of Wc lien;or(c)sa�ues from the holder of the lien aa agc�ement satisfactory w I.ender subordinaiiag the lien to
<br /> • this Sccurity Instcumeut. lf Leader detemunes that any part of the Prapes4y is subjeet to a llen w'�.:isln may attain prioriry over
<br /> • ��ecurlty Instrument.Lender may give Horrower a norice identifying the lien.Bosrower shall sae�.sfy the lien or talce one or ..--_-;'�'�',,.�;�-
<br /> ' more of We actions set forth a6ove within 10 days of tho giving of notice. """�N�"'°'. "
<br /> S .�
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