<br />201.103844
<br />pARGEL 4:
<br />Lract or land comp rleln a part of tlie NorLheaet , uarter (NLi/4� and all of tt�e Sauihaaet querter (SEi f4) o[ Sectioa 'Itirenty
<br />•a (25J, 'foxnshtp 8levea �11) NorLh, RanQe Elevoa (il} 1[eaL ot tlse Oih P.M., IIsU Counky, Nabranica, and mare partiaulsrlp described
<br />tul]on �
<br />Ueg(pr�ing at a point an tLe eaet Ilne oi eaid NarLheaet quarter {NEl/4), eatd paint being 7eo Hundred Sevenfq 5evea and Eighty
<br />Siz Rur+dredtt�s (277.00J (eeR aeuUy ot tt►e nartheast corner o[ enld NurlLcast Quartet (NL1 j4}; thence runntng aouther]y, alaug
<br />IIud �zj�an tlse unat lit�e af euiJ NorLt,eael Quartar {NEl/9y, u dietance ot 'Tao Thaueand TLree Ilunarod 51zty SevBD and Eighty
<br />Tero [i�Idredthn (2,387.02) feet to lhe aartLeasl corner of sald Sautt►eaet Quarter (Sgi�4}; i.hanee delleottng lelC DO'QS'48" and
<br />runninB southcrlp, elong and upon the eaet llne ot said Southcaet Quarler (5E1f4), n dfetanse ot Tna Tl�ousand Sfx Sundred
<br />gorty Fiva and El�l�ty Ef�k►t ltundredtha (2,045.88) [eet to Uxc soutl�eaet corner af aatd Souu�eaet qaartcr (SSI/4); tlitnce dellectln�
<br />right �0'i7'95" and running �reatcrly, along and upon the soulh ilnc of aaid Southeest Quartar (SEL/4). a dtatanne ot 'I1ro
<br />fi5ouennd Six Han$red F'orty �aur and Siz Tenlhe (2,644.60) feek to tt�e eaulhweat aoraer et eeld Soukheeei Quarter (SEI/4); theace
<br />deflectiug rigbt t!9'S2'6�" nad running norlherly. along and upon Lhe Reet Iina of euid Southesat Qusrtar {S�1/4} aud the
<br />eeet Iine of eaid Norlhesal Quarter {NEI j4), a dlstence ot Five Thauaettd Slx aad Sevenlp Threa 3lundredtha (5.006.79) teei to
<br />a point, aald point bein¢ 1`RO Hwndred Mlaety Oae aad I�(Snely Fowr Huadredthe (291.8d) leet eout6 of tLe norfb�reat eorner o[
<br />�ald Hortl�easf Quarter (NElfdj; thence deflecttn� rl{�ht 86'88'08" and runain� eseLeriy, e dletance of 'T�a Tbouaead 31ac Hundrad
<br />Chfrty Four snd Ona Huadredkh (2,834.01) feat ta Lha palnt OL bE�IRhIIl�
<br />PARCEL S :
<br />A traat of lrtt►J oomprlaing n pnr� of Llin rivr4hoaet Q►►rtrlar (N�S1Jd and nti ot Uie 3onU�aeet Q��artor (S$1/dj ot Saotion Tl�Srty
<br />(30), Toi.nel+lp Elcvan (1!} Nortl�, Itnngo Ten (10) Tfr.et o[ tUo Olh 1'.�i., I[nll Couc�ly, N�4raeks, and xnore parttoularly doeorfbad ae
<br />r alloxa:
<br />Ilr,�luqi»g i�l ll�c [iorlhr.ttaL cnruc:i' t�( enld Nartl�cnAt q�inrlar (Np:l/A}; Rlicnce riui»tug rcatcrly, nlot�g nud u�aft Uae norlEi 1lno
<br />of Aalii Nurtlienal $�ierlcr (Nf:IfA}, n dletauec at Qr�o 7'i�ousa�id I�'Ive U�aidred Fotcrlccn and FUIy Flva Itundre�L4a {1,614.GG) tect
<br />La n pol�tl o[ curvnlure; tl�acxoa ruuntng saut.hxenlerly, alou$ a�id tqs�n tho nra �t a cucvo 4o tl�u lat! Nhose ra�Uas ia �02.Q1
<br />fr.nl., ot xt�lch, li►c Initial tn»�mit uf nnid ourva onJncldee nllU tLa ��rovlox�siy ilenr.rll,e�l cnuree, a din4nuae o! F1fly Elgkt ai�Q
<br />'J'hirty Sevr.tt Iiti�ndredlh4 (50.:17j tani, {fuuq oS�ord cllet.ntica =$7 aU', Ioxig nhortl deileeflng lcfl IQ•!7'GO from llie praviouaiX
<br />�Irer.rlbad cnurnoj lo n polnt at tnuRcneg; Lt�ct�cc ruttinlu� AouU�nanlarip, olntsg nitd upon tha aottl.l�nr,nlrtriy prolan�nUon of 41►c
<br />ti�anl tn�igec�4. of tho �>rcvluuylq Acscri4cd aurvn, said prtslouQrtLion Ar.(tar,klnR lrft IQ'I7'Stl lrorit tl�c ct�arcl ot ttta p�CVlouelp
<br />�l�ar.rtl�a�l r.urvo, n dislauc.e ot 7'nu ii�uidred �Ig1iEy Tl�rec and Savc»lr.an Ilniuiresttl�n (2113.17} fCal ta n puiul a( curvalurc; thenca
<br />run�ilu� an�aUiecslcrlp, uln�ig nud upoti Liie Are n[ a curva ta il�c rlgl4k nhoae ro�t{us [s 49�4.74 (oel, o( nl�lClt, tlte tttlllul trtnaen4
<br />U� 9T�t� t�tlf'V4 CO�lit;ItfP,fl R�«1 �.tlS! tirariauaip t�ARCT�GC� courxe, A I��VI.rtHI'Q tl� T/tD Ilutuire�i Elgl�ip 7liree nnd Nlnely Four Ilw�dredthe
<br />(r�ll:t,t�$) f�al (iun� chi�rQ dln4nut:rt = 213t),p0', ]oi►� r.hns•d daflccilu� r1Rhl !(i"S:A�;IU trom tba provtuunly rlaer.rlloRd c�urnc) ln
<br />n poittt at langcitcy; lhr.nca r�uuil��q xanlorlp, alaug ntnl upuu 41in etuvlerlr prnluugnCtoa ot l.he fit�nl tmtgr.ni ot tbc prarionnly
<br />dfsr+cr{bcd eurvo. en[si pralangnlinn dettar.tluq rlgliL tQ"20'aE3" G�a�u ihr. clword o( U�a rreolouslp ciencrlGad awrvo. n Aletnncrz
<br />of Fira tlt�ndreA Savauty nnal TtiiRl�ty Fattr Ilutulrottfha (�i7Q.tidy tact lu n potnl osi Llta xest Itno ot a�fd Narllreaak t�uttrtcr {N$lj9).
<br />anld pot�t! br.lttq 1'nn lfuu,lrcd Furty Tfirr.c aitd 3evcnLy Eaur Ii��udsadlhe {2i1.74) tr.r.t noulli of i.ha norU�reRt aorr�cr of nalit
<br />N��rli�r.nst Quartcr (NF!/dj; tiiencc defJccttn� lafl UU"l:i'i:�" aiul ru��utn noutl�crly, nlang nncl upon ttte eaat Itne ul eald
<br />NurLlicnnl. t��inrtar (Nihl dj oud Liia ncet Iltin nf snld Southe�9t Qi�arler �SF.!/4), n [IIACA)lQ6 uf Flve TAnunnt+d Ttreniy Seve�t
<br />ntisl F'Irc (fui�dtr,tlLiiq li,t);?7.11G} fnal ta ti�a nonl.i�rrr.AL c�n•ticr nt nafct So��litenet G}unrler (SElj4}• tl�cnco dr.flactiug Init
<br />Of?'4?_'.'>: " �nd ruiintn� Gnalarty, rilatiR n»d i�pnyt tlio eoutls li:ia o( srtf�l 5uullieast Runrter (SEI/4!, a dietnnao of Tno
<br />'17raiian��d Siz Ilundred Forl.p Fa+�r ttncl N!i►cty E3�1�L ftundrr.cikltu (2,O�td.Slf3) Ir.r.! tn tlie AOtlI.IIQME aorn�r ot RAS(1 SQl2U1CflA�.
<br />q�i�rtar (5�:1/d); lhcriao dcticotiu� 1cCt Otl'U7'fla" nr►d ru�uilY�g uurthariy, nlnc�� aud upon tha ccet liva of anitt Southarts!
<br />qunrir.r (STsI/4), n dlatnnec o� 'I'nn '1't�ouennd Slz [tuadred 'Clilrt,q Ntne nnd N[ne tivnclredU�e (2,n:fs.Qej lr.�t tn tI�¢ BOIiUIP.qRC
<br />corisur af nnld N�rthr.nqt (tuc►rtor (NF,3/4 ; U1CAe� �lefleetlng latl ()0'lq'UG" a�td rut►nlng nvrlitcrlp, aloltR and uposx tlic
<br />enst. ]ina of snid hiarl(icaat c�uartar {NL�t�1j, a Jlatanao ot '1'na 'Cl�auennd Slx IIor3drad Forfq �igl�l (2,49F1.Q0) fect to t.lie
<br />polnt oC bcginn3n�y
<br />