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, 20i10��4� ,� <br />PAEtCEI, 5: <br />g tro,ct oi land comprising n pnrt af ihe Northxent Qunrier {Nfli/4) nnd all of thc 5ozallti�oet t} (51'P1/d) ot Seatton Thlrty <br />(30}, Toanehip Eleven (11) Nort.h, Rarige 7en (30} lFeeL of i.he Oth P.M., I[nll County, Nebraske�, and mara partiouleslp deecribtd ag <br />folla,rs: <br />Hcginniag at a point on the east line oi enid Northxes� $usrter {NiTi �i), said pafr,t beln� TRO Hundred Forty Three and 5eveatp <br />Four Hundredthe (.''.43.74} leet eouth oi the aorWeast corner oi eaid �orth7rreaL Qvarker (hilfl/d); thtnce tunn�n eoutherly. elong <br />e,nd upnn the eaet line nf said 1+torihzreeL Quarter (Mfl/4} and the cast ltne af said Sot�Lh�eet qvarLer (STCif 4), a dtaF.en.ce at' <br />Flve Thouannd 1`+ret�ty Seven and Flve Clundredthe {5,02'�.Oti} toct to tlic sa�iEhenat cornnr o[ eoid South.ran! t}uarter SRi/4 : <br />thence deAecking righl BD'31'10" nnd runnfnR xceler)p� along nnd upon l}lc eouEt� ltue of eaid Soutliti+cel quarlcr �5fl1/4 <br />a diatence ot Z`RO Thousand Sis liundred Slxty Tno and Forl,y Txa ElundredUsa (2,{s02.42) feet tv the sauthaest corner of eatd <br />Saukhneat quarter {S?fi 4}; t,b;enee deriectiag right 04'34'1S" and running nortt�ertp, niong and upon the �cet l�ae o[ anlci <br />Sonthxcrst t}usster (Sfil�), a disEance ot T�ro Thousead Six Iluudred Forty F'[vc and ]3ightp Eight Hundredths (2.845.IISj feet to <br />tbe southireet carner af said North�reat Qaarter {NYfi/4j; lheace dettecting riqht 00'48 �}8 and runnin� r�orlherly, aton� nnd <br />upon the erst l�ne oi said Tiorthaeat q�inricr (NRi/4), n Jlnlac+�c of TRO Tl�vunsnd Threa 1lundred Sixly Savnn nnsl Elalil. Tra <br />tiundredtlis (2,307.02j tecl ta a poinl., nnid point br,inR Teo Iiat�drr.d Revcnty S�vc�n nnd F.tahty Stz il�tndredLMn (277.OQ� frrk <br />aouth of tisc nortlixent corz�cr of r+nid t�lortlr+rtcrtl Quarl�r {NRt j�i); lhce�cc dr.ftccling rlglst t1U'01�47" ond runnlnA c[►etcelp. <br />a distnnee oi Tno Thouennd Sl�[ IIundred Forlp Nine and 5avenly �3Rht 3lundredLl�s (2,049.78) teet to the goln! o[ beRinnlnR <br />