� . � 2Q1103844 ��
<br />PARC�L Z : .
<br />A tract of land comprising all of the Southwest Quarter (SWlj4) and a part of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SElJ4) of Section Six {6�, Towns6ip Eleveb (11) I�tort6, Range Ten (14) West of the 6th P.M., Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, and more pazdcularlp described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the southwest coraer of said Soutlawest Quarter (SWl/4); fheace running northerly nlong
<br />and upon the wesE line of said Southwest Quacter (SWIjA}, a distance of Two Thovsaad Six Hundted
<br />Fifty and Twenty Eight Hundredths (2,65Q.28) feet to the northwest cornear of said Sauthwest Quar�er
<br />(5W1/4); thance det�ecting right 89° 54' 47" and running easterly, alang and ngon the north line oI saic�
<br />Sauthwest Quarter (SWT j4) and the north line of said Southeast Quarter (SEl j4}, a distance af Three
<br />Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Four and Six Hvndredths (3,524.06} feet; thence deIIecting right 82°
<br />Ol' 14° and running southeasterly, a distance of Fonr Hundred Fourteen and Five Hundredths (414.US7
<br />feet, thence deflecting right 0'7° 15' 50° and running sauWerly, a distaace of 'I�vo Thousand 1�vo Hundred
<br />Tliirty Nfne and E�Tghty Five Hnndredths {2,239.85� feet to a guint on the sonth line of sautd Southeast
<br />Quarter (SE1f4); thence detlecting rYght 90° 12' 65" and rnnning westerly, along and upon the sauth line
<br />of said Southeast Quarter (SE1J4), a distance of Nine Hundred Eighty Seven and Seven Tenths (987.70)
<br />faet to the southeast corner of said Southwest Qparter (SWI j4); thence deflecting right DO° QO' OZ° and
<br />runn�ng westecly, along and upon the soath itne of said Sonthwest Qnarter (SWl j�, a d.istance of Two
<br />Thousand Six Huadred T�wo and 7fiirty Ttiree Hundredths (2,50233) feet to the point of beginnin�
<br />PARCEI, 3:
<br />A tract af land compris�ng a part of t6e Northeast Quarter (NEIj4) and a part of the Southeast Quartec
<br />(SE1/4), all being ia Section Nineteen {19), Townshig Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the
<br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and a part of the Noctheast Quarter (NEl/4) of Section Thirty (30),
<br />Townshep Eleven (11) NortL, Range Ten (1Q) West of the 6th P,M, Rall Couaty, Nebraska, said trart
<br />being mare parttcularly described as follaws:
<br />Beginning at a paint on the east llne of the Northeast Quarfer (NEl/4) of said 3ectian Nineteen (19},
<br />said point being T�vo Hnndred Z�velve and T�velve Hundredths (212.12) feet sauth of the northeast carner
<br />of the Northeast Quarter {NEl/A) o# said Section Nineteen (19); thence rnnning southerly, aiong and
<br />ugon the east line of the Nartheast Quarter (NEI/4) of said Section Nineteen (19), a dlstance of 'l�vo
<br />Thoasand Four Hnndred `ltventy Nme aud Thicty One Hnndredths (2,4Z931) feet to the Northeast
<br />corner of the Sautheast Quarter {SElj� of said Secbton Nineteen (19); thence detleeting right QO° 00'
<br />46" and running sout6eriy, along and upon t6e east line of the Southeast Quarter (SEl f 4) of said
<br />Section Nineteen (19), a clistance of Z�o Thuusand SSx Hundred Sixt�y and Fatty EighE Hundredths
<br />(2,660.48) feet to the northeast cormer of the Northeast Quarte�c {NEl/4) aF said Section Th�rty (30);
<br />Wence deIIecting rigbt 89° 51' S6� and running westerty, along and upan the north line of tt►e Northeast
<br />Quarter (NE1/4) of said Section Thirtp (3{�, a dtstance of One Thonsand �ive Hundred Fonrteea aad
<br />Fifty Fioe Hnndreilths (1,51455} feet to a point of curvaEure; thence ranning southwesterlg, along and
<br />upon the arc of a curve to fhe left whase radius is lOZ.61 feet, a distance of Fifty Eight amd Thirfy Sevea
<br />Hundredths (583� feet (long chord distance = 5759' - loag chord deflecting teft 16° !?' SO" from the
<br />previously described caurse) to a point of tangency; thence deflecting left 16° 17' S0" 6rom the chorcd of
<br />the previoasly described curve and running southwesterly, a dsstance of Two Hundred Eightp Three and
<br />Seventeen Hundredfhs (283.1� feet to a goint of curvatur�, thence running southwesterly, along aad
<br />ugon the arc of a curve to We right whose radins is 494.74 feet, a distance oE Ttvo H�ndred Eighty Three
<br />and Ninety Fnar Hundredths (283.94) feet ([ong cbord distance - 280.06 - lang chord dettecting right Ib°
<br />26' 30N from trie previously described course) to a point; t6ence deftecting right 1Q6° 25' 25" an� running
<br />northerIy, a distance of Three Thousand S'vr Hundred Twenty One and Seven Hundredths (3,G21.0� feet;
<br />thence deIIectiug left 89° 58� 43" and running westerly, a dist�nce of Oae Hnndred Forty One and'Three
<br />Tenths (14130) feet; thence deQecting rigttt 89° 5�' 36" and running northerly, a distance af Qne
<br />Thonsand N�ne Hundred �'ortp �vo and Nineteen Hundradths (1,94219) feet ta a point ou the nortH
<br />line of the t�iort�east Quarter (NEl/4) of said Secfian Nineteen (19); thence deflecting right 90° 08: 08"
<br />and running easterly, atong and upon the narth line of the Nort6east Quarter (NE�.J4) of said Sectton
<br />Nineteen (19), a distance of One Thousand Se�en Aundred Ninetp Five and Si�cty Eight Hundredths
<br />(1,795.68) Feet to a point being Four Hundred Nine and T�yo Teaths (409.20} feet west of the northeast
<br />corner of tlae Northeast Quarter (NE1�4} of said Section Nineteen (L9}; thence def]ecting right 89° 44'
<br />20� and ruaning southeriy, paraUel rvitf� the east iiae of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/� af said Sectfon
<br />Niheteen (19), a distance of �vo Hundred 'I�velv� and Tweive Hundredths (212.12) feet; thence detlecting
<br />left 89° 44' 20" and running easterly, para11e1 with the narth line of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of
<br />sa9d Section Nineteen (19), a distance vf Four Htlndred Nine and 'I�vo Tenths (409.2Q) [eet to Ehe point
<br />ot begianing.
<br />