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<br /> =��:�,�M4..��.�.� . 92— �osa39
<br /> g. Hazard or Property Ittcu�tnce. Barrowcr �hall keep thc improvement� now eai�ting or hereafter eroeted on the _
<br /> Property insurod uQainst lass by firc, hazardR includcd wilhin tl�c�crm "cxtende�l cuvcruge" urxl uny��thcr hazurdc. Including
<br /> flaads ar flooding, ior which Lcndcr requircti insuruncc. 9'hi�.intiuranrc�hull tx muintuin�l in thc umounla iu�l for the perfuda
<br /> that Lender requirex. Thc inxu�ance carricr p��widing�hc intiurun�r �hidl hc chnurn hy Norruwcr .uh�ccl t�� l.ttxlcr's upprovol
<br /> � which �hAll not he u�re�s�oubly withhcld. If R��rruwcr Iril. t�� nwimuin r�wcruµc Jc+crilx�l uFM►vc, t.rndcr muy,at L�ender's
<br /> �----.,� option,obtain covcragc In pro�cct Lencicr's right.in thc Pro�x:ny io ucc�irJonc�with pa�ugraph 7.
<br /> All in�urancc��licfcK wd renewulx whAll hc accep�ublc �o I.ciulcr arul �+6u11 inrludc u ��uixlu►d nu�nKLpc clau�c. l�:nder
<br /> -- xhall have thc right to Iu►Id the policicx unt!rcncwuls. II'l.cnJcr rcyuirc+, fi��rruwcr�hull prmn�tly givc 10 I.enJcr ull raciptn of
<br /> - - � puid premiums und rc�x;wul rHNicex.ln�hc evem ul loxc,t3�rrowcr Khnli�rvc pronnri nu�ice w dM iowrwwc carricr unJ l.uulcr. �---
<br /> Lcnlcr may nwlce prcx�inf lasc If not ma�ic promptly hy Bonowcr.
<br /> - --= Unlcsx l.c�xlcr anJ Bormwcr�dhenwfu agrec in writing,fnrurarnc pr�KCC�Iti�Iwll hc uppH�d tu rctitoruti�Ni ur r��►;+ir uf thc
<br /> ---:��� Pmperty damagod.if du�+e�lor�tion or repalr is cxonomically feu9lhlc and l.cixJcr'n xrurhy i�nal Icxrcrxrl. If the re.�toratiun or
<br /> _______— _,� rcpafr ie ncn crannmicully fcailhle ar l.cncler'g saxurity wcwld be IcsxencJ,the inr�ura�xc pnxc��l�;slwll hc upplieJ i�thc xuma
<br /> --- �ured hy Ihis Socu�ity lnvttumcnt, whcther or not thcn due, with any ezres.r paid lo &�rrawer. If &�rrowcr ubanJans Ihe
<br /> ----
<br /> ------- ,�._ ;
<br /> � Praperty,or doec not un.�wer wlthin 3U duys a aotice fram l.ender thut the insumm�currier Iw.,ulTerecl to settle u claim.t en
<br /> L.endcr may collect the insuranc:e praceeds. I.ender may use !he proceeds to repair or restore the Property�r to puy sums
<br /> ----°-�-�•'� securcd by thia Security Inslrument,whether or�at then due. The 30-tiuy peri�xl will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> — Unless l.ender cind Bortower otherwise agree in writing. any uppliwtion af p�cueeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the Juc date af the monthly payments refe�l ta in purug�Aphx 1 anJ 2 or chunge the umount of the paymenls.If
<br /> ._....�,-. _-_= under paragraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by I.ender, Borrow�r'x right ta uny insu�nce policies and procceds resulting from
<br /> —_ ^—�.,°:� damage to the Property prfor ro Ihe acquisition shall pass to Ixnder tn the extent of the sums secured by thfs Securiry fnctrumrnt
<br /> � ~""'���'•�- ^ immadiutely prior to the ucquiai�ion. �
<br /> =='��`:�` 6.Oocupancy,P�ecewAUon,NWintenance and Pratectlon aP the Property; Barrower's 4oan Applicndon;Leascholda.
<br /> :����t,�,��; �
<br /> .�.�•a Borrawer shall occupy,estnblish. and use tfle Property ns Rorrower's principal residence within sixty days after the eaecution of _
<br /> �'�`�'��=. this Security Inxtrument and shall wntinue to occupy the Propeny ns Barrower's principul residence for at least one year after -
<br /> � .4.�,..N-.'.racft� .
<br /> the date of'occupnncy,unless Lender otherwise Agrees in writing, which consent shull not be unreusonably withheld,or un ess
<br /> :v��':;K�a'�:• . extenuating circumstances eaist which urc 6eyond Bom�wcr's contral. Borrower shall not destroy. dnmage or impair �he
<br /> -��=•�;�, Property, allaw thc Property to deteriorute, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shell be in dciault if any forfeiture _
<br /> -•. �„�� .�',};';�};;.., . action or proceoding, whether civil or crirninal. is begun that in Lender's goad faith judgment could result in fodeiture of�he
<br /> �*�+'-�s�'� Property or otherwise muteriully impair the lien created by this Security Ins�rument or Lender'F security fnterest. Borrower may
<br /> ���--°:r.•� .
<br /> �JFA•�;Irt..l
<br /> a.::�:si�rec,..� •. rure such a default und reinstate, ac provided in parngraph 18,by cuusing the uctian or pmceeding to be dismissed with a ru ing
<br /> °y%���-�_ thut, in [.ender's good faith determinetion, precludes forfeiwrc of the Horrower's interest in the Propercy or other mnterlal
<br /> -�'•"�""�,�, ,� impairnicnt of the lien created by Ibis Security Instrument or Lender'c securiry interest. Borrower shall also be io defauit if
<br /> - L�is=�':: .••�: t: Borrower,during the loan applfcation prucess,gavc materially false or inaccurate information ar statemems ta Lender(or failed
<br /> _ ,,s;:.�.,3 . ::. to provide l.ender with any material information)in cannection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including, but not limited
<br /> ��—� �`.,;��•:� to,representations concerning Borrower's occupuncy of the Property lu u principal residence. lf this Security Instrurnent is on a
<br /> _,_.�,�,4 leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all �he provisions of the leuse. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property, the
<br />. -- ' °_ " " •. i leasehold und the fee tide ahull not mer�e unless L.enJer agrecs ta the merger in writing.
<br /> ..,.
<br /> _--� �..�: : .. i 7.Protectlon of I.ender's Riqhts in the PiropeMy.If&�rrowcr fuils ta perform the covenants nnd agre�:ments contained in
<br /> �"'�"� � ' this Securit Ins�rument, nr therc is u Ic ul rcx:eedin that mu �i nifiruntl affect L.ender's ri hls in Ihe Pro rt (such as a
<br /> __..��•. ." ',:, ��� Y 8 P S Y • F Y S Pe Y
<br /> _=��= �^r+�►`�i�+�+�++�!•` � rmceeding in Mankruptcy, prohate, for mndemnution o�f�rfeiwre or to enfnrce laws or�eFulationsl, then l.ender may do and
<br /> -_.�,;. ` •::atikz%f..:i_''�- .
<br /> :-�fi , , ,*, ;; puy for whutever is necessury to pratect the vulue uf the P�operty unJ Lender's rights in the Propeny.Lender's actions may
<br /> ��?-,_� f ( include paying uny sums secured by u lien which hus prioriry over thi� Sccuriry ln,trumen�, appearing in court, paying
<br /> ��'"���"�"`���� � reawouble attorneys' fee,und cntering un�he Property tn makc rcpuin. Although I.endcr nwy tuke action under Ihis paragreph
<br /> v`�r,`�9'':.'�.:,•': � -
<br /> ._ �r��:�-y - � 7,I,ender doew not havc to do so. —_
<br /> r- -.._ .�
<br /> - ,r.: ;;•a'�'+'"'" , � Any umaunts disbur.ced i+y Lende• under this pAroFruph 7 xhull hec�imc udclitionul debt oi'Bormwer secured by this '
<br />,,:�:h , • '• �+'��`=•='i�, ° ' Security Instrument. Unless Borcower und L.ender ugrec to other icnn,ol'puymrnl, the+e umounts shull henr interest Prom Ihe �^;.�
<br /> _ o�e��,:,�.•.. ; ----
<br /> -_. .,..• • dnte af disbunement ut thc Note rate und shull be payablc, with intcrest, up��n notice Prom l.ender ro Borrower reques�ing
<br /> . Payment. �..
<br /> ' 8.Mortgege Insurance.If Lenckr r�quir�d mortgage insurancc ay a conditi�m ot'making the loan secured by this Security
<br />' � � {::;";-��:�"'..� Instrument, Bormwer shall pay the premiums reyuir�Kl tu muintain tl�e nwrtFu�c insurancr in cffect. If, for any reason, the
<br /> • „�:wv.;•i:;:.•-" monguge insurunce rover�gc rcyuired by l.ender lap.rc�or rcasrs ta hc in effe�:t, Borrower shull puy the premiums required to
<br /> � � obwin covcrage substAntially equivulent t��the m�mgu�tc inwruncr prcviou,ly in rfl'crt.ut u r��st substsuniully equivalent to the
<br /> � . cou to Bormwer ot'the mortga�e insurance previously in effect. from •rn ulternute mi►h�uge inwrer upproveci by Lender. If
<br /> ., substantially equivulent rnortgrgc insuranre coverage i+nnt avuilablc.Burrowcr.hull pay i�� IAndcr cach month •r sum equnl to ____
<br /> , , , one-twelRh�il'thc ycurly manEagr in,urance premium Ikinp p:►id hy Burrowcr whcn thc intiur.�nre ruveragc lapuxl ar ccu�cd to �`
<br /> ; :• � be in Miect. Lendcr will accept, u+e anJ relain thesc paymcnt�us a lus, rr.rrvc in li�u uf nwn�tugc imur�ncc, l.oxs rexrve � �
<br /> ' ' Fomn 302B 91�0 !
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