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<br /> ps►yments tn�y no lunger be required.�t thc option of l.ender,if mangaQe insurunce coveru�o(in the amcwnt and fur thc period
<br /> th�y L,endcr rcqufres)pruvfded by an insurer Qpprovod by I.ender again hec�►mes�vpiluhlc unJ is ot�tainod. BoRawer chall paY
<br /> the premiutns requlred to mninwin martgagc insurance in effoct.or ta pmvidc w InFa rescrvo,until llto requircment iar mort�y{o
<br /> Inwra�xx end4 in accordw�ce with aay wriuen w�reement 6etwoen BoROw¢r aml LenJer or opplicabk luw.
<br /> 9. [mpecKbn.[.ender or i�s agent may malcc roaxanuble enlricA upnn ond inKpocifana uf U�e Property• I.��rkr alwll�iva
<br /> Bom�wer n�Nfce wt the time of or prior to an inspection xpa�ifyin�tcau�mable c�use fiir the iaspactinn.
<br /> — - �p� Londdu�w�iun, '('I�e proceoJY of uny uwurd ur clafm fi�r dnmugew, direct �►r conx:yuen�iu{, b cnm�Ki�►n with any
<br /> rondemnation or Mlur takinQ of�ny pwrt uf lhc PwpeAy,or Far c�mveyonce in lieu of condemrw�km.ure herebY�uw��ned rt�d
<br /> . _� �Iwll be p+�id tu Lcixkr. �-
<br /> - In the event of A total wkfng of the Pmperty.�he proccedF she��be aPP�ied tu the sums sxureJ by Ihia SocurUy Inatrument,
<br /> whethcr or not then due, with c+ny excess paid to&►rrawer. ln tfie event of u purtial mking uf the Property in which tha f�ir
<br /> market vulua of�he Prapetty immediately Mefore�he taking is equal to or grcuter than the wrwunt ui�he sum�secured by this
<br /> —� Security Instrument immediatcly bef�re thc taking,unless Borrower and l.ender otherwise•agrcx in w�iling.the sums secure�by
<br /> y thia Secu�ity In�tniment shall be reduced by the amount of the procceds multiplied by the Pollawing froction: (a) the total
<br /> -- ` -f -� amount of the sums securcd immediutely before the tuking,divided by Ib) the fair market value of the Praperty immediately
<br /> —' beFore the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. !n the event of u purtfal taking uf thc Property in which the fair
<br /> market value of the Propeny immediately beforc thc tuking is less thun the amaunt of the sums secured immediately beforo the
<br /> ----- tc�lcing. unless Borrower and Lender aherwiae ugree in writing ar unless applicuble luw otherwise provides, the proceed�sFwll
<br /> ---- be applied to the sumc secured by this Se.curity Instrument whether or nat the+ums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by BoROwer,or if,nRer notice by i.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offens to make an
<br /> �� award or settle n claim fo�demages. Borrower fails to responcl to Lender within 30 ds�ys after the date the natice is given,
<br /> --�---°�'° I.ender is authadzed to collect a�ul upply the proceeds,at it�uptiun,either to restorntion or repair of the Property or w the wau _
<br /> �� � �'�'� secur+ed by this Securiry Instrument,whether ar nw then due.
<br /> `�°;�. ���~'� Unless [.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of procexds to principal shall not extend ar
<br />'`�'�"`��;. postpone the due date of the monthly payments rcferred to in parngraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br />;,��y��_,; 1 L Bnrrower Nat Released;Forbearance By I.ender Not n Waiven Extension of the tirne for payment or modification
<br /> ------- of amorti�ation of che sums secured by this Security Instrument grnnted by I.ender to uny successor in interest of BoRawer shall
<br /> �°�`t,�'`r,���~ not apernte to mlesise the liubility of the original Borrower or Rorrower's successors in interest. Le�xler shall not he required to
<br />:_���'� commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise modify amanization
<br />� �-=�' of the sums secured by this Security lnstrument by reasnn of uny demand made by the originul Borrower or Borr�wer's
<br /> '�'�'��'-'��` successors in interest. Any farbearance by l.ender in exercising any right or remedy shull not be a waiver of or preclude the
<br /> �%��� exercise of ony right or remedy.
<br /> ��__--- 'i'� r�venants and a reements of this
<br /> 12. �u��cesso�s �nd Assignv �uuiNl; 3�int �nd �etiPrs! !.l�b!!!!y: �o-signera, @
<br /> •�.""��^'`'`"�N`� �� Securfty Instrument shull bind and benefit the successors und �.ssign,of Lender and Borrower, subject to the pruvisions of
<br /> `;,�,,. �' i puragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreemen�c sht►II be joint ond several. Any Borrower who co-signs tbis Securiry
<br /> � ' " '='-•'�= ' s Instrument but does nat execute the Nate: (u) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and canvey that
<br /> •,,�,..: ,�:r.z'�tD'�:.
<br /> :::,,r., ,�...-..,; t. Borrower's interest in the Property under thc terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not per�onally obligaled to pay thc sums
<br /> ;�.,�;;,r'.;._ ti,,; •° secured by this Security Insirumcnt; und(c)ugrees thut Lender und uny other Horrower muy ngrec to extend, modify,forbear or s
<br /> �:;.�`•,�;pa,:•.. make any uccommaintions with regurd ta the terms of this Security Instrument ar the Note without thut Borrower's consent.
<br /> n;•,j... 13. Loan Charges. If thc lus►n secu�ed by this Securiry Imtrumcnt ix subject to u law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> '�°'`'-'�"�3��%•r • tmd thut luw is final ly intarpret a i tio t hat t he in te res t o r o t h e r l o a n r h a r g e s c o l l e c t e d n r t o b e c o l l e c t e d in connection with the
<br /> "_3��.�:._. <f_..._
<br /> �.�;�''°r_" ' �tl ` loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a1 Any such loan churge+i►all lx r��Ju�cd by the um�unt necessnry to reduce t e c nrge -_
<br /> `' ��� ;, to the permitted limit; and(b) any sums alreudy collected tYom Bnrrower which excceded permitt�limits will bc refunded to _
<br /> _..tK(y?'.:. :S' ':.4�f'. • -
<br /> __a.,.y._,_y��,,, : Barrower. Lender muy chonse to mnke this refund by reducing thc principal owed under the Note or by making u direct
<br /> .,�,.,,���,:_,,;,_ payment to BaROwer. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will he treuted us u purcial prepayment without ony c
<br /> �.-r.-.��. �• prepayment charge undcr the Note. -
<br /> °- • 14.Notices. Any rn�tice to Bc�nawer proviJed for in this Security Ins�rumem shaU be given by delivering it or by muiling
<br /> :l'�9sI
<br /> „:: ,,.� it by first class muil unless applicuble luw reyuires uxe of another methoJ. The natice shall be dir��ctcKi to the Property Address
<br /> :•" ' �`y' or any nther uddress Borrower designates by notice to I.endcr. Any notice to Lcrxlcr �hull be given by fint class mail to ,_
<br /> , ,.'�•;: .
<br /> ;+ . :��;.°•�r•�';• " Lender's uddress swted hercin or uny othcr uddress Lender de.r•ignutes by notire ta&�rrowcr. Any nutice provided for in this
<br /> -�
<br /> .k��i,�':��`�'��- Securiry IaStrument shall bc dcemeci lo h•rve tx.�n given to Bi�rn�wrr nr Lender when given ua providod in this paragrup .
<br /> Q„��5;�,�;�� 1S.Governing Iaw; Sevcrability. This Security Instrument tihull be guvcmed by federal Inw und the luw of the
<br /> ' �•� `� ' jurisdiction in whirh the Propeny is kxat�xl. In�he evcnt thut uny provision ur claux ��f this S�urity Instrument nr the Note _
<br /> •.'�',1• . .i.h .
<br /> �•�'� � �,.. conflicts with applicublc luw. .uch conflict shall n�u ui'fc�t�nhcr pr�►vixii�n�af thi�Sccurity Instrument or thc Natc which run be
<br /> ',,+�.•.�x: ''�"' given effect withiwt the contlicting provision. To thix end the pmvi,ionx ol'thi.Securiry Inurument und�he Note ore declured �
<br /> . � to be scveruble. _-
<br /> ". ,... � '� 16.lbrrower's Copy.&►rniwer.hull b�given une cunti�rnud cupy uf thc Nutr and ut�thix Srcurity Imtrument. �.
<br /> . • ° Form 3026 9190
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