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-:� .� -- • `"'� °�_,.:_-_ <br /> ' "-n�j�f7AP7F .. ' � 1'" t�•I^^ �' ' .' .. ���'.�.'.".� <br /> -��� _^. <br /> (J . . n . :-�' - ��•.�.`- .. <br /> ..i�ati.� . . <br /> � . .. ��_�—_--_ .-_ �- _ <br /> 1 � <br /> ;.��.�.�.'_,,�.�: � 92-- sos�9 <br /> TOOETHER WITH�II the impmvements naw orheuafter erceted on the propeRy.�nd al�easement�.appurtaniu�ces•and <br /> ffxmres now or hemaRer a part of the property. All replacements and additiong st�ll alco bo covered by this Sxurity <br /> � I�uument.All of the foregoing is referrcd ta in thia Saurity Instrument as the"Property." <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hareby conveyed and has the right to grant�nd <br /> -- rnnvey Ihe Praperty and that the Prnperty is unencumbered, eacept for encumt►rnnce�of rernrd. Borrower warr�Ns wd wlll <br /> — def'eaxi generally �he tide to the Propeny ogainst all clalms und dems+nds,subject to sny encumbrnnces�of record. <br /> — THIS 5ECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform cavenants for nation�l usc and nan-unifarm covenant� with limited <br /> — _- <br /> —--r-.�� <br /> vwrlotians by juri�diction to consthute a unifarn�savrUy i nstrument cavering reAl property. <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.&►rruwer a�xl Lcixicrruvcrwnt und ugrcc as ful ows: � - <br /> -- 1. Payment o� Principol wnd Interict= PrepaymeW w�d 1.ate Ciwrgea. &�rrower shail promptly pAy whcn duo�ha� <br /> princ �)of and intercct nn the deht evidcnceJ hy�he NMc and uny prepayment und lutc chargcs Jue undcr lhe Notc. <br /> -`,� 2.Funde for Toxe�ond Incurrnce. Subjc�h tu appllcaMc luw ur t��u wriucn wuiver by Lendcr. Bar�uwcr Fhall pay�o <br /> —___:= Lcndcr on thc duy m�mthly paymentR ure due unJer thc Ncne,until�hc NMC ix puiJ in full:u num 1"Fwxi++"i ti+r:la)y�arly twas <br /> ____-_�y�� and us�e�amcnlr ahlch oiuy uttuin priority uvc r Ihix S��vrity Intilrunxnt as u lien on 1he Pn�pehy:Ihl ywrly Iea.�ehold payn�ents - - <br /> ��r gr�wnd ren�«un�hc Propeny, if wuy;(cl ycurly hw-rurd nr propchy imuranre premiuntr;(d)ycArly thxxl inau�e premiumc. <br /> --. --- -- if any;Ic) ycurly nN�ngagr inrurunrc prcmiunn. il'any; ai�l!fi uny �um�puyuhlc hy &►rruwcr t�+l.rndcr, 10 accardw�ce with <br /> -�'`�� thc provixiunr��t�purLpruph A. in Ilcu�►f tlw payn�cnt of nH,rtguge in.rurance premium.r.ThcK i�rm�ure udlod 'Escrow Items," <br /> ----_---��� <br /> - Lcmler nwy, ui my 1fnk. a►Ilccl uixl huld FunJH in on unwunt nut w cac��nl tha muximum umuun� u IenJcr fur a fede�ally <br /> � rclwlal m�+rtKage kwn muy rcyuirc far 1�►rn►wc�'ti exrnw uccuunt uiuler�hc fcdcrul Rcul L�rWtc Sctticnxnt Pracedures Act of <br /> ' 1974+w umcnJo�l G�mi tiuw tu time. 12 U.S.C. Sati�x� 2601 er sey. ("RBSPA"l.unlex�un�Hher low thut upplies to the Funds► <br /> _--—_-� seta a I��sser umuunt. If��, l.eixler muy, u�uny time,cc�llect and huld FunJs in un umount not to exceed the lesser amcwnt. <br /> -- �� ---y I.eneler muy e�timWe ihe unx►uot of Fund�;Jue an the basia oi'current dntu und r�uxcmuble estimu�c�uP expenditures of fuwre - <br /> -`'y'- °-l� x� Escrow Items or wherwi�:e in nccardanre with ApplicAble law. <br /> s_ <br /> � ' •:�- - Thc Fundti �h�ll lx: held in un institution whose depasits are insured by u fedcrul Agency. inrtrumenlaliry, or enllty <br /> �� (including Lealer,if Lender is such an in�tiwtionl or In ciny Federul Home I.oan Bunk. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> '�,���,�' � �. Escrow Items.Lender may not charge&�rtower tor hdding And npplying the Funds,annuolly unulyzing the escrow account,or <br /> ;�s��'��;�, verifying the Escrow I�ems,unless I.enJer puys Barrower interest on the Funds nnd applicablc law permits l.ender to maka such <br /> ��;�::;�;,r,�., a charge. However, Lender muy rcquire Barrower to pay a ane•time cherge for an independent reul estate tax reporting servicc <br /> :"�"""`'°�`�=}��� used by C.ender in connection with this loun, unless applicable law pmvides otherwise. Unless un agreement is made or — <br /> ��,��_ti�:z_ :•. <br /> ,. �„ �,•,�� Applicable law requires interest to be puid,Lendcr shdl not be required ta puy Borcower any interest or eurnings on the Funds. <br /> :�w��� � � Borrower nnd l.ender mny ugree in writing,huwever,�hat interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender ahall give to BoROwer, <br /> �}`�"'°'''�='�'''��� � without charge, un annuul uccounting of the Funds. showing credits and debits ta the Funds end the purpose for which cach <br /> -=�''�`���� debit to the Funds was mude.The Funds are pfedgeci asudditionai sexurity inr uii�w����:ui�i by this�ccuriiy tn�trument. <br /> ::�.:.�`• � � �;. If the Funds held by L.ender excecd the s�m��untx permitted to be held by npplicuble law. L.ender shall accaunt to Borrower <br /> , � �. .:�:,�; . for the excegs Funds in accordance with the requirements of upplicable luw. If the umount of the Funds held by Lender at eny <br /> ' .. � ' time is not suificient to pny the Esrmw Items when due. L,ender muy so notify BoROwer in writing,and,in such case Borrower �.-. <br /> - , , � shall pny to Lender the amount necessary a► muke up the deticienry. Borrower shall muke up the deffciency in no more�han <br /> �t�i�^�n z_v_.o, . twelve montnly pay�nents,at L.ender's sole discre�ion, <br /> � Upon payment in full of all sum+ xecure�i by thiti Security Instrument. L.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> .^ ' " Funds held by L.cnder.If,under purugraph 2l,[.cnder sF�ull acyuire�►r scll the Prapeny,L.ender,prior to the ucquisition or snlc � <br /> -�^�•�" ���r�:e'". of lhe PrOpeliy. shall apply uny Funds hcld by Lenderut�he time of acyui.rition or sule a+u credit uganst�he sums secured by .�v'-,�. <br /> � �.YI.�Ji�* �,. <br /> .• o-' Ihis Sccuriry Instrument. _ <br /> •, 3.Appllcatlon uP Poyments. Unlcss upplicable law pmviJe�utherwisc,ull payments received by I.encier under paragraphs ,_ <br /> . • • � � 1 and 2 shall he applied: first, to uny prepuyment churges due undcr the Note; uwond.t��utnountc payable under paragrciph 2; - <br /> " r third,�o interext due;fourth,to princip�l duc;and las�,t�i any lute rhurges due undcr the N�ne. <br /> _ ' 9„... .� `_. <br /> �" �'"��_�'- �• 4.Charges;Liens. Bi�rcower shull pay ull �axes,nssessnxnts,chargcs, tines und imposu�ons auribu�abie to�he Propeny �., <br /> �,��_._.,p:'i�'..� �.. <br /> ,��,;�;,;;�,;;;�r;,��._ which may a�tuin priurity over this Securiry Ins�rurnent. and leatiehold puyments or grounJ rem�, if uny. Borrower shall pay �._� <br /> ;�;..:`:r",:.. •� these obligations in thc munner provided in parugruph 2, or if not puid in thot munner.Borrower shull pay them on time directly <br /> � ° � ° to tl►c person owed prymcnt. Borcower+hall pmmpNy fumish to l.enJcr all notices uf amoumx to bc pvid under this paragraph. <br /> , '���;,,; '� �. ' lf Born�wer makes thesc paymen[s JirecUy.Borc�iwcrsh��ll promptly furnish t�i lw�nder rcccipts cviderning the payments. — <br /> �:�,r :.. : ,�� Borruwcr shull prompdy dischurge any licn which I�uti prioriry avcr this Scruri�y Instrun�ent unless Borrower:(u)agrees in <br /> .�°.`'`' " writing to the puyment c�t'the obligutiun�ecuresl hy the 1 ien in u munncr urcepwble ta l.endcr;(b)cantests in gnod faith the lien <br /> °p,d;�,;; by, or dcfends aguinst enti�rcement of thc licn in, kgal pr�necdingz which in thc Lcndcr', upiniun uperate to prevent the _ <br /> ��.' <br /> • enforcement of tlx lien: or(r) secures I'nim thc huldcr��f�hc licn un agrermcnt wtisfuctuq� ai LenJcr sulx�rdin•rting the lien tu <br /> • this Securit��Inslrurnent. If Lrnder Jetcrmine�tlwt any pan of thr Pru�xiy�� i.tiuhjcrt to a lirn which may �twin priurity aver �;. <br /> , this Securily Instrurncnt. Lendcr may givc Burmwcr a n�,tirc idrntil'ying the lirn. H��rruwrr,hall �atitil'y thr licn ��r tuke one i�r <br /> ` , „_�, morc of the actions set 1'orth ulwve within IU days��t'Ih� piving ul'nutice. � <br /> ,r��•. � Fomi 3028 9190 � <br /> P.a2ols - <br /> , . �; . <br /> _ � <br />,•�=, .�.-.-..�.�.'__ .. . -T - - - . . . . . , . ,. . .. i��'9.'rNJVyt�+��k��y^a—T��`�N.. <br /> i� „ <br /> a� <br /> �_�.e.�e.t�_�_'.tr- - --..---.• _ .�---'. <br /> K ,. , . ., <br /> � • 1 <br /> .. � „ � <br /> � T <br /> .: � � <br />