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�� � '"'r'-- <br /> _.����__.�-_ _—.—.__ _._' '^�.--,.-.-•r - a.-..,. . ...--,-_ -.-� S<-` - _ <br /> . . - Lr�1�Y�_�'�/�P�''�pulr�.• <br /> �u�r <br /> --?� . .. . ---_ <br /> _� i - ��c. . ,ti.••,'- <br /> _� �' .. � .. - - — -- - .__ <br /> �,,.��....,_..._._.._.,.� � . <br /> , � 92-� �,o�i <br /> applicable law in�y specify for reinstatemeny bel'ore sale of�hc Pmperty pursuont to any power of'sulc conteined in thic <br /> Skcurity Insdument;or(b)entry of p Judgment rnforcing thi�3ecudty Instrument. Tho�e conddiaw arc ttu�t 9orrower: (a) <br /> p�yr Lender�il �ume which then would be due under �his Secudty lnstrument und the Nae as if no acceleratfon had <br /> accumed;(b)curo9 any default of a�y athercovenanls or agreemenls;(c)pays all expensea incumed io enforcing this Securily <br /> -���•:na Insuument. including,but na limited to.reasonable anomeys'fees; pnd (d)tukcs sucG action as Lender muy reusonably <br /> roquirc to nswrc that tha Uen of lhis Securily lnadument.Lcndcrh dghts fn the Pmpeny and Borrowcrk obligutfon to puy thc <br /> �_ ��:��, sums secured by this Security InstrumeM sh�ll cantlnue unchunged. Upon reinstatement by Borrawer, this Securlty <br /> �_�__�_�=�-=-' Instrument wxl thc obligutions securcd hereby shall rcmpin fully effective as iF m►ecceleralion had occurn�. Hawever,thia � _ <br /> d�ht to roinauue shull not opply in the case of occeler�lion uader pnragraph 17. r <br /> —..:�s�„�.� 19. Sak of Note; Cdwn¢e oT Loan Servker. The Note or a pwliul interest in thc Note(together with this Security <br /> lnstrument)may be isold one or more times without p�ior notice to BoROwer. A salc may result in A changc in the entity <br /> - - _�;�-:� (known es the"Loan Servicer")that collec�s man�hly puymenis due under the Nate wid thia Security lastrument. There also - <br /> � '�� may be one or more changes oi the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale af the Note. If�he�e is a chunge of the Loun Servicer, <br /> -- Borrower will be given written notice of tUe change in uccorclance with paragruph 14 above und uppUcuble law. 'Phe notice <br /> --°---�-----�� will sUtte U�e ns�me and address of the ncw l.oun Servicer und the nddress to which puymeMs shnuld be mnde. The natice will �_ <br /> alw cantwin any other infarmutian required by applicable luw. <br /> --- -__�� 20. Has�rdous 3ubstancGV. 8ortower atiell not cuuse or pemtit the presence�use.dispoxal,slorAge,or release of any — <br /> - - -- -= Hazardous Subsinnces on or in the PropcAy. Borrowe�shull not da. nor ullow anyone else ta do,unything affecting the <br /> ,�,�xL��.,,..,;� Property lhat Is in violation of any Environmentel The preceding two sentences sholl not apply to 1he presence, <br /> --= stornge on the Pmpeny of small qunntities of Haurrdous Substances thut are generolly recogniud to be approprfate to normal <br /> - - -- <br /> ,��,.�,�P-� residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. — <br /> �--�=_=` Borrower shall promptly give Lenderwrfticn nWlce of any investigation,claim.demond.lawsuit or uther action by any - <br /> _�_-,�'�"""�°�' gavemmental or regulatory�gency or privote pany involving�he Propeny und any Huzurdous Substance or Environmentul -_V <br /> _'�`��'�` Luw of which Borrower has actual knowledBe. IP Borrower leams,or is notified by nny govemmental or regulutory �,: <br /> .:.u,.s•�L���+�y�,,, authority,that nny rcmoval or dher remediation of uny Hazardous Sub�tance pffecting the Property is necessary. Borrower ___ <br /> °`�.6•.e�..J�.. <br /> �,�;�,�,i;;..: shall promptly tnke All necessary remedial actians in uccorduncc with Environmenwl Law. �. <br /> :�,�,�. As used iu�hia paragmph 2Q."Huzardous Substancea"are Ihose substs�nces de�ned as toxic or huznrdaus substunccs by <br /> ��t'.�; '� �� Envhonmental Law und the following sulntunces: gasoline,kerosene,other flummable or toxic petroleum products,toaic <br /> —:�:ti�4�;s'� ' pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, maleriuls containing asbesros or formaldehyde, and mdioaciive muterials. As L�_`- <br /> ����''�"`�``�-''�r ti;� used in thia paragraph 20, Emironmentul Luw"means federnl laws and lews ot thc ju�isdiction where 1he Propeny is locnted <br /> _� _ _ _ ,�c�uYiroamental prsntcstiou. . . _ _. __. . -. - - - - •- ---- _ <br /> i_,,.,�R_�.�. tc -- <br /> - �-j�t� �._ . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower nnd Lender further covenunt and Agree as follows: � <br /> � 21. Accekration; Remed(es. I.ender shAll ive noNce to Borrower rior to Accelerallon following Borrower's _ <br /> `�.:_'.� . B P <br /> b' �°'' -� ,�, breACh oP any covenont or agreement in thiR Securiry Inst�ument I�ut not prior to accelerAtion under paragrAph 17 - <br /> -__—_�� ���g��Ikabk Ina provldes othenvisel. T6e notice ahall sperify: 1�)the dePuuN;(b)the ectlon required to cure the <br /> '"T'�'''��'�'• defAUlt;(c)o dAte,not less than 30 dAya from the date the notice is given to Bo� wbich the de�auit must be _ <br /> -_ �k��t;4 .��:.�,..;�•. . cured;apd Id)that failure to cure the defuull on or before the date speciQed in the notice may result in acceleration of --- <br /> , ,� the sums secured by this 3ecurity Instrament and sale uP the Property. The notice shall i'urther iniorm Borrower oP <br /> � L^ the right to reinstate afler acceleration and the right to bring a court actbn to assert the non•exi9tence of a dei'ault or <br /> =T%�:���''. any other defense oP Borrower to Acceleration and sule. IP thc defunit is not cured oa or betore the dpte specifted in __ <br /> '`' the notice.Lender at its option may require immediate paymeM in fldl oPall sums Secured by this Security Instrument _.� <br /> --- i "'" , ' without furlher demand und may invoke the power of sele and Any other remedies permilted by appltcable IAw. -- <br /> . "' '� Lender shnM be entltled to collect all expense4 incurred in pursuing the remedies provtded in this pamgrapb 21. - <br /> =�ny� �i�° `• '''�' including,but not limited to,reasonAbleattorneys'fees and cos�q oflitle evidence. __ <br /> _-.,,,,..� Z•� ��'�''` � It Ihe power of sale is invoked.7lrnstee sh�ll record a nolice uf dePault in each county in which any part of the � <br /> ._.___— . "`'"`' M:�% ' Property is located and sbAll mail copiesof sdch notice in the manner prescribed by appiicwble law to Borrower and to __ <br /> --.-- . �.;; <br /> _'- � '�' " the other persuns prescribed by applicable Iww. Aner the time�eqalred by Applicable law.7busfee shall give public - <br /> • � •� nollce of sale to the persans and in the manner pre.scribed by applicoble luw: 7�uslee,wtthoW demAnd on Borrower, "'"- <br /> -�� '��'`�"�"�'�"•'' shall sell the Property at public auctb��to the highest bidder at the time and plac�pnd under the terms desigoated in ��-'" <br /> ___J-_�. <br /> _ - -'�`;�'=';''�==`�'� ` the notke oisak In one or more parcels a��d la any order 7Yustee determines. 'll�ustee may pasfpane s�le of a!1 or any c� <br /> -�--'—` � •• � � .i '•� parcel of!Ne Property by public unnouecement at the lime and place oPAny prevfou�ly ficheduled sale. l.ender or ils �''� <br /> �'�� ��� ' ' designee may perchase the Properly nt any sate. <br /> _� ``.�;�� � �z <br /> _,:� ,., ; _ Upon receipt oi payment of the price bid.7Yustee shall deliver to the purchaser 'IY�ustee's deed conveying the <br /> - <br />