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<br /> at de,�od Ipe p�le�i�cludb�lN�p�yment of tat 7Murtte'r feer�ctually lncurred,ao��cxceed 3.0 96 ot
<br /> IM priscipd�nauat d tYe nola at tNe Wne of'We decl�rntion of defAUit,oad rcasunabk Attu�ney�'�ee���a�s��'mllted
<br /> by bwi(b)W a!I wm��vred by thM S�curily I�Irua�ati�ud Iel�ay e�uw lo tYe Pe►+�on a'Pe�w Kw"s�"d�
<br /> a u.
<br /> 22. Beconveyanoe. Upon payment of all cuma r�ecurcd by thia Socurily Instrument.t.endcr shall r��quest 7tustee to
<br /> reconvey the Prq�erty pnd eh�ll surrcnder thi�Secu�lly lnstrLment und all notes evidencing debt securcd Uy thix Security
<br /> — Inatrument to'ituatoe. 7lvuoo�hall rcconvay the Property willuwt wartonty and wh0out chuQc to the perron a'persau
<br /> --� le�ally entiUed to it. Such perxon or parsona shall pny rny rcccxdation castr. _
<br /> 23, gnb�t�Wk 7lrustee. Lene�.er,at il�apticm,nwy from�fine to time remove'ilv�tee and uppoint p succe�sor truKte�:w
<br /> any'IYustee Appointod henunder by an inawment recordod in the caumy in whicb thi� Secu�ity Insnument ie recorded.
<br /> Wilhout rnnveywrce of tt�R+openy,the succescor wstec�hall succecd to eU tho tille. pc►wer wul duNe�confert�ed upon
<br /> 'Iiystte herein and by applicablc law.
<br /> 24. Reguest for N�tkes. Bortower tequests�hat copies oP the notfces of deiault and�le be sent a Bortower'x addresa
<br /> which is the Propeny Address.
<br />-----..------ __� ZS. Rldere b t6is Securilq InWrnmen� If one or more riders tue executed by Botrower and recorded together with
<br /> this Security Insirument. the covenantg and agreements of euch such rfder ahull6e inc:orpomted into ond shail nmend and
<br /> supplement the covenants and aQreetnents of thi�Secudty Instrument as if the rider(s)were a Purt of thia Secudty Inatrument.
<br /> (Qkck appllcabk box(cs)]
<br /> �Adjustable ltote Rider �Condominium Rider �I-4 Family Rfder
<br /> __ �(iradueted Payment Rider �Planned Unit Devclopment Rider �Biweekly Pwyment Rider
<br /> __ _`._� �g������ �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Homc Rider
<br /> -�� �Other(s)[specifyJ ACKNOWLEOGP'ENT
<br /> v�ly;� BY SI(iN1N(3 BELOW, Horrower seceptx and aarees to Ihe terms and wvenentn conleined in lhir Security Inswment
<br /> -��'° and in any dder(�)executed by Borrower and recarded with it.-- -. --., . .-.----- .— ----
<br /> - . --- -�---�------ _--- �
<br /> ----_�� __- ._ Wiptesses: _ ^- - ,
<br /> --A''+5i �� (Senl)
<br /> -�` mAS D. WILLIAMS 'BORDN'�'
<br />---�)4�_;"��i V Social udty Number -�4_RRR4 __ .
<br /> -=� e
<br /> � s-•••,,�� (Seaq
<br />-_-:F�%;'y,�"'.. S RL . N -eormwer
<br />-�j�;�_��' - Social Security Number 505-52-4293
<br />_���•,�s'
<br /> �`.-'-""=-n y STATE OF NEBRASKA. HALL Caunry ss:
<br /> w�'`�*'y�?±�. s On this 26TH day of JUNE, 1992 ,befarc me,lhe undersigned,a Notary Public
<br /> -��,•�ry�"►` __ duly commissioned and yualified for suid county,peBOnr�lly came THO�IRS D. (dIILIA�IS AND SHIRLEY K.
<br />-'�'"�°��'�a+r'•� SPOTANSKI WILI IAmS� HUSBAND AND WIFE ,to me known to be the
<br /> ,��„��.:7.:�_._�,
<br />_;�„�y_��s;�-=3 iJentical s(s)whose ni+me(s)a�+e subscribed to the foreg�ing i�cmiment and ocknowledqed the execution thereof to
<br /> ____ ____��� be I voluntary act and deed.
<br /> and notariul seul at GFAND ISLA , KA in said caunty.the
<br /> ���� �
<br /> date afores
<br /> - _�r v,.r�,r�`� My Commissi���� ��2/�Z,
<br />_�= � otuy Puhlk
<br />���_� •������
<br />�-,-�:::=-,'•'- TO TRUSTEE: `'••_�F
<br /> =`������ .. The undersigned is thg�(q the note or nacs secured by this Deed of 7tust. Said note or ndes,rogether with�II
<br />:.;aw:....:: •,`• other indebtedness securedlsy! d of 7}ust,have been paid in full. You►ue hereby dirccted to csuicel said note or notes
<br /> ' ��'• and this Deed of 7ivst,whicb are delivemd hereby.ond to reconvey,without warranty,all the eslate naw held by you under
<br /> ' ' ��� this Dead of 7turt to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> :',.......:..�.,.:
<br /> ��,�,•�;. . Ar. Date:
<br /> �- •�.'_:'.••..,•
<br /> � Fam 3028 9/90 (/�aRr 6 nj6 poRerl
<br /> �.
<br /> .sr,r.�, . . ' •, '
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