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<br /> condemnadon o�athei wking of rny part of�he Ifiopeny.a i'ot canvcywncro in Nou of cundemnu�iat,ero fieroby wwi�ned wtd
<br /> �hal1 be prid to l.ender.
<br /> In thc event af a total taking of thc Propeny. �hc ptoceeds �hall he opplicd lo thc aumx securcd by this Secu�i�y
<br /> InRtmmen�,whethcr or nd�hen due, wlth any cxceas paid�o Borruwer. In the evrnt of u punfnl taking ui thc PropeAy in
<br /> which the fair market vulue of�he Propeny immedi+��ely befarc Ihe laking ia equal�a ar grea�er ihan ihe amount of�hc sumx
<br /> �securcd by this Secudry Instrument immedia�ely before ihe roking.unless B�rmwer w�d Lendcr o�henvitse ugrec in wri�fng,
<br /> Ihe sums securcd by thia Security Instrument gholl be reduced by �he �mcwm of the pr+aceecfs muUiplied by Ihe foUowing
<br /> ----J fraction: (u1 the total amaunt of the sums xecured immedialely het'ore the taking,divided by(M)Ihe fair mnrket value of the �
<br /> Praperty immediately before thc taking. Any bulnnce xhull be paid to Borrower. In�he event of a purtfal tukiog of Q�c
<br /> Property in which Ihe fuir mwlcet vuluc of the PropeAy immediutely befixe�hc taki�g ix less than ihc umount of�he nums
<br /> sccured immediately before the taking, unless 8orrower and Lender olherwise ogree in w�iting ar unlexs upplicable law
<br /> otherwise provldes,the proceeda ah�ll be applied to Ihe cuma secured by Ihia Sccu�iry Instnimenl whe�her or not the sums wt
<br /> �hen due. '
<br /> If the Property is ubandoned by Bormwer.ar if,after natice by Lender ta Bu�rower thot the candem�or otfers�a molce
<br /> - � an award or r,cnlc a cloim for dumAgex.Barrower failx to respond to Lender within:�(1 dayx aftcr ihe dute the notice is given. _
<br /> L.ende�ia�uthorized to collect und upply the proceeds.at ita option,eithe�to restorution or repuir of the Property or to�he
<br /> ruma secuoed by thia Security Instivmen�,whether ar not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise ugree in wrlting.ony uppUcution af pracceds�o principul shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of�he monthly puymems referred to in paragrnphr: I und 2 or change the iunount of such pAyments.
<br /> 11. Bo�rower Not Released; Forbeuance By I.ender Not � Walver. Extension oP �he time for payment or
<br /> modification of umoniwtion af the Rums secured by�his Security Instcument grunted by Lender to any successor in imerest
<br /> of Barrower shull nw operate�o�leuse the liability of the original Bortower or Bortawer�s successars in interes�. Lender
<br /> - � — shull not be required to commence proceedingq uguinst any successur in intrrest o�refuxe to extend time for puyment or -
<br /> -- otherwise modify amottfzation of the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument by renson af w►y demund mude by the original
<br /> _- - -�.�J� Borrower or BarrowerR successons in interes�. Any forbenrunce by Lender in exercising ony right or remedy xhall not be a
<br /> waiver of or preclude the eac�ise of any right or remedy.
<br /> _ 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joi�t And Sever�l LlabfNty;Co•stgners. The cavenams und agrecments of this
<br /> _ �,�2y���;;__�� Securlty Instniment shnll bind and benefit the successar�und aesigns of Lender und Borrower,subject ta the provisions of
<br /> pucagraph 17. Borrower!s covenants und ugreements shull lu joint ond severul. Any Bonower who catiigns this Securiry
<br /> Instnrment but dces not execute the Note: (a)is ca-4igning this Security Instrument only to mortgnge,grunt und convey that
<br /> --���.�� Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Securiry Insirument; (b)is not perso�ally obliguted to puy the sums
<br /> ---- � secured by th}s Security Instnrment;and(c>agrees thut Lentier and nny aher Borrower�ay ngree to extend,modify,forbear _
<br /> �,,, or muke any accommodations wlth regord ta ihe terms of this Security Inslrument or the Note without that Borrower's
<br /> _—' ' consent.
<br /> �`' - 13. I.oan C6ar�tea. If the loan secured by this Security Ins�n�rnent f� subject to u iaw which rets maaimum loan
<br /> �_���.• r' charges,und that luw is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loun churses callected or ta 6e collected in connection
<br />:,r��#,�v��',�;., with the loun exceed Ihe pertnitted limits,then• (a)any such lomi cha��e shall be reduced by tNe amount necessury to reduce
<br /> .�r;�e,���^ , the chiuge to the permitted limit;u�d(b)uny sumti ulready collected from Barower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> -�-��'�4 r�efunded to Borrower. Lender may choose io make this refund by reduc ing the principal owed under the Note or by making n
<br />— �•'�*�u�: direct payment to Borrower. If u refund reduces principal,the reducdon will be treuted us u psutiul prepayment without ony
<br />_�`"'`"'���';'�`•' prepuyment ch�rge underthe Note.
<br /> �+:�'��a` �� 14. Notices. Any notice �o Borrower provided tior in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br />- -�, muiling it by firat class muil unless applicuble luw requires use of undher method.The notice shull be directed to the Propeny
<br />-�r..`1---�—,-Za�"'
<br /> :` l._�..
<br />,_�1;�,.�:,�,�, Address or uny other udJress Borrowcr designutex hy notice to Lender. Any natice�o Lender shull be siven by first clnss
<br />-;.�;,;_�:�^,�°' mail t�l.ender g uddre!cti atated herein or ony other uddre.s Lender desifinule�by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> -�--, • in thix Securiry Instrumcnt shull be dcemed ta huve been given to Bamwer or Lender when given ns provided in this
<br /> �;'�b;�+' '�ti.' nra rn h
<br />'�°�'��" P g1S Governing Law: Severnbilily. Thi, Security In.r•trumcm+hall be governed by federul law und the Inw of the
<br /> �.� ��'.'"� urisdictfon in which the Pro rt is located. In Ihe event thut un rovision ur cluuse of this Securit Instrument or the Nate
<br /> :�f.,;,., . 1 F� Y Y p Y
<br /> .;�;;:����r_•�"� conflicts with applieable la�v.�urh ecx�flict�h�dl nnt cd'fect nther pmvi�ions of�his Security Instrument or the Note which c;ui
<br /> _r��,, �,, =•- be given effect without the con8icting provision. 7b this end the prrnisionx of this Security Ins�rument++nd the Nwe are
<br /> ?��£�:r3�;!hr�. �'� declured to be severable.
<br /> '�,���""'��, 16. Borrower's Copy: Borcower shull be:given onc ronfcxmeJ cupy of ihe Note and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> �t�'se�•�:,,,�;, : 17. 7FansPer oithe Property or a Beneficial Inte�est in Borrower. !f ull or uny pun ot'ihe Propeny or uny interext in
<br /> "'TM' _'' �;; it is sold or transferred (ar if a beneficiul interest in Bormwer is sald ar trunsterred und Borrower is not a nuturnl penonl
<br /> �,..f-;�.�
<br /> without L.cnder+prior wdtten consent,Lendcr may,ut itti�ptinn, rcyuirc immediute paymcnt in full of ull sums secured by
<br /> ���. �f `''�� this Security Instrument. Howevcr,this option shall na bc exercised by Lender if cxen:ise ix prohibitcd by fedeml law as of
<br />'�"��=� the date of this Securiry Instrumcnt,
<br /> ���-<'� lf Lender exerciscs this option, Lcndrr shull�tive Bo�mwer noticc of acecleration. 'I'he naticr shull provide u prriod of
<br /> �-- _ <
<br /> �.�.,�:.,ir;r��.
<br /> •�• not less thun 30 duys frcxn the dute Ihe notice iti dclivered or muiled within which Barn�wer mu,�pay all xums,ecurcd by thiti
<br /> .. ' "';;' r Sccurity Ins�rument. If Borrower fuils to puy thcxc xum� prinr to thr cxpiratian �if this�rioJ. I.ender muy invoke uny
<br /> '' '� remedieY permilted by�hi�Securily In�lrumcnt wiUinut I'urther notireur demwid on Borrower.
<br /> '�`r�•�� °�,�•"` � 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstute. If Bum�wrr merts rcnain rundi�ian,. Botrower shull huvc thr right to huve
<br /> :�' ' •• z enforcement uf this Securiry Intitrument di�continued a�any timr prH►r w the rarlier i�f: l+�► 5 Juy.(�x+uch other period us
<br /> . '.:;;�;.- _
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