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<br /> � perlade that Lender rcquin9. 'IUe inxutAnce carrfer providing the insurance�hall be chusen by Bomower subject to Lenderl�
<br /> apptavd which�hpll not be un�snsonab�Y�vj�hhe�d• �f BormWe�fuils lo maintain cover��o dcscribed above,Lender mwy,at
<br /> Leederti apllan,abtuin caverage Io pmtect I.ender's righ�s in the Property in uccordwnce whh paragrxph 7.
<br /> All insurance policies and Rnewais shall be ucceptabla ro Lender and shall include a xtandard mortgage clauee. Lender
<br /> -�_;� sholl have the right to hold ihe policies and re�walx. !f I.ende�rcquircc.Bexrower shall promptly give to Lende�all rcceipta
<br /> of pRid premiums a�d nenewal notices. In the event of loss,Barrawer ah�ll Qive prompt naico to tho inrurance caRier and
<br /> ���_, Lendcr. L.en�ler may make proof of losa if not made pmmptly by Borrower.
<br /> '� - -- =` - --'"� Unlcsa Lcndcr tutd Borrower othcnvige agree in writing, incurance proceede shall be upplied ro restomtion or repalr of
<br /> ihC Pro�erty damaged, if the reatoration or�epuir is ecanomicully feasible und Lender K security is na lessened. If the `
<br /> --- - rcstoratK►n or rcpair is ncn ecanomically feasible or Lenderk Recurity would be lessened,tho inaurance proceeds sh+d�bo
<br /> --- --___ oppUed to Ihe sums securcd by this Security Instrumenl, whether or nat�hen due, with any excesc pnid to Borrower. lf
<br /> v_LL._� gortowe� abnndons Ihe property. or dces not answer wfthin :ill ds�ys a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> _ �_--.� nffered to seale a claim,ihen Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender mny use ihe proceeds to repai�or restore
<br /> �hc Propeny or to pay sums serured by this Security Inswment.whether or not�hen duc. The 30�day period wlll be�in when
<br /> -�"��-°���'`i the nollce ls given. _
<br /> - Unless Lender ond Borrower othenvise ugree in writing.ony applicution of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> _ __���r."�� postpone the due dute of the monthly payments refemed ta In pnmgraphs I and 2 ar change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> under part+graph 21 the Prope�}' is ocyuircd by Lender, Barrower�right to nny insumnce policies and proceeds rcsul�ing
<br /> ��� from damage to the Property pdor to the acquisition shall pusa to Lender to the ex�em of the sums secured by this Secu�ty
<br /> -°� In�avment immediately prior to the ncquisition.
<br /> 6, Oocupancy, Preservatioa, Mnintenance a�d Protection of the Property; Borrower's I.a�an Applicadon;
<br /> y __ _ __ _-�=�:� L,e�sehO�da, Borrower shull accupy,estnblish,ond use the Ptoperty as Borrower's principal residence within aiaty days ofter �
<br /> �,n,.,,�,Y��� .:� the execution af this Secudty Instrument and shall conlinua tu uecupy tlie Praperty us Borrower's principal rcaidence for ut
<br /> least one year afier the date of occupancy, unleas Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> - -"'�°�` unreasonAbly withheld pr unless extenuat�ng circumstances exist which ore beyond Borrower's control. Bormwer shall not
<br /> '=�i���„�� destroy,damuge or impair the Properry.�Ilow the Pmperty to deteriomte,or commit waste on the Properry. Borrower shall _
<br /> "�'�`; � be i�default if any forFeiture action or proceEding,whether civil or criminal, ia begun thut in Lender�s gaod faith judgment
<br /> `'`'��'''�''''-`�"�''�•' could result in forf'eiture of the Property or othervvise materiully impair the lien crcuted by this Security Inst�ument or
<br /> "'"`'"�'a"�"'�=;Y� Lender's securlty interest. Bomower may cure such n default und reinstnte,as provided in puragraph 18,by causing the action
<br /> �.��• or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling�hat,in Lende�'s gaad fui�h determination,precludes forfeiwre of the Borrower�s
<br /> --_-��'1'b�.���!`+ interest in Ihe Praperry ar other material impairment of che lien created by this Securiry Insaument or Lender's security
<br /> •� a.` interes� Borrowcr shall also be in defuult if Borrower,during the loan applicntion pracess, guve muteriully false or
<br /> ���� : inaccu�ate infomwtion or statements to Lender(or fuiled to provide l.ender with uny meteriul infamation)in connection with _
<br /> _`���"`i• '• the loan evidenced by the Nde. including, but not limited to, representations conceming Borrower 4 occupancy of the
<br /> --• '��� " p��eny as a princiQa!�esidence. If this Security lnstrument is on u leusehold,Borrower shall comply with all the provisbns
<br /> ''"''����'�� ' of the ku.4e. lf Borrower ocquircs fee tide to Ihe Property.the leasehold and ti�e fee titie ahali noe merge unirs�I.CnJ�r agrc�s
<br /> =_�ti� ,... :.,,�,• •
<br /> ....o.....:. . ,��A. � to the merger in writing.
<br /> =::�� " � 7. Protectbn of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fAils to pert'orm the cavenants and agreements
<br /> �".� � ,�Y'��'�sF���`-^�' contained in this Securiry Inswment, or ther�e ig n legul proceeding �hnt muy siRnificunUy affect Lender's rigl�s in the
<br /> ti;;.�, . ' ,;';;'~^" ': Propeny (such as o proceeding in bnnkn�pt¢y,probute,for condemna�ion ar farfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then
<br /> "'? :' ��•'•",�''�' L.ender may do and ps►y fo�whatevcr is necessnry to protect the value of the Raperty and Lenderc�igh�s in the Property. _.
<br /> ,; �-:> ��. , Lenders ttctions may include paying nny sums secured by a lien which hns priority over this Security Instn�ment.appearing —
<br /> - , in court. paying reasanuble attameys'fees und entering on�he Property to muke repafrs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> . . � � under�bis paragraph 7,Lender does not have lo do so.
<br /> "`"'`�'�'-'" Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paraFraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower securcd by this
<br /> _ . ., •�•.,:;�.
<br /> ;� "`�.�'�k,'�'"'�.�"' Security Instrument. Unless Borrower s�nd Lender ugree ro nther�erms of pnyment,the�e amoun�s shull benr interest from the
<br /> � ' date af disbursement ut the Note rate and shall be payablc,with interes�,upon nolice from Lcnder to Borrower requesting
<br /> ��: . a'r:� ....;.�• .... puymmt.
<br /> ���~' �` S. Mortgage Insurnnce. If Lender required mortgage insurunce u.c u condition of making the loan secured by this
<br /> ""'�`"''`` Security lnstrument, Borrower shsl!pny the premiums reyu'sred to muintain the m�hgage inaurnnce in effea. If, for any _
<br /> ;r,:�, .
<br /> ! ,. reaum, the mortgnge insurance coverage required by Leuder lupses or cea,es to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the
<br /> • `•�;r'::N: . premiums required �o obtain coveroge xu6stantially equivalent to the mortguge insurance previously in effect.ut a cost
<br /> ��A •�� � '' ;; � • substantinlly equivnlent to the cost�o Borrawer of the mungugc insurunce previou+ly in effect,from an ultemate mohgnge
<br /> , �,��.,41 '_. insurer npproved by Lender. If substuntiully eyuivulent mortgage insurunce coverrge is not avuiluble,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> •f�.,�� �. .� . Lender each manth a sum equal to one-twelflh of the yci+rly mortgage inxurc+nce premium bcing puid by Borrower when the
<br /> . ' � insuronce coverage lupsed or ceused to be in effect. Lender will uccept.use und re�uin Ihese payments us a loss reserve in lieu
<br />• .;���;_;�; ! of mangage insumnce. Loss rcserve paymentti muy no longer lk requircd, At�he option of Lender, if mortgage insurance -
<br /> ,y�y;S�;,;�:., :�� . coverege(in the umount and for the period that Lendcr reyuires)provided by un in�:urer upproved by Lender again becomes -_
<br /> • r :,s=.-.�.: � •- � uvnilable and is obtuined.Borrower shull puy the prcmiumx rcyuired to muintain mortguge insuranee in effect,or to provide a ��;
<br /> � •• " � loss reserve, until the reyuiremenl for mortgage insurunce ends in uccorJuncc with any written ugreement between Bortower =°
<br /> -• •� �+ , nr�d Lender or upplicable luw.
<br /> nd
<br /> ' � 9. Inspecllon. Lcnder or itx agent muy muke reu�onublc entrics upon und in,pections of�hc Property. Lender shull
<br /> , �;�,•i:� ' , give Borrower notice at the time of or prior ro un ins{xclion.pecifyin�rca+onublc cauxe ti�r Ihr in�pertion.
<br /> ;,:;•, 10. Condemnation. The prcxeeds of any uward ar claim ti�r dama�r.,Jinet or conseyuential,in conneclion wi�h uny
<br /> i • ..
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