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201�03790 <br />iuias�s99 <br />impair tb.e Properiy, allow the Property to deteriorate or commit wast:e on the Praperty. Whether or not Boaower is residing i.� <br />�Che 1'rbperty, Borrower sha717nA; �the Property ia order to preventi the 1'zoperty fram deteriozatigg or decreasing ia �value <br />due tq its coadi�ic�. Unless it zs determined �vrsuanx to S�ctioa 5 that repair or restora�ion is not economically feasfble, <br />Borrower shall pzomptly repair tt�e Property if damaged to avoid further deterior2tion or dam�ge. If insarance or condemnation <br />pzoceeds paid in connect3on with damage to, or'the talcing o� the Property, Bozrower shall be respo�s�ble for repa.nring or <br />restdzing ths �'roperty oaly if Lender has released proceeds for s�ach purposes. Lender may disbnrse pzoceeds �or the repairs <br />and restoration in a single payment ar iri a sezies of progress payments as the worlt is cdmpleted. If the ins�srance oz <br />comdemnat�o�t proceeds aze not sus�ffiFiem ta re� mr restore the Pr4,perty, 2ioaaw�r is n,ot relieved of Boaower's obligation for <br />the complecion of such repair or zestorat[on. <br />Lender ox its ag�nt maq make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. If it has reaso�able cause, <br />T.ender may iuspect the ix�terlor of the improvements on the Prope;ly. �.ender shall give Bprrower nofiice �at the tisne of or przor <br />to such an interior inspection specifyi�►g snch reaso�a.ble cause.� <br />8. Sorr.ower's Loan Application. Borrower shall be in default i� duting the Loan �pplica�ian process, Borrower or <br />any persozas or entitieS actin$ at rhe direction of Borrower or with Borrower's �owled�e or consemt gave materially false, <br />ausleading, or inaccurats inforznation or statements to Len�er (or failed to provide Lender with matenal infarmatioaj ia <br />connectioa with the Loa.n.11�ater.iall zepzesenYations include, but are nat limited to; representations concerning Borrowefs <br />occupency of the Property �s Borrower's principal xesidence. . <br />9. Pro'tec�tion of Le�der's Iuterest in the Property sud Rights Under this Secnrity Inshvment If (a) �orrower <br />�ails to peFform the coven�nts a.nd agreements Go�taiaed, in �is �ecurity Tnstiument, (b) there is a legal proceediag that might <br />significan�ly a�'ect Lend�r's interest in the Property and/or rights under this Security Instrument (sueh as a proceedi.�g in <br />bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture, for enforcea�e�t of a lien whi�h may attaiu priority vver this Security <br />Ins�nent or to enforce or regulati,ons), or (�) Borrower has ab,ando�ed the Property, then Lendex may do and p�.y for <br />�hatever is reasonahle or appropriate to protect Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security InstrumenY, <br />iz�clnding protecting a$d/or assessmg the value of the PxoPertY, aud secuting and/or repaiiing t�e Praperty. Lender's ac�ions can <br />include, but are not limited to: (a) paying an.y su�s securefl by a l��n. whicl� has �riority ove� t�iis S�cia.rity 7nstrument; (bj <br />appearing i� cour� s�d (c) paying reaso�able attomeys' fe� to protact its interest in the Property andlor rights under this <br />Security Instrument, including its secured position in a baukruptcy pxoceeding. Securing ihe Property includes, bnt is not <br />limiteci to, entering the Ptopertp tb make repairs, ehauge locks, repF$c:e or boarci up doors �.nd windows, draia water from pipes, <br />eliminate buildin$ or other code violations or daugemus conditions, aad have utilities tntaed on or off. Althongh Lender ma.p <br />take actaon under this Secxion 9, Lender does not have to do so a�d is not undear �y duty or obli�ation to do so. Tt is agreed that <br />T.�nder i�curs no liab�ity for not taking arry. dr all ackions au$f.orized under this Secti.on 9. <br />A.nq amounts disbvrsed bq Lender under this Section 9 sha11 become additional debt of Borro��r secured b}+ tl�is <br />Seeurity Instram�nt �ese at�ounts shall bear mterest at the Note rate from the date of disbursement ffid sha11 be payable, wifi.� <br />suoh inteses� uppn notice from T..ender to Bdiro�ver rec�e.stiag paymen�. <br />If this Secvrity Inst�.ent is on a Yeasehold, �orrower shali comply with all the provisions of t3ie lease. Borrow�r <br />sha11 not s�nder tha l�asehold estate and interests herein conveyed or te�minate or cancel the ground lease. Boaower shall <br />not, without the express written eonsent of Lender, aiter pr amead the graund lease: Tf �oaower aEqtures Pee title to �he <br />Properry, the leasehald and. the fee t�tle shall ant merge unless Lender agrees tn the merger in writing. <br />10. Mortgage Insnraace. If Lender requirec� Insurance as a conditiox� of malc�.g the Lcjan, �orrowea sha11 <br />pay the•premiums zequired to uiaintain, tt�e Mortgage Yasvrance in e#ect. I� for any reason, the Mortgage Insnrance coverage <br />required by Ix�der ceases to be ava�ble from the mortgage insurer �hat previously prflvided such insuiance and Borro�ver �vas <br />required to make separaxely designated payments toward the premiums f�r Mortgage Ix►surance, Bosrower shall pay the <br />pzemiums requ.ixed to obtai� coverage substan�iaJly eqtaix�lent to the Mortgage Tnsurance previously ia effect, at a cost <br />substantially equi'vaYent to the cost to Borrower ofthe Mortga¢e Insurancg previously in effect, from aa alte�ate mo�tgage <br />iasarer selected by Lender. If substantially equiv�alent Mortgage Insnrauce coverage is aot available, Bortower shall.contmue to <br />pay to Lender the a,mau�at of the• separatelq designated paymeuls that were due when tlie insurance coverage ceased to be in <br />effect. Lender will �.ccept, use and retain these payments as a non-zefinndable loss reserve in lieu of Mart�age Iusurance. Sueh <br />loss reserve sha11 be nan-refundable, notwithstaadiag the fact that the Zoan is ultimately paid in full, a�d I�en:der shall noi be <br />rec�uired to pay Boaower any in�erest or e�ni�gs on such loss reserve. Len.der ean no l,onger zequire loss zeserc�e payiuents i� <br />Mortgage Insurance coverage (in the amtiunt aud for the period that �ender requi�res) provided by a�A insurer selected by Lender <br />again becomes available, is ob#ained, and Zender requires separately designated papments toward tliepremiums for Mortgage <br />NEBRASI{A Siugle Fanm1}�Fannte 1VIselFredd3e NYac IINIFORi�1IN3TRIIMErTT <br />� 3382 Page 6 of 12 <br />�' <br />� <br />� <br />Fo�a 3028 ]/Ol <br />. ...._._�_..--••-.._..: ._ .�_�z,.a.... ._.__.�.�_._.__�_ .. ._-°--=--�- — ---- - - .__.� ..��:..�...._,��..._�--=-•--••.-. -•--.-. <br />