<br />�111057999
<br />Insnranae. Tf Lendei re,quired Martgage Insurance as a aand3tivn of m.aking the Loam and Borrawer vvas required to make
<br />sepatately d�signated payments towatd �e pxeminius for Mortga.ge Insurance, $o2iowei shall pa.y tYte prPmnl*ns reqUited to
<br />mainta.in Mortgage Insurance ir�t effect, or to p�ovide a non�refpndable Ioss reserve, m�t1 Lender's rec�uirement for Mort�age
<br />Insutance �nds an accordanEe with a�y vv,ritten agree�aent between Borrower a�c� Lender providing for s�.ch termination ar tuatil
<br />t�+�rAtion is required by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Section 1 Q affects Borrower's obligztion to pay interest at the rate
<br />pxo�Vided in the l�fiofis. ' .
<br />Mortgage Iusura�,ce reambuxses L�nder (or �ny entity Y}iat purchases the Note) for esrtain losses it may a.ncnr if
<br />Boaower does not repay the Loan as agreed. Boaower is not a pariy to the Mortgage Insus�ance.
<br />Mortga�e insurers eval,ua�te their to#a1 risk on all such inc�rr�nce in force from 1i�ne ta time, and may enter fnm
<br />agz�ements wi'tTi other parties that share ar uiod.ify their risk, or red'uce losses. 'T��se agreements are an terms aad conditions
<br />that are satisfactory to the mortgage insurar and rhe other party (or pazCies) to these agreements. These agreeme�ats m�y require
<br />the mortga.ge insurer'co make payments using any sou�ce of funds �th�.t the martga.ge iris�uer ma.y have a�vttilable (whieh may
<br />include fimds obtained fronn Mortgage Insurance premiums). �
<br />As a result o� Yhese agreements, Lender, any purchaser of the Nate, another insnrer, anp reinsurer, atry other eniaty, or
<br />any a�ate of azty Uf the foregoing, mxy rec:eive (directly oz i�ciiregtty) amounts tha.ti c3erive &om (or might be ch�-acterizeci
<br />as) a pnrtion of Bozzower's payments for Mottgage Iasuiauce, in exchange for s6�ari�g or modifying the mortgage i�asm�er's risk,
<br />or zedncing losses. If svch agreement provides thax an a�ffiliate of I.ender takes a sliare of the insnrer's risk in exeha�nge for a
<br />share of the premiums paid tb the ins�irer, the ar�rangeiuent is often terr.inned "cm.ptive *�*��+TM�*+ce." Further:
<br />(a) Any such agreements will not affect the amonn�c that Borrower has agreed to pay for Morkgage Insarance,
<br />or any othex ternks of the Losn. Snch agreem�nts �ill not increase �he amonnt Borrower w311 owe for Mortgage
<br />Insurance, aa►d they wiII not entftle �nrrower to any refnnYd. '
<br />(b) A.ny such agr+eements wiIl not affect 'khe ribhts Borrower has - if any - with respect to the Mortgage
<br />Insuramce nnder the Homeowners Pro#e�i.on Act pf 1998 or a�0.y other law. These rights a�ap �nclnde the right to recei�e
<br />certain disciosnres, to reqnest an8 pbtain can�ellatio� of the Mortgage Insnr�nce, to have the 1lqortg�ge Insurahce
<br />terminated automat3caI'ly, and/or to rece3ve a refund of any Mortgage Tnsurutce prem3nnts that weze unearned �t the
<br />tiine of snch canceIlat'ron or texffii,nat�on.
<br />11. Assi�nment of MisceIlaneons Proceeds; Forfeitnre. All Miscellaneous Froceeds are hereby assigned to and
<br />shall be paid to Lender: •
<br />If 1�e Pzo�erty is damaged, such Miscellaneons Proceeds sha11 be applied tp restora�tion or repair of the Property, if the
<br />restoza�ion o; re�air is eEOnomically feasible and T.ender's security is not lessened. During such repair atid res�ontion perlod,
<br />Lender sha,ll ha.ve the right to holfl such Miscellaneons Proceeds imtil T.,ender has hafl aa opportunity'to inspect such Property
<br />to enstue the work bas been eampleted to T.ender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection sha11 be undert�en promptly.
<br />Lender may �ay for the re�airs aad restoration in a sing�e dis'bursemeut or in a series of progress'payments as the Svork is
<br />completecl. 'CTnless an agreement is An�.de in writing oz Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on sach Miscellaneous
<br />Proceeds, Lend�r sha11 n,ot be required to pay Borrower any int�rest or e.ar�gs on such Miseellaneous Proceeds. If the
<br />restoratioa or repair is mot economically feasble or L�nder's sec�arity would be le.ssened, the Miscellaneovs Procee�s sha11 be
<br />applied to th,e snms secuzed by this S�curity Tz�siavment, sshether or �aot tU.en due, with the exce5s, if any, paid to Borrower.
<br />Such Miscellaneo�s Praceeds shaU be applied in the qrder provided �or in Section 2. '
<br />In t�,e event of a tatal taking, dest�uction, ar loss iu value of the PropBrty, the Miscellaneons ProFeeds s�a11 be applied.
<br />to the s'ums secured by thfs Secmity Instru.men� wflether or no't then due, with'�the eYCess, if any, paid to Boxrower.
<br />In the event of a partial taking, destraction, or loss in value af the Propezty in which the fair•market value of the
<br />Propexty immedia.tely befoze the partial takiag, deslructioA, vr loss in valne is ec�ual to or greater than the amouat of Lhe sums
<br />secwred by t�is Secuzity I:astrument i�mediately before the paziaal fa.kin�, i�.asiructibn, or loss in value, i�.nless Borrower and
<br />Lender otherwise agree i� writi�g, the sums secured by this Security Instxvment sha11 be reduced by the amonm of the
<br />1VIiscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by t'he following fraction: (aj the total amoimt of the sums secured immediately before tlze
<br />partial taki�ag, desl�uction, or loss in value divided by (b) the fair mar$et value of the Fropertq immediately before the partial
<br />tak�ing, cles�truction, br loss in value. Aay balazsce shall be paid to Boaower. '
<br />In. the event of a partial taking, destraction, or Ioss in ealue of the Property iu which the fair market value of the
<br />Pzoperiy inomediately before the partial ta.king, destruetion, or loss in valiae is less thau the a�mount of the sums secured
<br />immediately befo�e the pazfaal taldng, desrttuction, of loss in value, unless Bcnrower and Iznder otdierwise agree in writing, the
<br />NEBRASKA—Smg1e Fam�1y—Fenmte MarlFred.dfe Mac UbT1P'O�1VX INST�2A�1�iT
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