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201103790 <br />1111057999 <br />insised against loss by frre, hazards 9ncluded within the te� "extended coverage," and atr� pther h�zzards ineluding, but not <br />lignited to; earthq'�.kes and fl,oc5ds, for which f,erider reqnires i�c�,�nee. This inm,.�,nce shall be maintainad in the amouuts <br />(inclnding deducrible levels) and for fihe periods thet Lender zequires. Wfiax Lender requires p�rsuan# to the preceding <br />sentences can change during fhe term o�the Loan.. The insurance cauier providia,g the inm**A,�ce shaii be chosen by Borrower <br />subj�ct to Lender's right �to. d'zsappxove Borrower`s choice, �wluch right shall not be exerc'ised uozeasonably. Lender may require <br />Borcower to pay, iti c:o�neetion with this Loan, ei�kter: (a) a one-time eharge �br IIood zone determin�rion, certifieation and <br />iracldng services; or (b) a one-time cflazge for filood zone determittalaon and ceztifieaiion services and sabseqaetat charges each <br />time remappings or simila.r chan�es occiu which rEasonably might affect such determina�on or certifiicabio�. Bo;rower shalJ, <br />also be responsible for the psyinent of any fees imposed. by the Federal Emergency Managemen.t Agency ia conaeCtion with <br />the review vf any fiood zone determination resulfiing from an objection by Borrower. <br />If' Borrower fails to m�intain an� o� fihe coverage� descn'bed above, Lend�r may obtain iusurance cove2�age, at <br />Len.der's ap�ion and Bormvver's egpense. Lender is under no obliga.tion to putc�►ase aay pardicnlaz t3�pe or amouat of coverage. <br />Tberefore, such coverage sha11 cover Lender, but might or migb,t not protect BorTOr�ea, �o�rower's equity in the P,rop�rty, or <br />the contents of t�e Property, agains'k any risk, ha.zard or li�.bility and �►ight provid.e greater or iesser coverage than was <br />previously in effect. Borrower aclrnowl�dges thaat the cost of the 1n�**A*+ce �overa$e so obtai�ted might signi�cantiy exc�d the <br />cost of inc,m�nee �hax �arrower could have obtained, A�ny amounts disbursed by Lender unc�er this Sectioa 5 shall beeome <br />afldi'kiouaI debt of $oYrow'er sect�red by thi�s Securi'ty Znsl�ent These amounts sha11 bea.r inte�est at t�e Note rate fram tha <br />daxe of disb�rsemenx and shall be payable, with snch interest, u,pon notice fzom Lender to Boaower req�sesting paymeat. <br />AIl snsurance polieies requized by Lender and renewals of such palieies sh�Il ba sub�ect to Lender's right to <br />disapprbve such �olitcies, shaTl include a st�uudaad morr clause, and shall �aane Lender as mortga�e.� and/or as an additianal <br />loss payee. Lenider shall have t'he right to hold the polic�s anfl renewal certificates. If Lender requires, Boaower shall pxomptlY <br />give to Lender all receipts of p2id premiums anS renewal notices. If Borrower ol�tains any form of insur�.nee cover�ge, ndt <br />ottterwise reqnared by L�nder, for da�ag� to, or destruction of, tTie Property, such policy shall include �. standard mortgage <br />clause and shall name Lendez as mprtgagee �nd/or as an additional loss payee. <br />In the event of loss, Borrower shali give prompt nstice to the �n�+�nce c�rrier aud I,ender. Lender atay make proof qf <br />loss if not made promptly by Borrower. iJnless Le�tder and Borrower aYlierwise agses iu writmg, a'n'y insurat�ee proceeds, <br />whether or not the underlying iesuraace was reqvired by Lender, skiall be app�ied to restoration or regaix o� the Property, if the <br />restoraYion or repair is eco$omically feasible and 7..ender's seCurity is Sot lessened. Butin,g sach repair and restoration peribd, <br />I.ender shall have the right to hold sueh inswrance proceeds unttl Lender has had an o�portunity to insPect snch Property to <br />ensure the work l�as been completed to Lend�r's $ati�faetion, provided that snch inspection shau be und�en proxnptly. <br />Len@es may disburse p�oceeds �or r.he repaixs and sestoration in a su�gle payment or in a series of pmgress payments as �Che <br />work is completed. Unless an agreemeat is nuade in wsiiiug or Applicable L�.w requires in.terest to be paid on suoh +*+��*A�ce <br />proceeds, Lender shall not b� require�i to pay Bqrrower �tiy interest br easnings o�i such proceec�s. Fees for public adjnsters, or <br />other third parties, retained by B�rrower sha11 hot be paid out of the �n�*�nce proceeds and shall be tIie sole abligation of <br />Bortowex. If the restoration or zepair is not ecomomically feasible o; Lender's secvrity w�ould be lessened, the insuranee <br />�roC�eds sha11 be applied to the Sums seeured by tihis Security Iastruruent, whether or uot then due with the elccess, if any, Paid <br />to Botrower. Snch inmm,,,,ae proceeds sha11 be applied in the order provided for ia $ection 2. ' � <br />If Boirrow�z abandons the Property, Lender may $le, negotixte ancl s�ttle aay availa.ble insurance elai�m and zelated <br />matters. If Sorro�vez dQes not respond wi�thii� �0 days to a notice from Lender that the insurance canier has qffezed to settle a <br />claimi, Lhen T.ender rnay negofiiate and setrle the claam. Tlie 30-day period will begin when the aoti.ce is given. In either event, <br />or if•Lender acquires the P�zoperty under Section 22 or otherwise, Barrower her�by ass3gns to Lender (a) Bor�ower's xights to <br />azry insurauce prc>eeeds �q an am.ount not to exeeed the emounts unpaid uuder tlae Note or this Security Instrumen#, ancl(t3) any <br />other of $ortower`s rights (other. than the right to auy refi�nd of vneamed pxemiums paid by Borrower) under all irasurance <br />policies covering th� Property, insofar as sueh rights aze applicable to the eowera$e of the Property. Le�tder may use tlie <br />insuranee proeeeds either to repair or i�estore the Propeity or to pay amounts unnpaid under ttie Note ox tlus Security I�stinYment, <br />whether or not then due. <br />6. Occnpancy. Barrdwer shall occupy, establis,h, and use the Property as Borrower's princigal xesidence within 60 <br />days a.fter the exe�ubiott of t�is Secvrity Znstrument aY►d shall cont�nue to occupy the Property as Borro�er's principal residence <br />fpr at one year agter the daxe of oceupan�y, uiiless Lender otherwise agrees �'v�*riting, which consent shall not be <br />unreasonably wit.�heltt, trr unless eartenuating circti**�.�A�+ces exist which are beyond Borrotver's control. <br />7. Preservai3on, Maintenamce and Proteetton of the Prnperty; Inspections. Bonrosver shall not destTOy, damage or <br />NEBRASKA—Sm��le Fatn�y—FanuIe Madl�red�e Mac UNIFORi.13 INSTRZTMENT <br />� 3382 PBga 5 of 12 <br />_.....,._.. _._._ _ �_. ..._..� <br />� <br />Form 302$ L01 <br />� <br />.� ..�.--•._-_•'-- � �.._.L__...-•- <br />