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� - , �01103747 - <br />upcn t.he death of one of the parties, this Decree shall be treated <br />as it it became final and operative on the date it was rendered. <br />2. The Property Settlement Agreement and Parenting Plan, <br />Exhibits "4" and "5", are approved in full and the Parenting Plan, <br />Exhibit "5", is made a part of this Decree. <br />3. The care, custody and contr�l of the minor children shall <br />be in the Plaintiff; Defendant sha11 have reasona�le visitation <br />with the minor children as set. forth in Exriibit "�,". Ea�h parent <br />shall continue to have full and equal acc�ss to the education and <br />medical records of his or her child and either parent may make <br />emergency decisions affecting the health or safety of his or her <br />child while the child is in the physical custody of such parent. <br />4. That the Defendant is hereby ordered to pay child support <br />in the amount of $800.00 per month for three (3) children beginning <br />December 1, 2010; $690.Q0 per month for two ;2) children; arid <br />$485.00 per month for one (1) child, wi�*h payments to be made <br />through the Child Support Payment Center, P. 0. Box 82600, Lir.i�oln, <br />Nebraska 685U9, and continuing cn the f.irst day of each month <br />thereafter un�il each minor child reaches the age of 19 �=ears, <br />becomes emancipated by a court of competent jurisdiction, marries, <br />dies or further order of this Court. <br />5. The Defendant is required to furnish the Clerk af the <br />Howard County District Court his address, telephone number, social <br />security number, the name of his employer, whether or not he has <br />access to emplayer-related health insura.:?ce coverage and, if so, <br />the health insurance policy inforn�ation. The Defendant is also <br />required to advise the Clerk of the District Court af any changes <br />in s�ach information until the judgment has beer� fully paid. <br />Failure to comply with thesE requirements shall be pun�.shable by <br />c�ntem�t of Court. <br />In the event the Defendant fails to pay any child, medical or <br />spousai support payment, as such failure is certified each month by <br />3 <br />�b <br />